Imagens das páginas


Averill, 12694, 0.11. Facts regarding the disinfecting powers of chlorine, with an explanation of the mode in which it operates. By C. Averill, A. M. Schenectady, 1832.

Bache, 12607, O. 6. Introductory lecture on chemistry. By Franklin Bache, M. D. Philadelphia, 1841.

Bachhoffer, 9610, O. Chemistry, as applied to the fine arts. By George H. Bachhoffer. London, 1837.

Berzelius, 10098, O. De l'emploi du chalumeau dans les analyses chimiques et les determinationes minéralogiques. Par M. Berzélius, traduit par F. Fresnel. Paris, 1821.

10097, O.
lier Hervé.
10241, O. De l'analyse des corps inorganiques, par J. J. Berzélius,
traduit de l'Allemand. Paris, 1827.
10096, O. Traité de chimie.

Chimie du fer, d'aprés Berzélius, traduit par le Cheva-
A Paris, 1826.

J. L. Jourdan.
10673, O.
J. Berzélius.

Booth, 13157, O. 3.

Par J. J. Berzélius, traduit par A. 8 vols. Paris, 1829-1831.

Rapport annuel sur les progrès de la chimie. Par 2e Année. Paris, 1842.

Smithsonian report. On recent improvements in the chemical arts. By Prof. James C. Booth, and Campbell Morfit. Washington, 1852. Gift of the Smithsonian Institution.

12383, O. The encyclopædia of chemistry. By James C. Booth, assisted by Campbell Morfit. Philadelphia, 1850.

Boussingault, 11609, O. & 7901, D. Rural economy, in its relations with chemistry, physics, and meteorology, or chemistry applied to agriculture. By J. B. Boussingault. Translated by George Law. London and New York, 1845.

Bowman, 8956, D. An introduction to practical chemistry, including analysis. By John E. Bowman. Philadelphia, 1849.

Boyé, 12315, 0. 17. On the composition of the Schuylkill water. By Martin H. Boyé, M. D.

Brande, 12041, O. A manual of chemistry. By William Thomas Brande. London, 1848.

3 vols.

Breed, 13004, O.

Principles of organic and physiological chemistry. By Dr. Carl Löwig. Translated by Daniel Breed, M. D. Philadelphia,


Cavendish, 12990, O. The life of the Hon. Henry Cavendish, including abstracts of his more important scientific papers; and a critical inquiry into the claims of all the alleged discoverers of the composition of water. By George Wilson, M. D. London, 1851.

Chaptal, 10108, O. Chimie appliquée à l'agriculture. Par M. le Compte Chaptal. 2 vols. Paris, 1829.

Chevalier, 10089, O. Journal de chimie médicale, de pharmacie et de toxicologie, rédigé par MM. Chevalier, Guibourt, &c. Paris, 1832. Chevreul, 10075, O. Leçons de chimie appliquée à la teinture. Par M. E. Chevreul. 2 vols. Paris, 1829.

Despretz, 10018, O. Elémens de chimie théorique et pratique. Par C. Despretz. Vol. II. Paris, 1830.

Dodd, 7904, D. British Manufactures. Chemical. By George Dodd. Lon

don, 1844.

Dumas, 10107, O. Traité de chimie appliquée aux arts. Par M. Dumas. 3

vols. Paris, 1828.

Ellis, 10921, D. See p. 1120.

Fontenelle, 6865, D. Manuel de chimie médicale. Par M. Julia Fontenelle.

A Paris, 1824.

Francis, 12517, O. Chemical experiments, containing the properties, analysis, &c., of all inorganic substances. By G. Francis, F. L. S. New edition. Philadelphia, 1850.

Fresenius, 8018, D. Nouvelle méthode pour reconnaitre et pour determiner le titre veritable des potasses, &c. Par le Dr. R. Fresenius et le Dr. F. C. Will. Paris, 1845.

7696, D. Elementary instruction in chemical analysis. By Dr. C. R. Fresenius. With a preface by Professor Liebig. Edited by J. Lloyd Bullock. New York, 1844.

Gay-Lussac, 10106, O. 1828.

10090, O.

Cours de chimie, par Gay-Lussac. 2 vols. Paris,

Annales de chimie et de physique, par MM. GayLussac et Arago. 5 tom. Paris, 1832, 1833. 10078, O. 6.

Annales de chimie et de physique, par MM. Gay

Lussac et Arago. Tome 51. A Paris, 1882. Girardin, 10099, O. Elémens de minéralogie appliquée aux sciences chimiques, ouvrage basé sur la methode de M. Berzélius, suivi d'un précis élémentaire de géognosie, par J. Girardin, et H. Lecoq. 2 vols. Paris, 1826.

Griffiths, 7381, D. Chemistry of the four elements, fire, air, earth, and water. By Thomas Griffiths. London, 1842.

Hare, 2498, Q. vol. 2, 7. On the explosiveness of nitre. By Dr. Robert Hare. Smithsonian Institution. Washington, 1851.

Haffer, 10914, 0. Histoire de la Chimie depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'à notre epoque. Par le Dr. F. Hoffer. Tome première. A Paris, 1842.

Johnston, 11190, O. & 7256, D. Lectures on agricultural chemistry and geology. By Jas. F. W. Johnston, M. A. New York, 1842, Edinburgh, 1844.

7352 & 7377, D. Elements of agricultural chemistry and geology. By J. F. Johnston. New York and London, 1842.

10932, D. The chemistry of common life. By James F. W. Johnston. Woodcuts. New York, 1854.

Kane, 10767, O. Elements of chemistry, including the most recent discoveries and applications of the science to medicine and pharmacy, and to the arts. By Robert Kane, M. D. An American edition. By John Wm. Draper, M. D. New York, 1842.

Knapp, 11994, O. Chemical technology; or chemistry applied to the arts and to manufactures. By Dr. F. Knapp. Edited by Ronalds and Richardson. 2 vols. London, 1848.

Labarraque, 10324, O. 4. Instructions and observations concerning the use

of the chlorides of soda and lime. By A. G. Labarraque. Translated by Jacob Porter. 2d edition. New Haven, 1831. Gift of Jno. J. Smith, Jr.

Lassaigne, 10100, O. Ábrége élémentaire de chimie, considérée comme science accessoire l'étude de la médecine, de la pharmacie et de l'histoire naturelle. Par L. Lassaigne. 2 vols. et Atlas. Paris, 1822. Laugier, 10105, O. Cours de chimie générale. Par M. Laugier. 3 vols. Paris, 1829.

Liebig, 10590, O. & 7119, D. Organic chemistry in its application to agriculture and physiology. By Justus Liebig, M. D. &c. Edited by Lyon Playfair. London, 1842. First American edition with an introduction and appendix. By John W. Webster, M. D. Cambridge,

10637, O. & 7406, D. Animal chemistry, or organic chemistry in its

application to physiology and pathology. By Justus Liebig. Edited by Wm. Gregory, M. D., &c. With notes by Drs. Gregory and Webster. London and Cambridge, 1842.

Liebig, 10590, O. & 7119, D. Chemistry in its applications to agriculture and physiology. By Justus Liebig, M. D., etc. Edited from the MS.

of the author, by Lyon Playfair. 2d edition. London, 1842. 7645, D. Familiar letters on chemistry and its relations to commerce, physiology, and agriculture. By Justus Liebig, M. D., etc. Edited by John Gardner, M. D. New York, 1843.

7854, D. 2. Familiar letters on chemistry, 2d series. By Justus Liebig. Edited by John Gardner, M. D. London, 1844.

11871, O. 2. Researches on the chemistry of food. By Justus Liebig. Edited by W. Gregory. London, 1847.

12406, O. Annual report of the progress of chemistry and the allied sciences. By Justus Liebig, M. D., and H. Kopp. 3 vols. London, 1849, &c.

12399, O. Professor Liebig's complete works on chemistry. Philadelphia, 1850.

8946, D. Chemistry in its applications to agriculture and physiology. By Justus Liebig, M. D. Edited by Playfair and Gregory. New York, 1847.

Low, 11101, O. An inquiry into the nature of the simple bodies of chemistry. By David Low. London, 1844.

Löwig, 13004, 0. Principles of organic and physiological chemistry. By Dr. Carl Löwig. Translated by Daniel Breed, M. D. Philadelphia, 1853.

Mease, 9565, O. 6. On spontaneous combustion. By James Mease, M. D. New Haven, 1837. Gift of the author.

Metcalfe, 11114, O. Caloric; its mechanical, chemical, and vital agencies in the phenomena of nature. By Dr. S. L. Metcalfe. 2 vols. London, 1843.

Mitscherlich, 6530, D. Practical and experimental chemistry, adapted to arts and manufactures. By E. Mitscherlich. London, 1838.

Morfit, 11907, O. Chemistry applied to the manufacture of soap and candles. By Campbell Morfit. Philadelphia, 1847.

12102, O. Chemical pharmaceutic manipulations. By Campbell Morfit, assisted by Alex. Muckle. Philadelphia, 1849.

13157, 0.3, & 12383, O. See Booth, supra, page 1126.

Morton, 13032, 0. 1. Thirty-second congress-1st session.
Morton, M. D. Sulphuric ether. Washington, 1852.

Wm. T. G.

Gift of Dr.

Orfila, 10102, O. Eléments de chimie appliquée à la médecine et aux arts. Par M. Orfila. 5th edition. 2 vols. Paris, 1831.

Parnell, 11077 & 11871, O. Applied chemistry, in manufactures, arts, and domestic economy. Edited by Edward Andrew Parnell. New York, 1844.

Pauquy, 10078, O. 2. Nouvelle méthode naturelle chimique, ou disposition de corps simples et composes, propre a rendre l'étude de cette science plus facile. Par Ch. Pauquy. Paris, 1828.

Peclet, 2345, Q. Cours de chimie. Par E. Peclet.

Par E. Peclet. Marseilles, 1823. Petzholdt, 7848, D. 2. Lectures to farmers on agricultural chemistry. By Alexander Petzholdt. London, 1844.

Riffault, 6886, D. Manuel de chimie, ou précis élémentaire de cette science suivi d'un dictionnaire, par M. Riffault; par A. D. Vergnaud. Paris, 1830.

Rigg, 7705, D. Experimental researches, chemical and agricultural, showing

carbon to be a compound body, made by plants and decomposed by putrefaction. By Robert Rigg, F. R. S. London, 1844.

Rodgers, 8977, D. Scientific agriculture, or the elements of chemistry, geology, &c., applied to practical agriculture. By M. M. Rodgers, M. D. Rochester, 1848.

Rose, 10373, 0. A manual of analytical chemistry. By Henry Rose. From the German. London, 1831.

Silliman, 8425, D. First principles of chemistry for the use of colleges and schools. By B. Silliman, Jr. Philadelphia, 1847.

Simon, 11509, O. Animal chemistry, with reference to the physiology and pathology of man. By Dr. J. Franz Simon. Translated and edited by George E. Day. Philadelphia, 1845.

Solly, 7609, D. Rural chemistry. By E. Solly. London, 1843.

12386, O. Syllabus of a complete course of lectures on chemistry, including its application to the arts, agriculture, and mining. By E. Solly. Philadelphia, 1850.

Squarey, 10594, O, & 7351, D. A popular treatise on agricultural chemistry. By Charles Squarey, chemist. London, 1842. Philadelphia, 1844. Stevenson, 11903, O. 12. Most important errors in chemistry, electricity, and magnetism pointed out and refuted. By W. F. Stevenson. London, 1847.

Thénard, 10104, O. Traité de chimie élémentaire, théorique et pratique, par

M. le Baron L. J. Thénard. 5th edition. 5 vols. A Bruxelles, 1827. Townes, 7766, D. Chemistry as exemplifying the wisdom and beneficence of God. By George Townes. New York, 1844.

Trimmer, 7376, D. Practical chemistry for farmers and land owners. By J. Trimmer. London, 1842.

Ure, 9291, O. A dictionary of chemistry and mineralogy. By Andrew Ure, M. D. London, 1831.

Watt, 11806, O. Correspondence of the late James Watt, on his discovery of the theory of the composition of water, with a letter from his son, Edited by J. P. Muirhead. London, 1846.

Wilson, 12990, O. The life of the Hon. Henry Cavendish, including abstracts of his more important scientific papers, and a critical inquiry into the claims of all the alleged discoverers of the composition of water. By George Wilson, M. D. London, 1851.

1217, F. Traité de chimie.


Anderson, 9781, D. The course of creation by John Anderson, D. D. Cincinnati, 1851.

Bailey, 2498, Q. vol. 2, 8. Microscopical observations in South Carolina, &c. By Prof. J. W. Bailey. Smithsonian Institution. Washington, 1851. Broderip, 10088, D. Leaves from the note-book of a naturalist. By W. J. Broderip, Esq. London, 1852.

Darwin, 8273, D. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle round the world, under the command of Captain Fitz Roy, R. N. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. New York, 1846.

Edwards, 7550, D. Cours élémentaire d'histoire naturelle a l'usages des colleges et des maisons d'éducation. Par M. Milne Edwards. A de Jussieu et Beudant. Zoologie. Paris, 1842.

Empson, 9439, O. Narratives of South America, illustrating manners, cus

toms and scenery: containing numerous facts in natural history. By Charles Empson. London, 1836.

Goldsmith, 12783, O. Goldsmith's natural history; with notes from all the popular treatises that have been issued since the time of Goldsmith. With a life of Oliver Goldsmith, by George Moir Bussey. By Henry Innes. London.

Howitt, 10707, D. Pictorial calendar of the seasons, exhibiting the pleasures, pursuits, and characteristics of country life, for every month in the year, and embodying the whole of Aikin's calendar of nature. Edited by Mary Howitt. 100 wood engravings. (Bohn's illustrated library.) London, 1854.

Jardine, 9735, 0. Annals of natural history, or magazine of zoology, botany, and geology. Conducted by Sir William Jardine, B. J. Selby, Dr. Johnson, &c. 20 vols. and new series, 11 vols. London, 1838, &c., to the present time.

Jenyns, 8474 & 8595, D. Observations on natural history. By the Rev. L. Jenyns. London, 1846.

Jesse, 6188, D. Gleanings in natural history, 3d and last series. By Edward Jesse, Esq. London, 1835.

Kemp, 10286, D. 1. The natural history of creation. By T. Lindley Kemp, M. D. London, 1852.

Loudon, 8774, D. Facts from the world of nature. By Mrs. Loudon. London, 1848.

6997, D. The young naturalist's journey; or the travels of Agnes Merton and her mamma. By Mrs. Loudon. London, 1840.

Maunder, 8939, D. The treasury of natural history, or popular dictionary of animated nature. By S. Maunder. London, 1848.

Pliny, 10986, D. The natural history of Pliny. Translated, with copious notes by John Bostock, and H. T. Riley. Vol. 1. London, 1855. (Bohn's classical library.)

Pritchard, 7715, D. Notes on natural history. By Andrew Pritchard. London, 1844,

Saint Pierre, 7770, D. Bernardin de Saint Pierre. Etudes de la Nature. Paris, 1843.

Swainson, 7025, D. Taxidermy. With the biography of zoologists, and notices of their works. By William Swainson. London, 1840.

Waterton, 7802, D. Essays on natural history, chiefly ornithology. By Charles Waterton, Esq. 2d series, with a continuation of the autobiography of the author. London, 1844.

6700, D. Essays on natural history. By C. Waterton. With an autobiography of the author. London, 1839.

Wight, 12684, O. 12. Observations on vegetable and animal physiology. By William L. Wight, M. D. Petersburg, 1843.

12523, O. Third, fourth, fifth and seventh annual reports of the Regents of the University on the condition of the State Cabinet of natural history, and the historical and antiquarian collection annexed thereto. Revised edition. Albany, 1850, &c. Gift of the State of New York.

13034, 0. 5. Sixth annual report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York on the condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History, &c. Albany, 1853.

12523, O. Catalogue of the cabinet of Natural history of the State of New York, and of the historical and antiquarian collection annexed thereto. Albany, 1853. Gift of the State of New York.

8025, D. Cours elémentaire d'histoire naturelle, à l'usage des colleges et des maisons d'education. Vol. 1, Botanique; vol. 2, Zoologie; vol. 3, Mineralogie, Geologie. Paris, 1845.

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