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truth of it, their Master himself put an end to the debate, by standing in the midst of them, and saying, "Peace be unto you.” This appearance of our blessed Saviour greatly terrified the disciples, who supposed they had seen a spirit; for having secured the doors of the house, where they were assembled, for fear of the Jews, and Jesus having opened the locks by his miraculous power, without the knowledge of any in the house, it was natural for them to think that a spirit only could enter. The circumstance, therefore, of the doors being shut, is very happily mentioned by St. John; because it suggests a reason why the disciples took their Master for a spirit, notwithstanding many of them were convinced that he was really risen from the dead, and were that moment conversing about his resurrection.

But to dispel their fears and doubts, Jesus came forward, and spoke to them in the most endearing accent: shewed them his hands and his feet, and desired them to handle him, in order to convince themselves by the united powers of their different senses, that it was he himself, and no spectre or apparition. Why are ye troubled, (said the benevolent Redeemer of mankind) and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold my hands and my feet, that it is 1 myself: handle me and see, for a spirit hath no flesh and bones, as ye see me have.”


These infallible proofs sufficiently convinced the disciples of the truth of their Lord's resurrection, and they received him with rapture and exultation. But their joy and wonder had so great an effect upon their minds, that some of them, sensible of the great commotion they were in, suspended their belief, till they had considered the matter more calmly. Jesus, therefore, knowing their thoughts, called for meat and ate with them, in order to prove, more fully, the truth of his resurrection

from the dead, and the reality of his presence with them on this occasion.

After giving this farther ocular demonstration of his having vanquished the power of death, and opened the tremendous portals of the grave, he again repeated his salutation, "Peace be unto you." Adding, Adding, "the same commission that my Father hath given unto me, I give unto you go ye therefore into every part of the world, and preach the gospel to all the children of men." Then breathing on them, he said, "Receive the Holy Ghost, to direct and assist you in the execution of your commission. Whosoever embraces your doctrine, and sincerely repents, ye shall remit his sins, and your sentence of absolution shall be ratified and confirmed in the courts of heaven. And whosoever either obstinately rejects your doctrine, disobeys it, or behaves himself unworthily, after he hath embraced it, his sins shall not be forgiven him; but the censure ye shall pass upon him on earth, shall be confirmed in heaven."

Thomas, otherwise called Didymus, was absent at this meeting of the apostles; nor did this happen without the special direction of Providence, that the particular and extraordinary satisfaction, which was afterwards granted him, might be an abundant and undeniable testimony of the truth of our blessed Saviour's resurrection to all succeeding generations. The rest of the apostles, therefore, told him, that they had seen the Lord, and repeated to him the words be had delivered in their hearing. But Thomas replied, "This event is of such great importance, that unless, to prevent all possibility of deception, I see him with mine own eyes, and feel him with mine own hands, putting my fingers into the print of the nails, whereby be was fastened to the cross, and thrust my hand into his side, which the soldier pierced with his spear, I will not believe that he is really and truly risen from the dead.”

Thus have we enumerated, in the most explicit manner, the transactions of that day on which the great Redeemer of mankind arose from the dead; a day highly to be remembered by the children of men throughout all generations. A day in which was fully completed and displayed the conceptions lodged in the breast of infinite wisdom from all eternity! even those thoughts of love and mercy, on which the salvation of the world depended. Christians have therefore the highest reason to solemnize this day with gladness, each returning week, by ceasing from their labour, and giving up themselves to prayer, pious meditation, and other exercises of religion.

The redemption of mankind, which they weekly commemorate, affords matter for eternal thought; it is a subject impossible to be equalled, and whose lustre neither length of time, nor frequent reviewing, can either tarnish or diminish. It resembles the sun, which we behold always the same glorious and luminous object; for the benefit we celebrate is after so many ages, as fresh and beautiful as ever, and will always continue the same, flourishing in the memories of pious people, through the endless revolutions of eternity. Redemption is the brightest mirror by which we contemplate the goodness of the Almighty. Other gifts are only mites from the divine treasure; but redemption opens, I had almost said exhausts, all the stores of his grace. May it be constantly the favourite subject of our meditation, more delightful to our musing minds, than applause to the ambitious ear! May it be the darling theme of our discourse; sweeter to our tongues than the dropping of the honey-comb to the taste! May it be our choicest comfort, through all the changes of this mortal life, and the reviving cordial, even in the last extremities of dissolution itself!

Eight days after the resurrection of our great Redeemer, the blessed Jesus shewed himself again to his disciples, while Tho

mas was with them; and upbraided that disciple for his unbelief; but knowing that it did not, like that of the pharisees, proceed from a wicked mind, but from an honest heart, and sincere desire of being satisfied of the truth, he thus addressed himself to his doubting disciples; "Thomas, said he, since thou wilt not be contented to rely on the testimony of others, but must be convinced by the experience of thy own senses, behold the wounds in my hands, and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side, and doubt no longer of the reality of my resurrection."

Thomas immediately obeyed the kind invitation of his dear Master, and being fully satisfied according to his own desire, he cried out, "I am abundantly convinced; thou art indeed my Lord, the very same that was crucified, and I acknowledge thy Almighty power, in having triumphed over death, and worship thee as my God."

To which the blessed Jesus replied: "Because thou hast both seen and felt me, Thomas, thou hast believed that I am really risen from the dead. But blessed are they. who without such evidence of the senses, shall, upon credible testimony, be willing to believe and embrace a doctrine which tends so greatly to the glory of God, and the salvation of the sons of men."

St. John adds, that the blessed Jesus appeared, on several other occasions, to his disciples, after his resurrection: and by many clear and infallible proofs, not mentioned by the evangelist, fully convinced them that he was alive after his passion. But those which are mentioned are abundantly sufficient to induce men to believe that Jesus: was the Son of God, the great Messiah, so often foretold by the ancient prophets; and that by means of that belief, they may obtain everlasting life, in the happy regions of the heavenly Canaan.

Our blessed Saviour having, first by the

angels, and afterwards in person, ordered his disciples to repair to their respective habitations in Galilee, it is reasonable to think they would leave Jerusalem as soon as possible. This they accordingly did, and on their arrival at their respective places of abode, applied themselves to their usual occupations; and the apostles returned to their old trade of fishing on the lake of Tiberius. Here they were toiling with their nets, very early in the morning, and saw Jesus standing on the shore, but did not then know him to be their Master, as it was something dark, and they at a considerable distance from him.

He, however, called to them, and asked if they had taken any fish; to which they answered, they had caught nothing. He then desired them to let down their nets on the right side of the boat, and they should not be disappointed.

The disciples imagining that he might be acquainted with the places proper for fishing, did as he had directed them, and enclosed in their net such a prodigious multitude of fishes, that they were not able to draw it into the boat, but were forced to drag it after them in the water towards. the shore.

It seems they had toiled all the preeeding night to no purpose: and therefore such remarkable success could not fail of causing various conjectures among them with regard to the stranger on the shore, who had given them such happy advice. Some of the apostles declared they could not imagine who he was; but others were persuaded that this person was no other than their great and beloved Master. John was fully convinced of his being the Lord, and accordingly told his thoughts to Simon Peter, who making no doubt of it, girded on his fisher's coat, and leaped into the sea, in order to get ashore sooner than the boat could be brought to land, dragging after it a net full of large fishes. No. 17.

When the disciples came ashore, they found a fire kindled, and on it a fish broiling, and near it some bread. But neither being sufficient for the company, Jesus bade them bring some of the fish they had now caught, and invited them to eat with him. Thus did the blessed Jesus prove again to his disciples the reality of his resurrection, not only by eating with them, but by working a miracle like that, which at the beginning of his ministry, had made such an impression upon them, as disposed them to be his constant followers.

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When they had eaten, Jesus reminded Peter, how diligent and zealous he ought to be in order to wipe off the stain of his denying him when he was carried before the high-priest. "Simon, son of Jonas," said our blessed Saviour to him, "art thou more zealous and affectionate in thy love towards me, than the rest of my disciples ?" To which Peter answered, "Yea, Lord: thou knowest that I love thee." He was taught modesty and diffidence by his late fall; and therefore would not compare himself with others, but humbly appealed to his Master's omniscience, for the sincerity of his regard to him. Jesus answered, "Express then thy love towards me, by the care of my flock committed to thy charge. "Feed my lambs, Feed my sheep." Shew your love to me, by publishing the great salvation I have accomplished; and feeding the souls of faithful believers, with that food which never perishes, but endures for ever and ever.

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and stretchest out thine hands to come to me, shalt in thine old age be girt by others, and forced to stretch out thine hand against thy will in a very different manner, for the sake of thy constant profession of my religion."

By these last words, Jesus signified the manner of Peter's death, and that he should finally suffer martyrdom, for the glory of God, and the testimony of the truth of the Christian religion.

The time being now come when the disciples were to meet their great Lord and Master, according to the messages he had sent them by the women, and in all probability appointed at some former appearance not mentioned by the evangelists, the brethren set out for the mountain in Galilee, perhaps that on which he was transfigured. Here five hundred of them were gathered together, expecting the joyful sight of their great Master, after he had triumphed over death and the grave; some of them not having yet seen him after his resurrection.

They did not wait long before Jesus appeared, on which they were seized with rapture, their hearts overflowed with gladness, they approached their kind, their benevolent Master, and worshipped him. Some few, indeed, doubted: it being then agreeable to nature for men to be afraid to believe what they vehemently wished, lest they should indulge themselves in false joys, which vanish like a morning cloud. But Jesus afterwards appeared frequently to them, and gave all of them full satisfaction, and instructed them in many things relating to their preaching the gospel, establishing the church, and spreading it through the whole earth.


Our Lord's Ascension. The Resurrection of Jesus asserted and vindicated against the Objections of Unbelievers. General Review of the Life and Doctrines of the great Redeemer.

A FEW days before the feast of Pente

cost, or the feast of weeks, the disciples went up to Jerusalem, where the blessed Jesus made his last appearance to them; and after instructing them in many particulars concerning the kingdom of God, and the manner they were to behave themselves in propagating the doctrine of the gospel, he put them in mind that, during his abode with them in Galilee, he had often told them, that all things written in the law, the prophets, and the psalms, concerning him, were to be exactly accomplished. At the same time, (he opened their understanding), that is, he removed their prejudices, by the operation of his spirit, cleared their doubts, improved their memories, strengthened their judgments, and enabled them to discern the true meaning of the scriptures.

Having thus qualified them for receiving the truth, he again assured them, that both Moses and the prophets had foretold, that the Messiah was to suffer in the very manner he had suffered that he was to rise from the dead, on the third day, as he had done; and that repentance and remission of sins was to be preached in the Messiah's name, among all nations, beginning with the Jews.

He next delivered unto them their eommission to preach the doctrine of repentance and remission of sins, in his name, among all nations, and to testify unto the world the exact accomplishment in him, of all things foretold concerning the Messiah ; and to enable them to perform this important work, promised to bestow on them

the miraculous gift of the Spirit, which he called the promise of his father; because the Almighty had promised them by his prophets.

Having thus fortified them for the important work they were going to undertake, he led them on to the mount of Olives, as far as Bethany; where, standing on a hill above the town, he told them that he was now raised to the government of heaven and earth for which reason they might go courageously through all the world, and preach the gospel to every rational creature; assuring themselves, that affairs in all countries should be so, as to dispose the inhabitants for the reception of the gospel; that they who believed were to be admitted into his church by the rite of baptism, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and be taught in consequence of their baptism, to obey all the precepts he had enjoined them; that such baptized believers should receive the pardon of their sius, together with eternal life in the happy mansions of his Father's kingdom; but such as refused to embrace the doctrines of the gospel should be for ever excluded from those happy regions, and have their portion in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone: that while they were employed in this work, he would be constantly with them to the end of the world, to guide them by his counsel, to assist them by his spirit, and to protect them by his Providence. Finally, that those who should through their preaching, be induced to believe, should themselves work most astonishing miracles, by which the gospel should be propagated with the greatest rapidity.

When the blessed Jesus had spoken these things, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. And in the action of blessing them, he was parted from them in the midst of the day, a shining cloud receiving him out of their sight; that is, this brilliant cloud encompassed him about, and carried him up to heaven: not suddenly, but at leisure,

that they might behold him departing, and see the proof of his ascending into heaven,. as he had promised them.

The cloud in which the blessed Jesus ascended, was more bright and pure than the clearest lambent flame, being no other than the Schechinah, or glory of the Lord! the visible symbol of the divine presence which had so often appeared to the patriarchs of old; which filled the temple at its dedication, and which, in its greatest splendor, could not be beheld with mortal eyes; for which reason it is called the light inaccessible, in which the Almighty


As he ascended, the flaming cloud that surrounded him marked his passage throughthe air, but gradually lost its magnitude in the eyes of those who stood below: till it at last vanished, together with their beloved Master, out of their sight.

Thus was the great Redeemer of mankind triumphantly carried into heaven, where he now sitteth at the right hand of God his Father, to whom be honour, glory, and power, for ever and ever.. Amen.

Hosanna to the prince of light,
That cloth'd himself in clay;
Enter'd the iron gates of death,
And tore the bars away.

Death is no more the king of dread,
Since Christ our Lord arose;
He took the tyrant's sting away,
And spoil'd our hellish foes.

See how the conqu'ror mounts aloft,
And to his Father flies,
With scars of honour in his flesh,
And triumph in his eyes.

There our exalted Saviour reigns,
And scatters blessings down;
Our Jesus fills the right-hand seat
Of the celestial throne..

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