Imagens das páginas


295.-Friday, December 5, 1851.

HE VIOLETS have been RECEIVED at St.
Petersbourg, with many thanks.

296.-Thursday, January 1, 1852.

S. Impi F, npi npkl M. npi. C. Ihmn. omgk. F, pil. B.

hkq F, inqg nmkq hmio, iomn. ikph, ihpk pkli C. hgo. F. npi. E. lipg F. mpng ihlm kpni ikph 6 mioq. C okią F. pil C npki F, npi. npkl. hoq iknq oiph ihlm C. Imi F nmkq oplg. C. Inho. F. qmlh npqm nmkq oplg F. ogq oqgp oing Ipqi olhi npqm C. nhgq. F, npi. npkl. kgip. hmig C. klmh F. hlki mlp. ploh nmkq.oplg npqm, M. F, qmlh npkl. S. pkqg F. mhlg qik ikpg hkpg nmkq mo-qn. hnpq hmig C. qkin F. oing a, mpko. khq lqkh ikpg 15th pghq pmkn hmig. C. kgpm S. F. nmkq phqm. lopi olhi C. ngil iko. F, kmoi S lmgh. F, nmkq ikpg B. mh F. mqho olhi B. nlo, E. minl. F, pgnq lqom 6th S. Impi. F, kqpo hipk mqho, pgiq nhog hiql.-J. de W.


297.—Thursday, January 8, 1852.

‘HATELAINE.-Why have you not written again? If you direct as your last, the LETTER will be forwarded. Grandpapa has been very ill in town, and consequently unable to comply with your request.

298.-Thursday, January 22, 1852.

HUKKY BOY CHARLIE CALL ME FOOLme cane. Lizzy, pray come home. Your husband and sisters are reconciled. All is arranged. of your sisters is waiting your return at Notting-Hill.

299.- Wednesday, January 28, 1852.



Notting-Hill, waiting to see you. Pray, for the

sake of all that's dear to you, come to me, or I will come to you. Write at once, as I cannot return home till I have seen you. All are friends. All is secret as yet. Much has been effected for your comfort.


300.-Monday, February 2, 1852.

Impi F. npi npkl. B qkng. F. oimg a khq. 19th nhgm, oing. lqkh. hmig Fiffy mlgi, W. de W. 27th nhgm, mpkh. nmkq, C. qpoh F. khg mqho, lopn. oiph. omnl hipo. knq, qgh. M. g. re. & Bt–s−n S onpg C. qhnp F. oimg. niqm. npnih. npkl. C. qkin F. khq hlk, C hgo, F, qgli, K, F, mhik mik npqm, C. klmh, nhgq, Inho omgk, mgil B, hkq, S lmpi, C. klmh F. khq, hlk, C. qknp. F. qgli, K & B... 1. . . r it is iklm. hiki qmkl. ogq. oqgp. to E lhmn, F, qogp. Sinm.--J. de W.

301.-Tuesday, February 10, 1852.

'IG tjvhw it tig jfhiiwola og tig psgvw.-F. D. N.


302.-Thursday, February 19, 1852.



303.-Friday, February 20, 1852.



EQUATOR. - Fortuna audaces juvat - vincit omnia veritas.-E. W.

304.-Friday, February 20, 1852.

D. M. C.-My position towards you is truly painful. It is now in your power to relieve my suffering? Will you when we meet again (soon I hope) kindly let me know? Jemius.-Wednesday.

305.-Monday, February 23, 1852.

UT CÆSAR aut NULLUS. Indigo blue is willing.

306.-Tuesday, February 24, 1852.


307.-Monday, March 1, 1852.

S. Impi F. npi C. qgnl. F. npi, pink C. hgo, F. oing to

E. nhkp S. mng to F. ilgn hlip, mo, olmh, mioq C. Inho, F. npi C. qgnl S o. g nq B klmh F pil qolg npi. C. qgnl, S mng F. qgli K. 1... t F. qmkl B, qnp. F qgli, B. 1 ... r C. lpi, F. oiph. S ognq C omqk y pil, B. hkq. F. inqg in F, hnio C iko S kgip, F, olhi E, nqlk F. nho, hnlo C, nolk, knhp. F. oing to mlgi mkhg qhnl F. lpqi iomg S. Impi. J. de W.


308.-Tuesday, March 2, 1852.

UIS EST CÆSAR ?-Do, pray, enlighten me. The agonizing week's delay has not been occasioned by J... . S.

309.-Wednesday, March 3, 1852.

TO F. D. N., Glasgow, February 16th, 1852.-"The

Times is the Jefferies of the Press." Beta, box 318, Post-office, Bristol.

310.-Monday, March 8, 1852.

CIRCUMSPICE.-Box-moor, Herts.—E. W.


311.-Tuesday, March 9, 1852.

Thank you for the INFORMATION given a few months ago, respecting the letters sent to P . . . . . r. Write by to-morrow's post, please. Fear not.-London-wall, Tom. Try to understand this mystery, 10.


312.-Tuesday, March 9, 1852.

TO EQUATOR-Circumspice. Your great ship,

the Christopher Columbus, when laden with indigo, opium, or the most costly merchandise of the East, never contained so much wealth as stands on that said hill.-E. W.

313.-Wednesday, March 10, 1852.

INDIGO BLUE. Where and how shall I send my address? I, too, have grown cautious at last. Are you' as entirely ignorant as you seem?

careful as to this.


Be candid and

314-Thursday, March 11, 1852.

OT to EQUATOR.-You might have saved yourself the trouble, and been the richer by 5s. Tom is sure to go to the wall without your telling him. The Ten is particularly happy, the chances being 10 to I that he will cross Earth's central line, and then, being as invulnerable as Achilles, he will have nothing to fear. Tom will understand this mystery without trying.-E. W.


315.-Friday, March 12, 1852.

U SIMULACRE.--You have only precipitated your friends into the abyss of destruction. pardonné à ceux que l'on méprise.-E. W.

316.-Friday, March 12, 1852.


NDIGO BLUE.-Was I to say that my mind had not formed an idea of you, candour would indeed be wronged; but diffidence arises when I put this question; what claim have I to such kindness? Please send your address by letter to Alexis, Post-office, Chester;

and, in order that the exchange may be mutual, my card will await you at the Post-office, Clifton, near Bristol.

317.-Monday, March 15, 1852.

E. W.-What have I done to call forth such cruel

remarks? Let me entreat you to favour me with some EXPLANATION. Enemies shall not long triumph over us if you will only join me in this declaration. Do not despair, or on any account give place to the dishonour of foes. In so far as I am concerned the matter has been confined to myself.-A. B. C.

318.-Monday, March 15, 1852.

Το 'O MY BELOVED EQUATOR.-When I visited the Great Exhibition I fancied Hampden, though refreshed with the living water from the Crystal Fountain, frowned at me; I hope our great countryman is now convinced we have not degenerated, and that his impersonation has resumed its accustomed serenity. Ce n'est que le premier pas qui coute, c'est fait ; et c'en est fait d'eux. Vous voyez, la Providence n'est pas toujours avec les forts bataillons.-E. W.

319.-Tuesday, March 16, 1852.


coincidence! Remove the last syllable, and there was, once, a great man, one of the self-constituted, sacred race, known by that cognomen, whom I,-for which, of course, I shall never be forgiven,-transformed as I intend to serve many more-into a city spectre. Honest, honest Alexis! may that never be your fate. would then indeed be wronged.-E. W.


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