Imagens das páginas

Putter out, III. iii. 65, insured | Sans, I. ii, 115, without; Errors,


Py'de (pied), III. ii. 66, motley coated.

Qualitie (quality), I. ii. 225, ability, power; Two Gen. of Ver., III. i. 273.

Queint (quaint), I. ii. 375, dextrous, artistic; Mer. Wives, IV. vi. 42.

Quicke (quick), III. ii. 70, living;
Mer. Wives, III. iv. 9o.
Quickens, III. i. 8, makes alive.
Quit, I. ii. 174, shortened participle,
common in verbs ending in a
or 'd' sound; cf. 'betid,' 1. 38.

Rabble, IV. i. 42, crowd, not nec-
essarily contemptuous.
Race, I. ii. 420, breed; Ant. &
Cleo., I. iii. 50.

Racke (rack), IV. i. 178, floating mist; Ant. & Cleo., IV. xiv.


Rare, IV. i. 137, for rarely, modifying wondred.

Rate, I. ii. 110, II. i. 109, estima-
tion, judgment.
Razor-able (razorable), II. i. 273,
fit to be shaved.

Reasonable, V. i. 93, of reason.
Recover, II. ii. 73, 82, 100, restore ;
As You, IV. iii. 159.
Red-plague, I. ii. 426, leprosy.
Remember, I. ii. 285, remind;
469, mention; 2 Hen. IV, V. ii.


Remorse, V. i. 88, pity. Requit, III. iii. 92, requited; cf. quit. Resolve, V. i. 295, rid of ignorance; Meas. for Meas., IV. ii. 220. Revenew (revenue), I. ii. 116, stress on second syllable, reven'-ew.

Rid, I. ii. 426, destroy. Ripe, V. i, 332, drunk. Rounded, IV. i. 180, rounded out, finished.

Sacke (sack), II. ii. 129, Spanish white wine.

Safely, V. i. 264, the adverb modifying the verb, in place of the adjective modifying the object. Sanctimonious, IV. i. 19, sacred.

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IV. iv. 80; used as an English word at this time.

Save, II. i. 176, God save. 'Scamels, II. ii. 180, possibly sea


Scandald (scandal'd), IV. i. 100, defame; Cor., III. i. 58. Scap'd (scaped), II. ii. 64, escaped, not a shortening of 'escaped." Sebastian, II. i. 140, 215, 228, etc., three syllables, stress on second, Se-bas'-tyan.

Securing, II. i. 344, guarding. Sedg'd (sedged), IV. i. 145, made of sedges or reeds. Sense, II. i. 107, feelings. Sensible, II. i. 181, sensitive, with quick feeling; Meas. for Meas.,

III. i. 138.;

Setebos, syllable.

ii. 437, stress on first

Set, III. ii. 10, rigid; Tw. Night, V. i. 211.

Set off, III. i. 4, make attractive. Severall (several), III. i. 53, various, different, Meas. for Meas., II. iv. 4.

Shak'd (shaked), II. i. 355, less common in Sh. than shook';

1 Hen. IV, III. i. 21, etc. She, III. ii. 106, her; this usage occurs especially when the object is separated from the verb, as here.

Shrowd (shroud), II ii. 43, take shelter; cf. Ant. & Cleo., III. xiii. 86.

Siege, II. ii. 113, seat.
Single, I. ii. 503, solitary, mere;
Mer. of Ven., I. iii. 50.
Skillesse (skilless), III. i. 65, igno-


Sociable, V. i. 75, sympathetic ;
John, III. iv. 69.
Sodaine (sudden), II. i. 339, quick.
Solemnized,V. i. 363, four syllables,

stress on the second, sol-em'-ni-

Something, I. ii. 478, somewhat. Sore, V. i. 341, sorry; 2 Hen. IV, IV. vii. 10.

Sot, III. ii. 98, fool; not used by Sh. with reference to drunkenness.

Spoke, IV. i. 36, 'n' dropped, as often in participles, at this time.

Spryting (spriting), I. ii. 349, | Thetched (thatched), IV. i. 72,

i. 74,

magic service. Spungie (spongy), IV. watery; Cymb., IV. ii. 433. Stain'd (stained), I. ii. 478, disfigured.

Stale, IV. i. 211, decay; Tam. of
Shr., III. i. 91.
Standard, III. ii. 17, standard-
bearer, ensign.
Stare, III. iii. 119, daze.
Steeded (steaded), I. ii. 194, been
useful, help; Two Gen. of Ver.,
II. i. 109.

Stephano, III. ii. 163, IV. i. 248, stress on first syllable, Stef-fa-no Still, I. ii. 269, III. iii. 85, V. i. 253, ever, always.

Stockfish, III. ii. 74, dried cod. Stomacke (stomach), I. ii. 185, courage; II. i. 107, liking. Stover, IV. i. 72, fodder for cattle. Strange, III. iii. 111, rare. Strangely, IV. i. 9, wonderfully. Study, II. i. 84, wonder. Substitution, ii. 121, being a substitute, delegated authority. Subtleties, V. I. 142, illusions, originally applied to cookery; Per., II. v. 46.

Suffered, II. ii. 39, been killed. Suggestion, II. i. 316, IV. i. 30, prompting, temptation. Supportable, V. i. 169, main stress on first syllable. Swabber, II. ii. 49, deck cleaner ; Tw. Night, I. v. 203. Sycorax, I. iii. 305, 339, etc., stress on first syllable, Sy'-co-rax.

Tabor, IV. i. 199, small drum; Cor., I. vi. 32.

Taborer, III. ii. 160, player on a tabor.

Talking, II. i. 96, used with a de

pendent clause, like 'saying.' Tang, II. ii. 53, sharp sound. Teene (teen), I. ii. 80, grief, tears; Love's Lab., IV. iii. 169. Tell, II. i. 19, count. Temperance, II. i. 47, climate. Temperate, IV. i. 148, chaste. Tender, II. i. 296, regard, care for; Two Gen. of Ver., IV. iv. 142. That, III. ii. 103, the thing, that which: 147, so that; V. i. 336, for as,' after 'such.'

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covered, strewn.

Third (thread), IV. i. 5, strand. Throughly, III. iii. 18, thoroughly. Throwes (throes), II. i. 249, pains,

the verb.

Tilth, II. i. 158, tillage, cultivation. To, II. i. 78, for; Mer. Wives, III. iii. 89.

Trash, I. ii. 98, call back, check; lop off.

Trenchering, II. ii. 192, trenchers. Triffle (trifle), V. i. 127, phantom. Trinculo, II. ii. 108, etc., stress on first syllable.

Troule (troll), III. ii. 124, sing around.

True, V. i. 319, honest; Love's Lab., IV. iii. 193.

Try, I. i. 44, i.e. keep close to the wind and see if she will bear the main course.

Twilled, IV. i. 73, two syllables; meaning not certain.

Twincke (twink), IV. i. 49, twinkling.

Undergoing, I. ii. 185, enduring. Up-staring, I. ii. 248, standing on end.

Urchins, I. ii. 385, imps.
Urchyn shewes (urchin-shows),

II. i. 8, apparitions of hobgoblins. Use, II. i. 181, are accustomed. Utensils, III. ii. 101, perhaps with stress on first syllable.

Valiant, III. ii. 25, three syllables. Vanity, IV. i. 46, illusion." Vast, I. ii. 386, void, a noun. Verily, II. 1. 357, adverb, used instead of the adjective, modifying the subject.

Vertue, I. ii. 34, soul, spring. Villanous, IV. i. 274, an adjective is often used in place of an adverb, with another adjective. Visitation, III. i. 40, seizure of feeling.

Visitor, II. i. 15, visiting priest. Voucht (vouched), II. i. 64, attested.

Waigh'd (weighed), II. i. 133, considered.

Ward, I. ii. 552, attitude of defence; Mer. Wives, II. ii. 236.

Waste (waist), I. ii. 230, middle | Wink'st, II. i. 229, hast the eyes


Weather, I. i. 46, storm; Tw.
Night, I. v. 234.
Weather-fends, V. i. 14, protects
from the weather.
Welkins (welkin's), I. i. 6, sky's;
Mer. Wives, I. iii. 85; Tw.
Night, III. i. 58.

Wench, I. ii. 165, 477, used as a
term of endearment.
Wezand, III. ii, 96, windpipe.
When, I. ii. 374, an exclamation of

Where (whether), V. i. 126, whether; Errors, IV. i. 67. Which, III. i. 8, whom, used of a


Whileare (while-ere), III. ii. 125, just now.

Whiles, I. ii. 403, while. Whist, I. ii. 444, adjective, silent, to silence.

Who, I. ii. 9, 97, II. i. 129, whom, III. iii. 83, which, used of things; I. ii. 97, 271, whom. Whom, III. iii. 116, who; cf. John, IV. ii. 171; attracted to the accusation by the influence of the next following verb. Wicked, I. ii. 380, harmful. Wide-chopt (chapped), I. i. 66, wide mouthed. Windring, IV. i. 144, winding.

Winke (wink), II. i. 313, sleep, closing of the eyes; Wint. Tale,

I. ii. 367; II. i. 263, time of a wink; Wint. Tale, V. ii, 110.

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Wisest, II. ii. 80, 'fashion' is understood.

Withall (withal), III. ii. 102, for 'with' at the end of a sentence when the object (here which) precedes.

Woe, V. i. 161, sorry. Wondred (wonder'd), IV. i. 137, wonder-working.

Workes (works), IV. i. 165, affects.

Worme (worm), III. i. 39, expression of pity.

Worser, IV. i. 31, double comparative.

Wracke (wrack), I. ii. 33, wreck. Wrong, I. ii. 516, made a mis

take; Mer. Wives, III. iii. 186.

Yare, I. i. 12, 43, V. i. 267, ready; Meas. for Meas., IV. ii. 58. Yarely, I. i. 8, quickly; Ant. & Cleo., II. ii. 247.

Yere (year), I. ii. 65, plural s often omitted with words of measure after a numeral. Ynch-meale (inchmeal), II. ii. 6, inch by inch.

Yond, I. ii. 473, over there. Your, V. i. 15, subjective genitive, 'made by you.'

Yours, II. i. 277, for your' because separated from its noun, cf. mine, III, iii. 117.

Zenith, I. ii. 213, maximum of fortune.

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