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The Banker's Pen No. 555, Fine or Medium, 3/. per gross. Ostrich Quill, No. 525, Fine or Medium, in 1 doz. Boxes, with holder, 1/. per Box.

Swan Quill, No. 570, in 1 doz. Boxes, with holder, 9d. per Box.
Shakespeare Pen, No. 545, 3/6 per gross.

The Official Pen, No. 575, Fine or Medium, 3/. per gross; Spear
Point Pen, No. 560, 3/. per gross; Spear Point Pen, Gilt
Point, 4/6 per gross; or full Gilt, for Red Ink, 6/. per gross.
The Dispatch Pen, No. 580, 3/. per gross.

FOR FINE WRITING & BOOKKEEPING, The Free Writing Pen, No. 550, Fine and Medium, 2/6 per gross; the Dispatch Pen, No. 580, 3/. per gross; the Oblique Pen, No. 540, 3/. per gross; the Official Pen, No. 575, Fine, 3/. per gross. FOR SOLICITORS' USE.

The Solicitors' Pen, No. 520, Fine or Medium, 2/6 per gross;
The Shakespeare Pen, No. 545, 3/6 per gross.

No. 555, Fine and Medium, 3/.; 580, 3/.; 575, 3/.
Supplied by H. ALDEN, STATIONER,



37 CORN-MARKET STREET, (Corner of New-Inn Hall Street) OXFORD.

To Tailors.

ANTED,-A YOUNG MAN, who has been four

CLARY, Tailor, Woodstock, Oxon.


ON Sunday Evening next, March 5th, the Rev. W. ALLEN

intends preaching a "MEMORIAL SERMON" for the late REV. B. GODWIN, D.D., formerly pastor of the Church meeting in New Road Chapel. Service will commence at 6.30.

Established nearly Forty Years.



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We are greatly indebted to the Vicar of St. Mary-the-Virgin's (Rev. J. W. Burgon, M.A.) for valuable suggestions in the preparation of our notice of the Church in the present number.

Short original articles, in prose or verse, and Books for Review should be sent to the Editor, under cover, addressed to the care of the publisher, No. 35 Corn-Market Street, Oxford.

Subscribers of One Shilling annually in advance (post free, Sixpence per annum extra), will have the MONTHLY JOURNAL delivered regularly at their residence for Twelve Months.



THE present number commences a new volume. return best thanks to many of our Subscribers who have introduced the Illustrated Journal to their friends, and shall be happy to supply copies of prospectus with order form to any who may be willing still further to aid in promoting its circulation. Last year's numbers can be bound in any style at our publishing office; where may also be obtained handsome cloth cases for binding, and reading cases for holding single numbers.

We have much pleasure in announcing that the number for May will contain an interesting historical and descriptive account of the MAY MORNING CEREMONY ON MAGDALEN TOWER, illustrated with a fine engraving. The series of illustrated articles of local interest will be continued during the year.

Oxford Topics.

"DARK BLUE," No. I. has made its appearance, and looks promising. From its 'Oxford Chit Chit' we give the following extract:



'Architecturally Oxford progresses slowly but surely. The gap in the High, caused by demolishing The Angel,' makes men regret that the scheme of the Dean of Christ Church for building new schools was rejected by the pig-market. A splendid facade on that site would be the making of the old High. New College is to have a grand front in Holywell-some day: a good idea. New College ought to be larger in size, and just now it has the most grim of approaches. The circular window at the east end of the Cathedral adds much to the picturesque character of that edifice; and if canonical selfishness would only give way in the matter of that hideous wall, which hides all the beauties of Christ Church, and if Corpus could be induced to build a new front to the meadow, we should have somewhat to compare with the world-famed 'Backs' at Cambridge.

"Personal news there is none, except in regard of Prince Hassan, who seems to throw himself into Oxford

ways with zest. The appointment of Mr. Mozley to the Regius chair of Divinity is most deservedly popular. Lent will bring down ecclesiastics upon us in abundance. Chacun à son goût. They like them here. But then we have some charming specimens of natural growth. Is it necessary to particularise above all others a certain junior canon of St. Paul's? with whom must be associated the most affable, courteous, and unaffected of all prelates, the new Bishop of Oxford.

"Oh, Mr. Gladstone, Mr Gladstone! you have indeed heaped coals of fire on the unworthy pate of your false Alma Mater."

THE present number of members on the books of the University, according to the new edition of the Oxford Calendar, recently issued, is 8,236; of whom 4,323 are members of Convocation. The number of Undergraduates at the beginning of this year was 2,239 (including 31 at Keble College, and 97 unattached), being 573 more than in 1864.

THE SCIENCE AND ART EXAMINATIONS in connection with the Government Department will be held in this city in May next, commencing on the first of the month. Persons not being students in the Oxford School of Science and Art may present themselves for examination, provided they apply to the Local Secretaries before the 26th of March.

THE LOCAL MIDDLE-CLASS EXAMINATIONS will be held this year at Oxford, and also at the following places:-London, Bath, Birmingham, Brighton, Cheltenham (for girls only), Exeter, Finchley, Gloucester, Leeds, Lincoln, Liverpool, Manchester, Margate, Northampton, Nottingham, Southampton, Streatham Hill, Swansea, Taunton, Truro, West Buckland, Windermere, and Windsor. The examination will commence in each place on Monday, the 24th of May, at two o'clock p.m. Candidates wishing to be examined at Oxford may obtain forms from the Rev. S. Edwardes, Merton College, after the 1st of March.

THE REV. DR. GODWIN, formerly the highlyrespected minister of the New Road Chapel in this city, died on the 20th ult. at Rawdon, near Bradford, Yorkshire, in his 86th year; and was buried on the 23rd, in the presence of a large concourse of residents in the neighbourhood, by whom he was held in deserved veneration. As will be seen by a notice in another column, a "memorial sermon will (D.V.) be preached in the New Road Chapel next Sunday evening, as a tribute to his memory.

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THE Illustrated Review* of the first of February contains an ably written article on the genius and works of Mr. Ruskin, accompanied by an excellent portrait. The following extract will be read with interest by many who have been privileged to hear the course of lectures on Art just completed by the eminent Professor :


John Ruskin, the greatest of art-critics, and one of the greatest of English writers, was born in London in 1819. At Oxford he gained the Newdigate prize for English verse in 1839, and four years later began his public career as a writer on art by the publication of the first volume of his greatest work, "Modern Painters," in 1843. This work was begun and pursued in haste as an essay in vindication of Turner against the attacks of the knot of malignant critics which embittered the last years of that great and successful artist; and it succeeded in its immediate object. A check was given to the ignorant revilers of the aged master who had been honoured by his own generation, and the eyes of many were opened to discern his unsurpassable greatness. But more than the defence of Turner was accomplished by this first volume. It was immediately felt by the public that a critic had arisen as great as the painter whom he defended. splendour of diction, clearness of argument, grasp of the essential principles of art, no such work had ever appeared in the literature of taste. The chivalrous honour and magnanimity of the writer were as apparent as his splendid intellectual gifts. It may be questioned whether in the history of literature any writer equally young has, in his first publication, shown so complete a mastery of his own principles. The first volume of "Modern Painters" was, as we have seen, produced in the zeal of friendship at the age of twenty-four; the remainder of the work was proceeded with more at leisure, and occupied seventeen years, the last volume not appearing till 1860. Yet the original point of view was never abandoned, nor the work recast. The first volume simply defended Turner on the lowest grounds: it did not prove him to be imaginative, poetical, a master of composition, or any thing of the sort; it proved him, against the denial of his ignorant assailants, to be true to nature; and it did so by showing what nature was. It was demonstrable by evidence that Turner knew and painted more of nature than any man who ever lived; and this demonstrated, everything else has followed. Admiration cannot but be yielded to the insight which enabled a youth at once to seize upon truths which the investigations pursued through a life devoted to art have only rendered more assured; especially when it is considered that critical insight differs from the ordinary instinct of genius. The latter is an overwhelming propensity which often tends to narrow the range of the mind. Critical genius, which is as rare and valuable as any other, has to pursue a very different course. It has to make its sympathies universal, instead of training them in one direction. Few men have ever been gifted with so universal a sympathy as Ruskin, and as few have been gifted with powers which needed only to be devoted to any one branch of art in order to be excellent therein. Yet this man, with the heart and voice of a poet, with the eye, the ear, and the hand of a painter and a musician, has devoted himself not to special work in any art, but to the task of understanding and revealing the work of other men. By so doing he has conferred a greater benefit upon the world than he could have done by adding his name to the roll of poets in words, colours, or sounds, while he has proved himself the equal of the greatest in their number.

The Illustrated Review. A Critical Journal, published on the 1st and 15th of the month. London: Houlston and Sons.



MR. H. HUGHES, who has been for many years laboriously and successfully engaged in the work of education at the Blue Coat Boys' School, in this city, has published a small volume, of unpretending appearance, bearing on the outside the simple title which we adopt as the heading of this notice. On reference to the title-page we find the purpose of the work more fully explained, and learn that the "association of facts and figures" in it is "designed to assist the memory of students in acquiring and retaining them, as a foundation for further and higher knowledge." That the system adopted by the author is a most valuable aid to the memory in classifying and retaining the facts recorded in Holy Scripture, the uniform success of his pupils in examinations abundantly testifies; and we warmly recommend the book to the careful attention of all who are engaged in self-culture or the training of others in Biblical subjects.


But the book is no mere collection of dry statistics, nor is it only useful as a cram;" although it may be very profitably employed by persons preparing for examination. While availing himself of the labours of Biblical scholars who have preceded him, the author has displayed a very considerable amount of independent research; and his book combines with the results of years of painstaking labour in comparing Scripture with Scripture, the rare merit of originality, not only in arrangement, but in many exceedingly suggestive thoughts, which have a value and an interest far beyond a mere compilation of "aids to memory."

We have been particularly struck with the "associations" of Our Lord's Miracles and Parables, contained in the third part of the work. The author thus classifies the thirty-five recorded miracles: (1) one case of healing a wound inflicted by man; (2) two cases of cleansing lepers, smitten of God; (3) three of raising the dead; (4) four connected with food; (5) five connected with the Sea of Galilee; (6) six instances of demoniacs healed; (7) seven cases of bodily infirmities; and again, seven cases of bodily sicknesses. And by associating the gospel miracles with incidents of similar character, recorded in other parts of the Bible, he obtains five groups of seven; thus: the six cases of demoniacs healed may be made seven by adding the instance recorded in Acts xvi. 18;-with the five miracles connected with the Sea may be associated the cases of the Israelites and of Jonah;-the miracles connected with Food may be grouped under seven heads, showing that God can sustain man (1) without food, (2) with miraculous food, (3) with ordinary food miraculously brought, (4) with ordinary food miraculously preserved, (5) with ordinary food miraculously increased, (6) with ordinary food miraculously changed, (7) with ordinary food miraculously found; with the three cases of raising the dead by our Saviour, may be associated the miracles of Elijah and Elisha in the Old Testament, and by Peter and Paul in the Acts, thus again making seven ;-and lastly, seven cases of leprosy are recorded, four of which were specially smitten, and two of them healed.

The Parables of our Lord are also divided into seven groups, thus: (1) seven spoken in one day at Capernaum; (2) seven "connected with questions or remarks put by or to our Lord;" (3) seven spoken on separate occasions; (4) three on prayer; (5) three on penitence; (6) two final parables on the judgment; (7) one peculiar to St. Mark-"the seed growing secretly." The general facts of gospel history are also similarly associated. Our Saviour is spoken of as present at seven ordinary meals; seven of His prayers are recorded; the seven last words on the Cross are well known; there are seven classes of people whose sayings at the Cross are given; and seven particulars in the narrative of the crucifixion are common to the four Evangelists.

The "associations" in the Acts of the Apostles have, we believe, escaped the notice of Biblical critics; at all events, we confess to a feeling of surprise as well as of interest in tracing the extraordinary combinations of the number seven which Mr. Hughes brings to notice in treating of this important

Association of some of the Facts and Figures of Holy Scripture. By HENRY HUGHES, C.M., Oxford.

portion of Holy Writ. For example, the miracles wrought by the agency or in behalf of SS. Peter and Paul are classed in two lists of seven, each bearing what seems much more than an accidental resemblance to the other; seven principal addresses of each of these Apostles are also given; seven appearances of our Lord after His resurrection are mentioned; and there are seven general notices of the increase of the Church, seven remarkable individual conversions, seven deaths, and seven principal persecutions of the Church, recorded in the Acts of the Apostles.

These general classifications (a few of which only we have barely mentioned) are amplified by the author, incidental lessons of much beauty and import being frequently introduced; and we are sure that all students of the Holy Scriptures, and those too who, never having attempted their intelligent study, have no conception of the 'hid treasure' to be found therein by the willing seeker,-will find the careful perusal of this little book not only a pleasant mental exercise, but a really valuable foundation for further and higher knowledge."


THE general subject chosen by the Bishop of Oxford for the series of sermons to be delivered during this Lent in St. Mary's and St. Giles's Churches, is " Man in the Presence of God." The special subjects allotted to each preacher, and the dates and places of the services, are given below::

Feb. 22.-Subject, "Belief in a Living God essential to the True Life of Man." -The Lord Bishop of Oxford, at St. Mary's; Canon King, at St. Giles's.

Feb. 24.-Subject, "God revealed in Christ to the Soul of Man."-The Lord Bishop of Rochester, at St. Mary's; Rev. P. G. Medd, at St. Giles's. March 1.-Subject, "Man's Earthly Life and God's Eternity." The Warden of All Souls', at St. Mary's; Rev. W. R. Clark, at St. Giles's.

March 3.-Subject, "Man's Weakness and God's Omnipotence."-Canon Payne Smith, at St. Mary's; Rev. W. F. Norris, at St. Giles's.

March 8.-Subject," Man's Defilements and God's Holiness." -Canon Fremantle, at St. Mary's; Rev. W. J. Butler, at St. Giles's.

March 10.-Subject, "Man's Cowardice rebuked by the Faithfulness of God."-The Dean of Rochester, at St. Mary's; Rev. C. W. Furse, at St. Giles's.

March 15.-Subject, "Man's Backwardness to Pray-God's Readiness to Hear."-Rev. W. D. Maclagan, at St. Mary's; Prebendary Dalton, at St. Giles's.

March 17.-Subject, "Man's Self-deceit and God's Omniscience."-Dr. Pusey, at St. Mary's; Rev. R. W. Randall, at St. Giles's.

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March 22.-"Man's Perverseness and God's Love."-Hon. Canon Lyttleton, at St. Mary's; Dr. Monsell, at St. Giles's. March 24.-" Man's Repentance and God's Mercy."-Rev. W. Cadman, at St. Mary's; Rev. W. H. Cleaver, at St. Giles's March 29. Man renewed in Christ, walking with God.' -Canon Ashwell, at St. Mary's; Canon Bright, at St. Giles's. March 31.-" Man made perfect hereafter in the presence of God."-Bishop of Bloemfontein, at St. Mary's; Archdeacon Pott, at St. Giles's.

Service to commence each evening at Eight o'clock.

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I LOVE the hour of twilight,
When the light begins to fade,
And, mingling with the darkness,
Throws a soft and pleasant shade.

I love it in the Spring time,

When the gentle evening breeze Soft murmurs through the garden, And shakes the leafy trees.

I love it in the Summer,
When the glorious setting sun
Sinks slowly in the heavens,

And shows the day is done.

And I love it in the Autumn,
When the leaves are falling round,
And, in withered heaps together,
Lie scattered o'er the ground.

I love it in the Winter,
When, gathering round the hearth,
Work is for a time forgotten,

And all is joy and mirth.

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DOMESDAY BOOK.-How many read of Domesday Book without knowing what it is, or inquiring into what it means! We will inform them that it is a valuable record of antiquity, in which the estates of this kingdom are registered. It was begun in 1080, by order of William the Conqueror, and compiled in less than six years, written on 380 double pages of vellum, in one hand, and it is, without doubt, the most important and interesting document possessed by any nation in Europe. It is also remarkable that, on searching this book, we find such a similarity in the orthography of the names of towns existing upwards of seven centuries ago and the present period. For instance, the following towns in Sussex: Bristelmetune (Brightelmstone); Wordinges (Worthing); and Presletune (Preston). It was called "Domesday Book," because it was intended to carry down to the latest posterity circumstances and events of former times. That it has thus far given an earnest of its deserving the name, all historians agree. Such is the celebrated book-one of those records so peculiar to the land of the "venerable Bede" and the immortal Newton. Domesday Book has been printed by the Government in four folio volumes; and a most valuable introduction to it, by Sir Henry Ellis (of the British Museum library), has been separately printed in two octavo volumes.


IN a beautiful little cottage at Bow, Henry Everett and his young wife were one summer's evening seated at tea, having just returned by the boat from Margate, where they had been spending their honeymoon. The parlour was neatly furnished, and wore the air of a room that had just left the shop of the upholsterer. The things in it were all new, although of the plainest possible description; the only expensive article being a handsome loo table, which stood in the

centre of the room, and which was now covered with a stoutly-woven cloth to protect its bright polish from the heat of the tea-pot and from the contamination of new bread and butter, and the shrimps which they had bought at Herne Bay on their way up. The floor was concealed by a highly-coloured drugget; the room could not conveniently hold more than six cane chairs, and the fire-place was garnished with a screen of artificial flowers. Over the mantelpiece, in lieu of a looking-glass, was an engraving of the "Burial of Harold," and on either side were photographs of the young bride and bridegroom.

Ellen Everett, as she now gloried in being called, was a bright-eyed girl of one-and-twenty, with a cheerful, rosy face, crowned by jet black hair, which clustered in glossy ringlets around her brow. Henry, her husband, looked pale and worn, through longcontinued labour in a merchant's office; and it was only when his countenance grew animated under the influence of some real delight that any one would have counted him young, and taken him for a man of twenty-six years of age. This summer evening his face shone with pleasure, and as he gazed on the features of his beautiful bride, he appeared like one to whom mere existence was a joy, and labour an amusement.

"To-morrow, my love," he said, "I go back to Mr. Grindhard's again; but I cannot tell you with what delight I shall take my place at my old desk, now that the gloom of the counting-house will be lightened by the sunshine of home."

"And, Henry," said his wife, "won't it be nice for me to meet you at the gate, or to come to meet you, and bring you home to just such a tea-table as we have had to-night ?"

'But without the shrimps, my dear," returned her husband, with a smile.

"Oh, but you can bring some down from London, or a lobster, or some tea-cakes; and, oh! you can bring such lots of nice things," said Ellen, in rapture at the contemplation of the pleasure awaiting them in their married life.

Henry smiled gravely as he replied, "I think, Ellen, that Mr. Grindhard will not allow us many shrimps or lobsters, and only plain bread and butter for tea;" but observing a shade of gloom gathering over the face of his wife, he added, in a very cheerful tone, "Come, Nelly, the Bow Road is not quite so good as the Margate cliffs, nor the noise of omnibuses as musical as the roar of the sea; but let us go out and see what this splendid evening has to say to


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They were soon ready, and arm-in-arm they sauntered on, talking of happy days gone by, and of the still happier ones which they hoped were in store for them. And as they are silently whispering to each other in tones of love, we would hastily inform the reader that Ellen, although one of the best of wives and mothers we at the present time know, was, at the time we introduce her, a very inexperienced young person, an orphan, fresh from the home where every wish had been gratified, and where, as far as thought was concerned, she had never distinguished between a sixpence and a shilling. Henry, on the other hand, was a young man who had been brought up in the straits of poverty, and who, until his honeymoon, had never known what it was to spend money in enjoyment. From his humble position he had long watched Ellen, and had conceived an ardent attachment for her; and circumstances favouring his suit, he had become upon her parents' death her lover, and at length her husband. It was his affectionate wish to be able, in some degree, to make up for the loss she had sustained by her bereavement, and never to allow her

painfully to contrast her husband's with her parents' home; but his income was but a small one, and barely sufficient to support a married life.


But all this time the newly-married ones walking up the Bow Road in tranquil happiness. They were both in high spirits, and amused themselves by thinking whether every smiling young couple they met were as happy as themselves. As, however, they came in the region of shops, Henry Everett felt that, although his companion still kept pace with him, yet in spirit she lagged behind. When he turned to speak to Ellen, he found her head turned to a linendraper's shop some yards behind, and had to repeat his remark two or three times before she observed it.

"I was looking at that beautiful ribbon, Henry, in the shop we have just passed; the sun has so faded mine-it looks quite shabby. Do come back and look at it."

Her husband, without further solicitation, retraced his steps, and to give pleasure to Ellen at once purchased the ribbon. When they recommenced their walk, however, Ellen was still stopping every now and then to look into this shop and that, and presently said, "Henry, dear, don't you think my bonnet too shabby to put this beautiful ribbon on? Do go back, and look at these dear little ducks of bonnets in this window."

What could her husband do? He had not much ready money in his possession, yet he gratified her fancy, and home they went with great glee. The next day he set off for the counting-house, and began his accustomed toil with redoubled vigour. In the evening, as he was walking home, half-way from the cottage he met Ellen, who, with smiles mantling o'er her countenance, ran to catch hold of his arin. After the first greetings had been exchanged, they walked on for a little while in silence, and then Ellen said, "Henry, dear, I hope you won't think me extravagant; but I've been trying on my bonnet to-day, and it does fit me so nicely; but it does make my blue silk look so poor and worn, and there is such a beautiful dress down the Road here on our way home. Can't I have it ?"

Her husband answered in his most pleasant tones, and assured her she should have it if he could pay for it. She danced joyfully along by his side to the shop; the dress was an expensive one, still Henry Everett had not the heart to disappoint her, and purchased it. It was with a feeling of pride that he walked out with her new bonnet and dress, although he felt a sinking of heart when he contemplated his own straitened income.

It was not until some days had elapsed after his return to the counting-house, that he began to perceive that the purchase of the new ribbon would have heavy expenses attached to it. No sooner had Ellen obtained the new bonnet and dress, than she needed a new shawl to set them off, and no sooner had her wishes in this respect been gratified, than other wants began to show themselves. Two of her old schoolfellows had written to her to say that they should like to come and stay with her for two or three days; and as these young ladies were very well off, she began to think that her house needed a little improvement, that the drugget was not so good as a Brussels carpet, that rosewood chairs were better than cane, and that the spare bed-room wanted entirely re-fitting up. When, in the kindest and most artless manner, she mentioned her wishes to Henry, he at first did not know what to say; but, after some consideration, he allowed her to go and order what she liked, on condition that before the articles were delivered her husband should approve of the purchase, and have the bills sent to

him to the office in town, that he might examine them. Accordingly, with great glee, Ellen set off on her errand, and in the course of two or three posts her husband received the particulars of the articles she wanted to purchase. The evening after he had received all the bills, instead of going out with Ellen, as was his usual custom, he asked her to sit down with him for a little while in the parlour, where they had first taken tea upon their return from Margate.

"My dear girl," said Henry, "I want to tell you something dreadful: in a very little while I shall be in prison."

"In prison, Henry!" shrieked his wife, turning deadly pale.


He soothed her agitation, and then quietly went "My income, as you know, is two pounds a week; by dint of great pinching I managed to furnish this house as you see, and to spend the first days of our married life at Margate. When we returned I had barely enough to support us until my next payment of salary became due, and the ribbon, the bonnet, the dress, the shawl have sadly trenched upon my resources," he said, with a loving smile. "But these expenses I could have borne, had I not had an unexpected demand of nearly seventy-three pounds."

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Seventy-three pounds!" cried Ellen in dismay. "Oh, Henry, you never told me that you were in debt! What have you been about ?"

Her husband did not reply, but presently put all her intended purchases into one bill, and placed it before her. She had ordered a new Brussels carpet and rug, a handsome fender and set of fire-irons, a set of rosewood chairs and sofa, a cheffonier and loo table for the parlour, and a splendid array of furniture for the spare bedroom. She looked upon the bill with horror, and, covering her face with her hands, burst into a passion of tears. Henry immediately folded her in his arms, and endeavoured (though for some time in vain) to dry her tears, and at last she could only be quieted by being allowed to repair to each of the shops where she had ordered the furniture, and confess her imprudence and folly.

The actual value of money she now saw, and the deceitful delusions which gather around debt. Never did woman make a more thrifty, prudent wife than Ellen after this. It was long before she ever looked upon the new bonnet, dress, and shawl without a shudder; but on the evening preceding the anniversary of her wedding-day, when she went to meet her husband coming from the City, he was surprised to see her clothed in them; but with a sweet smile she said, "I shall wear them once a year, Henry, to remind myself of the price of a new ribbon.'"'

GRUMBLERS. If you find a man disposed to complain of the coldness of the world, be sure you will find that he has never brought anything into the world to warm it, but is a personal lump of ice set in the midst of it. If you find a man who complains that the world is all base and hollow, tap him, and he will probably sound base and hollow. And so, in the other way, a kind man will probably find kindness all about him. The merciful man, as a general thing, will obtain mercy. He who has always had a kind excuse for others, who has looked at the brightest side of the case - he who has rendered his pardon and his help whenever he could, who has never brought his fellow-man into any strait by reason of not helping him — will find that the mercy he has bestowed flows back upon him in a full and spontaneous spring. He will make a merciful world by the mercy he himself shows.

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