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Jan. 1, before 1 in the morning. LMIGHTY God, merciful Father, who haft granted to me the beginning of

another year, grant that I may employ thy gifts to thy glory, and my own falvation. Excite me to amend my life; give me good refolutions, and enable me to perform them. As I approach the grave, let my faith be invigorated, my hope exalted, and my charity enlarged. Take not from me thy Holy Spirit; but in the courfe of my life protect me, in the hour of death fuftain me, and finally receive me to everlasting happiness, for the fake of Jefus Chrift. Amen.


April 2.

AFTER a night reftlefs and oppreffive, I rofe this morning fomewhat earlier than is usual; and having taken tea, which was very neceffary to compofe the dif order in my breaft, having eaten nothing, I went to church with Bofwell. We came late; I was able to attend the Litany with little perturbation. When we came home I began the First to the Theff. having prayed by the Collect for the right use of the Scriptures. I gave Bofwell Les Penfées de Pascal, that he

might not interrupt me. I did not, I believe, read very diligently; and before I had read far, we went to church again; I was again attentive. At home I read again, then drank tea, with a bun

bun and an half, thinking myself less able to faft than at former times; and then concluded the Epiftle.

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much oppreffed with drowfinefs, I flept about an hour by the fire.

II. P. M.

I AM now to review the last year, and find little but difmal vacuity, neither business nor pleasure; much intended, and little done. My health is much broken; ; my nights afford me little reft. I have tried opium, but its help is counterbalanced with great disturbance; it prevents the fpafms, but it hinders fleep. O God have mercy on


Laft week I published [the first part of] the Lives of the Poets, written, I hope, in fuch a manner as may tend to the promotion of piety.

In this last year I have made little acquifition; I have scarcely read any thing. and her daugh

I maintain Mrs.

ter. Other good of myself I know not where to find, except a little charity.

But I am now in my feventieth year; what can be done, ought not to be delayed.


April 3, 1779, 11. P. M.

THIS is the time of my

and annual refolution.

comfortlefs, little done.

annual review,

The review is

Part of the

Life of Dryden and the Life of Milton have been written; but my mind has neither been improved nor enlarged. I


have read little, almoft nothing: And I am not confcious that I have gained any good, or quitted any evil habits.

Of refolutions I have made fo many, with fo little effect, that I am almoft weary, but, by the help of God, am not yet hopeless. Good refolutions muft be made and kept. I am almoft seventy years old, and have no time to lofe. The diftressful reftleffness of my nights, makes it difficult to fettle the course of my days. Something, however, let me do.

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