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Messenger, in a letter from Adjutant Stevens, of the First Vermont regiment. The occurrence took place on the march of the troops to Bethel, when they were nine miles from Fortress Monroe:

refinement, and upon a mahogany centre-table lay a Bible and a lady's portrait. The last two articles I took, and have them now in my possession. I also took a decanter of most excellent old brandy from Just as we halted to start to the rear on hearing the side-board, and left the burning house. By this firing, a rebel scoundrel came out of a house and time the Zouave regiment had come up. I joined deliberately fired his gun at us. The ball passed so them, and in a short time came up with our rear close to me that I heard it whiz-on its way going guard, and saw a sight, the like of which I wish through the coat and pants, and just grazing the skin never to see again-viz.: nine of Col. Townsend's of Orderly-Sergeant Sweet of the Woodstock Com- Albany regiment stretched on the floor of a house, pany. The rascal was secured and is a prisoner, and where they had just been carried, and eight of them what was done, by way of stern entertainment, to mortally wounded, by our own men. Oh! the sight one of the F. F. V.'s, you will hear if I ever live to was dreadful. I cried like a boy, and so did many return. I then, as the firing to the rear had ceased, others. I immediately thought of my decanter of with revolver in hand, accompanied by Fifer, ap- brandy, took a tin cup from a soldier and poured into proached the fellow's house, having some expectation it the brandy, and filled it (the cup) with water from of an ounce of lead being deposited in my tall body a canteen, and from one poor boy to another I passed without asking my permission. By this time all our and poured into their pale and quivering lips the introops were out of sight in the woods, by a turn in vigorating fluid, and with my hand wiped the sweatthe road, and I was alone with Fifer, when some ne- drops of death from their foreheads. Oh! how groes came from the house, having less fear of two grateful the poor fellows looked at me as they saw, men than of two thousand. On inquiry, the slaves by my uniform, that the usually stern officer and told me that Adjutant Whiting, whom we had just commander had become to them the kind and tendertaken prisoner, was the owner, that he belonged to hearted woman, by doing for them woman's holy the secession army, and that no white folks were in duty. One strong fellow, wounded in the head, and the house, all having left. Without the ceremony bloody as a butcher's floor, soon rallied, and was able of ringing, I entered and surveyed the premises, and to converse with me. I asked him if he knew the found a most elegantly furnished house. I took a poor fellows around him. He said yes, and pointing hasty survey in search of arms, but, finding none, to one, he said, "That man stood at my side-he left the house, and started to overtake our column. was my section man-I saw his gun fly out of his On reaching the bend in the road, I took a survey of hands, being struck by a grape shot, and a moment the rear, to "see what I might see," and discovered after we both tumbled to the ground together." I a single soldier coming towards me, and waited for went out and picked up an Enfield rifle, nearly cut him to come up. I found it was Clark, of the Brad- in two by a ball; said he, "That is his gun." I saw ford Company. Before he reached me, I observed a its owner die, and brought the gun with me back to horseman coming at full speed towards me. On my camp, and have it in my possession. reaching the house, he turned in, which induced me to think him a secessionist. I ordered Clark to cover him with his rifle, and revolver in hand, ordered him to dismount and surrender. He cried out, "Who are you?" answer, "Vermont!" "Then raise your piece, Vermont; I am Col. Duryea of the Zouaves;" and so it was. His gay-looking red boys just appeared turning the corner of the road, coming towards us. He asked me the cause of the firing in the rear, and whose premises we were on. I told him he knew the first as well as I did, but as to the last, could give full information; that the house belonged to one Adjutant Whiting, who, just before, had sent a bullet whizzing by me, and shot one of my boys, and that my greatest pleasure would be to burn the rascal's house in payment. "Your wish will be gratified at once," said the colonel. "I am ordered by Gen. Butler to burn every house whose occupant or owner fires upon our troops. Burn it." He leaped from his horse, and I upon the steps, and by that time three Zouaves were with me. I ordered them to try the door with the butts of their guns-down went the door and in went we. A well packed travelling bag lay upon a mahogany table. I tore it open with the hopes of finding a revolver, but did not. The first thing I took out was a white linen coat: I laid it on the table, and Col. Duryea put a lighted match to it. Other clothing was added to the pile, and soon we had a rousing fire. Before leaving, I went into the large parlor in the right wing of the house-it was perfectly splendid. A large room with a tapestry carpet, a nice piano, a fine library of miscellaneous books, rich sofas, elegant chairs, with superior needle-work wrought bottoms, what-nots in the corners, loaded with articles of luxury, taste, and

TEE BAPTISM OF ONE OF THE BIG GUNS OF THE NEW YORK SIXTY-NINTH BY FATHER MOONEY.Father Mooney, on the occasion of the baptizing of one of the big guns mounted at Fort Corcoran, made the following remarks:

Gentlemen :-It is with more than ordinary pleasure I come forward to perform a ceremony which is not only pleasing to us all, but highly honorable-I should say a welcome prerogative to me on this auspicious occasion-and that is the christening of the noble gun on Fort Corcoran. In the kind Providence of God it has been for me, as a priest, during the last nine years, to baptize many a fine blue-eyed babe; but never had I brought before me such a large, quiet, healthy, and promising fellow as this which is now before me. Indeed, I must remark, it has often happened, when pouring the baptismal water on the child's head, he opened his little eyes and got a little more of the baptismal water than be wished. But on this occasion this noble son of a great father has his mouth open, evidently indicating that he is anxious to speak, which I have no doubt he soon will, in a thundering voice, to the joy of his friends and terror of his enemies. I need not tell you that a most appropriate name has been selected by our esteemed colonel, and one that will be welcomed by you all, and that is the honorable name of the gallant commander of our brigade-Colonel Hunter. Therefore, the great gun shall hereafter answer to its name, the Hunter Gun. Now, parents anxiously listen to the first lispings of the infant's lips, and the mother's heart swells with joy when she catches the first utterance of her cherished babe, in the words "mamma, mamma; " but here I shall

guarantee to you that this promising boy will speak for the first time, in loud, clear accents, those endearing words, papa, papa, papa-patria mia, patria mia-and, in name, as in effect, he will hunt traitors from this fort, while the echo of his voice will be as sweet music, inviting the children of Columbia to share the comforts of his father's home; and thus may he soon speak to the glory of the Stars and Stripes, honor to the name that he bears, and lasting credit to the Sixty-Ninth.-Louisville Journal, June 25.

NEW HAMPSHIRE SHARP-SHOOTING.-A letter in the Philadelphia Bulletin from Poolsville, Md., June 20, says:

The New Hampshire boys held Conrad's Ferry; but as their guns would not carry a sufficient distance to do the enemy any harm, a detachment of twenty men were sent from our regiment to act as sharpshooters. They picked off eight or ten of the rebels. The New Hampshire men had been firing pistols and guns that did not reach half-way across the river. The enemy's six-pound balls came thick and fast among our boys, but, luckily, none were hit. When grape-shot were fired they all squatted, and the shot passed over them. So soon as a six-pound ball would strike the ground, the boys would make a dash and dig it out. They got six of these trophies. The New Hampshire boys got the others.

One trick of the New Hampshire fellows was to get one of their men to mount on horseback, as a mark for their field-pieces. As soon as they fired, he would drop from his horse, and the enemy would set up a shout of triumph. The horseman would then get up, and placing his fingers at his nose, would poke fun at them.

This morning, the enemy have evacuated the Ferries. How long we are to remain here, and what is our destination, we do not know.

WASHINGTON, June 24.-A private letter from Minister Corwin, Mexico, 10th, says it is reported through secession channels, that Lincoln was driven from Washington, and Gen. Scott is at the head of the Confederate arnıy.-Sandusky Register, June 25.

Ar the battle of Booneville, the Rev. W. A. Pile, chaplain of the First regiment, of Missouri, with four men, two of whom were mounted, and two on foot, captured and disarmed a party of twenty-four rebels, who were flying, and brought them into camp as prisoners! They were armed with Colt's revolvers. -N. Y. Tribune, June 25.

THE Iowa troops under Col. Bates, who were detailed to guard the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, in Missouri, had some printers in their ranks, who seized a rebel printing-office at Macon City, and now publish the Register under the new title of "Our Whole Union."-Boston Transcript, June 25.

LIEUT. JOHN T. GREBLE.-The following letter was written by Lieut. Greble the day before he was killed:

Sunday, June 9th, 1861.


"It is a delightful Sabbath morning-it has a Sabbath feeling about it. If you had lost the run of the week, such a day as to-day would tell you it was the Sabbath. The camp is unusually quiet, and its still

ness broken by little except the organ tones of some of the Massachusetts men, who are on the beach, singing devotional airs. Last Sabbath the men were at work in the trenches; to-day is their first day of rest. A great deal of work has been done, and, during the last week, under unfavorable circumstances rainy days. With very little more labor, our whole line of intrenchments will be finished. There is a little trimming off to be done, and a magazine to be built, a little earth to be thrown up in front of some heavy columbiads that have been mounted, and some storehouses to be built; but enough has been done to allow the rest to be completed by general details, and to give a chance for drilling.

"Colonel Phelps has appointed me ordnance officer of the post. We do not now fear any attack; the position is too strong. I hear that Davis has given the Federal troops ten days' time in which to leave the soil of Virginia. The time is nearly up, but we are not quite ready to move away.

"I hope that I may be given courage and good judgment enough to do well my duty in any circumstances in which I may be placed. As far as I can see, there is not much danger to be incurred in this campaign. At present both sides seem better inclined to talking than fighting. If talking could settle it, by giving the supremacy forever to the General Government, I think it would be better than civil war; but that talking can settle it, I do not believe."

Just before starting for the battle in which he was killed, he wrote on a piece of paper, in pencil, for his wife :

"May God bless you, my darling, and grant you a happy and peaceful life. May the good Father protect you and me, and grant that we may long live happily together. God give me strength, wisdom, and courage. If I die, let me die as a brave and honorable man; let no stain of dishonor hang over me or you.”—Boston Sat. Evening Gazette, June 29.

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THIS is the picture of a Southerner who abuses the | mediately seized the gun, and with it aimed a wellNorth: He toils not, neither does he spin. Swaddled at birth in a Northern blanket, cutting his teeth on a Northern gum-ring, solacing his sweet tooth on Northern candies, learning his letters from a Northern book, educated at a Northern college, learning his gentility and acquiring all his refinements in Northern social circles-he still looks upon the North as a foreign country, a region altogether plebeian and uncivilized, because it has neither cotton nor niggers.-Boston Saturday Gazette, June 22.



Just God! where sleepeth thy vengeance?
Eternal and burning, may thy terrible wrath
Fall on the arch traitor and his unholy crew, who
For mad ambitions's sake, would trample the flag
Erected by Washington and his noble compeers.
Rise! Shade of the mighty! and hurl to perdition
Such traitors to country, and greatness, and God!
Oh let red thunderbolts, famine, pestilence, and

Never-dying miseries, and the deep, damning horrors of Hell

Descend upon him who can ruthlessly deluge

All this fair land, with tears, and fraternal blood! Vengeance surely waiteth, hot, fierce, and terrible, In the store-house of God; and the hot bolts of wrath Suspended, are waiting to bring thee to doom!

P. -Chautauqua Democrat.

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"All papers in the South please copy." Accompanying the above, The Confederacy makes the following statement :

We clip the following from The Pulaski Times, published at Hawkinsville in this State. Martin resided some eight miles cast of that place. It appears that he said that, "If Lincoln would march his forces through the Southern States, he would link his destiny with him, and that if the war continued five years, he would be as rich as he wanted to be; that there were tories who got rich in the Revolutionary war, and that he would do so in this."

"Lieut. Carruthers was despatched to arrest him, and he gave himself up, acknowledging that he had used the language with which he was charged. Lieut. Carruthers took him in a buggy to carry him to Hawkinsville for trial. He was uneasy for fear he would be hung, but was assured that he would only have to leave the country. When within two miles of town he was permitted to get out of the buggy. On getting back into it, he threw up his hand and frightened Licut. Carruthers' horse, which was a spirited and restless animal, causing him to spring very suddenly, compelling Lieut. Carruthers to release his hold on his musket and grasp the reins. Martin im

directed blow at Carruthers' head, who dodged and received it across his back or shoulders. Carruthers then jumped from the buggy, and as he did so, Martin stepped back and cocked the gun. Carruthers sprang behind the horse, and being followed by Martin, ran around to the opposite side. Martin then presented the musket. Carruthers told him to crack his whip,' and at the same time fired on Martin with a revolver, at the discharge of which Martin dropped his head, from which Carruthers thinks his ball took effect. Martin then wheeled as if to pass around the buggy, and as he did so another shot was fired by Carruthers, but without effect. As Martin reached the rear of the buggy, Carruthers fired a third time, and thinks the shot took also. Martin was by this time on the same side with Carruthers, and Carruthers again sprang to the opposite side. Martin instantly fired upon him with the musket, the muzzle of which was not exceeding five feet from the horse, the whole charge passing into the shoulder of the horse. Finding that the shot had not taken effect, Martin clubbed his musket, and Lieut. Carruthers fired upon him again, and thinking his pistol exhausted, threw it into his face, inflicting a severe wound. Martin then wheeled and ran. The alarm was given by Lieut. Carruthers as soon as possible, and some of the guards who were behind at the time the affray took place, upon finding the condition of affairs, immediately started for dogs to follow the trail. Lieut. Carruthers hurried to town as rapidly as the condition of his horse would permit, and gave notice to the members of the company of what had transpired, and in half an hour Capt. Ryan had forty or fifty men in pursuit. Martin was followed until daybreak next morning, but escaped. It seems that he obtained a horse from a negro of William Allen, and thus evaded his pursuers. The negro states that he was bleeding freely when he saw him, and that he was evidently severely wounded."

VIRGINIA STEALING LADIES' WARDROBES.-We alluded a few days since to a correspondence which took place between the Governor of Virginia, and the wife of an officer in the navy, whose faithfulness to duty and to his flag had excited the ire of the traitors. The Virginia authorities, by way of punishment, stole and confiscated the wardrobe of the lady and of her daughter-a petty meanness which it would be difficult to parallel. We are enabled to lay before our readers the correspondence connected with this extraordinary larceny, which places Gov. Letcher in no enviable position :

Gov. LETCHER-Sir: Leaving Norfolk suddenly a few weeks since, my personal and household property remain in the freight house of the Boston steamer. I have in vain tried to recover it-have addressed letters to friends without success. I am confident the letters have miscarried, as I cannot believe the citizens of Norfolk would injure, or permit to be injured, the property of a lady; inspection of the parcels, if such has been made, could only have convinced of the impropriety of retaining them. The boxes and bundles are all marked J. O. Bradford, Boston, Mass., and I most earnestly beg your Excellency will order their immediate delivery to some responsible person who will inforın me where I may gain possession of my property.

Begging a thousand pardons for the liberty taken, I am, very respectfully, MRS. H. M. BRADFORD, To His Excellency Gov. LETCHEE,

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A. D. C. to the Governor of Virginia. To H. M. BRADFORD, No. 717 Arch street, Phil. MRS. BRADFORD'S REPLY TO GOV. LETCHER. PHILADELPHIA, May 24, 1861.

most of it to them had a special value, as the gifts of affection and friendship-the gathering of many years in various parts of the globe, and which money can never replace.

It is difficult to realize that such a piece of vandalism could be perpetrated in our country, in this our day. Alas! for the poor old Commonwealth, the land of Washington, the mother of Presidents, committing a petty larceny that would shame a respectable bandit. I am a Southerner, but, thank God, I have not to blush that I am a Virginian.

As regards your Excellency's statements in relation to my son, I will simply say to you that it is untrue. Could I face your informers, whom I recognize, I would tell them it was false, wilfully and deliberately GOV. LETCHER-Sir: Through your clerk I have just false, and but a shallow subterfuge to cover up the received an answer to my communication of the 19th. infamy of the theft. The traitorous band around the As my signature was Mrs. H. M. Bradford, I cannot boy could, if they would, bear witness to my constant understand why the answer was addressed to "H. M. and anxious efforts to save him, and my earnest apBradford," Sir. In the part of the country in which peals to induce him to remain with us. And it was I was educated, it is not the custom for a gentleman as a last effort I said to him, in the presence of the to affix to his name the title of Mrs. It was only as officers of the Pennsylvania, "My son, you can make a lady I appealed to you, as a gentleman, to order your election, but if you now see proper to desert the delivery of my property. The writer of the re- your father and mother, and the flag you have always markable document, bearing the no less remarkable been taught to revere, remember, from this day you address, seems to be much better informed of my are to be to me an alien and a stranger. Your death family affairs than myself, as this is the first intima- would be a thousand times preferred to your distion I have received that my son has been descrted honor. And we would gladly, joyfully follow you to or cast off. On the contrary, he will be most warmly the narrow home rather than you should affiliate with welcomed home at any moment, and be supplied with traitors against such a Government and such institumore suitable clothing than the summer wardrobe of tions as never before blessed the lot of man." He his mother and sister will afford. My boy must be was a boy of fine promise, of good presence, brave, strongly altered in the few weeks since I saw him, if and honorable character; but his generous impulses, he can be induced to accept the property of his moth- his ardent sympathies, were excited by the constantly er and sister, even if retained by order of your Ex- repeated falsehoods about Northern oppressions and cellency. In his previous life he has been upright Southern wrongs and sufferings. His defection was and honorable, and never was known to appropriate a bitter cup-a heavy blow. And when his mother, the possessions of others; and I feel sure this gena lady, respectfully appealed to your Excellency, was erous attempt to supply him with the means of sub-it manly-was it decent, to thus insult her? If old sistence will be most indignantly rejected. If this is Virginia, in her poverty and degradation, needs the not the case, he has indeed degenerated. Respect- property and money she has stolen from me, (and, fully, divided in sentiment, bankrupt in credit and reputation, God knows she does,) why, take it all; use it as best you may-raffle, huckster, and auctioneer it off to the highest bidder, but don't add to the turpitude of the robbery the meanness of deceit and falsehood. My boy would not, if he could, touch a farthing of the plunder. And your Excellency well knows he could not if he would. I have no doubt, before this, the packages have been broken open, and the contents seized upon by the hungry and needy subjects of the Old Dominion. Proud old State! glorious in tradition and history, how has she fallen! Gov. Wise said the people at Harper's Ferry behaved like sheep when attacked by old John Brown, and the larceny of my goods by the F. Fs. of Norfolk proves that the deterioration is not local. Very respectfully, your Excellency's obed't serv't, J. O. BRADFORD. Paymaster U. S. Navy.


U. S. SHIP OHIO, BOSTON, June 1, 1861. To his Excellency Gov. LETCHER-Sir: I have received from my wife copies of her correspondence with you. I had myself written several letters to former friends in Norfolk in relation to the property, but declined making any application to the State authorities; yet when informed by my wife that she had done so, I did not doubt that immediate restoration would be ordered; for, while I have seen enough to destroy all confidence in the integrity and honor, personal and official, with few exceptions, of the Virginia rebels, I could not suppose that Gov. Letcher could descend so low as to rob a family leaving the State of their wearing apparel and necessary household goods. And for the reason, too, that I had been faithful to my obligations of duty and honor, faithful to my vows, and true to the flag which, next to my Maker, is the object of my veneration.

To the rudest barbarians there is a charm in fidelity which excites their highest admiration; but with your Excellency, and your chivalrous Virginians, who claim, as springing from your peculiar institutions, a higher civilization, a purer morality, and a holier faith, this savage virtue is adjudged an offence, and, as a punishment, you have stripped me and mine of every thing in your power, not sparing us bed, blanket, towel or napkin, fork or spoon. With few exceptions, every valuable article there stolen was the personal property of my wife and daughter. And

A WESTERN paper says old Scott is hale, hearty, healthy, and as active as a boy. This we know to be a deliberate lie. A gentleman was in our office yesterday, who saw Scott last Saturday. He says he is a complete wreck. Infirm, gouty, and overwhelmed with the lashings of a guilty conscience, he has become a sort of terror to all around him. His aids tremble in his presence, and his petulance prevents him from giving any one a civil answer. "Old Abe," it is said, is absolutely afraid to go near Fuss and

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Feathers," as the latter has not forgotten, and never will, the remark of Lincoln to Rev. Dr. Fuller, that he was "Scott's legal master." Scott, who was present at the time of the interview, managed to restrain his passion until the doctor and the members of the Young Men's Christian Association left; but they had scarcely cleared the room before he let out on Lincoln. At one time it was thought that Cameron and Seward would have to interfere to prevent a personal collision. Scott raved like a madman, and told Lincoln that he was a stupid fool, a most consummate ass, and lavished sundry other choice epithets upon the devoted head of his "legal master." Our informant states that he finally worked himself up into such a passion, that his nervous system could no longer stand the shock, and he was conveyed to bed. -Petersburg (Va.) Express.

THE CROSS AND THE FLAG.-Bishop Simpson said in a recent sermon :-"We will take our glorious flag -the flag of our country-and nail it just below the cross! That is high enough! There let it wave as it waved of old. Around it let us gather: 'First Christ, then our country!'”—Albany Evening Journal, June 7.

BOSTON, MASS., July 13.-When the citizens of Boston were called upon to aid in the equipment of the soldiers, the pupils of the Latin School contributed liberally to that end; and Comp. D, (Capt. Shurtleff) of the Webster regiment, was adopted to be the recipient of their contributions, the captain being a graduate of the school. Since that time the pupils have decided to present that company with a standard as a symbol of its connection with the school. It was deemed proper that the standard should take the classical form of that of the Roman maniple, being surmounted by a gilt eagle, below which is a very perfect medallion of the great statesman whose honored name the regiment bears, below this the number of the regiment, and at the bottom the letter of the company, the whole supported upon a suitable staff, making a very striking and appropriate standard.

It was decided that the presentation should take place at Fort Warren, where the regiment is now stationed, and accordingly the pupils of the school and their friends visited the fort yesterday afternoon for that purpose. The steamer Argo was chartered for the occasion, and after a very pleasant excursion, enlivened by music from the Boston Brigade band, they were received at the wharf of the fort by Comp. D, and escorted to the parade ground, where, in behalf of the school, the standard was presented by S. H. Virgin, of the 2d class.

After an eloquent and stirring allusion to the causes of the war and the spontaneous uprising of the North, paying a just tribute to the zealous enthusiasm of the young men in this fearful crisis of our nation's history, when from the wilds of Maine to the plains of Texas, from the rockbound coasts of the East to the murmuring shores of the Pacific, there swells up to heaven the deafening chorus "Fiat justitia ruat cœlum," he continued as follows:

As a school we have endeavored to express our sympathy with the Government and its defenders in a substantial way. You already know what we have done for you. Your noble, energetic, and gallant captain, being a former honored graduate of our school, we have felt a peculiar interest in this his command, and have endeavored to supply you with

the necessities and comforts which might relieve, to some extent, the privations of a soldier's life. In addition to what has been done already by the school, we have now prepared this standard, which we wish to present to you, and we trust that wherever you may be, when your eyes rest upon this, you will remember that you have left friends behind you whose hearts are with you in every trial, and who will never cease to hope and pray for your ultimate success and safe return. Beneath the Roman eagle we have placed upon your standard the likeness of the noble defender of the Constitution, of him who ever stood by it on the floor of Congress, and who, were he alive to-day, would be ready to defend it with the last drop of his blood. Alas! he is no longer with us; but he has left behind him a representative, the noble colonel of your regiment, who is destined to prove also another brave defender of the Constitution. We say to you, go forth to maintain our glorious privileges, and for myself, in this public place, I beseech you, as you are clothed with the panoply which the State affords, be clothed with the panoply which the Lord of Hosts furnishes to all who go forth to battle in His name. We, and all the dear ones whom you leave behind you, call upon you to strike; strike for us all.

Strike till the last armed foc expires,
Strike for your altars and your fires,
Strike for the green graves of your sires,
God and your native land.

Capt. Shurtleff, on behalf of the company, responded as follows: I hardly know in what way best to return to you, my fellow-schoolmates, on behalf of the Latin School Guard our sincere and heartfelt thanks. I thank you for your sympathy for me, and more especially my command. Our thanks for the standard which you have presented us, much as we shall prize it as an emblem of the esteem in which we are held by the members of the Latin School, are as nothing in comparison with the gratitude we feel towards you for the innumerable favors you have shown us in a way in which we are much more likely to be neglected. Presentations of banners and swords, where a grand display is to be made and speeches exchanged, are very pleasant things, while the more substantial favors, such as we have received from you, are too apt to be overlooked and neglected.

After referring to the causes of the delays which the regiment had suffered in getting into the field for active service, he continued, referring to the standard: But, sir, our cagle, upon which the sun smiles now so auspiciously, differs in one marked respect from the old Roman eagle. That was the signal for carnage. Wherever that eagle was seen to float, chains and slavery was sure to follow. Ours is our own noble American eagle, which raises its talons to strike those only who destroy the holy temple of freedom. Yes, we will "Strike till the last armed foe expires." Our eagle will strike his beak into the brain of every man who shall be found with arms in his hands, lifted against the Constitution of the Country. But, unlike the Roman eagle, when victory has crowned our banners, when our flag waves proudly once more, then his thirst for blood will be satiated, his talons will sink into their place, and he will return to you no longer the fierce bird of war, but the emblem of the victory of truth and freedom, over error and oppression.

Although I can never hope to meet my schoolmates again, with my ranks as full as they are to-day, for we are liable to the chances of war, and it may

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