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send on Saturday, let it be to same address, I shall be at No. 3 on Monday. Carl has been confined again, but is better he has received urgent calls from abroad, but he seems as stupidly obstinate as ever he was in his life, and I have little hope of improvement in him. Southampton matters look lively.

1294. Saturday, November 15, 1862.



1295.-Saturday, November 22, 1862.

a F.-Off to-day, 17th. Do not U. S. but R.P.R. Return uncertain. S. would do.

1296.-Monday, November 24, 1862.



1297.-Tuesday, November 25, 27, 28, 1862.


1298.-Thursday, November 27, 1862.

HYDRA-Guards-Gorilla-Hand.-What has be

come of this? Though apparently forsaken early, the interest I felt in it remains undiminished. Still M. T. P.O., Nina, South Norwood.

1299.—Monday, December 1, 1862.

NEVER SAY DIE. All alone in my glory. Try

again. Give me the dates of your two last. Change the place.

1300.-Friday, December 5, 1862.

FELIX-Limpet must stick fast till 12th January. Springwell continues. I. was right, and Jup's

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grumble nonsense. Agreed, "more pain than pleasure at the gathering. I pray you write T. by 16th. Taking Be firm, true, and God bless you.



1301.-Friday, December 5, 1862.

Z.-Je suis aise de savoir que tu te portes bien. Tout ce qu'on a dit et fait n'a pas ébranlé ma confiance en toi. Les dernières paroles ont pour moi plus de poids que tout ce que personne peut dire on faire. Mon destin est entre tes mains. Je ne manquerai pas à mon vou.—FAITH.


1302.-Thursday, December 18, 1862.

PURS and SKIRTS.-Page 296, lines 10, II, 12.
Garibaldi. Pio Nono.


1303.-Friday, December 19, 1862.

PURS and SKIRTS.-Page 154, lines 14, 15. Anita
Pope Joan.


1304.-Saturday, December 20, 1862.

PURS and SKIRTS.-The father of E- W-informs Garibaldi Pio Nono that all is discovered and any attempts to renew the correspondence futile, Spurs and Skirts and the Times being forbidden at S- Lodge.

1305.—Thursday, January 1, 1863.

A. Z.-Je te souhais "bien des retours heureux de ce

jour" (tu sais que je le manquerais plus dignement s'il était possible) et “ que le nouvel an te soit heureux.” Le vieux a assez de tristes souvenirs pour nous. J'étais à Noël: quel contraste avec celui de l'an 1861 ! Dieu veuille que l'année qui vient de commencer nous

rende tous deux à l'ancien bonheur; je ne doute pas qu'il ne revienne un jour si nous continuons à mettre notre confiance en Dieu, et à avoir foi l'un à l'autre.2 Cor. vii., 16. FAITH.

1306.-Monday, January 5, 1863.

NIL DESPERANDUM.-Pray WRITE immediately,

and tell me what H-r said, and what you answered or promised. You tell me nothing. What you ask is impossible. I told you I could not come again in the way you propose. If you wish it as much as I do, it must be the old plan. Write. I am worse than you Settle something. What a bore hats are.


1307. Thursday, January 8, 1863.

SMALL HOUSE-Danger. Cross the sea.


1308.-Friday, January 9, 1863.

IL DESPERANDUM.-If your feelings are what you describe, why do you not WRITE oftener or arrange something? What must mine be? Do next Monday what you did last Monday. A happy new year to you! It rests with yourself.

1309.-Friday, January 16, 1863.

NIL DESPERANDUM. Thank you. How can you

think they bore me? I will be there according to your appointment, but hope to see you before if possible..

1310.-Wednesday, January 21, 1863.



1311.- Wednesday, January 21, 1863. DWARD STREET-NELSON.


1312. Thursday, January 22, 1863.

[IL DESPERANDUM.-RECEIVED the DOCUMENTS so effaced as to be almost unintelligible. Floss wishes you to WRITE here unreservedly; there is no risk; she will take care the letter only falls into Tiney's hands. Never doubted you.

1313.-Friday, January 30, 31, 1863.

X. X. X.


1314.- Wednesday, February 4, 1863. AVIS.-Correspondence must cease. The alliance is wrong. Active measures, more explicit if needed -when directing friends. Will deliver you from Bartholomew-J.D. K.V.


1315. Thursday, February 5, 1863.

Z.-J'aime à croire que nous avons tous deux les

mêmes "Stunden der Andacht" (dans plus d'un sens). Sans des anticipations de jours plus heureux à l'avenir, ma vie, maintenant solitaire et ennuyante, serait tout-à-fait misérable. Je puis attendre sans promesse, mais non pas sans espoir; je puis rester sans assurance,. mais point sans-FAITH.


1316.-Tuesday, February 10, 14, 16, 17, 1863.
X. X.-Wednesday.

1317.--Monday, March 2, 1863.

YOUR ROOM.-It is as I told you, it would be the

night I last saw you. Too sad; too unhappy; too wretched. Each day, if possible, worse than the last. If I dared I wish all were over. I would give up all and everything for eau de Cologne once more. February 9th. Look again May 1st. Take care of yourself dear A.


1318.—Thursday, March 5, 1863.


Z. J'ai reçu les trois PORTRAITS, C. d. V. Tu t'amuseras un jour, au récit des détails. (Que c'est bon de la part des enfants !) Le tien m'a mis en état de finir un portrait à trois-quarts de la grandeur naturelle qui a été quelques mois en état de progrès. Tu sais à cause de qui je me rende si rarement à Je me trouve forcé de m'y rendre quelquefois. Je souhais que cette année triste et ennuyeuse se passe. souvenirs du passé me défendent d'être autre que plein d'espérance joyeuse pour l'avenir. A parler humainement, notre destin est sous ta garde; et je suis content, en confiance affectionnée, de la laisser là. Que Dieu te bénisse !-FAITH.

1319.-Tuesday, March 10, 1863.


NFELIX.-With mingled fear and hope. T. beseeches Bird to remember promises for future conduct, so lately made. WRITE how Limpet's health is. Springwell forwards. List 3 is done. Take care! Be true and steadfast, and may God bless you!-T.

1320.--Thursday, March 19, 1863.

INFELIX. Why is Inf. of roth neglected? Yesterday was remembered. Account of Limpet's state

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