Renowned Talbot doth expect my aid; Lucy. Thou princely leader of our English strength, Lucy. O, send some succour to the distress'd lord! York. He dies, we lose; I break my warlike word: We mourn, France smiles; we lose, they daily get; All 'long of this vile traitor Somerset. Lucy. Then, God take mercy on brave Talbot's soul! And on his son, young John; whom, two hours since, I met in travel toward his warlike father! Lucy. Thus, while the vulture of sedition [Exit. Henry the fifth-Whiles they each other cross, Lives, honours, lands, and all, hurry to loss. [Exit. SCENE IV. Other Plains of Gascony. Enter Somerset, with his Forces; an Officer of Talbot's with him. Som. It is too late; I cannot send them now: Be buckled with the over-daring Talbot Enter Sir William Lucy. Som. How now, sir William? whither were you sent? [lord Talbot; Lucy. Whither, my lord? from bought and sold Who, ring'd about with bold adversity, Cries out for noble York and Somerset, To beat assailing death from his weak legions. And whiles the honourable captain there Drops bloody sweat from his war-wearied limbs, And, in advantage ling'ring, looks for rescue, You, his false hopes, the trust of England's honour, Keep off aloof with worthless emulation. Let not your private discord keep away The levied succours that should lend him aid, While he, renowned noble gentleman, Yields up his life unto a world of odds: Orleans the Bastard, Charles, and Burgundy, Alencon, Reignier, compass him about, And Talbot perisheth by your default. Som. York set him on, York should have sent him Lucy. And York as fast upon your grace exclaims; Swearing, that you withhold his levied host, Collected for this expedition. [horse: Som. York lies; he might have sent, and had the I owe him little duty, and less love; And take foul scorn, to fawn on him by sending. Lucy.The fraud of England, not the force of France, Hath now entrapp'd the noble-minded Talbot: Never to England shall he bear his life; But dies, betray'd to fortune by your strife. Som. Come, go; I will despatch the horsemen Within six hours they will be at his aid. [straight; [aid. Lucy. Too late comes rescue; he is ta'en, or slain : For fly he could not, if he would have fled; And fly would Talbot never, though he might. Som. If he be dead, brave Talbot then adieu ! Lucy. His fame lives in the world, his shame in you. [Exeunt, SCENE V. The English Camp, near Bourdeaux. Enter Talbot, and John his Son. Tal. O young John Talbot! I did send for thee, To tutor thee in stratagems of war; That Talbot's name might be in thee reviv'd, To make a bastard, and a slave of me: Tal. Fly, to revenge my death, if I be slain. Tal. Shall all thy mother's hopes lie in one tomb? abuse it ? Tal. Thy father's charge shall clear thee from that John. You cannot witness for me, being slain. If death be so apparent, then both fly. Tal. And leave my followers here, to fight and die? My age was never tainted with such shame. John. And shall my youth be guilty of such blame? No more can I be sever'd from your side, Than can yourself yourself in twain divide: Stay, go, do what you will, the like do I, For live I will not, if my father die. Tal. Then here I take my leave of thee, fair son, Born to eclipse thy life this afternoon. Come, side by side together live and die: And soul with soul from France to heaven fly. [Exeunt. SCENE VI. A Field of Battle. Alarum. Excursions, wherein Talbot's Son is hemmed about, and Talbot rescues him. Tal.Saint George and victory! light, soldiers, fight: The regent hath with Talbot broke his word, And left us to the rage of France his sword. Where is John Talbot 7-pause, and take thy breath; I gave thee life, and rescu'd thee from death. John. O twice my father! twice am I thy son; The life, thou gav'st me first, was lost and done; Till with thy warlike sword, despite of fate, To my determin'd time thou gav'st new date. Tal. When from the dauphin's crest thy sword struck fire, It warm'd thy father's heart with proud desire Bespoke him thus: Contaminated, base, Came in strong rescue. Speak, thy father's care; John. The sword of Orleans hath not made me smart, These words of yours draw life-blood from my heart: The coward horse, that bears me, fall and die! Then talk no more of flight, it is no boot; Tal. Then follow thou thy desperate sire of Crete, [Exeunt. SCENE VII. Another Part of the same. Alarum: Excursions. Enter Talbot wounded, sup ported by a Servant. Tal. Where is my other life?-mine own is gone:O, where's young Talbot? where is valiant John? Triumphant death, smear'd with captivity! Young Talbot's valour makes me smile at thee: When he perceiv'd me shrink, and on my knee, His bloody sword he brandish'd over me, And, like a hungry lion, did commence Rough deeds of rage, and stern impatience; But when my angry guardant stood alone, Tend'ring my ruin, and assail'd of none, Dizzy-ey'd fury, and great rage of heart, Suddenly made him from my side to start Into the clust'ring battle of the French: And in that sea of blood my boy did drench His overmounting spirit; and there died My Icarus, my blossom, in his pride. Enter Soldiers, bearing the Body of John Talbot. Two Talbots, winged through the lither sky, [scorn, O thou, whose wounds become hard-favour'd death, Char. Had York and Somerset brought rescue in, Did flesh his puny sword in Frenchmen's blood! word; We English warriors wot not what it means. Char. For prisoners ask'st thou ? hell our prison is, But tell me whom thou seek'st. Lucy. Where is the great Alcides of the field, Valiant lord Talbot, earl of Shrewsbury; Created, for his rare success in arms, Great earl of Washford, Waterford, and Valence; Lord Talbot of Goodrig and Urchinfield, Lord Strange of Blackiere, lord Verdun of Alton, Lord Cromwell of Wingfield, lord Furnival of ShefThe thrice victorious lord of Falconbridge; [field, Knight of the noble order of saint George, Worthy saint Michael, and the golden fleece; Great mareshal to Henry the sixth, Of all his wars within the realm of France? scourge, Puc. Here is a silly stately style, indeed! The Turk, that two and fifty kingdoms hath, Writes not so tedious a style as this.Him, that thou magnifiest with all these titles, Stinking, and fly-blown, lies here at our feet. Lucy. Is Talbot slain; the Frenchmen's only Your kingdom's terror and black Nemesis? O, were mine eye-balls into bullets turn'd, That I, in rage, might shoot them at your faces! O, that I could but call these dead to life! It were enough to fright the realm of France: Were but his picture left among you here, It would amaze the proudest of you all. Give me their bodies; that I may bear them hence, And give them burial as beseems their worth. Pue. I think, this upstart is old Talbot's ghost, He speaks with such a proud commanding spirit. For God's sake, let him have 'em; to keep them here, They would but stink, and putrefy the air. Char. Go, take their bodies hence. Lucy. I'll bear them hence: But from their ashes shall be rear'd A phoenix that shall make all France afeard. Char. So we be rid of them, do with them, what thon All will be ours, now bloody Talbot's slain. [Exeunt. And now to Paris, in this conquering vein; [wilt. ACT V. SCENE I. London. A Room in the Palace, They humbly sue unto your excellence, Between the realms of England and of France. K. Hen. How doth your grace affect their motion? Glo. Well, my good lord; and as the only means stop effusion of our Christian blood, And 'stablish quietness on every side. Το It was both impious and unnatural, Glo. Beside, my lord, the sooner to effect, If once he come to be a cardinal, He'll make his cap coequal with the crown. Where I was wont to feed you with my blood, (They hang their Heads. No hope to have redress ?-My body shall Pay recompense, if you will grant my suit. [They shake their Heads. Cannot my body, nor blood-sacritice, Entreat you to your wonted furtherance? Then take my soul; my body, soul, and all, Before that England give the French the foil. [They depart. K. Hen. My lords ambassadors, your several suits See! they forsake me. Now the time is come, Have been consider'd and debated on. Your purpose is both good and reasonable : And, therefore, are we certainly resolv'd Glo. And for the proffer of my lord your master,- fection. And so, my lord protector, see them guarded, [Exeunt King Henry and Train; Gloster, Win. Stay, my lord legate; you shall first receive The sum of money, which I promis'd Should be deliver'd to his holiness For clothing me in these grave ornaments. Leg. I will attend upon your lordship's leisure. Win. Now, Winchester will not submit, I trow, Or be inferior to the proudest peer. Humphrey of Gloster, thou shalt well perceive, That, neither in birth, or for authority, The bishop will be overborne by thee: I'll either make thee stoop, and bend thy knee, Or sack this country with a mutiny. [Exeunt. SCENE II. France. Plains in Anjou. Enter Charles, Burgundy, Alencon, La Pucelle, and Forces, marching. Char. These news, my lords, may cheer our droop"Tis said, the stout Parisians do revolt, [ing spirits: And turn again unto the warlike French. Alen. Then march to Paris, royal Charles of France, And keep not back your powers in dalliance. Puc. Peace be amongst them, if they turn to us; Else, ruin combat with their palaces! Enter a Messenger. Mess. Success unto our valiant general, And happiness to his accomplices! [speak. Char. What tidings send our scouts? I pr'ythee, Mess. The English army, that divided was Into two parts, is now conjoin'd in one; And means to give you battle presently. Char. Somewhat too sudden, sirs, the warning is; But we will presently provide for them. Bur. I trust, the ghost of Talbot is not there: Now he is gone, my lord, you need not fear. Puc. Of all base passions, fear is most accurs'd:Command the conquest, Charles, it shall be thine; Let Henry fret, and all the world repice. Char. Then on, my lords; and France be forta nate! [Exeunt. That France must vail her lofty-plumed crest, York. Damsel of France, I think, I have you fast: Puc. Chang'd to a worser shape thou canst not be. York. O, Charles the dauphin is a proper man ; No shape but his can please your dainty eye. Puc. A plaguing mischief light on Charles, and And may ye both be suddenly surpris'd By bloody hands, in sleeping on your beds! York. Fell, banning hag! enchantress, hold thy tangue. [thee! Puc. I pr'ythee, give me leave to curse awhile. York. Curse, miscreant, when thou comest to the stake. [Exeunt. Alarums. Enter Suffolk, leading in Lady Margaret. Suff. Be what thou wilt, thou art my prisoner. [Gazes on her. O fairest beauty, do not fear, nor fly; For I will touch thee but with reverent hands, And lay them gently on thy tender side. [peace: Who art thou! say, that I may honour thee. I kiss these fingers [Kissing her Hand] for eternal Mar. Margaret my name; and daughter to a king, The king of Naples, whosoe'er thou art. Suff. An earl I am, and Suffolk am I call'd. Be not offended, nature's miracle, Thou art allotted to be ta'en by me: So doth the swan her downy cygnets save, Keeping them prisoners underneath her wings. Yet, if this servile usage once offend, Go, and be free again as Suffolk's friend. [She turns away as going. O, stay!-I have no power to let her pass; My hand would free her, but my heart says--no. As plays the sun upon the glassy streams, Twinkling another counterfeited beam, So seems this gorgeous beauty to mine eyes. I'll call for pen and ink, and write my mind: Fain would I woo her, yet I dare not speak: Fie, De la Poole disable not thyself; Hast not a tongue? is she not here thy prisoner? Wilt thou be daunted at a woman's sight? Ay; beauty's princely majesty is such, Confounds the tongue, and makes the senses, rough. What ransom must I pay before I pass? Mar. Say, earl of Suffolk,-if thy name be so,For, I perceive, I am thy prisoner. Suff. How canst thou tell, she will deny thy suit, Before thou make a trial of her love? [Aside. Mar. Why speak'st thou not? what ransom must I pay? Suff. She's beautiful; and therefore to be woo'd: She is a woman; therefore to be won. [Aside. Mar. Wilt thou accept of ransom, yea, or no? Suff. Fond man! remember, that thou hast a wife; Then how can Margaret be thy paramour! [A side. Mar. I were best leave him, for he will not hear. Suff. There all is marr'd; there lies a cooling card. Mar. He talks at random; sure the man is mad. Suff. And yet a dispensation may be had. Mar. And yet I would that you would answer me. Suff. I'll win this lady Margaret. For whom? Why, for my king; Tush! that's a wooden thing. Mar. He talks of wood: It is some carpenter.. Suff. Yet so my fancy may be satisfied, And peace established between these realms. [Aside. [knight, Mar. What though I be enthrall'd? he seems a And will not any way dishonour me. [Aside. Suff. Lady, vouchsafe to listen what I say. Mar. Perhaps, I shall be rescu'd by the French; And then I need not crave his courtesy. [Aside. Suff. Sweet madam, give me hearing in a cause-Mar. Tush women have been captivate ere now. [Aside. Suff. Lady, wherefore talk you so? Mar. To be a queen in bondage, is more vile, And so shall you, Suff Mar. Why, what concerns his freedom unto me? Suff. His love. What? Mar. I am unworthy to be Henry's wife. Suff. No, gentle madam; I unworthy am To woo so fair a dame to be his wife, And have no portion in the choice myself. How say you, madain; are you so content? Mar. An if my father please, I am content. Suff. Then call our captains, and our colours, forth: And, madam, at your father's castle walls We'll crave a parley, to confer with him. [Troops come forward. A Parley sounded. Enter Reignier, on the Walls. To me. Reig. I do embrace thee, as I would embrace The Christian prince, king Henry, were he here. Mar. Farewell, my lord; Good wishes, praise, and prayers, Shall Suffolk ever have of Margaret. [Going. Suff. Farewell, sweet madam! But hark you, MarNo princely commendations to my king! [garet; Mar. Such commendations as become a maid, A virgin, and his servant, say to him. Suff. Words sweetly plac'd, and modestly directed. But, madam, I must trouble you again,No loving token to his majesty ? Mar. Yes, my good lord; a pure unspotted heart, Never yet taint with love, I send the king.. Suff. And this withal. [Kisses her. Mar. That for thyself;-I will not so presume, To send such peevish tokens to a king.. [Exeunt Reignier and Margaret. Suff. O, wert thou for myself!-But, Suffolk, stay; Thou mayst not wander in that labyrinth; There Minotaurs, and ugly treasons, lurk. Solicit Henry with her wondrous praise : Bethink thee on her virtues that surmount; Mad, natural graces that extinguish art; Repeat their semblance often on the seas, That, when thou com'st to kneel at Henry's feet, Thou mayst bereave him of his wits with wonder. [Exit. SCENE IV. Camp of the Duke of York, in Anjou. I am descended of a gentler blood; [right! [so; Shep. Out, out! My lords, an please you, 'tis not Suffolk, what remedy? Wicked and vile; and so her death concludes. I am a soldier; and unapt to weep, Suff. Yes, there is remedy enough, my lord: [Exit from the Walls. Enjoy mine own, the county Maine, and Anjou, Reig. And I again,-in Henry's royal name, [Aside. Give thee her hand, for sign of plighted faith. Shep. Fie, Joan! that thou wilt be so obstacle! God knows, thou art a collop of my flesh; And for thy sake have I shed many a tear: Deny me not, I pr'ythee, gentle Joan. Puc. Peasant, avannt!-You have suborn'd this Of purpose to obscure my noble birth. [man, Shep. 'Tis true, I gave a noble to the priest, The morn that I was wedded to her mother.Kneel down and take my blessing, good, my girl. Wilt thou not stoop? Now cursed be the time Of thy nativity! I would, the milk Thy mother gave thee, when thou suck'dst her breast, Or else, when thou didst keep my lambs afield, Dost thou deny thy father, cursed drab? Puc. First, let me tell you whom you have con- That so her torture may be shortened. Puc. Will nothing turn your unrelenting hearts ?-That which I have, than, coveting for more, That warranteth by law to he thy privilege.- York. She and the dauphin have been juggling : Puc. You are deceiv'd; my child is none of his; York. Alencon! that notorious Machiavel! It dies, an if it had a thousand lives. Puc. O, give me leave, I have deluded you; 'Twas neither Charles, nor yet the duke I nam'd, But Reignier, king of Naples, that prevail'd. War. A married man! that's most intolerable. York. Why, here's a girl! I think, she knows not There were so many, whom she may accuse. [well, War. It's sign, she hath been liberal and free. York. And, yet, forsooth, she is a virgin pure !Strumpet, thy words condemn thy brat, and thee? Use no entreaty, for it is in vain. [curse Puc. Then lead me hence ;-with whom I leave my Enter Cardinal Beaufort, attended. War. Be patient, York: if we conclude a peace, Enter Charles, attended; Alencon, Bastard, Char. Since, lords of England, it is thus agreed, Win. Charles, and the rest, it is enacted thus: To ease your country of distressful war, Alen. Must he be then as shadow of himself? Char. "Tis known already, that I am posses 'd Be cast from possibility of all. York. Insulting Charles! hast thou by secret means Alen. To say the truth, it is your policy, Only reserv'd, you claim no interest York. Then swear aliegiance to his majesty ; [Charles and the rest give Tokens of Fealty. [Exeunt. SCENE V. London. A Room in the Palace. K. Hen. Your wondrous rare description, noble earl, Suff. Tash! my good lord! this superficial tale And, which is more, she is not so divine, K. Hen. And otherwise will Henry ne'er presume. Glo. So should I give consent to flatter sin. How shall we then dispense with that contract, Suff. As doth a ruler with unlawful oaths; [that! A poor earl's daughter is unequal odds, Glo. And so the earl of Armagnac may do, Suff. A dower, my lords! disgrace not so your king, And not to seek a queen to make him rich: |