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8 & 9 VICTORIA. 1845.
Printed by Her Majesty's Printers;
(Price 11. 11s. 6d. in Boards.)
Containing the TITLES of all
Passed in the FIFTH Session of the FOURTEENTH
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland;
8° & 9° VICTORIÆ.
1. AN Act to apply the Sum of Eight Millions out of the Con-
solidated Fund to the Service of the Year One thousand
eight hundred and forty-five. Page 1
2. An Act to continue for Three Years the Stamp Duties granted
by an Act of the Fifth and Sixth Years of Her present
Majesty, to assimilate the Stamp Duties in Great Britain and
Ireland, and to make Regulations for collecting and managing
the same, until the Tenth Day of October One thousand eight
hundred and forty-five.
3. An Act for the Appointment of Constables or other Officers
for keeping the Peace near public Works in Scotland.
4. An Act to continue for Three Years the Duties on Profits
arising from Property, Professions, Trades, and Offices. 4
5. An Act for granting to Her Majesty, until the Fifth Day of
July One thousand eight hundred and forty-six, certain Duties
on Sugar imported into the United Kingdom.
6. An Act to repeal the Duties and Laws of Excise on Glass. 11
7. An Act to repeal the Duties of Customs due upon the
Exportation of certain Goods from the United Kingdom.
8. An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the
better Payment of the Army and their Quarters.
9. An Act for the Regulation of Her Majesty's Royal Marine
Forces while on shore.
10. An Act to make certain Provisions for Proceedings in Bas-
11. An Act for assigning Sheriffs in Wales.
12. An Act to alter and amend certain Duties of Customs.
A 2
13. An
13. An Act to repeal the Duties of Excise on Sugar manu-
factured in the United Kingdom, and to impose other Duties
in lieu thereof.
Page 64
14. An Act to exempt Ships carrying Passengers to North
America from the Obligation of having on board a Physician,
Surgeon, or Apothecary.
15. An Act to repeal the Duties of Excise on Sales by Auction,
and to impose a new Duty on the Licence to be taken out by
all Auctioneers in the United Kingdom.
16. An Act for consolidating in One Act certain Provisions
usually inserted in Acts with respect to the Constitution of
Companies incorporated for carrying on Undertakings of a
public Nature. 71
17. An Act for consolidating in One Act certain Provisions
public Nature in Scotland.
18. An Act for consolidating in One Act certain Provisions
usually inserted in Acts authorizing the taking of Lands for
Undertakings of a public Nature.
19. An Act for consolidating in One Act certain Provisions
Undertakings of a public Nature in Scotland.
20. An Act for consolidating in One Act certain Provisions
usually inserted in Acts authorizing the making of Railways.
21. An Act to amend an Act of the Fifty-third of George the
Third, for appointing a Stipendiary Magistrate for the Town-
ships of Manchester and Salford; and to provide a Stipen-
diary Magistrate for the Division of Manchester.
22. An Act to enable the Commissioners of Greenwich Hos-
pital to widen and improve Fisher Lane in Greenwich; and for
other Purposes connected with the Estates of the said Commis-
23. An Act for raising the Sum of Nine millions three hundred
and seventy-nine thousand six hundred Pounds by Exchequer
Bills for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred
and forty-five.
24. An Act to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom
as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employ..
ments, and to extend the Time limited for those Purposes
respectively until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand
eight hundred and forty-six.
25. An Act to amend Two Acts passed in Ireland for the better
Education of Persons professing the Roman Catholic Religion,
and for the better Government of the College established at
Maynooth for the Education of such Persons, and also an Act
passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom for amending
the said Two Acts.
26. An Act to prevent fishing for Trout or other Freshwater
Fish by Nets in the Rivers and Waters in Scotland.
27. An Act to amend the Act to establish Military Savings Banks.
28. An Act to empower Canal Companies and the Commissioners
of Navigable Rivers to vary their Tolls, Rates, and Charges
on different Parts of their Navigations.
Page 310
29. An Act to regulate the Labour of Children, young Persons,
and Women, in Print Works.
30. An Act to amend an Act passed in the Third and Fourth
Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the
Fourth, intituled An Act for the better Administration of
Justice in His Majesty's Privy Council.
31. An Act to facilitate the Transmission and Extinction of
Heritable Securities for Debt in Scotland. 339
32. An Act to alter and amend the Laws enabling Justices of the
Peace in certain Cases to borrow Money on Mortgage of the
County Rates, so far as the same relate to the County of
33. An Act for consolidating in One Act certain Provisions usually
inserted in Acts authorizing the making of Railways in Scot-
34. An Act for abolishing the separate Seal Office of the Courts
of Queen's Bench and Common Pleas. 391
35. An Act to simplify the Form and diminish the Expence of
obtaining Infeftment in Heritable Property in Scotland. 393
36. An Act to continue for Five Years and to amend the Acts
for authorizing a Composition for Assessed Taxes. 397
37. An Act to regulate the Issue of Bank Notes in Ireland, and
to regulate the Repayment of certain Sums advanced by the
Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland for the Public
38. An Act to regulate the Issue of Bank Notes in Scotland.
39. An Act to amend the Law of Arrestment of Wages in Scot-
land. 439
40. An Act for amending an Act for making Provision for Parish
Schoolmasters in Scotland. Ibid.
41. An Act for amending the Laws concerning Highways, Bridges,
and Ferries in Scotland, and the making and maintaining thereof
by Statute Service, and by the Conversion of Statute Service
into Money. 440
42. An Act to enable Canal Companies to become Carriers of
Goods upon their Canals. 456
43. An Act for encouraging the Establishment of Museums in
large Towns.
44. An Act for the better Protection of Works of Art, and Sci-
entific and Literary Collections. 462
45. An Act to make perpetual and amend an Act of the Fifth
and Sixth Years of Her present Majesty, for preventing
Ships clearing out from any Port in British North America or
in the Settlement of Honduras from loading any Part of
their Cargo of Timber upon Deck. 463
46. An Act for the Appointment of additional Constables for
keeping the Peace near Public Works in Ireland.
47. An Act for the further Prevention of the Offence of Dog
A 3
48. An