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ing a special committee on text books for engineering extension. Is it the pleasure of the association to authorize the new executive committee to appoint such a special committee?

DEAN MARSTON.-I believe that such a committee would be very desirable. At present different institutions are taking up this work on engineering extension, and the preparation of these text books is an exceedingly expensive part of the work. If we had a committee, say three people who are connected with the work already started, to investigate and report at our next meeting a list of text books on engineering extension now prepared or in course of preparation, giving the prices and places of publication of those completed, it would be of great advantage to the institutions which are preparing to start that work.

I move you that a committee of three be appointed by the new executive committee for that purpose.

DEAN VOTEY.-I second the motion.

(Motion prevailed.)

CHAIRMAN TYLER.-Another suggestion of a similar order has been made for the appointing of a committee on engineering experiment stations. I think the suggestion came from Dean Stout. Is that a correct statement in regard to it?

DEAN STOUT.-Not in regard to experiment stations, but in regard to the question of charges for experimentation and advice. It was discussed yesterday morning, and the impression that was left with me was that it was desirable to obtain recommendations to be presented to the association, stating its attitude toward the question. CHAIRMAN TYLER.-Dean Stout will perhaps be good enough to prepare a written form for this resolution.

The matter of dues also awaits determination.

Is there a motion

in regard to the dues to be levied on the institutions represented? SECRETARY BISSELL.-Mr. Chairman, the secretary in his report recommends that the dues for the coming year be placed at ten dollars, and that was made after a careful consideration of our financial operations in the past, and in view of the probable volume of the proceedings of this meeting.

CHAIRMAN TYLER.-There is a motion that the dues for the year be set at ten dollars for each institution. Is that motion seconded? DEAN POTTER.-I second the motion. (Motion passed.) CHAIRMAN TYLER.-Is there any other miscellaneous matters that any member of the association would like to bring up this morning? If not, is Dean Jones ready to report for the nominating committee? DEAN JONES.-Mr. President and members of the society: The nominating committee considered geographical location and personal fitness in making its recommendations.

It also considered that a part of the executive committee should be continued, at least, to make the services connect up one year's meeting with another.

We also thought that the secretary-treasurer should continue for at least another year, perhaps a number of years, as he has under way various lines of investigation which could not well be taken up by anybody else.

Our nominations are as follows:

For president-Dr. H. W. Tyler.

For vice-presidents-President W. H. S. Demarest, President W. J. Kerr, and Honorable P. P. Claxton, ex officio.

For the executive committee-Dean Edward Orton, Jr., Dean C. E. Ferris, and Dean J. G. Scrugham.

For secretary-treasurer-Dean G. W. Bissell.

CHAIRMAN TYLER.-Gentlemen, you have heard the report of the nominating committee. May I be permitted to remark that so far as the present presiding officer is concerned, there has been no collusion in his taking the chair this morning, but he ventures to hope that he will be regarded as having served already a part of his sentence. (President Marston resumed the chair.)

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-In view of the blushes of Professor Tyler, I will ask you for action upon the report of the nominating committee; and in furtherance of Professor Tyler's remarks, I will say that I, also, had not heard anything about the report of the nominating committee at the time I asked Professor Tyler to take the chair. So that it seems to be a case where there was a very general agreement upon the right man.

Gentlemen, are you ready to act upon the report of the nominating committee?

DEAN RANDOLPH.-I move the adoption of the report and the election of the officers.

DEAN BENJAMIN.-I second the motion.

THE PRESIDENT.-It is moved that the secretary cast the unanimous ballot of the society for the list of officers presented by the nominating committee. Is there any debate? If not, those in favor of this motion will say aye; those opposed no. (Vote taken.)

The motion is carried unanimously.

SECRETARY BISSELL.-Mr. President, the ballot is cast.

DEAN JONES.-I forgot to say one thing. Our committee thought that the same officers would serve our interests in the A. A. A. C. E. S. if we are a part of that body.

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-Do you wish to make a record of it by mo


DEAN JONES.-I do not know that it is necessary. I think, perhaps, your motion covered that, did it not?

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-It gave the executive committee authority to take whatever steps were necessary. They might be a little bashful, possibly, in taking the very necessary step of continuing themselves in office.

DEAN JONES.-It might be a good thing to put it into the form of a motion, and I make that motion.

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-Is there a second to this motion?
DEAN RANDOLPH.-I second the motion.

SECRETARY BISSELL-I might say that we may find some technical difficulties in providing the proposed division of the section of college work and administration with a list of officers such as has been proposed for our organization. Their official list is limited practically to a chairman and secretary, and I fancy perhaps it would be just as well to let the matter rest with the executive committee.

THE PRESIDENT.-On that point I believe that the constitution and rules of the general association say nothing about officers of a division. They refer simply to officers of a section; so that I would feel that it might be wise for our executive committee to create a pretty good precedent while they are about it in this connection.

I believe the chair will overrule the secretary's objection to the motion, if the motion can be considered as in the light of a recommendation that, if possible, the present list of officers be continued. The executive committee would have the privilege of making a different arrangement if they found it necessary,

Is there debate on this? If not, those in favor will say aye; those opposed no.

(The motion was carried.)

SECRETARY BISSELL.-Dean Stout moves:

That the new executive committee be instructed to appoint a committee of five, one or more of whom shall be a president of a land grant college, to consider and report recommendations relative to the general subject of charges for engineering advice, tests and other services rendered to outside parties by the engineering departments and staff of the land grant colleges.

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-Is there a second to this motion?

DR. TYLER.-I second the motion.

(Motion put and carried.)

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-Is there any miscellaneous business of any kind to come before us? If not, it gives me very great pleasure to induct into office our new president and vice-presidents and secretary and members of the executive committee.

President Tyler we have had with us and it is extremely fitting that, as he was the last representative in the section when we had it before, he should be our first president of the new division. We all know him, and I really cannot say anything that would express how much we prize him and his work. President Tyler, I resign my office to you.

(President Tyler assumed the chair.)

PRESIDENT TYLER.-Gentlemen, those of you who were present at the interesting discussion last night will perhaps recall the remark of one of our agricultural friends that the old section on mechanic arts lastIed until I was the sole survivor. I could not help being reminded of my Sunday school experiences, and the story of the individual from whom one devil was cast out and he returned with a lot of others worse than himself.

I thank you very much for the honor of this election. I appreciate the fact that a very high standard of efficiency has been set by my predecessors in office, and my only hope of being able to meet the responsibility rests in the fact that our organization has become for the future perhaps a mere shadow of its previous self. However, I do not wish to imply that we shall do nothing.

Has any member of the association any business to bring up at this time? If not, I will announce a meeting of the new executive committee which, if it is agreeable to the members, might, I think, be held on the adjournment of this session.

Is there a motion for adjournment?

DEAN BENJAMIN.-I move that we adjourn.

DEAN POTTER.-I second the motion.

PRESIDENT TYLER.-Those in favor of this motion will say aye; those opposed no.

(Motion carried.)

Whereupon, at 12:20 o'clock p. m., the convention adjourned sine


Added after the meeting, by the secretary.


Progress made during the year.

The men in charge of Electrical Engineering at the Land Grant Colleges were asked their opinions in regard to organizing a system of Wireless Telegraph Stations to co-operate and be affiliated with the Land Grant College Engineering Association for the purpose of increasing the usefulness of the Engineering divisions and strengthening the relations between the institutions, as well as for the further development of wireless telegraphy from an engineering standpoint. Nearly all the answers received are in favor of organizing such a system.

A meeting will be called in the near future for the purpose of planning an organization and drawing up a constitution.

The interest taken in this project is very encouraging. We hope that an active organization may be completed during the coming year. J. A. THALER,



Aley, B. J., 8.
Bawden, W. T., 8.

Benjamin, C. H., 8, 14, 28, 62, 127,
129, 131, 136, 162, 167, 168.
Bissell, G. W., 8, 28, 42, 44, 47, 65,
66, 130, 132, 136, 137, 151, 165,
166, 167, 168.

Boardman, H. S., 8, 63, 87, 130.
Claxton, P. P., 8, 29, 34, 136, 166.
Covell, G. A., 8, 58, 62, 63, 66, 67.
Creese, M., 8.

Crisp, H. L., 8.

Curtis, A. J. R., 129, 130.
Dapray, J. A., 8, 144, 148.

Demarest, W. H. S., 8, 9, 44, 45,

136, 149, 166.
Diuniway, C. A., 8.
Earle, S. B., 8, 63.
Edwards, H., 8.

Ferris, C. E., 8, 76, 166.
Fortier, S., 125.
Gladson, W. L., 8, 130.
Gwinner, H., 8, 128, 130.
Haskell, E. E., 8, 99, 126.
Hendrick, A. W., 8.
Hewitt, C. E., 8, 65, 67.
Hoefer, E. G., 8.
House, E. B., 8, 126.
Jackson, J. P., 163.

Jones, C. R., 8, 91, 166, 167.
Keene, E. S., 8, 25, 68, 82.
Kerr, W. J., 8, 166.

Kinley, D., 8, 122.

Lory, C. A., 8, 26.
Mann, C. R., 153.

Marston, A., 8, 9, 14, 38, 40, 41, 42,

44, 45. 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 81,
99, 127, 130, 131, 132, 136, 147,
149, 150, 154, 166, 168.

Moyer, J. A., 8, 70.
Nichols, C. S., 8, 100.

Norris, E. B., 8, 22, 40, 136, 137, 139.
Orton, Jr., E., 8, 121, 128, 136, 140,
147, 166.

Pearson, R. A., 136.

Potter, A. A., 8, 46, 63, 118, 155,
162, 165, 166, 168.

Randolph, L. S., 8, 39, 67, 123, 146,

Richter, A. W., 8, 55, 63, 139.
Riggs, W. M., 8.

Schindel, S. J. B., 149.

Scrugham, J. G., 8, 77, 166.

Smith, K. G., 82.

Snyder, J. L., 8.

Sparks, E. E., 8, 136.

Spence, D. W., 8, 24, 120, 122, 132,
147, 148, 149.

Springer, G. P., 8.

Stout, O. V. P., 8, 39, 130, 131, 162,
165, 166.

Taliaferro, T. H., 8, 45, 65, 66, 129,

146, 147, 149, 154.

Thach, C. C., 8, 64, 65, 66.

Thaler, J. A., 169.

Titsworth, A. A., 8.
Trotter, F. B., 8.

Turneaure, F. E., 8, 19, 26, 119,
128, 137.

Tyler, H. W., 8, 25, 66, 67, 124, 136,
137, 149, 153, 154, 165, 166, 167,

Vincent, G. E., 8, 40, 41.

Votey, J. W., 8, 64, 67, 166.
Wales, R. L., 8, 65, 66.

Walker, E. D., 8, 40, 68, 129, 131.
Wheeler, B. I., 8.

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