Community Power Structure: A Study of Decision MakersUniversity of North Carolina Press, 1953 - 297 páginas In this study of busy, complex Regional City -- and it is a real city -- the author has analyzed the power structure from top to bottom. He has searched out the men of power and, under fictitious names, has described them as they initiate policies in their offices, their homes, their clubs. They form a small, stable group at the top of the social structure. Their decision-making activities are not known to the public, but they are responsible for whatever is done, or not done, in their community. Beneath this top policy group is a clearly marked social stratification, through which decisions sift down to the substructures chosen to put them into effect. The dynamic relations within the power structure are made clear in charts, but the real interest lies in the author's report of what people themselves say. The African American community is also studied, with its own power structure and its own complicated relations with the large community. The method of study is fully described in an Appendix. The book should be of particular value to sociologists, political scientists, city-planning executives, Community Council members, social workers, teachers, and research workers in related fields. As a vigorous and readable presentation of facts, it should appeal to the reader who would like to know how his/her own community is run. Community Power Structure is not an expose. It is a description and discussion of a social phenomenon as it occured. It is based on sound field research, including personal observation and interviews by the author. |
Introduction | 1 |
Location of Power in Regional City | 8 |
What Some Leaders Are Like | 26 |
Direitos de autor | |
9 outras secções não apresentadas
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Palavras e frases frequentes
action activities Adam Graves affairs agency Aiken areas asked associations big policy called cerned Charles Homer citizens civic clubs committee Community Council community leaders Company concerned crowd Cruthers described discussion Epworth FLOYD HUNTER formal Gary Stone George Delbert Harry Parker indicated individual informal institutions interaction interviewed issues or projects John Webster Joseph Hardy labor larger community leaders in Regional Leadership Poll luncheon major Mark Parks meeting Moster munity mutual choices Negro community Negro leaders Number of Votes operate organizations pattern persons Plan of Development policy decision policy leaders policy-making group political Poplar Village position power in Regional power leaders power personnel power relations power structure problems profes professional personnel Progressive party question Regional City leaders relationships represent selected situation social sociogram sub-community leaders tend things tion tional top leaders under-structure personnel under-structure professional upper-limits group welfare workers
Referências a este livro
The Hollow Core: Private Interests in National Policy Making John P. Heinz Visualização de excertos - 1993 |
Limits Citizen Participation: Decline of Community Organizations Marilyn Gittell Visualização de excertos - 1980 |