Imagens das páginas

Pablo Rodriguez, by trade a porter, and at present in the hospital of St. Andres of this city, has had for a long time the singular excrescences which are seen on the right side of his head. From a common base this tumour divides itself into three branches, which, hard and crooked (particularly the principal one, which is about 12 inches in length) present the texture of a ram's horn, fluted lengthwise; a part of it being burnt, it exhaled a smell similar to that of horn. We are not able to say whether the excrescence is really of the nature of horn, but we I will add that it does not adhere to the cranium, and that being cut transversely, it appears like the agglomeration of many membranes or callous scales, connected vertically.

The discovery and examination of this phenomenon, are attributable to accident. Rodriguez, who always kept this excrescence covered, was supposed to have a large wen, until a package of sugar fell upon his head, broke the largest branch of the tumour, and obliged him to present himself at the hospital. He is now there, and has been visited by many of the curious of this city and the neighbourhood.

(Note on the foregoing by Dr. C. Wistar, professor of anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania.)


The production of horny substances on the surface of the body, is not so surprising after reflection upon the subject, as it is upon the first view of it.

Most of these horns, as they are called, appear to consist of the same substance with the cuticle, and are analogous, in some respect, to those excrescences from it which are denominated corns. Notwithstanding the cuticle exists in the fœtus in utero, and therefore may be considered as an original part of the body, it appears nevertheless to be dependant upon the cutis vera; for it is reproduced by the skin, whenever it is destroyed.

The nails on our fingers, and the claws of other animals, have a strong resemblance to those horny substances. These nails and claws are continuations of the cuticle, and supply its place in covering a part of the fingers and toes; and when the cuticle is separated from the cutis vera by putrefaction, they come off with it, and leave bare the parts they covered.

They also have the same chemical qualities with the cuticle. Like the cuticle, they are reproduced by the cutis, and seem dependant upon it for their growth. It is therefore probable that a particular condition of the portion of the cutis vera which is connected with these excrescences, occasions their formation, but the nature of this condition is unknown to us. The external cause which produces corns is completely ascertained, although we are ignorant of its modus operandi.

It is mechanical pressure, which, when confined to a small spot, produces excrescences with

a small base, like corns; and when applied so as to act upon a more extended surface, occasions, a general thickening of the cuticle, such as takes place on the soles of the feet.

The portrait of a person who had a large excrescence of this kind, is to be seen at Mr. Peale's museum, in Philadelphia.

(See the French work-" Dictionnaire des Merveilles de la Nature," 1st vol. title "Conformations extraordinaires,” for several curious instances of the same nature.)

CHARACTER of the late ROBERT | FULTON, Esq. from COLDEN's life of that celebrated Engineer, read before the Literary and Historical Society of New York.

We cannot think that it will be imputed to an undue partiality for our regretted associate, if we say that there cannot be found on the records of departed worth, the name of a person to whose individual exertions mankind are more indebted than they are to the late Robert Fulton. The combined efforts of philosophers and statesmen have improved the condition of man; but no individual has conferred more important benefits on his species than he whose memory now engages our attention.

When we have taken a view of what he has done, and bestowed some consideration on its effects, it will not appear that this praise is exaggerated, and we shall be obliged to acknowledge. acknowledge that though others may have been conducted in the paths of science by superior learning, and may have had a more dazzling career, the labours of no individual have been

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more honourable, meritorious, or practically useful.

The establishment of steam navigation will form an important epoch in the history of our species. -The name of the man who accomplished it will live to the remotest ages, if he be not robbed of the fame which is due to the employment of a superior genius, with surprising courage, industry, perseverance, and success.

Robert Fulton was born in the town of Little Britain, in the county of Lancaster, and state of Pennsylvania, in the year 1765; he was of a respectable though not opulent family. His father, Robert Fulton, was a native of Kilkenny, in Ireland. His mother was also of a respectable Irish family, by the name of Smith, established in Pennsylvania.

In his infancy he was put to school in Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, where he acquired the rudi. ments of a common English education.

His peculiar genius manifested itself at a very early age. In his childhood, all his hours of recreation were passed in the shops of mechanics, or in the employment of his pencil; and at this early period of his life he had no other desire for money than to supply himself with the necessary mate rials to indulge his taste for me. chanism and drawing.

By the time he had attained the age of seventeen years, he became so much an artist with his pencil, as to derive emolument from painting portraits and landscapes, in Philadelphia, where he remained till he was about twenty-one. In this time he had made the acquaintance of our celebrated countryman Doctor Franklin, by whom he was much noticed.

Mr. Fulton throughout his

course as a mechanist and civil | his machines were broken or disengineer, derived great advantage from his talent for drawing and painting. He was an elegant and accurate draftsman.

It is gratifying to find, that Mr. Fulton ever felt as an American. His long residence abroad did not enfeeble his attachment to his country. Thoughts of her prosperity and welfare were connected with all his projects; and those that he thought might be of advantage to her, he communicated with a promptness and disinterestedness which marked his desire to serve her.

Ardour and perseverance were characters of Mr. Fulton's mind; when he had conceived what he thought a practicable and beneficial project, he left no means untried, and spared no pains for its accomplishment.

It may be well to notice here, a matter not otherwise of importance, than as it serves to mark the pliancy of Mr. Fulton's mind, and the versatility of his genius. At a time when he was taking a step which, as he thought, would be decisive to the fate of nations, which put his life at risk, and might determine his own fortune, he amused himself with making sketches from the scenery of Holland, and representations of the manners, figures, and costume of the Hollanders; some of them are broad caricatures, which cannot but excite a smile. They are found in his port folio, and though in general they are but sketches, they show that they are from the hand of a master, guided by wit and genius.

Throughout the whole course of his experiments, no opposition or contradiction, no failure or disappointment, irritated, discouraged, or discomposed him. When

ordered, he, with the utmost calmness and composure, pointed out their defects or the causes of his disappointment. If an experiment failed, though it had cost him great pains and labour in the preparation; and although the failure was frequently, and obviously, owing to the awkwardness or unskilfulness of those who assisted him, his temper could not be disturbed; he would not hear the scoffs of some of the numerous bystanders, which were frequently expressed in whispers intended to reach his ear, Not a fretful or angry word ever escaped him, and after a disappointment he recommenced his preparations with the same ardour, and with the same calmness, with which he at first began, Even when his physical strength must have been exhausted by his corporeal exertions, and the excessive fatigue he would sometimes undergo through a sultry day, his spirits were never for a moment depressed. On these occasions he showed himself as much a moral as a mechanical philosopher.

We have all witnessed with what zeal Mr. Fulton bestowed his time, his talents, and his purse, for the promotion of the useful and the fine arts. One of the last acts of his life manifested this disposition. By his will, which was made but a few days before his death, he devised that, in certain events, his pictures, and one half of his property not otherwise disposed of, should go to an academy of fine arts, when such an academy should be established, at the place which may be the seat of the national government.

Mr. Fulton was about six feet high. His person was slender, but well proportioned, and well formed-Nature had made him a gen

tleman, and bestowed upon him |
ease and gracefulness. He had too
much good sense for the least af-
fectation; and a modest confidence
in his own worth and talents, gave
him an unembarrassed deportment
in all companies.-His features
were strong, and of a manly beau-
ty: he had large dark eyes, and a
projecting brow, expressive of in-
telligence and thought: his temper
was mild, and his disposition live-
ly: he was fond of society, which
he always enlivened by cheerful, |
cordial manners, and instructed or
pleased by his sensible conversa-
tion: He expressed himself with
energy, fluency and correctness,
and as he owed more to his own
experience and reflections, than to
books, his sentiments were often
interesting from their originality.
In all his domestic and social

relations he was zealous, kind, generous, liberal, and affectionate. He knew of no use for money but as it was subservient to charity, hospitality, and the sciences. But what was most conspicuous in his character, was his calm constancy, his industry, and that indefatigable patience and perseverance, which always enabled him to overcome difficulties.

He was decidedly a republican. The determination which he often avowed, that he never would accept an office, is an evidence of the disinterestedness of his politics; but his zeal for his opinions or party, did not extinguish his kindness for the merits of his opponents. Society will long remember and regret him; but he will be most lamented by those, by whom he was best known.


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