Imagens das páginas

branch of engineering, and while, in the everyday routine problems, he may be in a position to give as good advice as any one else, there are the special problems coming up repeatedly which he lacks the knowledge to handle.

I know that at Pennsylvania State College I get letters very frequently from the county agricultural advisers asking how the farmer may do a certain piece of concrete work, for example. I get samples of gravel, or broken stone, with a request to state whether that would be a durable material in some concrete structure. I get questions as to how the farmer can build a cistern that will not only catch the rain water, but will deliver that rain water or keep the rain water in condition so that it is proper to use and will not become either distasteful or dangerous. I get requests as to how to handle any little bit of unusual work, perhaps in developing a small water power on the farm, and so on. Special problems of this kind are coming to the engineering school repeatedly. Some of them are referred by the county expert to the agricultural school, and by them transferred to us. More frequently they come to us directly from the county adviser.

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-If there is no objection, the chair will take the liberty of bringing up tomorrow, when the topic of engineering extension is under discussion, the question as to whether it would or would not be wise to appoint a committee to consider this subject of co-operation in the preparation of text books.

In further line with what Dean Walker has just said, I may mention one line of co-operation which is being carried on at the present time in a certain state. The state college has a department of engineering extension as well as a department of agricultural extension. The two staffs are under the charge of directors, but work in a co-operative way and in connection with the extension work and manual training for the rural schools, are working together, a man having been assigned to the subject from each department. The department of engineering extension furnishes the expert in manual training, who is working with the rural school expert from the agricultural extension department. Between them they are getting up courses for manual training and exercises especially adapted to boys on the farm. That is one of the instances where there is active co-operation between the engineering extension department and the agricultural extension department during the work of the past year.

PRESIDENT VINCENT.-Just a word or two to correct a possible misapprehension.

It seems to me the practice reported in Pennsylvania is dangerous in this way: I think that the problems ought to go to the department of agricultural extension, and that the engineer should be brought in through this. Otherwise you will soon be having, in connection with some of those problems, a conflict of field and a duplication.

If it could be understood that none of those things would be cared for except as a result of conference, I think that these special problems which undoubtedly would come up and which require a higher degree of skill, could be handled. The integrity of the agricultural organization, however, with relation to the open country, would be preserved. I believe that is a safe principle of organization and that such a co-operation as has just been described is perfectly feasible; but I have known cases where it would grow into a competition between an energetic engineering department and a fairly active agricultural engineering department, competition that would be un

fortunate in its reaction on the country districts, as well as in its influence inside the institution.

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-In the particular instance which I mentioned, it is intended eventually, I think, to have a director of extension over both department representatives concerned, but at present they report directly to the president and are very thoroughly coordinated through his office.

If there is no further discussion, any announcements to make.

will ask the secretary if he has

SECRETARY BISSELL.-I have no announcements, Mr. President. PRESIDENT MARSTON.-We shall do our best to carry through our program on time and hope to have the co-operation of the members of the society in that direction, so that the members of the association will be free for some other activities than those in this room. The hour of 2:30 p. m. is set for our business session, and a motion to adjourn to that hour is in order.

On motion a recess was taken until 2:30 o'clock p. m.

2:30 p. m.

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-The association will come to order in business session. The secretary-treasurer will present his report.


A detailed statement of receipts and expenditures is presented in Exhibit "A" appended hereto, which is summarized as follows:

[blocks in formation]

The assets at this date consist of the cash on hand 111 96
And the following property: 275 copies (approxi-
mately) of Proceedings of the first meting; 250 copies
(approximately) of Proceedings of the second meeting.

The liabilities are nil as far as known, if the local expenses of this, the third meeting of the Association, be charged to the period subsequent to the date of this report.

Accounts and vouchers are included in this report by reference and will be produced on request of the Auditing Committee.

The Proceedings of the second meeting were published March 17, 1914, and promptly distributed to the membership, being addressed to the President and Dean of Engineering, by name where possible, of every Land Grant College and University.

Many additional and extra copies have been distributed by request. The Secretary has mailed nine bulletins to the membership, containing information on the affairs of the Association.

In accordance with the action of the Executive Committee, as set forth on page 104 of the Proceedings, the Secretary as collaborator with the U. S. Bureau of Education, has been gathering material for a report, to be published by the Bureau of Education as a contribution from the Association on "The Status of Engineering at the Land Grant Institutions." An outline of the plan and scope of this report was given in Secretary's Bulletin No. 4, and a report of progress will be presented at this meeting.

It is recommended that the completion of this report be left with the present Secretary.

The Association should determine the ways and means of publishing the Proceedings of this meeting, in case a merger with the A. A. A. C. E. S. is effected. Otherwise the Secretary recommends that the dues for the coming year be $10.

[blocks in formation]

Cash on hand, Nov. 8, 1913...
Back dues-California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,
Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina,
North Dakota, Oklahoma, Porto Rico, Tennessee, Utah,
Washington, Wisconsin-(17@$5.00)...
Current dues-Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Dela-
ware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Min-
nesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hamp-
shire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota,
Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South
Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont,
Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
-(42@$10.00, less 10 cents exchange).
Current dues in part-Arizona...

Current dues overpaid-California, Mississippi, North Carolina.
Sales of Proceedings...

$14 75

85 00

419 90

5 00

15 00


$540 15

$112 00

[blocks in formation]

2 00 46.03

Publishing Proceedings

203 73

Postage for Proceedings, programs, etc.....

36 38

Refunds to institutions, California, Mississippi, North Carolina

15 00

Programs for third meeting.

10 80


2 25

Cash on hand, Nov. 9, 1914.

111 96

$540 15

[blocks in formation]

We have examined the books and vouchers of the Treasurer and find them to be correct.



Washington, D. C., Nov. 13, 1914.

E. S. KEENE, Auditing Committee.

PRESIDENT MARSTON. The report of the Secretary-Treasurer is before us for consideration. It contains two definite recommendations. That the editorship of the special report on the status of engineering at the land grant institutions be left with the present incumbent of the office of secretary; and that the association determine the ways and means of publishing the proceedings of this meeting in case the merger with the A. A. A. C. E. S. is effected, the dues otherwise to be $10.

DEAN SPENCE.-I move the adoption of the first recommendation. The motion was seconded and carried.

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-We are in somewhat of a quandary in the matter of dues for the next year. In case there is no necessity for dues, on account of the merger with the other sociey, how shall we arrange for paying the expenses of reporting and publishing the proceedings of this meeting? I wonder if President Demarest can tell us how the other society deals with the different sections in the matter of the publication of their proceedings?


PRESIDENT DEMAREST.-I do not know just how that is done. imagine that any expense which is undertaken is met by the entire association rather than by the separate branches.

SECRETARY BISSELL.-I fancy perhaps, in the light of what I know since writing the report, that my recommendation on that point was a little premature.

Is it not true that if we are admitted to the association we will not be of that association until next year, and therefore we have to provide for our own subsistence from now until then?


SECRETARY BISSELL.-Which will mean, I think, levying our own tax for the publication of the proceedings of this meeting.

PRESIDENT DEMAREST.-I am doubtful whether the Secretary is strictly accurate as to our becoming members or a part of the other association next year. I should say that on the adoption of the amendments to the constitution, which will be considered tomorow night, if they are adopted, we will become at once a part of that association. At the same time it would seem to be very advisable that this association as it now exists should provide for the publishing of its proceedings of this year, so that I do not know whether the best form would be to say that the dues would be $10 for the coming year, in order that this expense might be covered, or that we should say that the secretary-treasurer, in the event of the merger, should levy on the various colleges whatever may be necessary to meet the expense of publishing these proceedings.

I move that if we remain a separate organization the dues for the coming year shall be $10; if we merge with the other association, that the officers of this association be authorized to levy upon the various colleges which are members of this association or section for the necessary amount to cover the expenses of this meeting. SECRETARY BISSELL.-I second the motion.

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-Is there any discussion of this motion? DEAN TALIAFERRO (of Mayland).-I see that we have a business session scheduled for Friday at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon, when the report will be made of the action of the A. A. A. C. E. S. on the merger. Cannot action on this motion be deferred until that time, so that we can vote more intelligently?

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-There is only one point which might be inferred from the remarks of President Demarest, that is, that if we automatically cease existence as an engineering organization on the adoption of the amendment tomorrow night, we perhaps would hardly be in a position to levy any assessment on our members after that. PRESIDENT DEMAREST.-I do not think that would be pressed. move that this matter be laid on the table until Friday afternoon for the business session.

SECRETARY BISSELL.-I second the motion.


PRESIDENT MARSTON.-The motion is that this matter be laid over until the business session Friday afternoon.

The motion prevailed.

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-What action shall be taken on the report as a whole?

SECRETARY BISSELL.-The constitution provides that the report shall be audited by a committee of three.

PRESIDENT MARSTON.-That settles the matter, and an auditing committee will be appointed.

The next item of business is the appointment of committees.

I understand that there are only two necessarily to be appointed, the nominating committee and the auditing committee. The nominating committee will consist of Deans Jones, Votey, Gladson, Turneaure and Richter. The nominating committee has a little uncertainty ahead of it, of course. As I understand it, if we are admitted as a section to the other association, there are only two officers, the chairman and secretary, to be appointed. If we continue as a separate association, the list is considerably larger. The report of the committee is due Friday afternoon, which will give opportunity to know the exact circumstances before presenting nominations. The auditing committee will consist of Deans Boardman, Ferris and Keene.

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