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A Doll House made by the pupils of Miss Emma Langdon, Perry, lowa

Projects in Primary Grades I

A Noah's Ark Project

(Second Grade)

HE motive for making an ark came when Teacher made a visit to an jorphan's home and overheard the matron express a wish for a Noah's Ark toy which the home could not afford to buy. Ε When the teacher went back to school she told the children about the little folks in the home and showed pictures of them. Then she made known the matron's wish for a Noah's Ark and one and all were ready to make


This brought forth many questions as to what an ark was. In all this free conversation there were many chances to improve the pupils' language.

The next step came in the nature of literature. For the sake of those who had never heard the story, the teacher told the Bible story of Noah's Ark. This led to an interesting discussion as to how the children could make the animals and the ark. Some one remembered that there were pictures of animals in their "Circus Readers," and others who had just seen the circus contributed facts about the real animals. A list was made of all the things needed, the ark, two lions, two tigers, two snakes, etc., and Noah with all his family.

Large pasteboard patterns of the animals were cut first, then the children traced these on thin wood and carefully cut them out with coping saws.

A group of about five youngsters took it upon themselves to make the Ark. A good picture of an ark was brought in, then the teacher helped with measurements and a heavy paper pattern ark was constructed first. This gave opportunity for a good deal of measuring and for many number combinations. More number came incidentally in the construction of the animals by pairs. In fact nearly all the combinations through twelve were brought out in this

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These colors were listed on the board, and for writing that day each child copied the list. Then the teacher chose the list most neatly written to carry with her that evening, in order that she might bring the right colors.

One little girl expressed a fear that she might spoil her dress if she painted, so all those who cared to made simple aprons to protect their clothing. Each child made his own pattern from paper first, and then cut his apron from cheesecloth.

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The next step, that of painting the animals and ark, was the most joyful part of the whole process for the juvenile workers. True, the pair of giraffes had rather too many black spots on them, and the tigers' stripes were a bit peculiar, but it was all satisfactory to the makers. When the paint had dried thoroughly each and every piece was carefully varnished with a hard varnish that would not come off should a giraffe or a lion find his way to a little mouth.

Then a new problem aroşe: the animals would not stand alone. Several boys experimented for a way to remedy this defect, and finally one of them devised a stand similar to those that made his toy soldiers at home stand erect.

I must not fail to mention that not only the boys but many of the girls worked on this wood work. Other girls and a few boys brought in pictures from Sunday-school of the way people dressed in olden days, and then proceeded to make garments for the small celluloid dolls (purchased at the ten cent store) that represented Noah and his family of sons and their wives.

When completely finished the toy ark and its inhabitants were securely packed in a wooden box. This made a very simple study of parcel post and express rates legitimate.

In order to address the box all the children eagerly learned the correct form for writing addresses (incidentally their own addresses, too) and then they chose one of the best writers to address the package to the Orphans' Home. One little girl suggested that they might send a letter telling the orphans who made the ark for them, and hoping they would enjoy it. This gave an added opportunity for language, for the letter was in the form of a co-operative composition. There was also a vital motive for good writing. It so happened that it was impossible to choose

the best letter to send, so the children themselves counted out to see who should be the fortunate person. Then every child in the room signed his letter.

The envelope, too, was addressed by a child, and I am very sure that the receivers got no more joy out of the

simple toy than the givers did. Perhaps, though of little consequence to the children themselves, the teacher too experienced joy that so much had been gained, and would stay with the children since it was learned with such intense interest.

Language Problems Solved in Grades III to VI


Ruby M. Potts

(Book rights reserved)

E shall all agree that the oral work in Language is of the most importance to the children in their adult life. How to train pupils to think upon a given or selected subject, and state their thoughts in fairly good English is the "bug-bear" of the majority of teachers.

We must compete with the "street," and the illiterate home, and to do this with any degree of success, we must enlist as our ally, the most fascinating factor of child life, "interest."

There are three methods by which this may be secured; by competition, by games, and by action, and we will consider each in its place.

Since the oral work comes first, let us devote one day a week to it, say Monday, or Friday. Call it our "good time" class. Allow pupils to sit together, well toward the front. Choose an interesting topic, and let those who wish, do the talking. This work must be spontaneous. We must be patient with the shy, and wait until they want to come forward and talk. Very few pupils can resist the lure of such topics as these:

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And so on. Any teacher can think of many others that perhaps will appeal more to her particular pupils. Children are egoists, and the normal child is ever eager to talk about any experience that concerns himself. The shy will come forward in time, voluntarily, if not pressed. Have each child, as he recites, come to the front of the room, and stand in front of your desk, so that he cannot see you. As he makes grammatical errors, you note same on scratch tablet, and when he finishes, you ask him to correct each one, as he does so, placing correct form on the board. If the pupil sees you write these errors he will become self-conscious, and this we must avoid.

The follow-up lesson occurs the next day, and here we make use of the "game" or "play" instinct. We place on the board all the correct forms of the errors made in our "Conversation" lesson the day before. Our list might


I saw You were They were He came It was I

Any teacher can make up games to fit each error, and apply to her particular class. Our game for, "Grace and I" is as follows:

I choose, Earl perhaps, to come to the front of the room. The pupils sit together occupying just so many seats. Earl addresses a couple, "What do you and Janet like best to do, Mary?" Mary answers, "Janet and I like best to sew. Earl answers, "All right," and asks another couple. When several couples have been asked, teacher taps on desk. Everybody changes seats, Earl taking a seat with the others. The one left without a seat is "it."

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Myra King has published a delightful book on "Language Games," which I purchased from the Educational Publishing Company, some years ago, and have found of inestimable value.

We have now planned for Monday and Tuesday. Let us devote the remaining three days to oral and written composition, with occasionally a theft of one or two days every two weeks for technical or book work.

Take the presentation of the story first, on Wednesday, perhaps. Select a story such as children like, full of action and with a moral. The best book I know for this purpose is Baldwin's "Fifty Famous Stories" and his "Thirty Famous Stories" for upper grades. Any one of these stories is delightful, and children love them all. We will select the story of the "Blind Men and the Elephant," page 130, for our type lesson.

Pupils close eyes, teacher reads the first sentence and says, "What do you see, Mabel?" Mabel stands and says, "I see six blind men standing by the roadside, begging from the people who pass by." And so on until each picture has been given and regiven.

Now, the teacher steps to the board and says, "Give me the word that suggests the first picture of our story, the next, the next, until the story is complete. The list for this particular story would read:

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Combining the study and recitation period will give ample time for this lesson, and a period for reproduction. So we print the title of our story on cardboard and call on volunteers to tell the story, each one who recites holding the cardboard high before the class. Correct errors as on "Conversation" day, and make note of same for "Game" day.

Thursday's lesson will be dramatization of the story. Unless there is much talent of extraordinary ability, teacher must write the parts out, and give to those who need this exercise, and the play is on. How they love this part of the language work, and how they will repay you for the extra time it has taken to write the parts! A little costuming, of course, adds to the interest.

In the story given, a yard of gray outing flannel thrown over two tall boys, makes a very good elephant, and perhaps you can persuade the "bad boy" to whittle two tusks, which with a rope for a tail, and a folded strip of cloth for a trunk, will make a most satisfactory elephant

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I have a rubber star and ink pad, which I use to reward all the neatly written work. It is an incentive, at least, and we can't furnish too many incentives for children, for they live entirely in the present, and dearly love reward. Thus the written Language period becomes a quiet, happy one to the pupils and teachers, and best of all, the children are "prepared."

The papers may be finished before the period is up, giving time to read several. After all have been corrected,

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Description and picture study might be taken up the third week, and take the place of the "Conversation and Game" lesson.

And remember, the only lasting benefit of the language work, to the pupil, is the result of his own correction of his mistakes, and his desire to improve. Any method we may use to this end is so much pure gold, for we are all looking forward to the time when these boys and girls of ours will be out in the world, using the weapons we have furnished them with to fight the battles of life.

place, or pin, rather, on a frame covered with burlap. Creative Return from Literature

E's first, G's next, F's last and the others, not worthy to be put up, must be rewritten, until neat, if it takes several periods. There are usually four or five of these untidy, poor spelling pupils in each room, and special attention and time must be given them in the beginning, until they learn that no slip-shod work will be accepted.

We have now outlined the week's work, and omitted poetry and technical work. So the second week, following game day, we will combine study and recitation periods for "Poems," which we have learned in the reading study period. We will have a race between the boys and girls, keeping score to see which side recites the most verses. Of course, we must take a few minutes to talk of meanings, and bring out the beauty of certain passages. Above all, we must select poems that children like. We might give a prize to the boy and girl giving the most verses in the best manner. This will stimulate home study as well as make use of idle moments in school.

Thursday of this second week, we will devote to the technical work. Outline the term's work, and determine what must be taught in this period. We will take the subject of "contractions" for illustration. Write on the board every contraction. Line pupils up, as for spelldown. Explain formation of contraction and its meaning. Call it a battle, if you like, and give each pupil a shot. The recitation must proceed as follows: "Isn't is a contraction for is not. The o has been omitted, and

the apostrophe takes its place." The side throwing the most correct shots wins. If pupils cannot remember the order of recitation place these questions on the board to guide.

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A Monthly Contest Conducted by Laura F. Kready


PRIMARY EDUCATION offers a prize of $2 each month for the best illustration sent in upon a specified fairy tale drama. SUBJECT FOR MAY-"The Happy Hunter and the Lucky Fisherman," a fairy tale drama published in PRIMARY EDUCATION, December, 1918. Letter due by February 15.

SUBJECT FOR JUNE - "Surya Bai," a fairy tale drama published in PRIMARY EDUCATION, January, 1919. Letter due by March 15.

All letters competing must be in the form of illustration and must be an example of one of the forms of creative reaction to a tale described in "A Study of Fairy Tales," by Laura F. Kready, pp. 119-154. The illustration must be the work of a grade child using the drama and bear the name, age, and school address of the child It must be sent by the teacher.

Teachers of training schools and model schools especially are urged to direct grade pupils to participate as the result of class work.

Illustrations may be any of the four forms of creative reaction described in p. 125 of "A Study of Fairy Tales," but illustrations of work in construction, drawing, painting, and all work sent in for publication must be done with jet paper-cutting, or sketching might be the best to attempt, black ink or wash on white paper, and the same color scheme must be observed in the cuttings.

Address contest letters to



50 Bromfield Street, Boston

Ideas to Try

Helps for Rainy Recesses and and it that one?" And the child answers, "Yes, it is that one."


Annebelle R. Bucknam

These helps are useful during rainy day noonings, especially in rural schools.

The children sit in a circle.
Teacher starts by saying this:

"Father is going to take a trip to New York, and we will help him pack his trunk. I will put in an umbrella." The child next to teacher says: "I will put in an umbrella and a collar."

Then the second child says: "I will put in an umbrella, a collar, and a neck-tie.'

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And so on around the circle. The point of the game is for each one to name in the correct order, all the objects which each preceding child has put in, and add one more. This is a good memory test. If any child fails to name each object, or to name each one in its own position, or place, he must step out of the game.

The one remaining at the last wins the game. Another diversion which the children enjoy is a book game or trick.

Place three books on the table, in a pile, each one projecting just a little beyond the others.

Teacher must have one older child in the secret with her. This child goes out, and then any child points to any one of the three books. The child is called back, and points to the correct book.

There are two ways of doing this.

One is by means of the words used in calling the child back.

The signal for the top book is the word "Ready!" for the second book the word "Come" and for the third or lowest book the words, "Come on," the teacher always calling the child back.

Another way is for the child to be called back by any words, or by any other child. But the child should know the correct book by watching the teacher's movements with her hands. If the top book is the correct one, the teacher apparently, in a casual way, places her hand to her forehead.

If the second book is the correct one, she places her finger on or beside her nose, and for the third or lowest book, she places her hand against her chin.

As soon as a child thinks that he has discovered the secret, let him try to do it.

If the children are quick about this, arrange with the child helper to mix the calling and the motions signals; that is, use first one and then the other.

Still another book number game is to first place five books in a row, and to number them one, two, etc. One child must know the secret, as in the preceding game. This child passes out, while any one child points to any one of the five books. He is called back, but does not determine the right book by calls or movements. The secret here is this. The number of the book must be the same. An illustration will be the clearest explana


Suppose the third book has been pointed at.

The teacher points to the fourth book and asks: "Is it that one?"

The child answers "no."

(Because it is the first point, and the fourth book.) Teacher, while she points to the fifth book, asks: "Is it that one. The child answers "no." ("It is the second point and fifth book.)

Now teacher points to the third book and asks: "Is

(Because it is both the third point and the third book.) This is especially good for the larger boys and girls.


A Time-telling Device

Bess Dixon

FTER the telling of time has been developed. we shall be glad to have you try our device. It is a review of time-telling through language work. We shall give you the ideas embodied in our method of procedure.

As we possessed no clock dial, a big clock face was drawn on the front board. The teacher introduced, the work the first day in this manner. "Boys and girls, we know how to tell time now and we like to hear stories. So I shall tell you a story and I want some little boy or girl to make the hands of our make-believe clock point just as my story says they should. A new game! Interest was keen. Volunteers were in the majority. One of these volunteers was chosen and the story began. The name of one of our little girls who wanted a wrist watch was chosen to make the hands of the clock point as the story indicated they should.

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"Make this clock say six o'clock," he said. How surprised he was when Mary drew both hands on the clock face and made them point just where they should!

He wanted the next clock to say half past nine and Mary's busy fingers made the hands point just as they should when the clock strikes half past nine.

"Now, make this clock say ten minutes after five," said papa. Mary did so. Papa was proud of her.


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And this clock must say twenty minutes until one,' papa said. And it did when Mary's pencil had finished its work. Mary had not been caught once.

"Now, I'll catch you," thought papa to himself. "This clock must say three minutes after eight," he said. But the joke was on papa, for Mary's clock face told him what he wished to know.

The next day, when papa came home, he brought Mary the tiniest little wrist watch. It was not a make-believe wrist watch, for it ticked like papa's watch. How glad Mary was that she learned to tell time!

Volunteer story tellers were called for and volunteer clock makers were chosen to move the hands of the clock as the stories progressed. Some of the stories were very clever and showed much talent.

Another day found the hands of the clock as poetry suggested. We had read "A Tick-Tock Story" in our Baldwin and Bender Readers. One child volunteered to read this poem at our Number Work hour. Mother Goose Rhymes were recited by the children. They had searched diligently for poems and rhymes for our clock game. How delighted they were to find Mother Goose Rhymes which helped them carry on a number work game in the second grade! How much more the rhymes "Hickory, dickory, dock," "Bell horses, bell horses, what time of day?" and "A diller, a dollar, A ten o'clock scholar" meant to them after that recitation!

Poetry, which had been set to music, was given a place

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