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Convened at the City of Lansing, Wednesday, May 15th, 1867.

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TUESDAY, July 9, 1867. The Convention met at eleven o'clock A. M., and was called to order by the PRESIDENT.

Prayer by Rev. Mr. SPENCER. The roll was called and the following members answered to their names:

Messrs. Andrus, Bills, Blackman, Bradley, Burtch, Case, Chapman, Coolidge, Corbin, Crocker, Daniells, Divine, Elliott, Ferris, D. Goodwin, Hixson, Holmes, Lawrence, Lothrop, Lovell, McClelland, McKernan, Miles, Mussey, Musgrave, Norris, Pratt, Pringle, Rafter, Richmond, Root, Sawyer, Shearer, Sheldon, T. G. Smith, W. A. Smith, Sutherland, Thompson, Tyler, Van Valkenburgh, Walker,

P. D. Warner, White, Willard, Withey, Wood

house, Yeomans and the President-48.

Mr. WOODHOUSE. My colleague, (Mr. LONGYEAR,) is detained from the Convention to-day. I would, therefore, ask leave of absence for him for to-day.

The PRESIDENT. There is not a

quorum of the Convention present. No motion can be entertained, except a motion for a call of the Convention, or a motion to adjourn.

Mr. NORRIS. I move that the Convention now adjourn.

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but he hopes to be here in a day or
two. I ask leave of absence for him
for the remainder of the week.

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The motion was agreed to; and accordingly, (at ten minutes past eleven. o'clock A. M.,) the Convention adjourned.

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Mr. BARBER. I ask indefinite leave of absence for my colleague, Mr. LUCE, at his request. He informs me that he is necessarily detained at home in consequence of sickness in his family.

Leave was granted. Mr. WALKER. I have been requested to ask leave of absence for Mr. WILLIAMS, on account of business that no one else can attend to for him. Leave was granted.

Mr. COOLIDGE. I received last evening a message from my colleague, Mr. ALEXANDRR, informing me that by a fall he was disabled from being here; Vol. 2-No. 1.

July 9, 1867.

The PRESIDENT. The Chair supposes that when a member has been granted indefinite leave of absence, it would be at his option to return whenever he chose. The Secretary informs the Chair, however, that so many were granted indefinite leave of absence previous to the late recess, that he thought it best to call the roll through, and did so.

Mr. LOVELL. My colleague, Mr. HoWARD, had indefinite leave of absence when he went away. As I was returning here, he informed me that owing to professional business, he would be unable to be here for two or three days this week; and he requested me, if there was any revocation of the leaves of absence which had been granted before the recess, to have his leave renewed. I would therefore ask leave of absence for him until Friday next.

The PRESIDENT. His leave will

be continued, unless there shall be some order of the Convention to the contrary.

Mr. LOVELL. In that case I do not desire to ask leave of absence for him.

Mr. BLACKMAN. I desire to ask


Leave was granted. Mr. MILES. I also ask leave of indefinite leave of absence for Mr. absence for Mr. HAZEN on account of sickness. I think he had indefinite leave of absence at the time of the adjournment, week before last.

Leave was granted.

Mr. M. C. WATKINS asked and obtained indefinite leave of absence for Mr. MURRAY, on account of sickness in his family.

Mr. NORRIS asked and obtained

indefinite leave of absence for Mr. NINDE.

Mr. WHITE asked and obtained leave of absence for Mr. DUNCAN for to-day.

Mr. McKERNAN asked and obtained leave of absence for Mr. BURTENSHAW until Friday next.

Mr. SUTHERLAND asked and obtained leave of absence for Mr. TURNER until to-morrow.

Mr. CASE. I believe Mr. ESTEE had indefinite leave of absence, just before the late recess of the Convention. If not, I would ask now that he be granted indefinite leave of absence. «Leave was granted.

Mr. LOVELL. I wish to inquire whether the indefinite leaves of absence which were granted before the recess, expires with the recess?

Leave was granted.

Mr. BLACKMAN. I also ask indefinite leave of absence for my colleague, Mr. DUNCOMBE.

Leave was granted.

Mr. HOLT. I ask indefinite leave of absence for Mr. HAIRE, who, I am informed, has lately met with a severe accident, which resulted in breaking

one of his lower limbs. Leave was granted.


Mr. TYLER presented the petition of Mrs. Annah Hoit, Mrs. Mary Ann Willington, Miss Sarah M. Schermerhorn, and 38 other women, and Mr. Alvin Hoit, Mr. Wm. J. Schermerhorn, and 29 other men, of Colon and vicinity, St. Joseph county, asking equal suffrage to men and women; which was referred to the committee on elections.

Also, the petition of Massena G. Thurston, John Vaughn, Mrs. Desire, A. Cutter, Mrs. Huldah H. Dexter, and 59 other men and women, of Colon and vicinity, St. Joseph county, asking the retention, in substance at least, what is section 47, article 4, of the

present Constitution, in the new instrument; which was referred to the committee an intoxicating liquors.

tion of A. D. Gilmore and 47 others, posing that these debates would be refor prohibiting sale of spirituous li- printed in those papers for the informaquors as a beverage; which was refer- tion of the readers of those papers. Mr. YEOMANS presented the pe- red to the committee on intoxicating Certainly the publication of the detition of Hon. Hampton Rich, Rev. G. liquors, bates will be of no practical use whatS. Barnes, C. Oscar Thompson, W. D. Mr.WHITE presented the petition of ever if they are not to be published Arnold, A. C. Caldwell, G. S. Cooper, Mrs. George Henika, Mrs. Isaac Bus- within three or four or five weeks of Harvey Harter, O. N. Boltwood and kerk, and Miss Etta Van, Miss Jossie the time when they occurred. It is not ten other citizens of Ionia county, pray- White, and 38 other ladies, residents to be supposed that the papers will ing that the present Constitution be so of Wayland, Allegan county, praying republish them at that late day, after amended as to forever disfranchise any that section 47, article 4, of the present having published what information and every person who may directly or Constitution, be retained in the new; they usually do of our proceedings indirectly engage in the manufacture which was referred to the committee immediately after their occurrence. or sale of intoxicating liquors as a on intoxicating liquors. beverage; which was referred to the committee on intoxicating liquors. Mr. BILLS presented the petition of B. L. Baxten and others, of Tecumseh, asking that section 47, article 4, of the present Constitution, be inserted in the


At the rate that we have been runMr. MORTON presented the petition ning behind in the publication of these of N. Homer and 39 others, in favor debates and proceedings, we can only of a license law for the sale of intoxi- imagine where we shall be at the time cating liquors; which was referred to we get through our labors here-and the committee on intoxicating liquors. the question might be very pertinently Mr. THOMPSON. I find upon my asked, who will be here to attend to the table this morning a petition signed correction of proofs, etc.? If we are to Also, the petition of J. P. Slayton, by O. C. Gale, Harmon Fowler, A. have a session of the Legislature this J. L. Waldo and 170 others, of Tecum- Vanalstine, and 57 others, in relation coming winter, our State printers would seh, asking to have inserted in the to the traffic in intoxicating liquors. then be probably in the same predicaConstitution the following clause: I am unable to tell, from the reading ment that we understood them to be "The Legislature shall not, by grant of the petition, whether it is for or in when they first failed to keep up of license or otherwise, authorize the against a license law. I will not, how- with publishing the debates of this manufacture or sale of intoxicating ever, move its reference to the commit-Convention. The reason was that they liquors to be used as a beverage, but tee on phraseology, but will ask its had not got through with publishing reference to the committee on intoxi- the session laws at that time. And shall by law prohibit the same." Also, the petition of Wm. R. B. Pow-cating liquors. next winter the excuse for delay in pubers, E. Hause, David Jones and David The petition was received, and refer- lishing what may be needed for the McNair and 22 other voters of Tecum-red to the committee on intoxicating Legislature, will be that they have not seh, asking that the manufacture and liquors. got through with the debates of this sale of ntoxicating liquors be prohibited Convention. The reporter, by his conby law; which petitions were severally referred to the committee on intoxicating liquors.

Mr. DIVINE presented the petition of Mary Vasey and 21 other ladies of Lexington, Sanilac county, Michigan,


Mr. BLACKMAN. I offer the fol- tract, is to examine the proofs of these lowing resolution: debates. Unless the printing is done much more rapidly than it now is, he Resolved, That the committee on printing be instructed to take measures to secure the will have to remain much longer than printing of the debates and proceedings of he expected in order to fulfil that part this Convention within a reasonable time of his contract. That, however, is perafter their occurrence; and in case the prinin favor of retaining in the new Con-ter at present engaged to print the same can-haps not a matter that concerns memnot hasten their publication, that said com-bers particularly. I make these sugmittee be instructed to take such steps as gestions for the purpose of calling the may be deemed necessary to procure the attention of members to this subject. same to be done by other parties, if the same can be done so as to secure the more speedy If there is any advantage to be gained execution of the work. by having these debates published at all, it seems to me they should be published within some reasonable time.

stitution section 47, article 4, of the present one.

Also, the petition of Elizabeth A. Stecker and 63 other persons, citizens in the town of Sanilac, in Sanilac county, on the same subject.

Also, the petition of Lucinda Law, and 76 other citizens of the town of Sanilac, in Sanilac county, on the same subject.

Also, the petition of Mark Willis and 69 other citizens of Sanilac county, on the same subject.

Also, the petition of Hon. L. L. Mixson, Rev. J. A. Baughman, and 25 other citizens of Lexington, Sanilac county, on the same subject.

I offer this resolution not so much with the idea that it is the best step that could be taken in the matter, as Mr. MORTON. As one of the comfor the purpose of bringing the matter mittee on printing, I desire to state before the Convention for its considera- that I talked with the foreman of the tion. During our recess of ten days I State printing office, and from what I find, by reference to my files, that the learned from him, I am inclined to State printers have printed just three think that some members of this Condays' proceedings, in addition to what vention are responsible, at least to some we had when we left. That brings extent, for this delay. I understand them to within eleven days of the time that when we adjourned, on Friday, of when we took our recess; there are yet week before last, several members went Also, the petition of Mrs. C. H. eleven days' proceedings to be printed. to the printing office, and expressed Moore, and 107 other ladies of Lex- I believe at the time the order was a wish to have the publication of the ington, Sanilac county, on the same made for the publication of these de- debates delayed, for the reason, I supsubject.. bates, it was understood that they pose, that they desired to see their reAlso, the petition of Rev. Charles would be laid upon our tables within a ported speeches, before they are finally Spooner and 15 other citizens of the day or two after the journal of pro- printed. Now it is impossible for any town of Lexington, Sanilac county, on ceedings. We have, at considerable printing office in the State to set up a the same subject; which petitions were expense to the State, ordered the State number of forms, and to keep on hand severally referred to the committee on printers to send copies of these debates proof sheets of a large quantity of intoxicating liquors. to all the publishers of newspapers for type, in order to allow members to Mr. SHELDON presented the peti- the information of the public, sup- look over their debates as reported.


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