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nise me 9 years after I murdered his Master! The waiter reported the words, and it was then discovered that the murdered person was the brother of the landlord. The story was told in a French paper, which arrived on March 14th, as an event, which had just occurred.

XCVII. Witty replies &c.

Jan. 15, 1836. Mr ADOLPHUS told a story at MR COLES'S dinner of some person, who, disgusted with the impertinence of remarks by some one, who kept saying, 'Sir, I happen to know,' 'Sir, I happen to know,' said, 'Sir, you have more fortuitous knowledge than any person I ever heard of!'

Jan. 16. A butcher's boy and a fishmonger's boy met in the street. Said the former,' How do you do, Cod's head and shoulders ?' 'How are you, Mutton-chops ?' said the latter. SIR ANTHONY CARLISLE who was present, tossed the fishmonger's boy half a crown for his clever retort, as CHARLES MONTAGU informed me.

GEO. BURGES said, that he asked PORSON his opinion about a passage, and be replied, 'I have not made up my mind.'

BURGES spoke in high terms of a conjectural emendation of DR BLOOMFIELD in his Thucydides, where for T #λýtel tys ews he proposes to read ante, and laughed at a GERMAN critic for rejecting it.

XCVIII. Black and Green.

LONDON, March 19, 1837.-H. G. G. MONTAGUE had green

tea; I had black. I called him a green-horn, and he called me a black-guard.

XCIX. Circassia.

In the Morning-Chronicle of yesterday, in the speech of LORD DUDLEY STUART, is a most sublime appeal to Europe against RUSSIAN aggression by the CIRCASSIANS; transcribe it; Circassia, which had never been a part of Turkey, was ceded by Turkey to Russia by the treaty of Adrianople.

C. Ripa non creditur.

April 14, 1837. Mr. GILES, speaking of the confession of Greenacre about the murder of Mrs Hannah Brown, said that the rip was not to be believed,' and applied the following words from VIRGIL'S Eclogues, 'Ripa non creditur?

CI. Otium cum dignitate.

MR F. C. PARRY told a story of the late JOHN CLARK, one of the LORDS of SESSION in Scotland: he was digging potatoes in his garden, when some friend observed him, and he remarked that he was enjoying his otium cum digging a tatoe!

CII. Anecdote of the Peninsular war.

SWAN-WITH-TWO NECKS, April 18, 1837. I met with Mr

Barker, in the Silk-trade at Macclesfield; he served as a common soldier in the Peninsular War under the Duke of Wellington prior to 1810. He spoke of the cruelties exercised by the Spanish Generals. Even in the French Army orders were given to shoot the wounded British, and those of the British Army, who were left behind as in any way unable to march. Poor Barker, who was servant to one of the Officers, notwithstanding this order, found himself unable to proceed, and lay down resigned to his fate. An Officer in his Regiment, whose name was Barker, came up, and having recognised his namesake, whom he had employed in some way on some occasion, asked him if he could not manage to proceed? He said that he could not. He was reminded of the peremptory orders given by the French General, who was advancing: he replied that, let the consequence be what it would, he could not possibly march. Well, then, said the Officer, can you ride? He thought that he could, but would not be able to mount a horse without aid. The officer immediately dismounted, called two soldiers to help Barker on the horse, and employed one to lead it. The officer walked 8 or 9 miles in this way, was afterwards taken prisoner, and died in France. Barker wanted to get his discharge from the army in 1810, had a letter addressed by the officer of his regiment to LORD CHARLES FITZROY at Ampton in Suffolk, was most hospitably received by Lord Charles, had a supper given, a bed and breakfast in the morning ordered, was sent for into the parlour, was told that Lord Charles was only on half-pay, but would give a letter to a retired officer at Northampton, which would effect his object, was asked what coach-fare he paid from Exeter, and when his Lordship learnt that it was £1. 7s. Od., he generously gave to him £2. 14s. Od.


April 29, 1837. For several weeks past a considerable num

ber of spots have appeared on the sun's disc, some of which were very large, with a penumbral shade around them; others were much smaller, and have been in curved or circular groups, and sometimes arranged in a line nearly straight. There are at present two or three large ones near the eastern limb, and others not so large nearer the west, which may easily be seen with a telescope of small magnifying power, and a colored glass to prevent the strong light from injuring the eye.


Ap. 29, 1837. Colonel Thompson thus notices the late debate in a letter to his constituents, dated 19th instant: — As I sat behind O'Connell yesterday (I never Mister' him), I took occasion to pour into the portals of his ears some old military stories about Buenos Ayres; and when he rose, he bolted them plain out. This was great luck, in a place where no man has a chance of being heard when he wants it, if he stands any where between O'Connell and the regular bores of the House; which last are a class of men who can speak when they like, being always called in preference, on the ground of being necessary evils. Of course I stood by my tackle, and mean to do. As there is no knowing where an old soldier nestles, is there nobody in your neighbourhood, who about nine of the clock in the morning of Sunday, the 5th of July, 1807, heard Major Trotter, of the 83d regiment, carry the order down the column in which was the right wing of the 95th or Riflemen, in the following words, "Spare the old men, the women, and the children, but every man able to bear arms, put him to the bayonet.' By (I never swore above twice in my life,) I thought of Cottingham. And with this before us, (and what is worse, as I shall be able to prove, not repented of,) our unfortunate countrymen are to have nice conclusions put on them, for not making a war of rosewater against men who have

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printed themselves assassins, and in the purity of royalist and religious exultation cultivate the amiable habit of putting their prisoners to death by torture.

their friends for all their mercies.

Thanks to the Tories and

CV. Wellington and Soult.

The Oudinanza, a sort of Portuguese Militia, were treated by the French as civilians, and put to death, when they were taken with arms in their hands. The D. of Wellington maintained that they ought to be treated as soldiers, and wrote to Marshal Soult on the subject; but to the best of his belief and knowledge, and he thought he had a perfect recollection of the matter, his Grace never threatened retaliation.

LORD MAHON'S Speech, April 19, 1837.

CVI. Dr Desaguliers, &c. May 3, 1837.

1. The celebrated DR DESAGULIERS at a large party, met an Officer, who particularly addressed himself to the DOCTOR, and confirmed whatever he said, with an oath. At length the Doctor gave this fine rebuke to him: - 'Sir, you have taken every pains to make me ridiculous, if possible, by your pointed apologies; if God Almighty does not hear you, I assure you that I never will tell him.'

2. Sir W


was remarkable for the keenness of his wit, and the foulness of his breath. He had been out riding one very severe day, and meeting Col. Cutwell at the Smyrna-Coffee-House, was telling to him, standing right in front of him, how roughly he had been dealt with by the wind, which blew right in his face, when the Colonel coolly said, 'Then, by God, the north-wind had the worst of it!'

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