As much in mock as mark. Efcal. Slander to th' state! away with him to prifon. Ang. What can you vouch against him, fignior Lucio. Is this the man that you did tell us of? Lucio. 'Tis he my lord. Come hither, goodman bald-pate; Do you know me? Duke. I remember you, Sir, by the found of your voice: I met you at the prison in the absence of the duke. Lucio. Oh, did you fo? and do you remember what you faid of the duke? Duke. Most notedly, Sir. Lucio. Do you so, Sir; and was the duke a fleshmonger, a fool, and a coward, 7 as you then reported him to be? Duke. You must, Sir, change persons with me, ere you make that my report: you spoke so of him, and much more, much worse. Lucio. Oh thou damnable fellow! did not I pluck thee by the nose, for thy speeches! Duke. I protest, I love the duke as I love myself. Ang. Hark! how the villain would close now, after his treafonable abuses. Efcal. Such a fellow is not to be talk'd withal; away with him to prifon: --- where is the Provoft?-away with him to prifon; lay bolts enough upon him; let him it is not likely, would long preserve its authority. WARBURT. This explanation may ferve till a better is discovered. But whoever has feen the instruments of a chirurgeon, knows that they may be very easily kept out of improper hands in a very small box, or in his pocket. 7-and a coward.] so again afterwards, You, Sirrah, that know me for a fool, a coward, One of all luxury But Lucio had not, in the former conversation, mentioned cowardise among the faults of the Luke-Such failures of memory are incident to writers more diligent than this poet. Bb 3 speal speak no more; away with those giglets too, and with the other confederate companion. [The Provost lays hands on the Duke. Duke. Stay, Sir, stay a while. Ang. What! resins he? help him, Lucio. Lucio. Come, Sir; come, Sir; come, Sir; foh, Sir; why, you bald pated lying rafcal: you must be hooded, must you; show your knave's visage, with a pox to you; show your sheep-biting face, and be hang'd an hour: will't not off? 8 (Pul's off the Friar's Lood, and discovers the Duke. Duke. Thou art the first knave, that e'er mad'st a duke. First, Provost? let me bail these gentle three.— Sneak not away, Sir; [To Lucio] for the Friar and you Must have a word anon:- lay hold on him. Lucio. This may prove worse than hanging. Duke. What you have spoke, I pardon; fit you down. [To Efcalus. [To Angelo. We'll borrow place of him. -Sir, by your leave : Hast thou a word, or wit, or impudence, And hold no longer our. Ang. O my dread lord, I should be guiltier than my guiltiness, When I perceive your Grace, like pow'r divine, rifed by e ftom I suppose it was written thus, show your sheepliting face and be hanged-an bor? wilt not off. In the midland counties, upon any unexpected obstruction or refiftance, it is common to exclaim an 8 Slow your feep-biting face and le bang á an hour : wiilt not of ?] 1 his is 10 enged to be the Con mon language of vulgar indignation. Cur phrase on fuch creations is fimply, show your facep biting face and be kung'd. The words an hour have no par- bow? ticular ufe here, nor are autho :. No No longer fession hold upon my shame; Duke, Come hither, Mariana : Say; wast thou e'er contracted to this woman? Duke. Go take her hence, and marry her instantly. [Exeunt Angelo, Mariana, Peter, and Provost. SCENE VI. Eftal. My lord, I am more amaz'd at his dishonour, Than at the ftrangeness of it. Duke. Come hither, Ifabel; Your Friar is now your prince: as I was then Ifab. Oh, give me pardon, I Duke. You are pardon'd, Ifabel: 9 Advertising and bely.] tentive and faithful. 2 but, peace be with him! Bb 4 At be you as free to us] Be That That life is better life, past fearing death, Than that which lives to fear: make it your comfort; So, happy is your brother. SCENE VII. Enter Angelo, Mariana, Peter, and Provost. Ifab. I do, my lord. Duke. For this new-marry'd man, approaching here, Whose falt imagination yet Lath wrong'd Your well defended honour, you must pardon him For Mariana's fake: but as he adjudg'd your brother, Being criminal, in double violation Of facred chaftity, and in promife-breach, Thereon dependant, for your brother's life, The very mercy of the law cries out Most audible, ev'n from his proper tongue, 3 An Angelo for Claudio; death for death. Haste still pays haste, and leisure answers leisure; Like doth quit like, and Measure still for Meafure. Then, Angelo, thy faults are manifefted; Which thọ thou would'st deny, deny thee vantage. * We do condemn thee to the very block, Where Claudio stoop'd to death; and with like hafteAway with him. Mari. Oh, my most gracious lord, I hope, you will not mock me with a husband? We now use in conversation a like phrafe. This it was that knocked my design on the head. Dr. Warburton veads, -baned my purpose. 3.even from bis proper torgue] Even from Angelo's own tongue. So above. In the witness of his proper ear 4 deny thee vantage.] Take from thee all opportunity, all expedient of denial. WARBURTON. For his poffessions, And choak your good to come. Mari. Oh, my dear lord, I crave no other, nor no better man. [Kneeling. [To Lucio. Mari. Oh, my good lord!-Sweet Ifabel, take my part; Lend me your knees, and all my life to come I'll lend you all my life, to do you service. Duke. Against all sense you do importune her; Should she kneel down, in mercy of this fact, Her brother's ghost his paved bed would break, And take her hence in horror. Mari. Isabel, Sweet Ifabel, do yet but kneel by me; Duke. He dies for Claudio's death. Ifab. Most bounteous Sir, [Kneeling. Look, if it please you, on this man condemn'd, 'Till he did look on me; * since it is so, 5 Against all sense you do im portune her. The meaning required is, against all reason and natural affection Shakespeare, therefore, judiciously uses a fingle Let word that implies both; Sense fignifying both reason and affec tion. 6 'Till be did look on me.] The Duke has justly obíerved that Ifabel |