Exploring the Language of Drama: From Text to ContextJonathan Culpeper, Mick Short, Peter Verdonk Psychology Press, 1998 - 181 páginas Exploring the Language of Drama introduces students to the stylistic analysis of drama. Written in an engaging and accessible style, the contributors use techniques of language analysis, particularly from discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics and pragmatics, to explore the language of plays. The contributors demonstrate the validity of analysing the text of a play, as opposed to focusing on performance. Divided into four broad, yet interconnecting groups, the chapters: * open up some of the basic mechanisms of conversation and show how they are used in dramatic dialogue * look at how discourse analysis and pragmatic theories can be used to help us understand characterization in dialogue * consider some of the cognitive patterns underlying dramatic discourse * focus on the notion of speech as action. there is also a chapter on how to analyse an extract from a play and write up an assignment. |
From dramatic text to dramatic performance | 6 |
Turn management in drama | 19 |
studying discourses of incongruity | 34 |
Implicature convention and The Taming of the Shrew | 54 |
Macbeth | 96 |
Three models of power in David Mamets Oleanna | 112 |
a pragmatic | 128 |
The give and take of talk and Caryl Churchills | 142 |
178 | |
Outras edições - Ver tudo
Exploring the Language of Drama: From Text to Context Jonathan Culpeper,Mick Short,Peter Verdonk Pré-visualização limitada - 2002 |
Exploring the Language of Drama: From Text to Context Jonathan Culpeper,Mick Short,Peter Verdonk Pré-visualização limitada - 2002 |
Exploring the Language of Drama: From Text to Context Jonathan Culpeper,Mick Short,Peter Verdonk Pré-visualização indisponível - 2002 |
Palavras e frases frequentes
absurd accused action addressee Alison Anderson argues Arthur Miller assumptions audience Austin Brown and Levinson Carol Cathy chapter characters Charlie Charlie's CHOUBERT cognitive Colonel Connie Booth container context conventions conversational behaviour critical David Mamet discourse analysis dramatic texts Duncan's example extract Falstaff Fawlty Towers floor flouts Grice's HALE hearer Heilman Helena Henry Hollar illocutionary act implicates implicatures impoliteness incongruity inferences inter interaction interpretation interruptions J. L. Austin Jacques Weber Jimmy Jimmy's John John Cleese Karen Kate Kate's kiou language lecturer linguistic look Macbeth Mamet maxim McKendrick mean metaphor Nudge nudge odd talk Oleanna participants particular path Paul Simpson Pause performance perlocutionary Petruchio play Polly positive face pragmatic Professional Foul question Request Richards scene schemata situation social speak speaker speech acts stage directions Stoppard student stylistics suggests teaching schema Thurston tion Tituba topic turn turn-taking utterance verbal Victoria words
Referências a este livro
On the Discourse of Satire: Towards a Stylistic Model of Satirical Humor Paul Simpson Pré-visualização indisponível - 2003 |