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faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Great revolutions are going on in the religious and moral world; and while mind meets mind in the conflict of opinions, it should not be forgotten, that there are thousands, who need not so much to be strengthened in theoretical as in practical faith; who have, by diligent inquiry, become acquainted with the arguments in favor of gospel truth, -but who need the practical application of that greatest argument of all, - " a well ordered life and conversation," to complete them in Christian discipleship. To such this book is presented; and while it is not expected, that the seeker after controversial logic, or the mere professor of religion, will be much entertained in its company, it is devoutly hoped, that to many an humble spirit, seeking to know and to do the will of God, it may prove a cheerful visitant, - a profitable companion.

APRIL 1, 1840.

J. G. A.


Controversy on Religion. - The Test.

Christianity; its supe-
Words of Christ. - True

rior Claims. - Infidel Statement.
and False Religion. - The Jewish and Christian compared.
Universal Spirit of Christianity. - Its Doctrines and Precepts.

Belief in Jesus Christ. - Nature of true Faith. - Simplicity

of the Christian Religion. Good Works better than Abstract

Faith. - New Testament Illustrations. - Active Righteous-

ness required. - Religion traced to the Divine Attributes.

Duties growing out of a Knowledge of them. Christianity

blends Doctrine and Practice. - Language of Jesus. - Truth

should be applied. - Extract.

Duty of Self-examination.

Its Nature. - Neglect of it among


Saviour's Direction. - The Faults of others are

not to engross too much of our Attention. - The Inquiry we
should institute with our own Hearts. - Apostolic Testimony.-
A Course of Questions proposed.-Language of Hannah More.

How Self-examination should be carried on: with Trust in

God: with Sincerity: with Impartiality: with a Resolve to

profit: to overcome our Secret Sins. - The true Standard to

be kept before us.


Apostle's Description. - Evils of the Tongue.-1. GossIP. Un-
profitable Talk. - Remarks on others. - How to be made.
Gossipping a great social Evil.- 2. SLANDER. Causes of it.
Example cited. - Silence, under certain Circumstances, crim-
inal. - Slander among contending Sects: in the Religious and
Political World. - Evil Conduct of others sometimes to be no-
ticed. - How to speak of their Failings. - A good Remark. -
Anecdote of Peter the Great. - Story of Pambus. - Example
of Jesus. - 3. LYING. Christians in Danger of this Sin. - An
Example. - Mrs. Opie's Classification of Lies. - Aristotle's
Remark. - Addison's Statement. - Dr. Johnson's Opinion and
Practice. - Paley's Definition. - Duty of the Christian drawn
from the Scriptures. - 4. Cursing and SWEARING. Cursing
contrary to the Spirit of Christianity. - The Christian's Im-
precation. - Prevalence of Swearing. - Strange Facts in rela-
tion to it. - Directions of Scripture. - Sinfulness of Swear-

An Error. - THE CHRISTIAN SABBATH. - Public Worship. -
THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY: Support of it. - A Fault. Mur-
ray's Opinion. - Punctual Payment necessary. - Hearing No-
ted Preachers. - ATTENDANCE ON PUBLIC WORSHIP. - Certain
Characters noticed. - Extract. - Causes of neglect of Public
Worship. Lack of Inclination. Dislike of Preacher. - Ex-

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