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" O ! who can hold a fire in his hand By thinking on the frosty Caucasus? Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite By bare imagination of a feast? "
Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare: The taming of the shrew. 1631. The ... - Página 85
por William Shakespeare - 1766
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The Tragedie of King Richard the Second

William Shakespeare - 1598 - 80 páginas
...and fets it light. "Bui. Oh who can hold a fire in his hand. By thinking on the frofty Caucafui? | Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, By bare imagination of a teal I ? Or wallow naked in December (now, By thinking on fanrnftick fumrnerj heat I OJuioahcapprehcnfionof...
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King John ; King Richard II ; King Henry IV. Part 1 ; King Henry IV. Part 2 ...

William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 588 páginas
...Soil, wherein thou art to fet The precious Jewel of thy home return. Bulling. Oh who can hold a Fire in his Hand By thinking on the Frofty Caucafus? Or...imagination of a Feaft ? Or wallow naked in December Snow By thinking on fantaftick Summer's Heat? Oh no, the apprehenfion of the good Give? but the greater...
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The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;: In Six Volumes. Adorn'd with ..., Volume 3

William Shakespeare - 1709 - 590 páginas
...precious Jewel of thy home return. Suiting. Oh who can hold a Fire in his Hand By thinking on the Fro fly Caucafus ? Or cloy the hungry edge of Appetite, By...imagination of a Feaft ? Or wallow naked in December Snow By thinking on fantaftick Summer's Heat? Oh no, the apprehenfion of the good Gives but the greater...
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The Complete Art of Poetry ...

Charles Gildon - 1718 - 394 páginas
...Breath. Gaunt, "fhe Life mtd, Death of Richard II. Pain not to be cured by Maxims. Oh who can hold a Fire in his Hand By thinking on the frofty Caucafus ? Or...By bare Imagination of a Feaft ? Or wallow naked in Decemher Snow By thinking on fantaflick Summer's Heat '. Oli no, the Apprehenfion of the good , Give?...
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The British Muse: Or, A Collection of Thoughts, Moral, Natural, and Sublime ...

Sir Thomas Hayward - 1738 - 324 páginas
...Shakefpiar's Romeo and Julia. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking on the frofty Cauca/ut ? Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, By bare Imagination of a feaft ? Or wallow naked in Dectmker's fnow, By thinking on fantaftick fummer's heat ? Oh, no ! the apprehenfion of the good, Gives...
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The Works of Shakespeare ...: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1740 - 498 páginas
...hath lefs Pow'r to bite The Man, that mocks at it, and fets it light. 'Baling. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking on the frofty Caucafus ?...imagination of a feaft ? Or wallow naked in December fnow, (») Boling. Nay, rather, n'ry ttdiiui Stridi 1 ;«,<./;,;,] Thl5; and die fix Verfes which follow,...
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The Quintessence of English Poetry, Or, a Collection of All the Beautiful ...

William Oldys - 1740 - 328 páginas
...Shakefptar's Romeo and 'Juliet. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking on the frofly Caueafus ? Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, By bare imagination of a feaft ? Or wallow naked in Deeemher's fnow, By thinking on fantaftick fummer's heat ? Oh, no ! the apprehenfion of the good, Gives...
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King Richard II. King Henry IV. King Henry VI, part 1

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 538 páginas
...hath lefs Pow'r to bite The Man, that mocks at it, and fets it light. Baling. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking on the frofty Caucafus ?...? Or wallow naked in December fnow, By thinking on fantaftick Summer's heat ? Oh, no ! the apprehenfion of the good Gives but the greater feeling to the...
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The Works of Shakespear: In Eight Volumes, Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 544 páginas
...hath lefs Pow'r to bite The Man, that mocks at it, and fets it light. Baling. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking on the frofty Caucafus ?...imagination of a feaft ? Or wallow naked in December (how, By thinking on fantaftick Summer's heat ? Oh, no ! the apprehenfion of the good .Gives but the...
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The works of Shakespear, with a glossary, pr. from the Oxford ed ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 340 páginas in his hand By thinking on the frofty Caacafus ? Or cloy the hungry edge' of appetite By bate imagination of a feaft ? Or wallow naked in December fnow By thinking on fantaftick fummer's heat ? Oh no, the apprehenfion df the good .Gives but the greater feeling to the...
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