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Beaufort, North Carolina, Sept. 8, 1839. wheat in Baltimore is 100 to 105 cents; but owing Your works have been a great source of infor- to the very limited supplies in some of the Virgi mation to me on the subject of farming; for by nia markets, it still commands 105 to 115. their instructions I have been enabled to raise on The crop of tobacco (of 1838) is now all at land that would not produce, 3 years ago, ten bush-market. The inspections in Virginia show 28000 els of wheat to the acre, I have this year raised | hhds. and the receipts at New Orleans a like quan25 bushels to the bushel sowed, done by liming tity. In Maryland they are reported to be but my land and sowing down in peas. I have tried 11000; but we have no accurate data. this year a few of the skinless oats, and I must The export to Europe since Oct. 1st, 1838, from say, they surpassed any oats that I have ever Virginia, is 19200 hhds. tried.


For the Farmers' Register.

From N. Orleans 15800
From N. York 5500

Those from Baltimore and other ports not ascer-
tained. Prices in Virginia have not varied much
during the month, and may be quoted $4 to $12,

crop begins to appear, but generally loose, in bulk, and is bought up by the manufacturers at about 36 for leaf. The crop will be large, and of good quality. That of Kentucky is reported to be much diminished by drought.

No favorable change has occurred in commer-embracing all sorts of old. A little of the new cial affairs during the present month. The scarcity of money has even increased, and is most severely felt in the northern cities, where the rate of interest is 1 to 13 per cent. per month, on the best securities. The banks grant scarcely any discounts, and stocks of all descriptions are more de- Of the old crop of cotton only 50,000 bales repressed than they have been for many years. All main in all the ports; the closing sales are from descriptions of produce have fallen in price, and 9 to 12. Supplies of the new crop began to arthe spirit of commercial enterprise appears to be rive at New Orleans early in this month, but they almost entirely dormant. This scarcity of money will be retarded there as well as at Mobile, Auprevails also in Europe, where the rate of interest gusta and Charleston, by the prevalence of yelhas nearly doubled. American stocks no longer low fever, which unfortunately rages with great find purchasers there, and those agents who went violence this autumn. Although the crop of last from this country to effect negotiations, meet with year proves to be only 1,350,000 bales against little or no success. 1,800,000 in the preceding year, the stock on hand in Great Britain is larger, and the price declining, so greatly has the consumption diminished this year. The first new cotton received at Petersburg and sold at 13 cents, is of fine quality, and such is supposed to be the character of the crop in North Carolina and Virginia. The season thus far has been favorable for maturing and gathering; but small progress in these has yet been made.

No mode of remittance from the south to the north now exists, unless it be by shipments of specie, which must return in the regular course of trade, attended with the expenses of transportation to and fro. In short, a greater derangement of money matters has scarcely ever existed. Public works are suspended for want of funds, and private enterprise almost paralyzed.

The result of the wheat harvest in England, although not ascertained with certainty, (on the 1st September,) was considered more favorable than by previous advices; and the consequence has been a decline in this country. The price of

The crop of corn is abundant, and altogether the season in Virginia has been a most luxuriant one. Price of corn 62 to 65 cents per bushel; bacon 10 to 12 cents; apple brandy 45 cents. X. September 28, 1839.

Table of Contents of Farmers' Register, No. 9, Vol. VII.

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