Imagens das páginas

proved 18th February, 1842, and also the amount thereof by him redeemed and also the amount of certificates by him redeemed which were issued by the Governor and secretary of the terri. tory in pursuance of the fourth section of an act to provide for the payment of the expenses of the Legislative Assembly therein named, approved 19th Feby. 1841.

Resolution from the Council relative to the Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company was read,

When, on motion of Mr. Platt,

The House resolved itself into the committee of the whole on the same, Mr. Elmore in the chair, and after some time the committee rose and reported the same with an amendment, which was agreed to, the resolution was then read and passed,

Mr. Long from the committee on enrollment reported "an act concerning the time of commencing actions and for other purposes" to be correctly enrolled.

Which was signed by the Speaker and ordered to be presented to the President of the Council for his signature.

Mr. Hamilton from the committee to which the subject was referred, made the following report:

The committee of conference report the following as a substitute:

Resolved, by the Council [if the House of Representatives concur,] That Sheldon and Hyer be and are hereby authorized to print one hundred and twenty-five copies of the Journal of the Council to be delivered to the superintendent of Territorial property on or before the first day of the next annual session of the Legislative Assembly, and fifteen hundred copies of the laws to be delivered to said superintendent for distribution by the 1st day of June next, and five hundred copies of the act to amend an act to provide for the government of the several towns in this Territory and the revision of the County government, to be

delivered by the said superintendent among the several towns of this territory on or before the 15th day of July, 1843.

Resolved, further, That W. W. Wymam be and is hereby authorized to print one hundred and twenty-five copies of the Jour. nalof the House of Representatives to be delivered to the said superintendent on or beofore the first day of the next annual session of the Legislative Assembly.

The said report was adopted,

And then the house adjourned until half past 7 o'clock, P. M.


The Speaker laid before the house the message from the Gov. ernor, which was read and is as follows:

To the House of Representatives .

I have this day approved and signed a bill entitled "an act to provide for laying out the several territorial roads therein named;" and a bill entiiled "an act to pravide for completing a new roof upon the capitol and for other purposes," which are deposited in the office of the secretary of the territory.


Madison, April 17, 1843.


Mr. Platt had leave to withdraw from the files of the House all letters and petitions relative to the division of Grant county, which had been presented.

Mr. Price, also, had leave to withdraw all remonstances rela. tive to the same matter.

was referred the disagreeing votes of the two houses on bill No58, (C. F.) "a bill to provide for the payment of certain Territorial debts therein named"" made the following report, which was adopted:

The committee of conference to whom was referred the disa. greeing vote on bill No. 58, [C. F.]

Report that they recommend that the Council recede from their first amendment, and the House recede from their disagreement to the second and third amendments.

Respectfully submitted,




A message from the Council by their Secretary :

"Mr. Speaker:-The Council have passed a "resolution relative to the purchase of the "American Almanac" in which the concurrence of the House is asked."

Mr. Long from the committee on enrolled bills reported the following to be correctly enrolled, to wit: "an act for the relief of the inhabitants of the town of Fond du Lac, and in relation to certain town officers,"

Which was signed] by the Speaker and ordered to be presented to the President of the Council for his signature.

The message from the Council was taken up, when

The "Resolution relative to the purchase of American Alma. nacs was read the first and second times,

On motion of Mr. Manahan,

The House resolved itself into the committee of the whole house, Mr. Hicks in the chair, for the consideration of the said resolution.

After a short time spent therein, the committee rose and re. ported the same to the house without amendment.

Mr. Hamilton moved to strike out all after the word "resolu


ed," and the question being put thereon, it passed in the af firmative,

And the ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative, are

Messrs. Agry, Capron, Darling, Hamilton, Hicks, hopkins, Long, Manahan, Masters, Meeker. Olin, Palmer, Parsons, Platt, Price, Thompson, Trowbridge, and Van Vleet-18.

Those who voted in the negative, are

Messrs. Crossman, Elmore, Hunkins, Judson, Tripp, and Ellis [Speaker]-6.

So the Resolution was rejected.

Mr. Darling moved to take up "joint resolution to provide for the election of an attorney to defend a suit against the Territo ry in favor of of William Dougherty,"

Which being put, was disagreed to.

Mr. Walker, by leave, offered the following joint resolution: Resolved by the Council and the House of Representatives, that the superintendent of territorial property be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase the lot of stationery delivered by J. & L. Ward to Barlow Shackleford, late Librarian; to be pre. served by him for the use of the next Legislature.

The several rules of the House precluding the said resolution from being now read a third time and passed, were suspended with reference thereto.

Mr. Darling then moved to amend the resolution by striking out all after the word "Resolved" and inserting instead thereof the following:

"By the House of Representatives (the Council concurring) that the Superintendent of territorial property be authorised to purchase of J. & L. Ward the stationery remaining on hand which they delivered to Barlow Shackleford, late Librarian at a fair value and preserve the same for the use of the next Legisla. tive Assembly and also to ascertain the amount of said Station.

ery used at the present session and past sessions and report the same to the next Legislature,"

And the question being put thereon, it was determined in the affirmative.

The question was then put on the passage of the resolution as amended, and it passed in the affirmative,

And the ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative, are

Messrs. Agry, Capron, Crossman, Darling, Hamilton, Hopkins, Hunkins, Judson, Long, Manahan, Masters, Olin, Palmer, Platt, Parsons, Price, Thompson, Van Vleet, Walker and Ellis (Speaker)-20.

Those who voted in the negative, are

Messrs. Hicks and Meeker-2.

So the resolution was passed.

Mr. Long from the committee on enrolled bills reported the following to be correctly enrolled to wit: "an act to provide for the payment of certain territorial'debts therein named," and "Joint resolution relative to the distribution of American State papers,"

Which were signed by the Speaker and ordered to be presen. ted to the President of the Council for his signature.

Mr. Platt offered the following resolution, which was unani. mously adopted, Mr. Walker being in the chair, to wit:

Resolved, That the thanks of this House be tendered to the Hon. Albert G. Eilis for the impartial and correct manner in which he has uniformly discharged the duties of the office of Speaker.

Mr. Darling offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That a joint committee of two from each House be appointed to inform his Excellency the Governor that the two Houses have completed. the business before them and are now

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