Imagens das páginas

recevoir et conférer avec lui? Un nouveau rayon de lumière éclate sur moi. Je ne perds pas l'espérance. Je ne badine jamais sur les affaires de la politique.—B.


781.-Friday, November 7, 1856.

N.-Fumt puff rt fvgtfs okdq, kgo odtkds pulwvjl is qugo pkdiwtkdlto pvvfts Rfjt; rjl nwt wkn lkjbwl it lv nks um Bvo nv yviikgon wun puff rt ovgt-ywkfitdn adtkywtn vg njgoks.—Nov. 6.—Y.

782.-Monday, November 10, 1856.

I-Sans aide-de-camp je perds souvent la route, plon

geant dans les ravins, pleins de la brûme; mais le lumière brille sur moi. Personne n'a le clef de mes dépêches. Le même amour de la patrie que m'inspire encore, regardant devant moi avec l'espérance, a toujours les animé.-B.

783.-Saturday, November 15, 1856,

M.-It was understood that no more letters were ex

pected from the south, and was stated in the Our views re

last that no facts had transpired here. main. Letters for G. are to be forwarded if possible to-morrow.

784.—Tuesday, November 18, 1856.

NOTHING FORGOTTEN.-Every remembrance

respectfully and affectionately treasured. If you have courage to hear the truth, trust to me, and meet me. I know you will see this.-S., post-office, Jermynstreet, Piccadilly.


785.—Thursday, November 27, 1856.

O. 2.-Deeply touched; happier but not quite happy, because my conscience still convinceth

me of sin. The star's shining tho', is upon me, and, happen what may, its light will ever be my guide.


786.-Tuesday, December 2, 1856.

O AMY.-Vos dépêches, 29 Octobre et 7 Novembre, sont reçues; je suis désolé de votre anxiété pour moi; vous auriez du recevoir les nouvelles dont on vous a parlé le 28 Octobre; recherchez cette fois ci. Ecrivezmoi à l'adresse comme: il ne me manque que vos nouvelles, sans lesquelles je suis désolée et triste.24 Novembre.

787.-Wednesday, December 3, 1856.


788.-Saturday, December 6, 1856.



789.-Saturday, December 6, 1856.

ACH villa on the Bosphorus looks a skreen new painted, or pretty opera-scene.-Don Juan. R. B.

790.-Tuesday, December 9, 1856.



791.-Tuesday, December 9, 1856.

TO C. and E.-Your suppositions as to the principal thing, and also about the last charge, are wrong. In whatever way I learned, it was not in the way you suppose. A little more honesty, a little more faithfulness on the part of some, two years ago, would have been well received, and attended with consequences the most

beneficial. Do not fear a repetition of the same course. As to fraud and ingratitude, form just what opinion pleases you, and stick to it till upset for another. No letters from any quarter; not even answers which I ought to have got. Who told A? or am I wrong there too. Break the ice, and let me know this one thing at least.-F.


792.-Friday, December 12, 1856.

-Very well. Please yourself, and I shall please myself. If you do not choose to speak just be



793.-Wednesday, December 17, 1856.

'HE Duke's Head being objected to, Little Dorrit is in great distress.-Kate.


794-Monday, December 22, 1856.

'O Amy.-Vos nouvelles ont été expédiées seulement hier, mais ne croignez rien si vous n'aviez pas un réponse aussi vite que vous l'attendez, car d'apres une lettre reçue ce matin à B. S. votre petite sœur change son domicile avec la tête Africaine." Elle se porte très bien. Allez à la poste.

795.-Tuesday, December 23, 24, 25, 1856.

MEIN LIEBER OHEIM! J'ai reçu vos lettres du

30 Octobre, 7 et 23 Novembre. Trouverez-vous le Times dans vos séjours? Depuis quand vous manquent mes nouvelles? Je vous ai écrit le 29 Novembre et quelque temps après. Continuez vos lettres, elles sont sauf à B. S.

796.- Wednesday, December 24, 1856.

[blocks in formation]

797.-Monday, December 29, 1856.

ASYMPATHIZING FRIEND (of Leeds?) is sincerely

THANKED by Mrs. J. 61. 889. Oct. 13, 1856.--

Dec. 26, 1856.


798.-Monday, December 29, 1856.

HE Admiral CLARENCE.-Call for Presto, at Post-office, Charing-cross. Same name as before. Sir K-e. Dec. 26, 1856.


799.- Wednesday, January 7, 1857.

'O AMY.-J'ai reçu vos nouvelles. Je les expédie par le courrier d'aujourd'hui. Ce que j'ai fait n'était nue le devoir d'un ami dévoué, et si j'ai réussi de vous tranquilliser je suis assez récompensé.-Le 6 Janvier, 1857.


800.- Wednesday, January 14, 1857.

PES, Bristol, is requested not to forget the good cause, in which perseverance is sure to win the day.

801.-Wednesday, January 14, 19, 1857.


Z.-Be ever the same, and remember all (your own words.) Do you act up to your own advice? need no such remembrance. Be sure you are ever thought of, and just now, if possible, more than ever.— Yours, Z.


802.-Saturday, January 24, 1857.

EPOLTO VIVO.-Se tu m'abandonne son io riso luto di tutto lasciare. Veramente si guira che si m'ama solamente com' uno Fratello-lo credo-non basta a me. Se tu nonne Vieni nell' estate io partiro.

Son 'io nell' estremità della miseria, poco mancò ch'io non morissi. Solo vivo per te.-S lo S.

803.-Thursday, January 29, 1857.

`VA.-J. W. M. Y.


804.-Thursday, January 29, 1857.

NEVER read it before. Had no previous knowledge

of its contents. Never would have taken it out had I known. Seen the marks in the others. Never read the works. What mean this and some others just as blind? And in other cases still, have there been no tempters, no traitors? Could I have been so cruelly heartless, so utterly destitute of every sense of honour or shame ? Amid all the ills of the past, is there nothing to save from such charges as these?


805.-Saturday, January 31, 1857.

L., Coventry.-Peeping Tom on the silk floors was sent to Coventry, and now Peeping Tom intends to go there. Decimals.-Cygne.

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806.-Monday, February 2, 1857.


UELL LUXE and how much of your precious time must have been employed for me. this I hope you have received my thanks. If you have written since the 4th, the first week in February I shall receive it.

807.-Tuesday, February 3, 1857.

L.Pt., 23 encore. Je suis désolé.-d'apprendre votre maladie. Venez au plutôt; cela vous remettra la santè ! Je me porte bien.

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