OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK AT THEIR ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOURTH SESSION Begun and Held at the Capitol, in the City of Albany, VOLUME II ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY, PRINTERS 1921 Said bill having been announced, Mr. Rayher moved to amend as follows: Page 2, line 17, after "surviving" insert in italics "husband or". Line 21, after "surviving" insert in italics "husband or ". Page 3, line 4, strike out "immediately" and insert" September first, nineteen hundred and twenty-one ". Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to said motion, and it was determined in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Rayher, said bill was ordered reprinted and recommitted to said committee. Mr. Hutchinson offered for the consideration of the House a resolution, in the words following: Resolved, That the committee on public education be discharged from the further consideration of the bill (No. 508, Int. No. 495) entitled "An act to amend the Education Law, relative to the apportionment of public moneys for the instruction of nonresident academic pupils." Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to said resolution, and it was determined in the affirmative. Said bill having been announced, Mr. Hutchinson moved to amend as follows: Page 2, line 4, strike out italics and insert in italics "and no charge for the instruction of such nonresident pupil in excess of the quota herein provided shall be made by any district or city maintaining an academic department unless it shall appear to the satisfaction of the commissioner that the tax rate for school purposes of the city or district receiving the nonresident academic pupil is equal to or in excess of the tax rate for school purposes of that district from which such nonresident pupil comes; or that the instruction of such nonresident pupil adds to the total cost of construction of academic pupils in such city or union free school district a sum in excess of the quota herein provided." Strike out lines 5, 6 and 7. Line 8, strike out italics. Line 17, after "school" insert in italics "schools ". Line 18, strike out all after the period and insert in italics "Such designation shall be made by each school district at the annual meeting of such district. Such designation may be reviewed upon appeal of the Commissioner of Education in the [ASSEMBLY JOURNAL] 125 event the parent or guardian of such pupils deem themselves aggrieved thereby. In case any school district shall fail to make such designation at the annual school meeting, the district superintendent of schools in the supervisory district in which such district is located may make such designation subject to review on appeal by the Commissioner of Education." Strike out lines 19 and 20. Line 21, strike out "aggrieved thereby ". Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to said motion, and it was determined in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Hutchinson, said bill was ordered reprinted and recommitted to said committee. Mr. Duke offered for the consideration of the House a resolution, in the words following: Resolved, That the committee on codes be discharged from the further consideration of the bill (No. 794, Int. No. 741) entitled "An act to amend the Penal Law, in relation to billiard and pocket billiard rooms, formerly known as pool rooms." Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to said resolution, and it was determined in the affirmative. Said bill having been announced, Mr. Duke moved to amend as follows: Add to the title the words " and making an appropriation therefor." Page 11, strike out line 15 and insert "§ 2. The sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the expenses of the Secretary of State in carrying out the provisions of article thirty-one of the Penal Law. The moneys hereby appropriated shall be paid out by the State Treasurer on the warrant of the Comptroller upon the certificate of the Secretary of State. § 3. This act shall take effect September first, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, except that applications may be made at any time before that day for licenses under section three hundred and forty-five of the Penal Law, as added by this act, and such licenses issued, for the year beginning September first, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, and except also that the preceding section of this act, making an appropriation, shall take effect immediately." Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to said motion, and it was determined in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Duke, said bill was ordered reprinted and recommitted to said committee. By unanimous consent, Mr. Zimmerman offered for the consideration of the House a resolution, in the words following: Resolved, That the committee on internal affairs be discharged from the further consideration of Senate bill (No. 424, Rec. No. 100) entitled "An act to amend the Town Law, in relation to street lighting." Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to said resolution, and it was determined in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Zimmerman, and by unanimous consent, said bill was read the second time and ordered to a third reading. On motion of Mr. Zimmerman, and by unanimous consent, said bill was read the third time, having been printed and on the desks of the members in its final form at least three calendar legislative days prior to its final passage. Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was determined in the affirmative, a majority of all the members elected to the Assembly voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present. |