Imagens das páginas

YONGE, Charlotte M.-continued.

Hopes and Fears; or, Scenes from the Life of a Spinster.
Lady Hester; or, Ursula's Narrative.

Love and Life: an Old Story in Eighteenth-century Costume.
Pillars of the House; or, Under Wode, Under Rode. 2 vols.
The Dove in the Eagle's Nest.

The Armourer's 'Prentices. 2 vols.

The Two Guardians; or, Home in this World.

Unknown to History.

Young Alcides a Faded Photograph. 2 vols.
Young Step-mother; or, A Chronicle of Mistakes.


BALZAC, H. de. (See "General Literature-Ancient and Modern.")
BAUDELAIRE, Charles. Euvres Complètes. 4 vols. cr. 8vo.

1. Les Fleurs du Mal; Curiosités Esthétiques.

2. L'Art Romantique; Petits Poèmes en Prose; Les Paradis

3. Histoires Extraordinaires; Nouvelles Histoires Extraordi-

4. Aventures d'Arthur Gordon Pym; Eureka. BERNARD, Charles. Euvres. 12 tomes.

Ailes d'Icare.


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BERTALL. La Comédie de Notre Temps: La Civilité, les Habitudes, les Mœurs, les Coutumes, les Manières, et les Manies de Notre Époque. Imp. 8vo.

BIART, Lucien. The Clients of Dr. Bernagius. Fcp. 8vo.

CARLEN, Emilie. Novels. 15 vols. post 8vo.

[blocks in formation]

CHATEAUBRIAND. Atala. Avec les Dessins de Gustave Doré. Folio.
CHAMPFLEURY. Les Aventures de Mademoiselle Mariette. Cr. 8vo.
CHERBULIEZ, Victor. L'Aventure de Ladislas Boloski. Cr. 8vo.

Prosper Randoce. Cr. 8vo.

Samuel Brohl and Partner. Cr. 8vo.

DAUDET, Alphonse. 5 vols. cr. 8vo.

Fromont jeune et Risler ainé; Le Nabab.

Le Petit Chose; Lettres de mon Moulin; Les Femmes d'Artistes.
Robert Helmont; Aventures Prodigieuses de Tartarin de Taras-


Numa Roumestan; Contes du Lundi.

Jack. Tomes 1 et 2.

The Nabob: a Story of Parisian Life and Manners. Translated by E. Clarequin. 3 vols. cr. 8vo.

Fromont the Younger and Risler the Elder. Cr. 8vo.

Letters from my Mill. Cr. 8vo.

Port Salvation; or, The Evangelist. Cr. 8vo.

DIDEROT, Denis. (See "General Literature-Ancient and Modern.")
DUMAS, Alexandre. Novels. 14 tomes cr. 8vo.

[blocks in formation]


Paris, 1880. Ed

Paris, 1864-71. E e

[blocks in formation]
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Outbreak of the Great French Revolution. 3 vols.

Peace a Companion to War.

The Plébiscite, Story of.

The Polish Jew.

The Brothers Rantzan: a Story of the Vosges.

Waterloo a Story of the Hundred Days. Sequel to "Conscript."

FLAUBERT, Gustave. 2 vols. cr. 8vo.

Trois Contes; L'Éducation Sentimentale. 1877.

Madame Bovary; La Tentation de Saint Antoine. 1881.
Bouvard et Pécuchet; Salammbô. 1881.

GABORIAU, Émile. 22 vols. cr. 8vo.

L'Affaire Lerouge.

L'Argent des Autres. 2 vols.

La Clique Dorée.

La Corde au Cou.

La Dégringolade. 2 vols.

La Vie Infernale.

Le Crime d'Orcival.

Le Dossier No. 113.

2 vols.

Le Petit Vieux des Batignolles.

Le 13e Hussards.

Les Amours d'une Empoisonneuse.

Les Comédiennes Adorées.

Les Cotillons Célèbres.

Les Esclaves de Paris. 2 vols.

Les Gens de Bureau.

Mariages d'Aventure.

Monsieur Lecoq. 2 vols.

HAMILTON, Count A. Fairy Tales and Romances. Translated from

Paris, 1877-81. Ed

Paris, 1874-84. E f

the French, by M. T. Lewis, H. T. Ryde, and C. Kenney. Cr. 8vo. London, 1849. D c HUGO, Victor. Last Days of a Condemned. Translated from the French. Post 8vo.

Les Contemplations. 2 tomes cr. 8vo.
Les Misérables. 10 tomes cr. 8vo.

Les Misérables. Translated from the French. 3 vols. 8vo.
Les Travailleurs de la Mer. 2 tomes cr. 8vo.

Ninety-three. Translated by Frank Lee, Benedict, and J. Hain

Friswell. 3 vols. cr. 8vo.

Quatre-vingt-treize. 3 tomes 8vo.

The History of a Crime. 4 vols. post 8vo.
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame.

Shobert. 12mo.

Toilers of the Sea.

Post 8vo.


Translated by Frederick

Translated by W. Moy Thomas. 3 vols.

Novels. 15 vols. 8vo.

La Religieuse. 2 tomes.

Le Confesseur. 3 tomes.
Le Curé de Champagne.


Le Jésuite. 2 tomes.

Le Maudit. 3 tomes.
Le Moine.

2 Les Odeurs Ultramontaines.
Les Mystiques.

LES CENT NOUVELLES: Nouvelles suivant les Cent Nouvelles contenant les Cent Histoires Nouveaux qui sont moult plaisans à raconter en toutes bonnes compagnies, par manière de joyeuseté. 4 tomes en 2. LE SAGE, A. R. The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. Translated from the French by B. H. Malkin. 4 vols. roy. 8vo.

Asmodeus; or, The Devil on Two Sticks. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author by Jules Janin. Translated by Joseph Thomas. Roy. 8vo.

Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. 4 tomes roy. 8vo. MALOT, Hector. No Relations. Post 8vo.

MURGER, Henri. 6 vols. cr. 8vo.

Les Buveurs d'Eau; Le Dernier Rendez-vous.

Madame Olympe; Les Vacances de Camille; Dona Sirène.

Le Pays Latin; Scenes de Campagne.

Le Roman de Toutes les Femmes; Propos de Ville et propos de


Les Roueries de l'Ingénue; Le Sabot Rouge.

Scenes de la Vie de Bohème; Scenes de la Vie de Jeunesse.

[blocks in formation]

RABELAIS. Ses Euvres. Édition variorum, augmentée de Pièces inédites, de Songes drolatiques de Pantagruel, Ouvrage posthume, &c. Avec un nouveau Commentaire, par Johanneau. 9 vols. 8vo. The Works of. Translated from the French by Sir T. Urquhart and Motteux; with Explanatory Notes by Duchat, Ozell, and others. 2 vols. cr. 8vo.

SAND, George. 50 vols. cr. 8vo.

Les Dames Vertes (1879); La Filleule (1876).

Le Chateau des Désertes (1877); Les Amours de l'Age d'Or (1877).
Adrien (1881); Jeanne (1881).

Le Compagnon. Livres 1 et 2 (1869).

La Daniella. Livres 1 et 2 (1862, 1869).

La Comtesse de Rudolstadt. Livres 1 et 2 (1879).

Consuelo. Livres 1 et 2 (1878).

Les Beaux Messieurs de Bois-Doré.

Livres 1 et 2 (1874).

Flamarande (1877); Derniers Pages (1877).

Nanon (1878); Les Deux Frères (1874).

Francia (1872); Le Beau Lawrence (1872).

Contes d'une Grand'mère (1881); Jean de la Roche (1882).

La Dernière Aldini (1876); La Coupe (1876).

Pierre qui roule (1872); Ma Soeur Jeanne (1874).

Le Chateau de Pietordu (1879); Antonia (1881).

Cadio (1870); Cesarine Dietrich (1871).

Souvenirs de 1848; Impressions et Souvenirs (1873).

L'Homme de Neige. Livres 1 et 2 (1879).

Légendes Rustiques (1877); Le Diable aux Champs (1879).

La Confession d'une Jeune Fille. Livres 1 et 2 (1880).

Questions d'Art et de Littérature (1878); Questions Politiques et

Sociales (1879).

Jacques (1869); Indiana (1869).

Le Dernier Amour (1876); Malgrétout (1876).

François le Champi (1869); Journal d'un Voyageur pendant la
Guerre (1871).

Horace (1875); Le Secrétaire Intime (1878).

Les Maîtres Mosaïstes (1869); Les Maîtres Sonneurs (1869).
Lelia. Livres 1 et 2 (1869).

Histoire de ma Vie.

4 tomes en 2 (1879).

Le Meunier d'Angibault (1879); Isidora (1880).

Flavie (1878); Promenades autour d'une Village (1877).

Le Marquis de Villemer (1869); Elle et Lui (1869).

La Famille de Germandre (1877); La Tour de Percemont (1877).

Lucrezia Floriani (1880); Teverino (1877).

Mademoiselle La Quintínie (1871); Mademoiselle Merquem (1873).
Lettres d'un Voyageur (1869); Nouvelles Lettres d'un Voyageur

Mont-Revêche (1869); Nouvelles (1869).

La Mare au Diable (1869); Mauprat (1869).

Narcisse (1878); Pauline (1881).

Les Sept Cordes de la Lyre (1869); La Petite Fadette (1869).

Le Péché de Monsieur Antoine. Tomes 1 et 2 (1869).

Laura (1866); Tamaris (1867).

Théâtre Complet. 4 tomes en 2 (1875-77).

Théâtre de Nohant (1865); Jean Zyska; Gabriel (1867).

L'Uscoque (1869); Un Hiver à Majorque; Spiridion (1869).

André (1869); Valentine (1869).

Autour de la Table (1878); Valvèdre.

La Ville Noire (1869); Constance Verrier (1869).

SCARRON, The Whole Comical Works of. Translated by G. T. Brown,

Savage, and others. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo.

Novels. Cr. 8vo.

SUE, Eugène. Le Juif Errant. 4 tomes post 8vo.

Les Mystères de Paris. 4 tomes cr. 8vo.

Mysteries of Paris. 3 vols. roy. 8vo.

Paula Monti; or, The Hotel Lambert. 8vo.
Wandering Jew. 3 vols. 8vo.

Wandering Jew, Legend of. Illustrated by Doré. Atlas folio.

THEURIET, André. Tout Seule. Fcp. 8vo.

VERNE, Jules. Novels. 14 vols. post 8vo.

A Floating City; and The Blockade-runners.
Around the World in Eighty Days.

[blocks in formation]

VERNE, Jules-continued.

Dr. Ox's Experiment; and other Stories.

From the Earth to the Moon direct in 97 hours 29 minutes, and
a Trip round it. Translated from the French by Louis Mercier
and Eleanor E. King.

Meridiana: the Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three

Michael Strogoff.

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras.

I. The English at the

North Pole. II. The Field of Ice.

The Mysterious Island; and Dropped from the Clouds.

The Survivors of the "Chancellor:" Diary of J. R. Kallon, Pas-
senger. Translated from the French by Ellen Frewer.

Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea.

A Journey to the Centre of the Earth.

A Voyage round the World: South America.

The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century.

The Tribulations of a Chinaman.

ZOLA, Émile. L'Assommoir. 12mo.

Nana. 12mo.

[blocks in formation]

AUERBACH, Berthold.

3 vols. post 8vo.

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FREYTAG, Gustav. Debit and Credit: a Novel. Translated from the original by Mrs. Malcolm. Post 8vo.

Our Forefathers: a Novel. Translated by Mrs. Malcolm. vols. post 8vo.

London, 1874. D d

London, 1857.


London, 1873.

London, 1865.

The Lost Manuscript: a Novel. 3 vols. post 8vo. FOUQUE, La Motte. Peter Schlemihl. Translated from the German. 12mo.

Undine, a Romance from the German of. Translated by Lady
Lyttelton. 12mo.

The Magic Ring: a Knightly Romance. 12mo.
GOETHE, J. W. von. Faust a Tragedy. Translated by John Stuart
Blackie. Cr. 8vo.

Faust. The First Part: the Text, with English Notes, Essays, and Verse Translations. By E. J. Turner and E. D. A. Morshead. Cr. 8vo.

Novels and Tales. Translated by R. D. Boylan. Cr. 8vo.
Elective Affinities; The Sorrows of Werther; German Emigrants; Good
Woman, a Novelette.

- Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. Translated by R. D. Boylan. Cr. 8vo.

The same.

Translated by Thomas Carlyle.
HILLERN, Wilhelmine von. Elsa and her Vulture: a Tale of the Tyro-
lean Alps. Translated from the German by Lady Wallace. Cr. 8vo.
The Hour will come: a Tale of an Alpine Cloister. From the
German, by Clara Bell. 12mo. (2 vols. in 1.)
RICHTER, Jean Paul F. Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces. Cr. 8vo.

Titan: a Romance. Translated by T. Brooks. 2 vols. post 8vo.
SAMAROW, F. For Sceptre and Crown. 2 vols. post 8vo.
WERNER, Carl. At the Altar. Translated from the German by Mrs.
Parker. 2 vols.

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WERNER, E. Success, and how he won it. From the German of
Christian Tyrrell. Cr. 8vo.

London, 1877.


BOCALINI, Trajana. Raggvagli di Parnasso; or, Advertisements from
Parnassus in two Centuries. With "The Politick Touchstone."
Imp. 8vo.

BOCCACCIO, Giovanni, Il Decameron di. 2 vols. 8vo.

The Decameron; or, Ten Days' Entertainment. With Introduction by Thomas Wright. Cr. 8vo.

CINTHIO, Giovanbattista Giraldi. Hecatommithi, overo Cento Novelle. 2 tom. 4to.

London, 1669. Eh
Firenze, 1822. Ef


Venetia, 1580. Ef

NOVELLIERI ITALIANI, Raccolta de'. 26 vols. 12mo.
Vols. I.-IX. Matteo Bandello, Novelle di.
Vol. X. Girolama Parabosco, I Diporte di.
Vol. XI. Sebastiano Erizzo, Le Sei Giornate di.
Vol. XII. Ascanio de' Mori da Ceno, Novelle di.

Vol. XIII. Autori Fiorentini, Novelle di Alcuni: Grasso Legnai-
uolo; L. Pulci; N. Machiavelli; L. Alamanni; A. Firenz-
uola; A. F. Doni; S. Salvucci; L. Magalotti; G. Bottari.

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Vol. 1. Gentile Sermini; Pietro Fortini.

Vol. 2. B. Flicini; G. Nelli; S. Bargagli; A. Sozzini; A.

Vols. XVI., XVII. Ser Giovanni Fiorentino, Il Pecorone di.
Vols. XVIII., XIX. Il Lasca (Antonfrancesco Grazzini), Le Cene

Vols. XX.-XXII. Franco Sacchetti, Novelle di.

Vols. XXIII.-XXVI. Giovanni Boccaccio, Il Decameron di.


CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel de. Il Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. Nueva Edicion, corregida por la Real Academia Espanola. 4 tom. 4to.

History of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha. Translated from the Spanish by Motteux. With copious Notes, and an Essay on the Life and Writings of Cervantes. 5 vols. post 8vo.

The Exemplary Novels of. To which are added, El Buscapié, or The Serpent; and La Tia Fingida, or The Pretended Aunt. Translated from the Spanish by W. K. Kelly. Cr. 8vo. PATARANAS. Spanish Stories, Legendary and Traditional. 12mo. QUEVEDO'S Works. Translated from the Spanish; with Life. 3 vols. post 8vo.

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N. York, 1873. Ef

London, 1872.


ANDERSEN, H. C. Danish Fairy Legends and Tales. Translated by C.
Peachey. With a Memoir of the Author. Cr. 8vo.
Translated, with copious Notes, by E. W. Lane. 3 vols. roy. 8vo.
ARABIAN STORIES AND LEGENDS. Translated from the Original by Mrs.
Godfrey Clerk. Post 8vo.

BERSGOE, W. The Bride of Roering: a Novel translated from the
Danish, by Nina Francis. Cr. 8vo.

BJÖRNSON, Björnstjerne. Ovind: a Story of Country Life in Norway.
Translated from the Norwegian "En Glad Gut," by S. and E.
Hjerleid. 12mo.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

The Fisher Maiden. Cr. 8vo.

Boston, 1883.

BREMER, Frederika, The Works of. Translated by Mary Howitt. 4 vols. cr. 8vo.

Vol. I. A Diary; The Solitary; The Comforter; A Letter
about Suppers; The H- Family; Axel and Auna, or Cor-
respondence between Two Lovers.

Vol. II. The Home, or Life in Sweden; Strife and Peace.
Vol. III, The President's Daughter; including Nina.

Vol. IV. The Neighbours, a Story of Every-day Life; Hopes;
The Twins; The Solitary; The Comforter; Trälinnan,
Sketch from the Olden Times.

Lond., 1852-3.

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