Cornell Reading Course for the Farm, Volumes 1-2New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University., 1911 |
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Cornell Reading Course for the Farm, Edições 119-163 New York State College of Agriculture Visualização integral - 1916 |
Palavras e frases frequentes
acre Agriculture at Cornell air cells alfalfa amount animal assessors beef scrap branches brooder Bulletin bush carbohydrates Central Experimental Farm chicks College of Agriculture Conservation Commission corn Cornell Reading-Courses LESSON Cornell University cottonseed meal cover cultivation currant dairy desired Digestible protein discussion paper disease dry matter eggs exemption farm crops farmer feeding fertilizers fiber forest fruit germ given gooseberry green food ground grow grower growth hatch heat incubator Ithaca L. H. BAILEY land machine manure mash meal method milk moisture mulch necessary neglected orchard nitrogen Norway spruce nutritive ratio oats October 13 office at Ithaca owner pine planting plowed potatoes production protein protein pounds pruning ration red clover rotation roughage seed silage soil spray sprouts supply tax district taxation temperature tillage timber total nutriment trays trees usually varieties ventilation wheat wood woodlot young chickens ΙΟ
Passagens conhecidas
Página 33 - Methods of determining the value of timber in the farm woodlot 28 Recent New York State Laws giving relief from taxation on lands used for forestry purposes 40 County, town, and village forests...
Página 40 - ... prescribed by it, to have such land separately classified for taxation. Application for such classification shall be made in duplicate and accompanied by a plot and description of the land, and such other information as the commission may require. Upon the filing of such application it shall be the duty of the commission to cause an inspection of such land to be made by a competent forester for the purpose of determining whether or not it is of a suitable character to be so classified. If the...
Página 38 - ... a period of thirty-five years from the date of the levying of taxes thereon immediately following such planting, and such existing forest or brush lands so underplanted shall be assessed at the rate of fifty per centum of the assessable valuation of such land exclusive of any forest growth thereon for a period of thirty-five years from the date of the levying of taxes thereon immediately following such underplanting.
Página 16 - It will be assumed that at the price at which a farmer can buy his foods or raise them, he will find that red clover hay, corn silage, corn and cob meal, gluten feed, and cottonseed meal will yield him his total nutriment the cheapest. A cow will eat in twenty-four hours, when fed the right proportion of roughage and concentrates, about one pound of hay and three pounds of corn silage to each one hundred pounds of live weight. In order to meet the requirements of the feeding standard when fed the...
Página 40 - ... notice to the assessors of the tax district on which the land is located, who shall forthwith assess the stumpage value of such proposed cutting, and such owner shall pay to the collector of the town in which such land is situated before cutting such timber five per centum of such assessed valuation. If such owner shall fail to give such notice and pay such taxes he shall be liable to a penalty of three times the amount of such tax, and the supervisor of the town may bring an action to recover...
Página 40 - ... no forest or tree growth, are assessed. The assessors of each tax district where said land so classified is located shall insert upon the margin of said assessment and opposite the description of such land a statement that said land is assessed in accordance with the provisions of this section. In the event that land so classified as above prescribed shall at any time by act of the owner or otherwise cease, in the judgment of the Commission, to be used exclusively as a wood lot to the extent...
Página 13 - The feeds in the ration should be suited to the animal and to the purpose for which the animal is fed. For example, wheat bran is not suitable for feeding hogs because of its bulk; wheat middlings are much to be preferred. Palatability of the ration. The ration should be palatable if the best results in production are to be obtained. With dairy cows palatability is easily obtained by providing succulent feed in the ration. The condition of the feed has much to do with its palatability. No musty nor...
Página 16 - ... must contain 24 pounds or more of dry matter (see footnote to table), in which, for the maintenance of her body, this cow will require .700 pound of protein and 7.925 pounds of total nutriment. In addition to maintenance, she will require...
Página 32 - ... With machines in which arrangements have been made for supplying moisture, certain days should be set for looking after the supply in order to avoid a possible chance of the moisture receptacle becoming dry. Moisture on the glass at pipping time usually indicates a good hatch, being due to the large amount evaporated from the chicks. Controlling ventilation. — In some cases ventilation is controlled by slides over the ventilator openings, which are usually in the bottom of the incubator. With...
Página 40 - ... described therein is located, within ten days after receipt thereof, a certified copy of such certificate. So long as the land so classified is maintained as a wood lot, and the owner thereof faithfully complies with all the provisions of this section and the instructions of the commission, it shall be assessed at not to exceed ten dollars per acre and taxed annually, on that basis. In fixing the value of said lands for assessment, the assessors shall in no case take into account the value of...