Imagens das páginas
[blocks in formation]

Addison, Joseph, 6; quoted, 241;
his paraphrases of Psalms xxiii.
and xix., 241

Adelme, abbot of Chaise-Dieu, at
the passage of the Tagus, 63
Ella, king of Northumbria, 44
Ælred, of Rievaulx, cited [Pinker-
ton, ii. 281-283], 74
Agincourt, battle of, 62

Agnes, St., mosaics at Ravenna,

Aidan, bishop of Lindisfarne,
death of [Montalembert, iv.
127, 134 n.], 41


Aignan, St., saves Orleans, 32
Aigues Mortes, St. Louis
[Martin, iv. 326], 75; Vincent
de Paul at [Wilson, 22], 156;
the Tour Constance at, 165
Ainsworth, Henry, of Amster-
dam, his version of the Psalms,
Airs-moss, 210

capitulary of
[Baluze, i., col. 714], 35; death
of Charlemagne at [Guettée,
iii. 238], 54

Alais, treaty of, 162, 164; the
Camisards at [Peyrat, i. 350],


Alaric, sack of Rome by [Gibbon,
chap. xxxi.], 31, 32
Alaric II., killed by Clovis at
Vouglé [Martin, i. 447], 53
Alba, St. Teresa dies at [Coleridge,
iii. 369], 105

Alberic, prior of Molesme ["Life

of Stephen Harding," New-
man, vol. i.], 64

d'Albret, Jeanne,

mother of

Henry of Navarre, 152
Alençon, Henry of Navarre at,


Alexander III., Pope, and Bar-
barossa, 58, 59

Alexandria, Cyril, bishop of, 14;

return of Athanasius to, 22
Alfonso the Valiant, of Castile, 63
Alfred, King, and St. Neot [" Life
of St. Neot," Newman, iii. 133],


[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]


Alison, Isabel, 205; her death
[Wodrow, book iii., chap. 5;
vol. iii., 277; Cloud of Wit-
nesses, 117 seq.], 216
Alnwick, James Melville at, 201
Alphabet of the Monks "
[Kettlewell, Brothers," ii.
119-124; see Appendix A, chap.
iv.], 77, 78
"Alte fage," 166
Alva, Duke of, and St. Teresa
[Cunninghame Graham, ii. 259],
104; and Egmont, 120; and
the Huguenots, 148
Amasea, Theodore of, 10
Ambrose, St., 8, 22; quoted
[Migne, xiv. 925, 223], II;
quoted by Casaubon, 142; in-
troduces antiphonal chanting
[Baunard, 324 seq.], 14; death
of [Bright's History," 223;
Baunard, 594], 14; and Theo-
dosius [Bright's Fathers," i.
519; Baunard, 448-456], 25;
and Augustine, 13, 26, 29; on
the Duties of the Clergy, 29
American Constitution, the, Ben-
jamin Franklin on, quoted
[Works, ed. Sparks, v. 155],
174, 175

[ocr errors]

Amiens, Martin of Tours at, 21

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

d'Aubigné, squire to Henry of
Navarre, 150; cited [Livre 17,
cap. xx.], 150; death of [Puaux,
v. 224; Noailles, i. 66], 152
Augustine, St., of Canterbury

[Bede, i. 25; Montalembert,
iii. 186 seq.], 43, 44
Augustine, Št., of Hippo, 6, 7, 8,
10; his baptism [Conf., ix. 6],
13, 29; his death [Possidius,
xxi.; Bright's "Fathers," ii.
306], 14; account of his con-
version, 25-29; his " City of
God," 29, 30

Avila, St. Teresa born at [Cole-
ridge, i. 4], 104

Avranches, Henry II. at, 58

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Bangor Iltyd [ibid.], 43
Barbarossa and Alexander III.,
58, 59

"Barebones Parliament, The,"
Cromwell and [Carlyle, iii. 201,

225, 227], 195
Barlow, Joel, versifier of the
Psalms, 174

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Bartholomew, St., massacre of
[Crottet, 322], 150, 200
Basil, St., 8, 22; his death
[Bright's Fathers," i. 393;
History," 163], 14; in Pontus
[ibid., i. 368; History," 88;
Basil Ep., 19], 17, 18; and
Emperor Valens [ibid., i. 373;
Greg. Naz. orat., xx., xliii.], 24
Basing House, siege of [Carlyle,
"Cromwell," i. 209-213], 191
Basle, Council of, 90

Bass Rock, the, prisoners on, 205,




Richard, account
[Orme], 228, 229, 257
Bay Psalm Book, the, 174, 252
Bayles, the martyr [Southwell,
ed. Grosart, p. 52], 108
Beaton, Cardinal, and George
Buchanan, 197

Beauchamp family, the, motto of,

Bec, Anselm at, 57

Becket, Thomas à, murder of
[Stanley, Canterbury, 122 seq.],

Bede, the Venerable, 8, 42; ac-
count of [Montalembert, iv.
239 seq.], 48
Bedfordshire, John Howard in
[Memoirs, 124], 251
Beisley, George, priest, in the
Tower, 108

Bellamy, Anne, betrays Robert
Southwell [Poems, ed. Grosart,
liii.], 108

Bellot, Cavalier, besieged at
[Peyrat, i. 451], 168
Bemerton, George Herbert at,
134, 135

Benedict Biscop, account of [Mon-
talembert, iv. 172-186], 48, 49
Benedict, St., of Nursia, founds
Monte Cassino [Montalembert,
i. 400], 32, 33; Rule of, see

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Bible Society, the, founded, 250
Biran, Maine de, see Maine
Bishops' Bible, The," 110
Bishops' Drag Net, The," 203
Black Prince, the, coins of,
"Black Tom Tyrant" (Strafford),

Blackader, John, quoted, 203
Blackmore, Sir Richard, his ver-
sion of the Psalms, 6
Blantyre, cotton factory at,
Livingstone in, 264

Blednoch, the (Wigtown martyrs),
217, 218

Blesilla, daughter of Paula
[Thierry, i. 32, 159-160], 18;
her death [Thierry, i. 219], 19
Boer War, the, 276-278
Böhme, Jacob, 255
Bokhara, Conolly and Stoddart
at [Grover], 272

Bordeaux Pilgrim, the (Itinerary),
[Thierry, i. 37], 19, 60
Borgia, Francis, Duke of Gandia
[Abrégé de sa vie, 29], 47
Borgia, Roderigo (Pope Alex-

ander VI.), and Savonarola
[Villari, i. 152, and passim], 91
Boswell quotes Archbishop

Secker [ed. Hill, i. 33], 242
Bothwell, Earl, and Wishart
[Knox, book i. ], 199
Bothwell Bridge, battle of [Wod-
row, iii. 106, 107], 209
Bougés Mountain, 166
Bourgeois, Louis, sets the Psalms
to music, 112, 114

Bourget, Psalter found at, 271
Boussac, legendary treasure at, 84
Boyne, the, battle of, 218
Brady, Nicholas, and Nahum
Tate, 113

Brainerd, David [" Life, Remains,
and Letters,' ed. Jonathan
Edwards, 1845, Aberdeen],
174, 257, 264; his death [ibid.],
253; his journal [" Diary of
David Brainerd," 2 vols.,
London, 1902], 253, 254
Brantôme, cited, on Condé [Dis-
cours, lxxx. 1], 148; quoted, on
Coligny [Discours, lxxix.], 149,
150; at La Rochelle, 151
Breagh, plain of, St. Patrick at,

Breda, Charles II. at, 192
Bregenz, Columban and Gall at
[Montalembert, ii. 272], 36
Brest, John Howard at [Memoirs,
19], 250

Bretigny, the peace of, 151
Britain, invasion of [Bede], 42;
early colleges in [Montalem-
bert, iii. 146, 152], 42;
scribed by Procopius, 43; the
Danes in, 50
Brittany and La Vendée, in-
surrection in [Les Chouans, ii.
135 seq.], 269

Brittia, island of, described by
Procopius, 43

Browne, Ezekiel, Hampden dies
in his house, 182, 183

Elizabeth Barrett,

quoted, 245
Browning, Micaiah, captain of
The Mountjoy [Walker, July
27th], 223, 224
Browning, Robert, his " Ring and
the Book" quoted, 17, 245;
"Pambo" quoted, 17;
ford" quoted, 180

Bruce, of Earlshall, and the
Covenanters at Airs-moss
[Knox, book iii., chap. 4], 210
Bruce, Robert, the preacher, at
Edinburgh, 128
Brussels, Egmont at, 120
Bryant, William Cullen, versifier
of the Psalms, 174
Bridges on the 119th Psalm, 274,

Brydges, Sir John, Lieut. of the
Tower, 118

Brydon, Dr., survivor at Cabul,
Buchanan, George, his Latin ver-
sion of the Psalms, 197
Buckingham, George Villiers, first
Duke of, driven from Rhé, 161;
Bacon's advice to [Spedding,
"Life and Letters," vi. 24],


Hooper and, 105

Bunyan, John, 6, 7, 253, 257; his
"Grace Abounding," 185-189,

Burghley, William Cecil, Lord, 8,

Burns, Robert, 6

Butchers' Company, the, motto
of, 3

Byron, Lord, and the Psalms, 243

Cabul, destruction of British force
at, 272

Cadoc the Wise, abbot of Llan-
carvan [Montalembert, ii. 406],

Calvin, John, account of, 140, 141
Calypso's Island," Basil's
retreat in Pontus, 17
Cameron, Michael [Wodrow, iii.
212] 210

Cameron, Richard [Wodrow, iii.
212, 220], 210

Cameronian Regiment, the, 278
Cameronians, the, 204, 210, 214,
215, 217, 218
Camisards, the, 168-170
Camoens, Luiz de, 6; his exile,
156, 157; "The Lusiad "
quoted, 157

Camus, Bishop, his " Esprit de
St. François de Sales," 157
Canossa, Henry IV. at [Bowden,
ii. 174; Montalembert, v. 364],
Canterbury, Augustine of, see

Augustine; Benedict Biscop
at, 48; Wilfrid at, 49; Dun-
stan, archbishop of, 50;
Anselm, archbishop of, 57;
murder of Becket, 58; penance
of Henry II., 58; pilgrimages
to, 61

Capitulary of Aix-la-Chapelle,
see Aix-la-Chapelle
Carey, William, 257, 262, 264;
sails for India, 252; account of,
255-257; quoted, 255
Cargill, Donald, 205, 214; account
of [Wodrow, book iii., chap. 4;
"Six Saints," vol. ii.; "Cloud
of Witnesses," 6 seq.], 210;
quoted ["Six Saints," ii. 8],


Carlyle, Alexander, on Col. Gar-
diner [Autobiography, p. 16],

Carlyle, Thomas, 6, 236; quoted,
249, 268; on Sir William
Hamilton, 240; and Ruskin,
246, 247; his "Luther's
Psalm " [Critical and Misc.
Essays, iii.], 95

Carlyle, Jane Welsh, see Welsh
Caroline, Queen, 232
Carrack, Peden preaches at [" Six
Saints," i. 90], 213
Carrichon, M., and Madame de
Noailles, 270
from, 212
Carstairs, William, at Torbay
[Life, p. 34], 218



Carvajal, Luisa de, quoted [Life,
Lady G. Fullerton, p. 254], 146
Casaubon, Isaac, 8; story of
[M. Pattison, 335], 142
Caswall, Edward, 103
Cataldus of Tarentum, [Mon-
talembert, iii. 157], 34

"" Cathac, The,' Columba's
Psalter [Stubbs, 261, 262], 39
Catherine of Arragon, the divorce,
98, 102; Forest, her confessor
[Lingard, v. 107 N.;
unto Death,"] 101, 102
Catherine de Medicis [Douen, i.
709], 8, 137, 148, 150
Caussade, Rochette captured at,

Cavalier, Jean, account of [Peyrat,
i. 350, 451; ii. 85], 168, 169
Cawnpore, Henry Martyn at, 258
"The Golden Legend'

[ocr errors]

quoted, 84, 86
Certosa, the, Francis I. at the
church of, 145
Cervantes, 6


Cesarea, death of Basil at
[Bright's Fathers," i. 393;
"History," 163], 14; Basil and
Valens at, 24

Cesarius, bishop of Arles [Mon-
talembert, i. 353], 32
Cévénols, the, 61, 165, 168
Chablais, François de Sales at,

Chaise-Dieu, Benedictine abbey
of, 63

Chalcedon, death of Emperor
Maurice at, II

Chalcis, desert of, Jerome in, 19
Chalgrove Field, death of John
Hampden at, 182, 183
Chalmers, Thomas, account of
[see Appendix A, chap. xi.],
235, 236; preaches at Edin-
burgh [Hanna, iv. 309, 341],

Chantal, Madame de, 154, 157
Charenton, Casaubon at, 142
Charlemagne, 8; at Rome [Martin,
ii. 262, 263, 328], 54; death of
[Martin, ii. 364; Guettée, iii.
238], 54, 55

Charles I., sanctions the Psalter,
114, 180; and Strafford, 175,
178; at Newark, 183; and
Scottish Kirk, 201

Charles II., and Scottish Kirk,
192; accession of, and Cargill,

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