Imagens das páginas




[blocks in formation]

A Bill for an Act to provide for the submission to the
qualified electors of the State of Montana an amend-
ment to Section 15 of Article XII of the Constitution
of the State of Montana, relating to State and County
Boards of Equalization...

A Bill for an Act to secure to the several counties in-
terest on County Moneys depositing the same in
banks, defining the duties of the County Treasurers
and County Commissioners, County Clerks and Re-
corders, County Attorney's, in relation thereto; pre-
scribing the Security to be given and providing for the
approval thereof; prescribing penalties for a viola-
tion by a County Treasurer, and others of the pro-
visions of this or any other Act relating to County
moneys, and for a failure on the part of the County
Treasurer to perform the duties required of him there-
in, and repealing all laws in conflict herewith. . . . . . .

A Bill for "An Act to amend Sections 1, 17, and 25, and
to repeal Sections 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22 and 27
of Senate Bill No. 64, 'An Act to provide for the or-
ganization, regulation and inspection of building and
loan associations, and to repeal Sections 770 to 790, in-
clusive, and 800 to 845 inclusive, of the Civil Code of
Montana', approved March 4, 1897... . . .

A Bill for an Act to Provide for the establishment of
guide-boards at forks of public roads; defining the
duties of County Commissioners therein; and provid-
ing a penalty for defacement or injury to said guide-

A Bill for an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the
creation, establishment, organization, management and
control of Irrigation Districts and authorizing the in-
curring of indebtedness and issuance of bonds mak-
ing assessments, exercising the right of eminent do-
main and prescribing methods of procedure....

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act to regulate the sale
and to prevent the adulteration of foods, drugs, medi-
cines and poisons, and prescribing penalties for the
violation thereof.".

A Bill for an Act entitled "An Act providing for sub-
mitting to the qualified electors of the State of
Montana an amendment to Section 5, Article 16, of
the Constitution of the State of Montana to pre-
scribe the time and manner for electing County Su-
perintendent of Schools..

A Bill for an Act entitled "An Act to empower the Mon-
tana State Board of Horticulture to establish a quar-
antine over any orchard, or place where fruits are

95, 114.

95, 161.

95, 253, 277, 281,
294, 308, 312, 323,
359, 370, 377, 395.

95, 175, 208, 314,
322, 323, 330, 335,
387, 393, 401, 433.

96, 112, 144, 160,
174, 246.

111, 163, 197, 218,
220, 265, 275, 427,
428, 437, 438.

111, 253, 277.




grown or kept, that is infested with any injurious dis-
ease or insect pest. Empowering said Board to estab-
lish rules and regulations governing such quarantine and
fixing the penalty for the violation thereof. To pro-
vide for the collection of money expended by the said
Montana State Board of Horticulture in the eradica-
tion of disease, and the insect pests of fruit trees....

56 A Bill for an Act entitled, "An Act to create and Estab-
lish a Board of Railroad Commissioners for the State
of Montana; providing for the appointment of the
Members thereof, and defining their powers and duties
and providing remedies for the enforcement of the
provisions of this Act, and penalties for the violation

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

A Bill for an Act authorizing and empowering the
Governor and Secretary of State of the State of Mon-
tana to deed and convey to the United States of America
certain lands granted to said State by the United
State of America, by patent numbered one, Montana
Desert Land segregation, dated November 11th, A. D.

An Act to provide security to the public against errors,
omissions and defects in abstracts of title of real
estate and for the use of abstracts in evidence and to
provide a penalty for the violation thereof..

A bill for an Act entitled: "An Act providing for the
care and maintenance of infirm pioneers of the State
of Montana.".

A Bill for an Act concerning dependent and neglected
children, and concerning the parents, guardians or
other persons responsible for the custody, care, main-
tenance and support of such children, and there punish-
ment for the neglect of such children.".

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act concerning de-
linquent children or delinquent juvenile persons; de-
fining same and providing for their apprehension,
custody and disposition; the jurisdiction of courts and
proceedings therein, and concerning the parents, guard-
ians, and other persons responsible for the custody,
care, guidance, education and maintenance and control
of such children, and providing for their punishment in
cases of delinquency therein.".

A Bill for an Act entitled "An Act regulating and pre-
scribing the manner of measuring hay in stack to de-
termine tonnage."

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A Bill for an Act relating to banks and banking; pro-
viding for the organization, management, control, regu-
lation and supervision of same, providing penalties for
violations of the provisions of this Act; repealing Sec-
tions 570 to 585 inclusive, being all of Division I,
Part IV, Title II, of the Civil Code of Montana; pro-
viding that all persons doing a banking business shall
comply with the provisions of this Act providing for
the assessment and taxation of banks, repealing Section
4061 of the Political Code of Montana relating to

131, 169, 175, 252,

A Bill for an Act to provide for the submission to the
qualified electors of the State of Montana, the propo-
sition to amend Section 13, of Article XII, of the Con-
stitution of the State of Montana relating to the
public funds in the hands of the State Treasurer.... 131, 144, 169, 178,
180, 183, 194, 381.

A Bill for an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for ap-
portionment of membership and representation of the
several counties of Montana in the House of Repre-
sentatives of Legislative Assemblies of Montana, and
to fix the number of members thereof.".

A Bill for an Act entitled, "An Act to create the office
of State Fire Warden, providing for the appointment of
deputies, and relating to their compensation and duties.

A Bill for an Act entitled, "An Act to establish a rail-
road and transportation commission for the State of
Montana, providing for the appointment and election
of the members thereof and defining its duties and
powers, whereby discrimination and extortion in rail-
road and express charges may be prevented, and reason-
able freight, passenger and express tariffs may be
established; to prescribe and authorize the making
of rules and regulations to govern the commission and
the railroads and express companies and afford rail-
road and express companies and other parties ade-
quate remedies; to prescribe penalties for the viol-
lation of this Act, and to provide means and rules for
its enforcement."

A Bill for an Act relating to internal improvements in
cities and towns and authorizing the issuance of special
improvement district warrants or bonds in payment
therefor, and providing for the levy and collection of
assessments to pay such bonds, and repealing Chapter
73 of the Acts of the Legislative Assembly of Montana,

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act relating to bounty
on Stock destroying animals and to prevent fraud in
the payment of same..

131, 153, 174, 193,
| 207, 227, 301, 314,
329, 404.

131, 162, 197, 218,
220, 232, 247, 407,
419, 433.

131, 161.

132, 154, 181, 204,
205, 232, 303, 304,
357, 377, 395.

140, 198, 221, 229,
240, 245, 249, 337,
347, 377, 394.






"An Act relating to the

A Bill for an Act entitled:
registration of voters and providing additional means
for their registration.".

140, 197.

A Bill for an Act prohibiting marriages between white
persons and negroes or persons of negro blood, and
between white persons and Indians, Chinese and Jap-
anese, and making such marriages void; and pre-
scribing punishment for solemnizing such marriages. 140, 206.

72 A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act to fix the maxi-
mum rates per mile to be charged by any person, asso- |
ciation of persons or corporation having control of
or operating any railroad for carrying passengers be-
tween points within the State of Montana, and pre-
scribing penalties for any violation of the provisions
of this Act.".

140, 169.

73 A Bill for an Act entitled An Act to compel corporations,
association of persons operating railways or railroads
in the State to furnish cars and power to move ship-
ments of property in car load lots, to provide for the
recovery of penalties and damages for failure so to do,
and to prevent discriminations against shippers in
furnishing cars and power to move their property.... 140, 169, 197, 218,
220, 245, 277.


A Bill for an Act to amend Section 717 of the Penal
Code of the State of Montana, as the same is amended
by Chapter 39, Laws of 1905, relating to the sale of
intoxicating beverages on the line of any railroad
grade, logging camp, saw mill, sheep shearing camp,
irrigation ditch, or canal in course of construction, by
adding to said section a proviso defining the word

140, 145, 174, 193,
207, 219, 220, 241,

248, 303, 304, 329,

345, 349.




A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act to increase the
number of members composing the State Furnishing
Board and prescribing rules and regulations and maxi-
mum rates to be followed by said Board in reference
to all State Printing, binding, etc., and repealing Sec-
tions 702 to 714 inclusive, Article XIX of the Political
Code of the State of Montana...

A Bill for an Act entitled, "An Act regarding divorce
cases, and providing that such cases shall not be
brought on for final trial or hearing until after the
lapse of thirty clear days after the filing of the com-
plaint and that no judgment or decree shall be made
or entered until after thirty-five clear days after the
filing of the complaint.".

An Act entitled, "An Act to amend Section 397 and
1503 of the Code of Civil Procedure, relating to ap-
pearances in all courts of the State.".

140, 252.

141, 159.

148, 158, 174, 193,
197, 205, 259.




[blocks in formation]

A Bill for an Act entitled An Act to provide for the tally-
ing of cattle shipped from the State, and to facilitate
the inspection of same at the market points.....

A Bill for an Act to fix the maximum rate to be charged
by railroad companies for the transportation of coal,
and fixing penalty for its violation....

A Bill for an Act to provide for the restoration to the
public domain of certain lands heretofore withdrawn.
from settlement upon application of the State of
Montana under the provisions of an Act of Congress
approved August 18, 1894, entitled, "An Act making
appropriation for sundry civil expenses of the Gov-
ernment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895, and
for other purposes." And amendments thereto; to
abolish the Carey Land Act Board and office of State
Engineer and to authorize the State Board of Land
Commissioners to carry out the unfinished business
of said Carey Land Act Board; and to repeal Chapter
114 of the Laws of 1903, and Chapter 85, and Chapter
105 of the Laws of 1905.".

A Bill for an Act entitled "An Act providing for the
parole of prisoners confined in the State Prison, and
authorizing the State Board of Prison Commissioners
to grant paroles to such prisoners, subject to certain
conditions and regulations to be provided for by the
said State Board.....

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act to prohibit the
issuance of a license to any person, corporation of
association for the conduct of a wholesale liquor
dealer's business in any town, city, camp or village
having a population of less than 100.".

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act for the submitting
to the electors of the State of Montana an amend-
ment to Section 9 of Article XI of the Constitution of
the State of Montana, relating to the rate of taxation
for State purposes...

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act regulating public
livestock markets, and providing for the inspection of
all live stock sold at such markets at auction or other-

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act to protect the own-
ers of horses, mules and asses, and to cause the inspec-
tion of the same before removal from one county to an-
other or beyond the boundaries of the State of Mon-

148, 169, 197, 219,
220, 232, 248, 337,
356, 377, 394.


159, 80.

159, 182, 209, 226,
227, 241, 337, 356,
377. 394.

159, 183, 239.

160, 182, 208, 226,
227, 330, 334.

160, 169, 197, 219,
220, 232, 248, 320,
356, 377, 395.

166, 198, 253, 281,
294, 308, 312, 351,
359, 361, 382, 401,

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