The Seasons ...Du Roveray, 1802 - 262 páginas |
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Palavras e frases frequentes
Aaron Hill amid Autumn beam beauty beneath blank verse blast blaze bliss bloom boundless breast breath breeze charm clouds dark death deep delight descends E'en earth ether ev'ning ev'ry exalts fair fair brow fancy fierce flame flocks flood flow'rs gale gen'rous gloom glowing grace grove happy heart heav'n herds hills JAMES THOMSON lib'ral light lord chancellor luxury Lycurgus matchless maze Mean-time mind mingled mix'd mountains muse nature nature's night numbers o'er passions peace plain poison'd pomp pow'r pride rage rapture rills rise roar rocks roll round rous'd rural scene season shade shake shining shoot show'r sir George Lyttelton smile snow soft song soul spreads Spring storm stream stretch'd swain sweet swelling swift tempest tender thee Thomson thou thought thro toil Typhon vale vex'd virtue walks waste wave wide wild winds wing Winter wintry woods youth
Passagens conhecidas
Página 59 - With quicken'd step, Brown night retires. Young day pours in apace, And opens all the lawny prospect wide. The dripping rock, the mountain's misty top, Swell on the sight, and brighten with the dawn.
Página 150 - Beneath the shelter of encircling hills, A myrtle rises, far from human eye, And breathes its balmy fragrance o'er the wild • So flourish'd, blooming, and unseen by all, The sweet Lavinia ; till at length compell'd By strong Necessity's supreme command, With smiling patience in her looks, she went To glean Palemon's fields.
Página 108 - Tis listening fear, and dumb amazement all : When to the startled eye the sudden glance Appears far south, eruptive through the cloud; And following slower, in explosion vast, The Thunder raises his tremendous voice. At first, heard solemn o'er the verge of Heaven, The tempest growls ; but as it nearer comes, And rolls its awful burden on the wind, The lightnings flash a larger curve, and more The noise astounds : till over head a sheet Of livid flame discloses wide; then shuts, And opens wider ;...
Página 201 - O'er that the rising system, more complex, Of animals ; and, higher still, the mind, The varied scene of quick-compounded thought, And where the mixing passions endless shift...
Página 259 - Should fate command me to the farthest verge Of the green earth, to distant barbarous climes, Rivers unknown to song, where first the sun Gilds Indian mountains, or his setting beam Flames on the Atlantic isles, 'tis nought to me ; Since God is ever present, ever felt, In the void waste, as in the city full ; And where He vital breathes there must be joy.
Página 215 - Tis brightness all ; save where the new snow melts Along the mazy current. Low, the woods Bow their hoar head ; and, ere the languid Sun Faint from the west emits his evening ray, Earth's universal face...
Página 258 - The impetuous song, and say from whom you rage. His praise, ye brooks, attune, ye trembling rills; And let me catch it as I muse along. Ye headlong torrents, rapid and profound...
Página 258 - While cloud to cloud returns the solemn hymn. Bleat out afresh, ye hills : ye mossy rocks, Retain the sound : the broad responsive low, Ye valleys, raise ; for the Great Shepherd reigns ; And his unsuffering kingdom yet will come.
Página 260 - tis nought to me: since God is ever present, ever felt, in the void waste as in the city full; and where He vital breathes there must be joy. When even at last the solemn hour shall come, and wing my mystic flight to future worlds, I cheerful will obey ; there, with new powers, will rising wonders sing : I cannot go where Universal Love not smiles around, sustaining all yon orbs and all their sons; from seeming Evil still educing Good, and Better thence again, and Better still, in infinite progression.
Página 46 - Romantic, hangs : there through the pensive dusk Strays, in heart-thrilling meditation lost, Indulging all to love: or on the bank Thrown, amid drooping lilies, swells the breeze With sighs unceasing, and the brook with tears.