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"Good Teeth - Good Health" Three Messages from Cho-Cho to your Pupils

HOUSANDS of school children the country over laugh



at Cho-Cho and profit by his good health talks. Perhaps he has talked to your own pupils.

A veteran of the old-time circus, Cho-Cho now devotes himself to more serious work in the interests of the Child Health Organization, which he represents and from which he gets his name.

In every school he visits, Cho-Cho talks frequent bathing, long hours of sleep with windows open, and healthful eating of oatmeal, green vegetables, and milk.

And no small part of his Good Health message is that of proper daily brushing of the teeth.

The pupils will be glad to make Cho-Cho's acquaintance. With his picture you can add an amusing touch to your daily hygiene lessons to make your pupils realize the value of seriously caring for the teeth every day.

In connection with the Colgate Classroom Helps-used by teachers everywhere in teaching "Good Teeth- Good Health" you can thus add a fresh note to the valuable lesson of this "Habit of Health."

Colgate Classroom Helps

for Dental Hygiene Lessons

To help you sustain interest in the subject of "Good Teeth -Good Health," we freely offer you, as a teacher, the Colgate Educational Material.

This material consists of free trial tubes of Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream, Reminder Cards for your pupils (instructive home reminders to brush the teeth), with other practical suggestions.

It is a rule of our Educational Department that these Colgate Classroom Helps can be sent to an individual teacher only once in any school year. Only teachers actually in charge of a class are entitled to supplies. COLGATE & CO.

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Solve the problem of enlivening your dental hygiene lessons- send the coupon, properly filled out, to-day.

You can safely use Colgate's yourself and recommend its use to your pupils for cleaning the teeth every day.

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-the Teacher's New Task

Educational Weekly

The hope of America lies in the prompt Americanization of the youth of the land. Can it be done-with the children of foreign-born parents running into the millions? Yes-It can, and it must!

Visual Education and the motion pictures of the Ford Educational Weekly (with its many American films) seem providentially fitted to help in this critical juncture. Motion Pictures speak in all languages. Every mind in the world touches all other minds in the "movies." Translation is not needed. And a motion picture is so easy to show! Insert a film-press a button, and life is pulsating before the eyes of a school.

Signing of the Declaration of Independence on the wall helps. But the thing itself in a motion picture-not "words" or wall pictures -gets a story across to the mind of a pupilno matter where born, or how old or how young, in one-tenth of the time, and with a thousandfold dent on his memory.



That "Americanization" means loyalty to home as well as to Country is a theme of the Ford Educational Weekly. The "Weekly" will put into the mind and heart of the pupil the home life of the quality for which America stands.

These films cover history, industry, science, home life and art. They are distributed by the Goldwyn Distributing Corporation from 22 leading cities. This reduces expressage to a minimum. Every loyal School-teacher should know what the Ford Educational Weekly really is. We want to tell you, and we want your helpful suggestions as to what new films we shall make.

So please read, sign and fill out coupon below.

If your school has no projector, or a poor one, we will
assist you to get in touch with the best projector made.

Fitzpatrick & McElroy, 202 South State St., Chicago


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the one who is to become King, who has no steed) and Ladies in group at right, Puritans at left and a little back of table. (All sing "The Wind Blows Out of the West Country." See music on page 58.)

(If this old Folk Song seems too long to give entire, as arranged below, all on stage may sing two stanzas of it the second and third. For very small children, just the third stanza may be used. However it is given, this third stanza must come last, to lead up to the opening of the play.)

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(One after another choose cakes, and show what they get.) First Oh, see, all of you! I have a scarlet bean that grows in the moon's own garden. I am to be King of the Feast.

Second I have a sword.
Third A shield.

Fourth A helmet.
Fifth A steed.

Sixth Spurs.

First (now the King) You are all to be Knights, "courteous, valiant and loyal."

Knights (hands on hearts) We stand to defend our King and our Country.

(All sing, if desired, "God Save the King.")

First Lady Oh, just look! I have another scarlet bean from the moon's own garden. I am to be Queen of the Feast.

Second I have a fan. (She waves it.)

Third A plume. (She tucks it in her hair.)
Fourth A necklace. (She slips it over her head.)

Fifth A ring. (She slips it on her finger.)

Sixth Slippers. (She hangs them around her neck.)

First Lady (now Queen) You are all to be my Ladies-inWaiting.

King Let's all play a game.

Knight I choose "Here Come Three Dukes."

(King and Queen stand at one side, while Knights mount their steeds, and riding forth right merrily, by means of old game, "Here Come Three Dukes," choose each his lady fair. See music on page 60.

When all the Ladies have been chosen, the King and Queen lead in any old English Folk Dance. At close, the Knights and Ladies with due pomp and ceremony conduct the King and Queen to the throne, crown them and place scepters in their hands. As this is being done, the little Puritans take their places at right of table.)

(Puritans, as Knights and Ladies take places about the King and Queen, sing "The Evening Prayer." See music on page 56.) Boys may sing two stanzas and girls two. Or, if too long, use only the last stanza, all singing it.

First Puritan Girl (at close of song, watching Knights and Ladies) Is it really wrong to dance?

Second It doesn't look wrong.

Third The music gets right into my feet, and they won't keep still. (Dances a few steps precisely.) All It's like flowers growing,

Or leaves blowing,

Or sunbeams glowing,

Or snowflakes snowing,

It doesn't look wrong at all!

First Lady (coming prettily toward Puritans) Won't you come and join in our good times?

First Puritan Boy We may not dance.

Second My father says it is not seemly to dance.
First Knight Oh, those are some of the Puritans!
Others What are Puritans?

King People who are't pleased with the King's way of doing things. And they don't want gay times. They wear sober clothes and long faces.

Knights Roundheads!

First Lady (sweetly) Well, at least you can come and choose some Fairy Cakes.

Second You believe in Fairies, don't you?

Puritans Yes, yes! (They gather about cakes and choose, one after another, showing what they find.)

First Boy A boat.

Second An axe.

Third An eagle feather.

Fourth A sword.

Fifth A Book.

The Adventures of Bona and Nello

(Continued from page 41)

"Little sister, ah, save my life!

Harken, the cook is sharpening the knife!

The pot they're scouring lustily

And the knife and the pot are both for me!"

Then came an answer from the water:

"Little brother, ah, woe is me! What is it now I can do for thee? I'm here in the dark,

Inside the shark."

But that was his wife's voice unmistakably; and he called in through the dungeon key-hole: "Little sheep, whom are you speaking to!"

"To my dear sister Bona, who is inside the shark. Our wicked stepsister is lying in Bona's bed."

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Again the King spoke to the sheep. "Ask your sister how she may be released. "Little sister, little sister," said the sheep, "how can you get out of the shark?" "Let them fetch a great iron hook with a big lump of bread on it, and a rope attached. The shark is now floating on the water with its mouth open." This was done; the great fish caught greedily at the bread, and swallowed the hook. Bona took hold of the hook, and they pulled her out with the rope. It was the easiest thing in the world! And she came out as beautiful as ever, fairer than the moon, fairer than the sun; and overjoyed to be restored to her husband and her little brother.

"Open the door! Open the dungeon door to my little brother!" she cried. They opened the door, and there came out a little sheep? No, but a beautiful young man with curly golden hair, and dressed like the gayest noble in the land. For you must know that the little sheep had knocked its horns against the walls of the dungeon in its despair, and broken them; and the horns had pierced his skin. As soon as a drop of his blood was drawn, the spell was loosened, and he was much taller and handsomer than when he had become a little sheep by he banks of the stream.

The noise of the rejoicing, the singing, the shouting, the clapping of hands, was so great that the wicked stepsister heard it and was terrified. Not having her bold mother near her, she could not brave it out, but fled from the Queen's bedchamber out into the park; and she never stopped till she was well on her way home. The King made it be known that she and her mother would be shut up in his deepest dungeon if they ever ventured back again, and they were prudent enough not to plot. against the Queen any more.

Nello was known henceforth as Prince Cornidoro. He became the King's right hand, and married the granddaughter of the Sultan. And Bona and the King lived long and gloriously, and bequeathed a rich and merry kingdom to their children.

Narrow is the leaf, broad is the way.
Now tell me your story before you run and

From "The Italian Fairy Book," by
Anne Macdonell

Get Your Flag and the Flags

of Our Allies



Without a cent of expense, you can secure the flags and the portraits needed for your room. All charges prepaid.

Offer No. 1: We will send you 50 emblematic flag buttons or assorted with portrait buttons of Washington, Lincoln, and Riley. Your pupils easily will sell them for ten cents each. Return the $5.00 to us and we will send a beautiful silk U. S. Flag, 32 x 48 inches, heavy quality, on staff with gilded ornament, FREE.

Offer No. 2: A high-grade standard U. S. flag 5x8 feet FREE. Fast colors; stripes sewed and stars embroidered on both sides. For the sale of 50 buttons at 10 cents each.

Offer No. 3: A set of the Allies' Flags, FREE. Each 16x24 inches, on staff with ornaments. American, French, English, Belgian, and Italian. High-grade cotton bunting, soft finish, fast colors. Beautiful for inside ornamentation. For the sale of 35 buttons at 10 cents each.

Offer No. 4: Handsome silk flags of the Allies FREE. American, French, English, Belgian, and Italian. Each 12 x 18 inches, on staffs with ornaments. Make beautiful decorations for home as well as school room. For the sale of 50 buttons at 10 cents each. Offer No. 5: Wonderful "Oil-Process" paintings of Washington, Lincoln, and President Wilson. 13x16 inches in a one and a half inch gilded frame. For the sale of 35 buttons you may choose one picture, for 60 buttons, two pictures, and for 75 buttons all three pictures, FREE. Offer No. 6: A Giant Pencil Sharpener, FREE. Large size. Sharpens any pencil. For the sale of 25 buttons

Write to-day, stating which offer you accept and telling what kind of buttons you want.
We will send them postpaid by return mail. We are the oldest Mail Order Flag Company.
Established 1898. Over 50,000 satisfied customers throughout the United States.

MAIL ORDER FLAG COMPANY, 107 Meridian Street, Anderson, Indiana



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