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ceived much treatment for the same without benefit. He has been successively, he says, under the care of thirteen medical men, some of them hospital surgeons and physicians of eminence, and under their direction he has had every tooth in his head extracted. When seen by me, from the loss of his teeth, he had the appearance of an old man. The entire tongue was indurated, scored with deep fissures in the centre, and the eipthelium destroyed, so that the surface was glazed. I could find no evidence of syphilis in any other part of the body, but from the character of the induration principally, I at once told him that his case was a curable one, and that he need not have lost a single tooth. I ordered him a borax-and-glycerine lotion, and a mixture containing iodide of potassium and iron. On the 28th of July the induration and the size of the tongue were much diminished.-Continue the same treatment. August 4, induration nearly gone, fissures healed. Same lotion, hydrochloric acid and bark August 11, tongue quite well, fissures closed, induration gone. The papilla of the tongue have reappeared, and it has in fact resumed a perfectly healthy aspect: general health excellent. Thus, in less than a month, was cured a disease which had baffled the efforts of numerous surgeons for two years, and deprived the poor fellow of all his teeth.

John K., aged 35 (admitted March 2, 1852), a pale man, of nervous temperament, had a sore-throat ten weeks since, and then first noticed an induration on the dorsum of the tongue. There is now considerable induration and hypertrophy, with a deep sulcus having ragged edges running down the centre. There is not


much pain attending it, and he eats fairly. Habits regular. Ordered tinctura ferri mur. m. xv. ter, and a lotion containing an ounce of the tincture of iron to a pint of water. The induration began to lessen in April, and on the 13th of May it was greatly diminished. On the 27th the cleft in centre of tongue was closed. He then neglected his remedies, and only attended at irregular intervals. In August of the same year the report is, 'No ulceration, but tongue still hypertrophied.' Ordered cod-liver oil. He appeared again in April 1853. There was still induration of the whole tongue, with sulci, not ulcerated. Ordered tincture of iron Zi. liq. potassæ arsenitis 3ss. mxx. ter die, and cod-liver oil. In May some induration appeared in the cheek at the angle of the jaw, and on the palate as well as at the base of the tongue. Ordered tinct. ferri mur. 3jss., tinct. iodinii 3 ss. m. xx. ter die, with cod-liver oil. In July the hypertrophy of the tongue had disappeared, but there was some lingering of the same about the soft palate. August 22, tongue and palate quite well.-Omit the iodine, and continue the tincture of iron and oil. September 13, tongue and palate remain well; has a bad cough, but no physical signs of lung-disease. Continue the iron and oil.-Go to seaside. February 14, 1854, has been at work at Portsmouth since last here; has gained flesh and feels quite well. Seen again October 31; mouth and tongue quite well.

James M., aged 36, a pale leucophlegmatic man, was admitted an out-patient at the Cancer Hospital, under my care, December 12, 1861. Has had an elevated granular ulceration of the right side of the anterior part of the tongue for two months; it covers




much pain attending it, and he eats fairly. Habits regular. Ordered tinctura ferri mur. m. xv. ter, and a lotion containing an ounce of the tincture of iron to a pint of water. The induration began to lessen in April, and on the 13th of May it was greatly diminished. On the 27th the cleft in centre of tongue was closed. He then neglected his remedies, and only attended at irregular intervals. In August of the same year the report is, 'No ulceration, but tongue still hypertrophied.' Ordered cod-liver oil. He appeared again in April 1853. There was still induration of the whole tongue, with sulci, not ulcerated. Ordered tincture of iron 3i. liq. potassæ arsenitis 3ss. mxx. ter die, and cod-liver oil. In May some induration appeared in the cheek at the angle of the jaw, and on the palate as well as at the base of the tongue. Ordered tinct. ferri mur. 3jss., tinct. iodinii 3 ss. m. xx. ter die, with cod-liver oil. In July the hypertrophy of the tongue had dis- appeared, but there was some lingering of the same about the soft palate. August 22, tongue and palate quite well. Omit the iodine, and continue the tincture of iron and oil. September 13, tongue and palate remain well; has a bad cough, but no physical signs of lung-disease. Continue the iron and oil.-Go to seaside. February 14, 1854, has been at work at Portsmouth since last here; has gained flesh and feels quite well. Seen again October 31; mouth and tongue quite well.

James M., aged 36, a pale leucophlegmatic man, was admitted an out-patient at the Cancer Hospital, under my care, December 12, 1861. Has had an elevated granular ulceration of the right side of the anterior part of the tongue for two months; it covers




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