Imagens das páginas

10. A Word or two of Advice to William Warburton,

a Dealer in many Words. By a Friend (Dr. Grey).

With an Appendix, containing a Taste of William's

Spirit of Railing. 8vo. 1746.

11. Critical Observations on Shakspeare. By John

Upton, Prebendary of Rochester. 1st edition, 8vo.

1746; 2d. edition, 1748.

12. An Inquiry into the Learning of Shakspeare;

with Remarks on several Passages of his Plays. In

a Conversation between Eugenius and Neander. By

Peter Whalley, A. B. Fellow of St. John's College,

Oxford. 8vo. 1748.

13. A free and familiar Letter to that great Refiner

of Pope and Shakspeare, the Rev. Mr. William War-

burton, Preacher of Lincoln's-Inn; with Remarks upon

the Epistle of Friend A. E. In which his unhandsome

Treatment of this celebrated Writer is exposed in the

Manner it deserves. By a country Curate (Dr. Grey).

8vo. 1750.

14. The Beauties of Shakspeare; regularly selected

from each Play: with a general Index, digesting them

under proper Heads. Illustrated with explanatory

Notes, and similar Passages from ancient and modern

Authors. By William Dodd, B. A. late of Clare Hall,

Cambridge. 2 vols. 12mo. 1st edition, 1752; 2d edition,

1757; 3d edition, 3 vols. 12mo. 1782.

15. Remarks upon a late Edition of Shakspeare;

witu a long String of Emendations, borrowed by the
celebrated Editor from the Oxford Edition without
Acknowledgment. To which is prefixed, a Defence of
the late Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. addressed to the
Rev. Mr. Warburton, Preacher of Lincoln's-Inn, &c.
8vo. No Date.

16. An Answer to certain Passages in Mr. W-'s

Preface, in his Edition of Shakspeare; together with
some Remarks on the many Errors and false Criticisms
in the Work itself. 8vo. 1748.

17. Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark with a Preface, containing some general Remarks on the Writings of Shakspeare. 8vo. 1752.

18. Shakspeare Illustrated; or the Novels and Histories on which the Plays of Shakspeare are founded, collected and translated from the original Authors, with critical Remarks. 2 vols. By Mrs. Lennox. 12mo. 1753. A third Volume, with the same Title, was published in 1754.

19. Critical, historical, and explanatory Notes on Shakspeare; with Emendations of the Text and Metre. By Zachary Grey, LL. D. 2 vols. 8vo. 1755.

20. The Canons of Criticism and Glossary; being a Supplement to Mr. Warburton's Edition of Shakspeare. Collected from the Notes in that celebrated Work, and proper to be bound up with it. By the other Gentleman of Lincoln's-Inn (Mr. Edwards). 1st. edition, 1748; 7th edition, with additions, 8vo. 1765. Remarks on Shakspeare, by Mr. Roderick, are printed at the end of this edition.

21. A Revisal of Shakspeare's Text, wherein the Alterations introduced into it by the more modern Editors and Critics are particularly considered. By Mr. Heath. 8vo. 1765.

22. A Review of Dr. Johnson's new Edition of Shakspeare, in which the Ignorance and Inattention of that Editor is exposed, and the Poet defended from the Persecution of his Commentators. By W. Kenrick. 8vo. 1765.

23. An Examination of Mr. Kenrick's Review of Mr. Johnson's Edition of Shakspeare. 8vo. 1766.

24. A Defence of Mr. Kenrick's Review of Dr. Johnson's Shakspeare; containing a Number of curious and ludicrous Anecdotes of literary Biography. By a Friend. 8vo. 1766.

25. Observations and Conjectures on some Passages of Shakspeare. By Thomas Tyrwhitt, Esq. 8vo. 1766.

26. An Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare. By the Rev. Dr. Richard Farmer. 8vo. 1767; 2d edition, 12mo. 1767.

27. A Letter to David Garrick, Esq. concerning a Glossary to the Plays of Shakspeare, on a more extensive Plan than has hitherto appeared. To whichr is added, a Specimen. By Richard Warner, Esq. 8vo.


28. An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakspeare compared with the Greek and French Dramatic Poets; with some Remarks upon the Misrepresentations of Mons. de Voltaire. By Mrs. Montagu. 8vo. 1770; 2d edition, 1776; 6th edition, corrected, to which are added, Three Dialogues of the Dead, 8vo. 1810.

29. The Morality of Shakspeare's Drama Illustrated. By Mrs. Griffiths. 8vo. 1775.

30. Notes and various Readings to Shakspeare. By Edward Capell. 3 vols. 4to.

31. A second Appendix to Mr. Malone's Supplement to the last Edition of the Plays of Shakspeare; containing additional Observations by the Editor of the Supplement. 8vo. 1783.

32. Essays on Shakspeare's Dramatic Characters; with an Illustration of Shakspeare's Representation of National Characters in that of Fluellen. The Sixth Edition. By William Richardson, M. A. F. R.S. E. Professor of Humanity in the University of Glasgow. London. 1812. 8vo. The above Essays were published at different times. The first portion appeared in 1774, under the title of "A Philosophical Analysis and Illustration of some of Shakspeare's Dramatic Characters." In 1784 were published, Essays on Shakspeare's Dramatic Characters of Richard the Third, King Lear, and Timon of Athens." To which were added, "An Essay on the Faults of Shakspeare, and additional Observations on the Character of Hamlet." Soon after were published, "Essays on Shakspeare's Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff'; and on his Imitation of Female Characters." To which were subjoined, "Observations on the chief Objects of Criticism in the Works of Shakspeare." These various performances were originally collected into one volume, with one uniform title, in 1797. The Essay on the Representation of National Characters illustrated in that of Fluellen, with two original Letters from the late Edmund Burke, Esq. were added to the edition 1812.

33. Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff. By Mr. Maurice Morgan. 8vo. 1777.

34. A Supplement to the Edition of Shakspeare's Plays, published in 1778. Containing additional Observations by several of the former Commentators. To which are subjoined, the genuine Poems of the same Author, and seven Plays that have been ascribed to him; with Notes, by the Editor (Mr. Malone) and others. 2 vols. 8vo. 1780.

35. Remarks, critical and illustrative, on the Text and Notes of the last Edition of Shakspeare (Steevens, 1778). By Mr. Kitson. 8vo. 1783.

36. Dramatic Miscellanies; consisting of critical Observations on the Plays of Shakspeare, &c. By Thomas Davies. 3 vols. Crown 8vo. 1784.

37. Comments on the last Ftion of Shakspeare's Plays. By John Monck Mason, 1. 8vo. 1785.

38. Macbeth Reconsidered: an Essay intended as an Answer to Part of the Remarks on some of the Characters of Shakspeare. By J. P. Kemble. 8vo. 1786.

39. An Inquiry into the Authenticity of certain Miscellaneous Papers, published Dec. 24, 1795, and attributed to Shakspeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry Earl of Southampton: illustrated by Fac-similes of the genuine Hand-writing of that Nobleman and of her Majesty; a new Fac-simile of the Hand-writing of Chakspeare, never before exhibited; and other authentic Documents. By Edmund Malone, Esq. 8vo. 1796. London.

40. A Concordance to Shakspeare: suited to all the Editions, in which the distinguished and parallel Passages in the Plays of that justly admired Writer are methodically arranged. To which are added, Three Hundred Notes and Illustrations entirely new. (By H. Twiss.) 8vo. 1787.

41. Cursory Criticisms on the Edition of Shakspeare, published by Edmund Malone. By Mr. Ritson. 8vo. 1792.

42. Specimen of a Commentary on Shakspeare; containing, 1. Notes on As You Like It; 2. An Attempt to explain and illustrate various Passages on a new Principle of Criticism, derived from Mr. Locke's Doctrine of the Association of Ideas. By the Rev. Walter Whiter. 8vo. 1794.

43. An Apology for the Believers in the Shakspearepapers, which were exhibited in Norfolk Street. London. (By Geo. Chalmers.) 8vo. 1797.

44. A Supplemental Apology for the Believers in the Shakspeare-papers; being a Reply to Mr. Malone's Answer, which was early announced, but never published; witha Dedication to George Stevens, F.R.S.S.A. and a Postscript to T. J. Mathias, F.R.S. S.A. the Author of the Pursuits of Literature. By George ChalmerspaR.S. S.A. 8vo. 1799.

45. Comments on the Commentators of Shakspeare, with preliminary Observations on his Genius and Writings, and on the Labours of those who have endeavoured to elucidate them. By Henry James Pye, London. 8vo. 1807.

46. An Account of the Incidents from which the Title and Part of the Story of Shakspeare's Tempest were derived, and its true Date ascertained. By Edmund Malone. London. 1808. This pamphlet was not published; only eighty copies of it were printed and distributed by the Author.

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