Imagens das páginas
[blocks in formation]

"I love you, mother," said little John; Then, forgetting his work, his cap went on, And he was off to the garden swing, Leaving his mother the wood to bring.

"I love you, mother," said rosy Nell;
"I love you better than tongue can tell;"
Then she teased and pouted full half the day,
Till her mother rejoiced when she went to play.

"I love you, mother," said little Fan;
"To-day I'll help you all I can;
How glad I am that school doesn't keep!"
So she rocked the baby till it fell asleep.

Then, stepping softly, she took the broom
And swept the floor, and dusted the room;
Busy and happy all day was she,
Helpful and cheerful as child could be.

"I love you, mother, again they said
Three little children going to bed;
How do you think that mother guessed
Which of them really loved her best?

Use the following with appropriate motions or simply to suggest ways of helpfulness for both boys and girls:

Sweeping and washing the dishes,
Bringing the wood from the shed,
Ironing and sewing and knitting,

once to Franklin Institute, Dept. N220, Rochester, N. Y. Immediate action is necessary as the examinations will be held everywhere January 7.

GO TO EUROPE AT OUR EXPENSE. Organizers of small parties wanted. University Tours, Box M426, Wilmington, Delaware.




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YOU can have a youthful appearance, clear complexion, magnetic eyes, pretty eyebrows and lashes, graceful neck and chin, luxuriant hair, attractive hands, comfortable feet. You

can remove wrinkles, lines, pimging facial muscles-all through following our simple ples, black heads, strengthen sagdirections. Thousands have done so No drugs, no waste of time, no big expense and quick results. Send for latest free booklet containing many beauty hints and all about the wonderful work accomplished by the GRACE MILDRED CULTURE COURSE Dept. 19 624 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. (A Branch of Susanna Cocroft's Work)

EDUCATION 40th year September, 1919, $3 a year. Sample, 20c.

[merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small]

Manistee, Mich. "I was in a weak, run-down condition as the result of a chronic cough and cold so that I often had to stay at home from work. Vinol stopped the cough, broke up my cold and built me up after other medicines had failed." - MARGARET DALE.

It's the beef and cod liver peptones, iron and manganese pertonates and hypophosphites contained in Vinol that makes it such a successful remedy for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitits. It is not a paliative like cough syrups, but a remedy of the cause. Try it on our guarantee.

For sale at the leading drug stores everywhere.

Chester Kent Co., Boston, Mass.



Accredited by Illinois State Department of Registration and Education. Offers a three year course in nursing to women between 19 and 35. Minimum educational requirement, two years High School.

For information address

Superintendent, 149 W. Superior Street, Chicago, Ill.


THE GRACE HOSPITAL - DETROIT Three-year course. Eight-hour day. Registered by the State of Michigan. Theoretical and practical class work throughout. Modern nurses' home; includes summer vacation home for nurses. Minimum entrance requirement, two years' High School work or its equivalent. For free catalog, address Superintendent of Nurses, Box 20, The Grace Hospital, John R. Street and Willis Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

120 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.



(28th Year)

Courses for High-School Teachers of English, History, Mathematics,
the Industrial Arts, and for those interested in the study of academic
subjects are given by correspondence. All courses command credit.

Address The University of Chicago

(Div.12) Chicago, Illinois

Our Little Citizens

Etta V. Leighton

Civic Secretary, National Security League

(Book rights reserved)

January, 1920, must be more than "Happy New Year" month for teachers and children. There can hardly be a teacher anywhere who is not seriously impressed by the need of teaching even to the little tots the ideals of our government assailed now on every hand. These children now in our classrooms are as much to be pitied as the little children in France and Belgium were while battle was raging about them. Some of the little French and Belgian children will never be anything but feebleminded, so great was the mental strain under which they lived and tried to grow. Some of our children will never be mentally normal unless we can take special pains to counteract the terribly dangerous atmosphere of unrest in which they are trying to live.

We have the child five hours a day, he sleeps about eight, leaving eleven hours when he is exposed to other than scho ol influences. In his five hours with us, we must develop strong concepts of growth, of building, of individual ownership to negative the doctrines of destruction and revolution that are part of the atmosphere to-day in every community.


The children will know that January is "stock-taking" month that business men know that they must keep track of what they own if they intend to do a profitable business. By schoolroom attempts at stock-taking, by playing store. counteract the wicked and foolish notion now gaining currency that there is something wrong in seeking profit. The wild agitators are demanding that all industry be run for "service not profit" nine-tenths of them don't know what they mean, the remaining tenth know that human nature and human honesty require that people shall profit by their work or by their investment. The agitators want to make profits all right, but they want to divide these profits among themselves and they are building up in the public mind an idea that makes a robber of every man who, through saving, investment, or business, makes a profit on what he does.

Splendid exercises in drawing, penmanship and arithmetic can be made of this stock-taking in the schoolroom. Its value as civics is to build up several ideas:

1 "Counting our blessings, remembering our joys" as a counteractant of rest and discontent.

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3 Teaching the making of inventories and their use in obtaining insurance or loans.

4 Creating a sense of ownership, interest and pride in one's possessions and desire to get the best use of them.

5 Teaching the distinction between real estate and personal property and noting the community tax on real estate and the tax on personal property.

6 Teaching the difference between luxuries and necessities. Showing that books, pictures, etc., ought not be classed as luxuries.

7 Creating a feeling of gratitude towards parents and community for advantages given.

8 Creating a respect for property, the feeling that personal and private property must not be harmed or wasted. This feeling is most important.

It has been said that no truly sane person can destroy property. The firebug, who sets fire to property, is clearly insane. The person who preaches destruction of property is likewise mentally unbalanced. One of our greatest tasks is to prevent wanton destruction by young people. The destructive instinct can be cured by cultivating the imagina.ion so that the child can put himself in the owner's place, and this can be done only when the child has himself a strong property feeling for his own possessions.

School Property

Think of the pleasant counting and writing lessons in making out a school property stock sheet. The third and fourth grades might make the inventory sheets for the entire building as a drawing lesson. A triplicate set of sheets for each teacher might be lettered as an upper grade drawing lesson, but the sheets used

in the lower grades could have the names of the articles written. Grades I and II can count their possessions and put the figures down; perhaps Grade II can add all the totals. It would be a splendid demonstration of the value if the teacher could show the children an amount in bills and coin equal to the value of the furnishings, and the property they are using. This is a thrift lesson and if the sum were large, the teacher could no doubt get some business man to show the children the amount of money and talk to them for a few minutes of how many other things that money could buy if anyone did not realize that it should be spent to help the children to become good, wise Americans.

Teach Definition of Capital

Whether you demonstrate the value by using the actual money or not, make the children understand that this furniture and these materials are the tools with which they work, that they are "Capital," because through their use certain products in the way of written lessons, etc., and knowledge are produced. Above all, make everyone know that "Capital" is not just money. It is not something that a few rich men have. It is not something taken away from the poor man. Capital in its money form is accumulated savings invested in production and everyone of us who has money in a savings bank or in life insurance, everyone of us who has tools and material to work with, is a capitalist.

Don't say, "My children are too small to understand." Your children are not too small to hear, and in their homes and on the street they are hearing the words "capital" and "capitalist" used as something that menaces their lives and that must be destroyed. If you don't try to simplify the truth for even small children, you are a left-handed emissary of the Reds.

Plain Living and High Thinking

Let us return to this slogan of the good old Americans. No nation was ever more prosperous than this. If the truth were told about the High Cost of Living, it would be seen that profligate spending and under production due to strikes are the cause of the greater part of the increase in prices.

Use stories of the Pilgrim children to teach thrift. Cooperate with the Government in all its thrift activities. Above all, show how cheap and degrading, how vulgar, profligate spending is. No good American is paying extravagant prices for luxuries. The good Americans are trying to save, to make their earnings last as long as possible to live decently, not extravagantly. It is the cheap, ignorant, flashy type that is engaged in an orgy of spending. No class is suffering more from this than the teacher. Surely we can put our hearts into teaching a refined, cultured standard of living. Let us make an inventory of

Personal Property

toys and

Let the children put in everything they possess all. The idea is to build up in the them concepts of possession and contentment and thrift. Tell them to list damaged toys and then see if these damaged toys can be repaired as a manual training exercise and donated to other children or to hospitals. It is said that the aliens among us who wish to overthrow our Government get more money in a week now than they used to be able to save in several years. They were contented until the agitators preached to them against our country and now, though some of them make over a hundred dollars a week, they call themselves wage slaves and want to take over the factories for themselves. Their discontent was artificially created by agitators.

Uncle Sam's Census

Tell the children that Uncle Sam takes stock of his people every ten years, and that 1920 is a census year. Tell them the first census bill was passed in 1790-let them find out how many times the census has been taken. Let them take a census of their own family (fine opportunity for spelling, reading, writing fine opportunity for teacher to become better acquainted).

Tell them that Uncle Sam wants to know everyone's name, place of birth, age, occupation, whether the children are in school or at work, and whether everyone can read and write English. Stress on this last part may increase interest in Americanization work. We don't realize our power. What we put into the minds of the children reacts powerfully on their parents. It is a moving and pathetic sight to see little children bring their mothers to evening school to learn English, because

some teacher has been inspired to make explain the census, especially if the chil-
them want to help their parents under-dren come from foreign homes. A per-
fectly accurate census has probably never
stand America.
It is good civic teaching to thoroughly been taken, but we can help set up a stan-
dard of courteous truthful co-operation
SCIENCE with the census man.


[blocks in formation]

An appropriate gift to pupils at close of school. Samples free
Seibert Ptg. Co., Box 209, Dover, Ohio



Founded 1880


Thousands Have Found Relief

Rheumatism is a constitutional disease It cannot be cured by local or external applications. It must have constitutional


Take a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla, which corrects the acid condition of the blood on which rheumatism depends, and gives permanent relief.

Explain that with the census as a basis, Congress apportions the number of representatives. If we find that our population has increased in the last ten years, we will have a greater number of people to each representative - the number of representatives may be increased. We have now 435 representatives on a basis of one for each 211,677 persons. Due to the war, and influenza deaths, and the return to foreign lands of a great many of our resi- The Palmer Method of Business Writing dents, the population in this census will probably be considerably lower than what might have been the expected growth of a normal ten years.

The children can dramatize:


A census taker.

2 The administrator of an estate, who
gets three appraisers to make an inventory.
(Watch newspaper for such items.)
3 A furniture loan man-loans are
given only on part of the value. They
are called "chattel mortgages."
4 A personal property insurance man.
5 An auctioneer.

Use the information gained in their in-
ventories as the basis of their dialogue.
They should be encouraged to make in-
ventories of home possessions, to mend
and keep in repair home furniture and
tools, to get a sense of the money value
the family possessions represent, and a

If a cathartic or laxative is needed take Hood's Pills. Purely vegetable.


The Palmer Method Organization

marks the difference between uniformly suc
cessful results in teaching Penmanship and
indifferent, temporary results. Investigate a
school system where the Palmer Method Plan
has really been followed. You will want the
same results in YOUR schools. A postal
card of inquiry to our nearest office is the
first step in the right direction. Now is the
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Big prices paid. You can write them. We show you how. Rex Publishers, Box 175, C-26, Chicago

Accredited by the Illinois Stat Department of Registra feeling of loyalty to this Government ENTERTAINMENTS

tion and Education. Offers a broad training to women founded to protect them in their rights.
interested in the nursing profession and allied forms of Be sure that Grades III and IV read the
public service. Length of course, three years. Theo-

retical training based on standard curriculum for train-clauses of the Constitution that relate to
ing schools for nurses. Practical experience in Cook the protection of private property.
County Hospital, 2500 beds. Requirements for enroll-
ment: physical fitness, full High School credit or its

mum age 35 years.

"No person shall be deprived of life, educational equivalent. Minimum age 20 years, maxi-liberty or property without the due process School catalog and application blanks will be sent on of law; nor shall private property be taken application to the for public use without just compensation." (Fifth Amendment.)

Superintendent of Nurses

509 S. Honore St., (Box P) Chicago, Illinois

[blocks in formation]

Make them realize that schemes which take away the right to property are unAmerican. Create a scorn of the "kicker," especially of the one who discourages workingmen by telling them lies. The real agitators do not work, they roam about talking. Teach:

There are two kinds of discontent in this world the discontent that wrings its hands

CLASS PINS and the discontent that works. The first loses


FREE CATALOG CLUB AND NUMBER IN CLASS. Either pin illustrated made with any 3 letters and 2 figures, one or two colors enamel. Silver plate, 25 ea., $2.50 doz. Sterling silver, 500 ea., $5.00 doz,


130 Bastian Bldg.,

Rochester, N. Y.

GSC 20


Women-Girls-15 or over, can easily learn
Dress Designing during their spare moments in

Dress Designers frequently earn $40 to $100
Send coupon immediately for FREE SAMPLE
LESSONS. The supply will not last long.

Mail coupon to

what it had and the second gets what it
wants. Graham

NOTE Miss Leighton will answer questions
or send references for teaching our Govern-
ment as contrasted with Sovietism, Socialism,
Communism, etc., or the economic fallacies of
schemes like the Plumb plan, etc. Address
MISS ETTA V. LEIGHTON, National Security

[blocks in formation]

League, 19 West 44th St., New York City HAHNEMANN HOSPITAL OF CHICAGO

Free Dress Designing Lessons
Teachers learn Dress Designing, during
spare times, so as to design and make
original clothes for yourself and friends,
and to increase your salary by teaching this
important and interesting subject. Dress
Designers earn from $45 to $100 a week.
Large descriptive book,
sample lessons, can be had, without
charge, by writing to Franklin Institute,
Dept. N859, Rochester, N. Y Write be-
L859 fore the present edition is exhausted.

Dept. L859 Rochester, N. Y.
Kindly send me absolutely free, book containing sample
spare times.

lessons in DRESS DESIGNING as taught in 10 weeks,


Accredited by State Department of Registration and Education
3 year course
Practical Experience

Applicants must meet the requirements of good health,
of age (19-35), good moral character, having two years
High School education or its equivalent.

Separate Home for Nurses
For Catalog and application blanks, address

Dr. J. C. COBB, 2814 Ellis Avenue, Chicage.


Three year course. Registered by the State of Illinois
Theoretical and practical class work throughout. A
Maintenance provided as well as an
allowance each month. For further information write.
Supt. Nursing School, 2449 Washington Blvd., Chicago, I


An honest, painstaking, efficient teachers' agency is
a very serviceable institution for school boards and
teachers. The right teacher in the right position
means the highest success for both teacher and pupil.

Eastern Teachers' Agency

Telephone Connection


Miss E. F. FOSTER, Manager.
Miss T. M. HASTINGS, Acting Manager

6 Beacon Street, Boston.
The Salary your qualifications deserve is increased by an agency registration.

8 Beacon Street, Boston.
Teachers Wanted at Once for all Grades.

Notes from the Savings Division,
United States Treasury

Educators and school heads of Pennsylvania have called upon the Department of Public Instruction of the state to provide for the teaching of thrift as a part of the required state course of study for schools. This action was taken at the Educational Congress recently held at Harrisburg under the auspices of the State Department of Public Instruction.

The congress, which was composed of prominent educators of Pennsylvania, including city and county superintendents and high school principals, took a decided stand in favor of making both teaching of thrift and a system of savings by means of government securities such as Thrift and War Savings Stamps in schools, a required part of public procedure in all communities. A com

ACENCYmittee of seven, headed by Prof. George F. Zook of Pennsylvania State College, was appointed to draw up a detailed program of thrift teaching for the public instruction for approval.


[blocks in formation]

One section of the congress devoted itself to thrift education and reports made to this section indicated such instruction already was well organized in many of the schools of the state.

The Resolution adopted by the Thrift Section stated:

Whereas the Federal Government, through the United States Treasury


Write us what you want.

Free Literature. Address


It is always wise to have "a friend at the Court of Cæsar." Register Now!


Established 1855

TEACHERS' AGENCY A superior agency for superior
people. We register only reli-
able candidates. Services free
to school officials.

366 Fifth Ave., NEW YORK
Between 34th and 35th Sts.

of the country to continue the sale of Government Savings Stamps and to develop a permanent system of thrift education, and

Whereas the National Education Association in a resolution of July 5, 1919, urged that "all elementary schools, secondary schools and higher schools make compulsory the teaching of thrift and savings and thereby give it a place

ALBANY TEACHERS' AGENCY of permanence in the curriculum," and

has good positions for good teachers with good records

Whereas Dr. Thomas E. Finegan,

Harlan P. French, Pres., W. W. Andrews, Sec'y, 81 Chapel St., Albany, N. Y. State Superintendent of Public Instruc

This is an age of specialists-it's an agency's business to place teachers.

The Pratt Teachers' Agency

70 Fifth Avenue

Recommends college and normal graduates, specialists, and other teachers to colleges, public and private
Wm. O. PRATT, Manager

schools in all parts of the country. Advises parents about schools.


Agencies are daily helping others; they will help you.
Teachers holding four year High School Course, one year State Normal, salaries $90 to $100 per
Engagements commencing October, November and January continue till July 1st.
to-day for particulars. State qualifications.

tion for Pennsylvania, has stated in a letter to Mr. E. P. Passmore, Governor of the Third Federal Reserve District, dated October 9, 1919, "I am in favor of incorporating in a revised curriculum for the public schools the subject of thrift":

Therefore, be it Resolved that the Thrift Session of the Educational Congress held under the direction of the Department of Public Instruction of Pennsylvania, meeting at Harrisburg, November 20, 1919,

TEACHERS' Engagements commencing February, March, April and May continue till Christmas. Write heartily endorses the approval given BUREAU




We can give you promotion in lines of higher salary; better location; improved subject schedules.


2A Park Street, Boston, Mass.
156 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y
549 Union Arcade, Pittsburgh, Pa.

2360 Overton Pk. Circle, Memphis, Tenn.
899 Title Bldg., Birmingham, Ala.
28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
317 Masonic Temple, Denver, Col.

509 Journal Bldg., Portland, Ore.
2161 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
510 Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal.

(Teachers Agencies Continued Page Opposite)

to the Government Savings Movement by Superintendent Finegan and urges that in the proposed revision of the curriculum of the public schools of Pennsylvania, the teaching of thrift and the

sale of Government Savings Stamps should be made compulsory and given a definite and permanent place.

Determination among the school leaders of Great Britain that the lessons of thrift and careful living and spending gained during the war and since, shall not be lost, has led to the establishment

of the Continuation Schools which will open formally in January.

These schools form a part of the educational reform now being effected in England as a result of post war conditions. The Continuation Schools are meant to bridge the gap between the time when the ordinary boy leaves school and the time when he settles down to a life vocation. Their influence on the life of the community, according to British officials, will not lie merely in acquirement of knowledge. Behind these scholastic advantages will be others no less potent for the good of the nation.

"There is in the present training of boyhood and youth a gap that has always been a source of danger." said an English school official recently. "The boy at school is brought under very strong social influence. Leaving school, however, the boy is often too suddenly plunged into freedom unregulated by a sense of responsibility. The Continuation Schools will bridge the gulf between the epoch of the schoolboy and the epoch of the worker.

"There are facilities for saving in a large number of the schools and such

(Continued from Page Opposite)

The teachers' agency is a legitimate and helpful institution.
Some of the very best and very successful educators
in public schools, colleges and private schools have
been put there by means of teachers' agencies.



Founded in 1897, by a School Superintendent, its recommendations give PERSONAL Service Worth Paying For. MANUAL FREE

We Can Place You in Better Positions

Write us TO-DAY for a Free Booklet, "The Road to Good Positions."

facilities are being widely set up in the ROCKY MT-TEACHERS

factories and industrial plants of the country. But in the intermediary period there is no definite agency for the maintenance of wise habits that may vanish for lack of fostering. It is hoped that in he Continuation Schools means will


Portland, Ore. Chicago, Ill.

Minneapolis, Minn.
Kansas City, Mo.
Los Angeles, Calif.
WM. PUFFER, A. M., Manager
The Largest and Most Widely Patronized Teachers Agency in the West

be found through formation of savings PENN EDUCATIONAL BUREAU 40th year. First class equipment. Operates locally and nationally

association of bringing the nation's youth at this stage under the good influences provided both earlier and later.



The problem of thrift instruction and encouragement of saving among the scholars of America already is occupying a large place in the attention of the school leaders of America who are working out definit plans for permanent DENVER thrift instruction in the schools, in con- SPOKANE Junction with the Savings Division of A D DRESS the Treasury Department.


Direct calls from school officers. Direct recommendations. Well prepared teachers in great demand. 205 D 7th St., Allentown, Pa.

TEACHERS' 25 E. Jackson Bld., Chicago AGENCY Our booklet "Teaching as a Busi

[blocks in formation]


The busy business world offers wonderful chances for big success to the young man and woman of ambition and training. Real opportunities are numerous. We do not mean mere chances to obtain a job, but chances to reach the really responsible places, places that pay big money.

That is what you want. You should not be content with merely a job. If you are, twenty years from now you might have the same job, but you will not have advanced.

What you want is an opportunity to get ahead. You want to follow a profession that has a future to it. You don't want to be content to occupy a minor position all your life. You want a chance at the big positions.

It is in the active, hustling, rapidly-expanding world of business that these chances exist by the thousand. It was the business world that gave Marshall Field his chance and enabled him to become the great merchant prince. It was the business world that created opportunity for Morgan, one of the greatest of our financiers. It was the business world that paid Charles Schwab a salary of a million dollars a year.


An accredited school

The easiest way for you to enter this opportunity-laden business world is to train yourself to acquire a knowledge of the things that will make your services useful; things that will enable you to get your first start. That's all you want, an opportunity to get started and to show what you are worth. You can be a success A GREAT BIG SUCCESS - if you have faith in yourself and give yourself a fair chance. Arouse yourself then. Get this business education that will put more knowledge within your brain - more opportunity within your grasp. Get this education that will enable you to push to the front - that will help to lift you out of the rut of underpaid workers and place you in the ranks of the trained and the expert.

The catalogue of the school containing further information about the golden opportunities a business education offers young men and women will be mailed to you free. Mail the coupon RIGHT NOW and let us show you that your BIG CHANCE is not really so far ahead of you as you may think.

Without cost or obligation to me, please send your free catalogue. City.





Frank Miller, Pres.

J. R. Lowry, Vice-Pres,


Box 900


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