Alon. You cram these words into mine eares, against the stomacke of my sense: would I had never Married my daughter there: For comming thence My sonne is lost, and (in my rate1) she too, Who is so farre from Italy removed, 1judgment I ne're againe shall see her: O thou mine heire Of Naples and of Millaine, what strange fish Hath made his meale on thee? Fran. Sir he may live, I saw him beate the surges under him, And ride upon their backes; he trod the water He came alive to Land. Alon. No, no, hee's gone. Seb. Sir you may thank your 120 selfe for this great losse, That would not blesse our Europe with your daughter, But rather loose her to an Affrican, Where she at least, is banish'd from your eye, Who hath cause to wet the greefe on't. Alon. Pre-thee peace. 130 Seb. You were kneel'd too, & importun'd otherwise I feare for ever: Millaine and Naples have The faults your owne. your Alon. So is the deer'st oth'losse. Gon. My Lord Sebastian, The truth you speake doth lacke some gentlenesse, Seb. Very well. 140 Ant. And most Chirurgeonly. Gon. It is foule weather in us all, good Sir, When you are cloudy. Seb. Fowle weather? Ant. Very foule. Gon. Had I plantation1 of this Isle my Lord. 150 Gon. And were the King on't, what would I do? Seb. Scape being drunke, for want of Wine. Gon. I'th' Commonwealth I would (by contraries) Execute all things: For no kinde of Trafficke Would I admit: No name of Magistrate: Letters should not be knowne: Riches, poverty, And use of service, none: Contract, Succession, Borne, bound of Land, Tilth,2 Vineyard none: No use of Mettall, Corne, or Wine, or Oyle: No occupation, all men idle, all: 2 tillage 160 And Women too, but innocent and pure: No Sovereignty. Seb. Yet he would be King on't. Ant. The latter end of his Common-wealth forgets the beginning. 3 war-machine plenty Gon. All things in common Nature should produce Without sweat or endevour: Treason, fellony, Sword, Pike, Knife, Gun, or neede of any Engine3 Would I not have: but Nature should bring forth Of it owne kinde, all foyzon,4 all abundance 144. new 1. at Ant.-RowE. 170 147. new 1. at Ant.-RowE. To feed my innocent people. Seb. No marrying 'mong his subjects? Ant. None (man) all idle; Whores and knaves, Gon. I would with such perfection governe Sir: T'Excell the Golden Age. Seb. 'Save his Majesty. Ant. Long live Gonzalo. Gon. And do you marke me, Sir? Alon. Pre-thee no more: thou dost talke nothing to me. | Gon. I do well beleeve your Highnesse, and did it to minister occasion to these Gentlemen, who are of such sensible and nimble Lungs, that they alwayes use to laugh at nothing. Ant. 'Twas you we laugh'd at. 182 Gon. Who, in this kind of merry fooling am nothing to you: so you may continue, and laugh at nothing still. Ant. What a blow was there given? Seb. And it had not falne flat-long. Gon. You are Gentlemen of brave mettal: you would lift the Moone out of her spheare, if she would continue in it five weekes without changing. 190 Enter Ariell [invisible] playing solemne Musicke. Seb. We would so, and then go a Bat-fowling. Ant. Nay good my Lord, be not angry. Gon. No I warrant you, I will not adventure my discretion so weakly: Will you laugh me asleepe, for I am very heavy. Ant. Go sleepe, and heare us. [All sleep except Alon., Seb., and Ant.] Alon. What, all so soone asleepe? I wish mine eyes 176. 'Save: God save-HUDSON. 187. And: An-POPE. 176. new 1. at Ant.-Rowe. Would (with themselves) shut up my thoughts, I finde they are inclin❜d to do so. Seb. Please you Sir, Do not omit the heavy offer of it: 200 It sildome visits sorrow, when it doth, it is a Comforter. [Alonzo sleeps. Exit Ariel.] Seb. What a strange drowsines possesses them? Ant. It is the quality o'th' Clymate. Seb. Why Doth it not then our eye-lids sinke? I finde Not my selfe dispos'd to sleep. Ant. Nor I, my spirits are nimble: They fell together all, as by consent They dropt, as by a Thunder-stroke: what might And yet, me thinkes I see it in thy face, 210 What thou should'st be: th'occasion speaks thee, and My strong imagination see's a Crowne Dropping upon thy head. Seb. What? art thou waking? Ant. Do you not heare me speake? Seb. I do, and surely It is a sleepy Language; and thou speak'st Out of thy sleepe: What is it thou didst say? With eyes wide open: standing, speaking, moving: And yet so fast asleepe. Ant. Noble Sebastian, Thou let'st thy fortune sleepe: die rather: wink'st 220 199-206. 7 five-accent 11. ending find, sir, it, doth, lord, rest, heavy-POPE. Whiles thou art waking. 230. Seb. Thou do'st snore distinctly, There's meaning in thy snores. Ant. I am more serious then my custome: you Must be so too, if heed me: which to do, Trebbles thee o're. Seb. Well: I am standing water. Ant. Ile teach you how to flow. Hereditary Sloth instructs me. Ant. O! If you but knew how you the purpose cherish Whiles thus you mocke it: how in stripping it Seb. 'Pre-thee say on, The setting of thine eye, and cheeke proclaime Ant. Thus Sir: Although this Lord of weake remembrance; this When he is earth'd, hath here almost perswaded (For hee's a Spirit of perswasion, onely Professes to perswade) the King his sonne's alive, 'Tis as impossible that hee's undrown'd, As he that sleepes heere, swims. Seb. I have no hope That hee's undrown'd. Ant. O, out of that no hope, What great hope have you? No hope that way, Is 249. throwes: throes-POPE. 240 250 260 |