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9 A Bill for an Act to amend Section 1520 of the Political
Code of the State of Montana relating to the duties of
the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, regard-
ing the revocation of State and Life Diplomas and the
issuance of Temporary State Certificates....









A Bill for an Act creating the Fourteenth Judicial
District of the State of Montana, to be composed
of the county of Ravalli, and providing for the ap-
pointment of a Judge thereof.

A Bill for an Act to amend Section 4064 of the Political
Code of the State of Montana, as amended by an Act
approved March 4, 1901, relating to licenses, and to
repeal Section 4072 of the same Code relating to pro-
fessional licenses.

37, 51, 57, 69, 72,
75, 131, 153, 155,
211, 222.

37, 159.

38, 50, 57, 77, 86.
S7, 101, 107, 139,
139, 222.

A Bill for "An Act to regulate the hours of labor of
locomotive engineers, locomotive firemen, conductors,
trainmen, operators, and agents acting as operators,
and to provide a penalty for the violation thereof.".. 38, 57, 72, 87.

A Bill for an Act to amend Section 32 of the Code of
to prevent wrongs to children and dumb animals, and
to establish a Bureau of Child and Animal Protec-
tion," approved March 7, 1903, and repealing Sections
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, of said Act," approved March
4, 1905..

A Bill for an Act to amend Sections 32 of the Code of
Civil Procedure of the State of Montana, as said sec-
tion is amended by an Act approved March 11, 1901;
"An Act to amend Section 32, Title 1, Part 1, Chap-
ter IV of the Code of Civil Procedure, and to provide
for an additional Judge for the second Judicial district
of the State of Montana," relating to the election and
term of office of District Judges..

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act to prevent the ob-
struction, blockading or interfering with the free use
of public highways where the said highways cross any
railroad track outside of incorporated cities and towns,
within the state of Montana, and providing penalty

A Bill for an Act entitled "An Act to amend Section IV
of an Act entitled "An Act relating to Municipal In-
debtedness, and repealing Section 4970, 4971, 4972, 4973,
4974, 4975, 4976, 4977, 4978, 4979, 4980 and 4981 of
the Political Code of the State of Montana, approved
March 6, 1897......

A Bill for an Act authorizing and directing the transfer
of all records and papers in any action or proceeding

38. 64, 75, 82, 93,
94, 114, 133, 189,
211, 222, 291.

49, 71, 77, 87, 99,
109, 113, 233, 236.

49, 70, 82, 94, 101,
107, 233, 237. 263,
291, 297, 329.

49, 57, 76, 87, 93,
106, 114, 133, 189,
199, 211, 221.




[blocks in formation]

affecting real property in any new County heretofore
created or hereafter created, and providing the method
of transferring and certifying such records...

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act providing for the
inspection of cattle to be removed from the State of
Montana upon any railway or railroad.".

A Bill for an Act appropriating money for the payment
of M. S. Gunn for legal services rendered in the mat-
ter of litigation involving the validity of bonds issued
and to be issued against the State Normal College
Land Grant..

A Bill for an Act to amend Section 4632, Part IV, Title
II, of the Political Code of the State of Montana relat-
ing to Fees of Notaries Public...

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act to amend Section
552 of Article XIV, of Chapter III, of Title I, of
Part III, of the Political Code of the State of Mon-
tana, relating to the Inspector of Boilers.".

A Bill for an Act entitled An Act to enable cities and
towns incorporated under the laws of this State to
fix the rates and charges for the supply of water
furnished by any individual, company or corporation

52, 58, 76, 87, 101,
107, 185, 186, 211,
222, 260, 291.

52, 88.

52, 70, 72, 82, 94,
101, 107, 189.

52, 77, 87, 99, 109,
113, 233, 237, 263,
292, 297, 329.

55, 101, 122, 133,
141, 143, 233, 245,
263, 292, 297, 329.

to any such city or town and the inhabitants thereof.. 56, 76, 87, 99.

A Bill for an Act entitled, "An Act to enable cities and
towns incorporated under the laws of this State to
fix the rates and charges for the supply of lights
furnished by any individual, company or corporation

to any such city or town and the inhabitants thereof.. 56, 76, 87, 99.

An Act to amend Section 4120 of the Political Code of
Montana, defining the boundaries of Fergus County,
Montana, so as to include the territory acquired by
it under the provisions of an Act entitled: "An Act
providing for the extension of the northern boundary
of Fergus County," approved March 14th, 1889, and
to re-adjust the southern boundary to conform to
channel changes made, and to be made, in the Mus-
selshell River.

25 A Bill for an Act to amend Chapter 32 of the Laws of
1903 relating to annual reports of corporations...

26 A Bill for "An Act to amend Sections 3560 and 3561 of
the Political Code, as amended by an Act approved
March 6, 1897, relating to timber and timber lands be-
longing to the State of Montana, and providing for

62, 70, 82, 94, 114,
133, 235, 237, 241,
245, 263, 291.

62, 70, 82, 94, 114,
133, 142, 153, 161,
303, 304, 329, 345,




[blocks in formation]

the sale of timber and the appointment of a timber

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act relating to the
selection of indemnity school lands and lands granted
to all of the State institutions of learning, and for pub-
lic buildings in Montana."

A Bill for an Act to establish County Free High Schools
and provide for their maintenance, and repealing
"An Act to establish County Free High Schools
and to provide for their maintenance," approved March
3, 1899, and repealing an Act to amend Sections 2, 3, 4,
6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 and 19 and to repeal Sec-
tions 21 and 22 of Substitute for House Bill No. 69
"An Act to establish County Free High Schools and to
provide for their maintenance, approved March 3, 1899.
and to renumber certain sections of said Act, approved
March 14, 1901, also reepaling Chapter LXIX of the
Laws of 1903 entitled An Act to amend Sections 2 and
3 of Senate Bill No. 37 as enacted by the Seventh
Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana relating
to the election of Trustees of the County Free High
Schools, approved March 5, 1903, and to validate every-
thing done under any of said acts of March 3, 1899,
March 14, 1901, and March 5, 1903..

A Bill for an Act entitled an Act to amend Section 1,
of Chapter XXIX of Session Laws of 1905, approved
February 21, 1905, entitled "An Act to amend sections
950-953, Title VIII, Chapter III, Part IV, Division I
of the Civil Code of the State of Montana, relating to
the liability of Railway Companies for the killing or
injuring of Live Stock.,..

A Bill for an Act entitled An Act to provide for the in-
corporation, management and regulation of mutual
companies for the insurance of the property of the
members against loss or damage by fire or the elements.

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act to amend Sections
3478 and 3490 of the Political Code of the State of
Montana, as substituted and amended by House Bill
No. 45, Session Laws 1899, approved March 1, 1899,
and to amend Section 3480 of the Political Code of
the State of Montana as substituted and amended by
House Bill No. 45, Session Laws 1899, approved March
1, 1899, and as amended by Chapter XXVIII of the
Session Laws of 1903, approved February 25, 1903,
relating to the appraisal, sale and leasing of State

62, 125, 162, 172.

62, 125, 162, 173,
174, 179, 180, 183,
193, 237, 241, 245,

63, 69, 87, 99, 106,
125, 134, 189, 211,

63, 71, 82, 94, 114,
303, 304, 314, 329,

63, 70, 82, 94, 125,
134, 189, 190, 211,
222, 291.

67. 124, 162. 172.




[blocks in formation]

A Bill for an Act to repeal an Act entitled: "An Act to
provide for the nomination of candidates by direct
vote at a primary election, to provide the method of
adopting such act in any county or city, and to amend
Sections 1206 of Political Code as amended by the
Laws of 1899 and 1260 of the Political Code," approved
March 6, 1905; and to make the provisions of the
general registration and election laws of the State
applicable to the counties having adopted the above


A Bill for an Act to amend Sections 3478 and 3484 of
the Political Code as enacted by House Bill No. 45
approved March 1, 1899, and to amend Section 3480
of the Political Code as enacted by said House Bill
No. 45 and thereafter amended by Chapter 28 of the
laws of 1903; relating to the appraisal, sale and leas-
ing of State lands..

67, 76, 87, 99, 101,
106, 170, 191, 192,
211, 222, 233, 239,
289, 297, 300, 329,
342, 349.


34 A Bill for an Act regarding gambling and to prohibit
certain games, and the possession or use of certain im-
plements and appliances and the using or leasing of
any premises, for gambling purposes, to provide for
the enforcement of this Act, and to provide civil and
criminal liabilities and penalties for violations of its
provisions and civil actions for the recovery of money
lost at any of the games herein prohibited and to re-
peal and prohibit city and town ordinances on the
subject, and to repeal the act approved March 15, 1901. 68, 78.


A Bill for an Act to amend Section 1270, 1355, 1360,
1408, 1410, 1412, 1413, and 1414 of the Political Code
of the State of Montana, and Sections 1354 and 1361
of the same Code, as amended by House Bill No. 59
of the Laws of 1901, approved March 7, 1901, relating
to ballots, voting and election returns, and providing
further protection for the voter while preparing his bal-
lot and casting the same.....

68, 109, 144, 160,
161, 163, 167, 197,

301, 303, 304, 308,




A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act to create the County
of Daly, designate its boundaries and provide for its
organization and government.

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act providing for the
inspection of any horses, cattle, sheep or other do-
mestic animals driven or shipped into any county of
this State for grazing and feeding purposes.

A Bill for an Act entitled "An Act to validate the original
acts of Notaries public within the State of Montana,
which acts have been performed since the 15th day of
February, 1895.".

329, 356, 357, 368.

72, 88, 122, 133,
141, 142, 143.

72, 236.

72, 77, 87, 99, 101,
107, 235, 237, 241,
245, 263.













A Bill for an Act providing for submission to the quali-
fied electors of the State of Montana, of an amend-
ment to Section 3, of Article XII, of the Constitution,
relating to taxation of mines and mining claims.....

A Bill for an Act entitled"An Act to amend Section 1940a
and 1940b of the Political Code of Montana, as enacted
by the Fifth Legislative Assembly of the State of Mon-
tana through Senate Bill No. 44, approved March 8,
1897, and as amended by House Bill No. 191, Session
Laws of 1901, approved March 9, 1901.

A Bill for an Act assenting to the provisions of an Act
of Congress, entitled: "An Act to provide for an
increased annual appropriation for agricultural experi-
ment stations and regulating the expenditure thereof,"
approved March 16, 1906....

A Bill for an Act entitled "An Act providing that upon
sale of lands belonging to the State of Montana, Min-
erals and Coal shall be reserved in the Patent..

A Bill for an Act entitled "An Act prohibiting the Em-
ployment of Children in Certain Occupations under the
age of Sixteen years; providing for the Registration of
the age of all children; the Issuance of an age certifi- |
cate and the Disposition of the same; forbidding the
employment of Children in certain occupations with-
out such Certificate; providing for the enforcement
of the Provisions of this Act and providing Penalties
for the violation of the provisions thereof..

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act to amend Section
1770 of Article IV of the Political Code of the State
of Montana, as amended by the Sixth Legislative As-
sembly" approved March 6, 1897, and as further amend-
ed by the Seventh Legislative Assembly" approved
March 3, 1899....

A Bill for an Act to Provide for the taxation of Mort-
gages, Deeds of Trust, Contracts and other obliga-
tions by which a debt is secured and to create a lien
for such taxes upon the property affected.

A Bill for an Act prescribing the manner in which di-
rectors, trustees and other officers of a corporation may |

A Bill for an Act entitled An Act in relation to making
loans to officers by banks...

80, 89, 182, 208,
226, 227.

80, 115, 150, 160,
161, 163, 167, 278,
281, 293, 297, 329,

89, 102, 122, 133,
36, 43, 302, 32.
31, 349.

85, 124, 162, 173,
180, 301, 314, 329,
357, 358.


85, 102, 122, 133,
136, 143, 235, 237,
263, 297, 329.

93, 114, 150, 160,

95, 102, 122, 142,
163, 167, 302, 347,
377, 394.

95, 221, 253, 382,
386, 392, 393, 394,

399, 410, 434, 437,

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