Imagens das páginas

is almost certain that the City Council good, desire to bury past dissensions, had since taught, preached, aided will go to the full extent of the borrow- and drown angry feelings, and meet on abetted the practice of the doctrine of ing powers of the city, and therefore common ground as citizens and memthe question of the propriety of sad-bers of the same community, leaving dling that $600,000 extra upon the each individual to think, worship and overburdened shoulders of the tax-live as seems best to him so long as he payers becomes exceedingly grave and interferes with no other citizen in the important. The time for its determin- enjoyment of equal rights. ation at the polls is drawing near, and the matter should be carefully weighed, with its consequences.

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plural marriage. It was shown in evidence that he had no fraudulent intention, because before registering be asked the advice of an attorney, v told him that he had a right to have his name placed upon the lists. It wa This appears to necessitate the also proved that although he registered abandonment of local organizations, | he made no attempt to vote at the suband advancement in the direction of sequent election.

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When the last political campaign those national matters which engage The district attorney worked hard t was in progress, the effects of "Liberal" | the attention of the country and cause make a case, but it was uphi rule were plainly foreshadowed. It people to rally under national party work. He was driven to one poi was shown that under it taxes would rules and banners. The most thought- upon which the case necessarily be excessive, debt inevitable, official ful and conservative of Utah's citizens hinged-did the Church at the time extravagance certain, and multiplica- deplore the bitterness and strife which the defendant registered, teach tion of officers and salaries probable. have hindered the progress of the Ter- preach, aid or abet the practice of poly All this has been realized to the full ritory, and prevented the full enjoy-gamy. The Judge was fair and im extent. The benefits arising from the ment of that liberty to which freemen partial, exhibiting no perceptible bias. policy inaugurated and the course pur- are entitled. They are willing and Consequently he refused to permit the sued are not yet visible to the naked anxious to drop the old disputes and district attorney to go behind the time engage in a mutual effort to insure of Mr. West's registration for evidence permanent prosperity to the whole as to the teachings and practice of the people. Church in reference to plural ma But there are many persons here who riage. The prosecutor had but one cling to the old methods, harbor the course-the standard publications f old animosities, and refuse to move out the Church, with special regard to the of the old ruts. Shall they hinder the book of Doctrine and Covenants, which more progressive from changing front was frequently quoted during the trial. and taking the course of manifest des- In his argument the district attorney tiny, or shall they be let severely insisted that the Church still taugh alone until they become better mind-polygamy, as there had been no repud ed? This is a momentous question.


Money must be had, of course, for public improvements, among which better school accommodations cut a prominent figure. But whether it is for the true interests of the city to plunge headlong into debt to the utmost limit of lawful power, is a question in which every taxpayer is materially interested, and one that should engage the serious attention of the people, irrespective of party or position or creed.

Economy in the administration of public affairs, taxation limited to pub lic necessities, and regard for the future as well as for the present, ought to be kept in view by all who are entrusted with the powers of government. The change which has come over the municipality in these respects is marked and discouraging. And conservative men of all shades of political opinion should pause, view the situation, look at the prospects, and decide whether this era of extravagance, debt and misrule shall be permitted to continue.


ation of the expressions contained in its publications, which exhibit the faith and doctrines of the members.

One thing we should think all citizens who desire the welfare of this city and Territory will unite upon. That While the prosecution was dwelling is, that those classes of society which with much emphasis upon the statetend to ruin in other parts of the coun-ments favoring polygamy contained try shall not be allowed to gain the in the books, President Budge, who upper hand here. They are figuring was one of the witnesses in the case, now as a threatened obstruction, and sent someone who was present to pro the thoughtful, conservative and ra- cure a Bible. When it was obtained tional of all parties should be determin- the attention of Mr. Hawley, attorney ed that the prospects which are for the defense, was directed, without opening for the good of Utah, shall not comment, to three particular passages be clouded over by the dark and fanati- One of these references was Deut. cal and disreputable elements that are twenty-first chapter, 15 to 17 verses endeavoring to mass themselves and inclusive. It lays down the law for the dim if not destroy the coming glory. prevention of injustice to the first born of a family because of bias on the part of the husband toward any one of his two wives. Another was Deut., twenty-fifth chapter, 5th and 6th verses, which requires, in case of the death of a married man without issue, that the brother of the deceased should take the widow to wife, without refer ence whether or not the surviving brother was married or single. The third quotation was II Samuel, twelfth chapter, where the word of the Lord through Nathan to David is to the effect that He had given the king the

THE IDAHO CONSPIRACY CASES. THE drift of public sentiment in THE Idaho conspiracy cases have Utah appears to be in favor of a de- gone over for the term, and it is doubtcided change in political methods. ful whether they will ever be resurOld issues are dying out. Old local rected. One of them was recently tried parties are losing their grip upon the at Boise, before Judge Beatty. The public mind. "Mormons" and "Gen- defendant was a man named West, tiles" mingle in business and the ma- who had been indicted for wilfully and jority are desirous of excluding re- fraudulently registering, notwithligious beliefs from political discussions standing that he was alleged to be a and the ordinary affairs of life. The member of an organization which development of the Territory and the taught, preached, aided and abetted the advancement of the whole people are practice of polygamy. aims worthy the efforts of the adherents of all parties and all creeds. And those who are not so rock-ribbed and chain-bound in bigotry and intolerance as to render them insensible to the public

The defendant did not deny that he was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, nor that he registered, but he did deny that that religious body did at that time teach or

wives of Saul.

Mr. Hawley's attention had been called to these passages just before the prosecutor closed his argument, and he had barely time to glance at them. When he addressed the jury he made

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land, and the dissatisfaction in Canada mean anything important, it is hard yet to determine.

reference to them, but treated upon the Illinois Legislature last winter. along quietly enough. Whether the other points, and some of his listen- He held out to the bitter end, and formation of the Australian Commonwere afraid he had not "caught would not vote for Palmer. The wealth, the discontent in Newfound"But this was a mistake, as Mr. Southern Alliance was poorly repreawley is one of the sharpest men in sented in Cincinnatı, and those Alliaho. He got around to the point in ance men who were there did not e time, and got his quotations in in heartily endorse a third party moveod shape, not failing, of course, to ment. And it was observed during pict in tones of sadness the dire con- the proceedings that delegates of Demquences that would follow if the cratic affiliations did not endorse eory of the district attorney were warmly the idea of a new party. ed up to. It would be disastrous i, Judging from this analysis it would cause the various churches had appear that if the People's party beiled to publicly repudiate the sacred comes a force in national politics, it ok—which constitutes the foundation will strike deepest in the Republican their faith-those of their members strongholds of the West. The Southern ho had registered and voted in Idaho farmers cannot be said, however, to be could be placed under arrest and pun-opposed to the new party, though they bed. do not support it warmly. The fact is This argument appeared to produce the fear of the Lodge bill, or rather the uite a favorable effect, in addition to Force bill still affects them. They hich was the amusement created by saw how hotly that was pressed, and he strange fact of Mr. Hawley-proba- they note what a vigorous support that ly for the first time in his life, or at measure yet receives in the North. ast since his Sunday school days-Hence they are shy of embarking on uoting the scriptures. new ventures in the face of old dan

In all the British possessions for the last fifty-four years, the Queen's birthday has been celebrated as a holiday. The people everywhere have entered into the spirit of the time, and were proud to honor their Queen. News of a different kind is heard this year. At Windsor, in Canada, the boats of the ferry company plying between that city and Detroit, refused to recogni the day in the usual manner. An officer of the British customs ordered the boats to hoist their flags and bunting. One boat did so under protest, holding that being engaged in international trade she was exempt from such ceremony. The American officials in Detroit take this view of the matter, and the case has bean laid before Mr. Blaine.

The jury stood ten for acquittal and gers. Should the Republican press It is reported that Newfoundland as wo for conviction, and the eleventh and the leaders of the party declare the a colony, or state, refused to honor the an was heard to say after dismissal Force bill a dead issue, it may have an Queen's birthday this year. The rehat if one more ballot had been taken effect on the South that would mater-lations between that island and the e would have gone with the majority.ially cripple the Democratic party mother country have been strained for

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cause injury to one or both the old ON May 24th Queen Victoria of
parties is not so clear. Republican England completed the seventy-second
papers say that the Cincinnati conven-year of her age. She has reigned over
tion was projected and developed by the British empire for fifty-four
Democratic agents; Democratic papers years. In 1819, the year of her birth,
say the same of the other party.
and for years after, England was in a
Analyzing the convention from a very disturbed condition. Measures of
purely non-partisan standpoint, it coercion were adopted, political meet-
would seem that if any party is likely ings were prohibited, and a number of
to be hurt by it in the future, the Re- people were shot down in Manchester.
publican party would be the victim. Since Victoria's accession to the
The leaders and the mass of the dele- throne in 1837, England has attained
gates were from Republican strong- the first place among nations as a
wealth producer. Her closest com-
petitor at present in this line is the
United States of America. During
Victoria's long reign, England has
undergone little change politically.


some time, owing to the complications arising from the fishery rights of the French.

It must be disheartening to the aged Queen to learn that her seventy-second birthday was not honored in the usual way in her American colonies. She has been a good and virtuous woman, and on the whole a benign and honest ruler. Her career as Queen, as wife and mother deserves commendation. Will her death, which may soon occur, cause any change in the geography of the Britism Empire? This is one of the questions that are causing debate in other countries besides those which are under the dominion of Queen Victoria.


WE direct attention to a letter, in another column, from our old friend Hadley D. Johnson. He handles strongly the question of the school bonds. We know that he is not opposed to education, nor to free schools, nor to reasonable taxes for any proper public purpose. But he appears to be against the issuance of the school bonds proposed, and he offers some good reasons for his position.

There were 1418 accredited delegates in that convention. Of these 728more than half, were from Ohio and Kansas. The most prominent advocates of a third party movement in Whatever change has taken place is of As to his first contention that the that convention were all of Republican a democratic or liberal nature. France, City Attorney ought not to have been Taubeneck, the chair- however, has passed from an Empire called on by the City Council for an man of the national executive com- to a Republic. Germany established opinion if the School District was not mittee of the new party, was formerly its powerful confederation under im- an integral part of the Salt Lake City a Republican. He is one of the three perial sway. Turkey and Poland were municipality, we think it is not confarmers who caused the deadlock in dismembered, but England jogged clusive. The matter was open to dis


pute. The city was interested in it. Upon it turned the question of the limits of the power of the Council to issue city bonds. Therefore, whether the school district was a distinct municipality or a part of the city organization, it was proper for the Council to seek for a legal opinion, and it was proper for the attorney to give ore.

Congress stand it is out of the power of an unwarranted severity, which the local Legislature to right the wrong led him to extremes that were complained of, and we do not think not natural to him. The antagonizm that should stand in the way of voting aroused in those who had good reason for the school bonds. On the main to object to such a course was softete! question we will have something by the fact that there was perceptitl further to say at another time.


WE observe that the mention of the name of Chief Justice Zane by

in his character a tendency whic tinted and influenced his officia career throughout-his conception d his duty to support the government against everything which he deem not conformable to it. This trait pro

conditions which demanded more c sideration than he awarded the But the tendency of itself, when kep within conservative bounds, is a mot excellent one. Without it there is n patriotism.

The City Attorney may be wrong. Several lawyers are emphatic in their dissent from his views. We regard the question as still open. A great the Salt Lake Times in connectionably led him to be partially blinded : deal can be said on both sides. The with the present political situation has City Attorney is not a court, and it caused a somewhat heated journalistic will take a court of competent jurisdic- discussion. The "Liberal" organ obtion to decide this momento ques-jects to the introduction of the name of tion. The former City Attorney gave the learned judge into the question, on learned opinions which the City Coun- the ground that he is not a politician. cil rejected. So this opinion of the This position, taken as it is by a Fortunately in the case of the learned present attorney is by no means the journal which is in the habit of thrust-gentleman now referred to, the exercise end of controversy. ing the views of citizens upon every of this disposition was not contracted kind of question before the public, pro- to one phase of the government. When viding the particular opinions are cut local governmental institutions have according to its own bias, has a smack been unjustly assailed by "Liberal of absurdity about it. The secret agitators and disruptionists, it has beer of the dissatisfaction of the his rule to sustain the former, wher "Liberal" organ with the voicing law and justice demanded. Some & of the view taken by Judge Zane on his opinions upon questions of the the subject causing so much agitation character have been of great value t in the community, is that the opinion the community. of his Honor is the opposite of that ex- The official dealings of Ju The exclusion of resident taxpayers pressed by that paper. If the Chief Zane with the "Mormon" people hst whose names are not on the registry | Justice favored the fanatical attitude been remarkably extensive. No fee lists from voting on a matter that re- of the organ of a fading cause, its col-eral official, so far as we know, bae lates to their property, we regard as in contravention of the law which makes the issuance of the bonds possible, and from which the school board derive their powers. It is not only unjust, it is in violation of the law which created the school district and the offices therein.

The other questions raised by our esteemed correspondent are worthy the consideration of all the taxpayers. They should weigh well the consequences of assuming the heavy burden proposed by the School Board, in view of the further burdens which may and will be imposed if the City Attorney's views of the law prove to be


We fear that the doubts which hang over the question will hinder the sale of the school bonds, if voted for, and also of such additional bonds as the city may attempt to float. And until the powers of the two bodies in this connection are fully determined, confusion will prevail and the cause of education will be jeopardized.

umns would, doubtless, long since
have announced the fact.

ever had more ample opportunities for discovering the true character of the We have not inquired of Judge Zane Latter-day Saints than he. And we what his views are upon the absorbing have good reason to believe that his political question of the hour. It would experience led to his making a dis hardly be necessary for any one to do covery-that the people forming the 8o. To imagine that he favored the great majority of the population of maintenance of the old political lines Utah are honest. This being the case, and conditions would be to presume the course of events has naturally led that he had departed from pursuing to what might be regarded as a mutual what he has evinced in his career as a recognition of a state of facts on both publicist as his leading object—to aid sides that was at first not clearly ap in producing a situation here in parent on the surface. Instances have harmony with the nation at come to our notice of the Judge hav large. For him to take a ing rebuked anti-"Mormon” rabidists stand 88 an obstructionist, even who have declaimed against the "Mor in theory, would not be in keeping We are not opposed to raising the with the persistency with which he necessary funds for school purposes in usually follows up what appears to his this city. We are not opposed to the mind to be proper. The people of all issuance of bonds to procure those classes in Utah have learned to view funds. But we desire to have the matter Judge Zane with no small degree of placed on a secure basis, and taxation respect. The reason is obvious; the so restricted as not to become a burden community, as a rule, has come to betoo grievous to be borne. Therefore lieve he is honest. That quality covers we ask the taxpayers to consider what they are asked to do, and the School Board to make sure they are proceeding on solid ground.

a multitude of errors and extremes,
even in the eyes of good people who
may have suffered from them.

mon" people, when he might have al lowed the unjust animadversions to pass unchecked. This has been to bis credit. Had he been silent on such occasions he would doubtlesss have better pleased some people who are presumably his friends.

It has been publicly stated that the reason why Judge Zane does not take an active and practical part in for warding the cause which aims at the obliteration of the old political distinc tions and ascerbities is that his official position stands in the way. He deeme that it would be out of harmony with his calling to mix up actively in po litical agitations. Every thoughtful citizen will agree with him on this

Our speaking thus of Judge Zane The question raised by Mr. John- may be considered a material change son, in regard to the exclusion of wo on our part. It may be partly so remen holding property from voting on garded, but not altogether. We have a question in which they are financi- never receded from the position that in ally interested, is one that ought to the earlier portion of his career the have due weight. But as the laws of Chief Justice was animated by point. There is wisdom and consis

cy in it. There is no denying the ct, however, that his personal leang on this subject will have its influace. Judge Zane is a strong man. is strength, however, does not arise om a political cause. It is in conseuence of a belief-which has specially eveloped of late-among the people hat he possesses integrity of no ordiary degree.

was never

A ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHEME. SINCE the days of the great religious wakening some three centuries ago, he theological horizon more cloudy and indistinct than it is the present time. The ferment and ommotion prevailing among the Proestant sects in this country are somehing entirely beyond the usual order f church contentions and vestry disrders. In addition to all this, there re encyclicals from Rome, pastorals rom Catholic bishops and political pro unciamentoes from cardinals. Only a few weeks ago it was reported hat the Vatican had in progress a cheme for the special government of he American Catholic church. This cheme embraced a system of government by bishops appointed by Rome, each to preside over a district allotted o him. It originated with the Cathoics of Germany, Austria, Belgium and Switzerland, and was submitted to the Vatican for approval. Nothing has been heard about it since, but it may safely be concluded that it is under consideration.

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At all events,

a revelutionin progress.

In the schools attached to their par-ary character are
ishes the language of the race compris-And when the action of German
ing the congregation must be made Romanists in this country is compared
the principal one as a medium of edu- with that of their co-religionists in
cation. Should the Roman church Europe, it will be seen that there is
adopt this policy she would not only be some political wheel being put in
acting contrary to her own teaching motion which concerns materially the
in the past, but she would put herself interests of the American continent
in the position of an actual disrupter and particularly those of the United
and disintegrator of the Republic of States.
the United States. But what seems
most peculiar about this movement is
the fact that the Roman Church digni-
taries in the United States are in no
way consulted in the matter.
JOHN CALVIN died on the 27th of
said, however, that a Mr. Mercier, of May, 1564, just 337 years ago. He was
Canada, has warmly commended the born in the bosom of the Roman Cath-
plan to the Pope. He stated that he olic church in France. He came from
felt acute pain because the Canadians a particularly ecclesiastical family;
in the United States were not repre- even he himself held office in the
sented by Canadian bishops at the church. He it was who virtually
Baltimore conference a few years ago. founded Presbyterianism. The West-
Again, the dispatches say:

It is



minster Confession was the outcome of "Speaking of the nomination of Kan- his theological teachings. We are rezard as archbishop in America, Ambassa-minded of these facts by the present dor Von Schloeser said to Capensly: "This is an important act, that will inter-condition of religious affairs in New est all Prussia.' He added that he would York City. The Union Theological warmly congratulate and thank the car-seminary and the whole Presbyterian dinal secretary of state for this choice, so favorable to German interests." sect is torn up over this Westminster If this is not touching on the inter-Confession. The learned men of both nal political affairs of the country, it is the institution and of the denominadifficult to see what else it can be. tion are in a state of disorder And it is more than significant, it is On Sunday, May 17th, a Cathoominous that this movement is orgi- lic theological seminary was founded nating in Germany, and receiving at Yorkers, just without the municipal even the concurrence of German Pro- limits, which will cost $500,000. It testants. The German-speaking peo- will be known as St. Joseph's, and is ples in this country constitute the to be built on the spot where George bulk of the orthodox Roman Catholics. Washington made his headquarters It has been found that fusion between from October 12th to 27th, in 1776. them and Bohemians, Hungarians The corner stone was laid by Archand even Italians can be effected more bishop Corrigan, assisted by 500 bishops easily, than with the English-speak- and priests and 60,000 members of the ing Romanists. Look at the develop- laity. The day in New York was a ment in Wisconsin and in Illinois dur- marked one. The actual number of ing the past two years. In both these people who desired to be present on the States there were compulsory educa-occasion could not even be estimated, tion laws, making the English lan- for transportation could not be obguage the medium of education in the tained to bring them to the scene. The latest news from Europe in the schools, both public and private. The But it is thought that at least 60,000 way of religious development is rather Germaus took offense, and both Catholics persons marching in organized socieof a startling character to Americans. and Lutherans joined in a political ties were present. It comes, too, by way of Berlin, a sig-fight on these laws. The result was, Contrast the condition of the Union nificant fact when taken in connection that both were wiped off the statute Theological Seminary with that of with the trend of affairs in many of books, and German is now virtually St. Joseph's Seminary, and what the States in the Mississippi valley. As the prevailing language in Wisconsin, a retrogressive state of affairs the dispatch says, "The campaign has and nearly so in Illinois. It is taught is presented. The name St. Jobeen directed solely by the committee in the public schools and German pub- seph's is also significant in view in Germany, which, by its activity, has lic libraries, maintained by the State, of the developments taking place of secured the support and approbation of are found in nearly every city and late. This means that the new instiother European countries." The aims town. The proceedings of all public tution is under German auspices.

Later on extracts from an encyclical published by Leo XIII arrived here. This document, written in Latin, was officially entitled, "De Conditione Opficficum, "that is, on the condition of the working man. It was a carefully worded production, and well calculated to maintain a stradale attitude on the great questions which are agitating the political and social atmospheres of

our age.

and objects of this campaign are, simply, that no attempt be made to Americanize the different races of European Catholics now resident in this country, nor even to make of them homogeneous Romanists.

The plan is to establish congregations

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bodies must be published in German Wherever a St. Joseph's church, or as well as in English. Should Rome seminary, or convent exists one may adopt the policy outlined in the Ger- make sure that it is of German origin man memorial recently submitted, the or under German auspices, or conquestion is, will the English speaking trolled by German patronage. Catholics and their bishops still adhere these latter days St. Patrick is not in to the Church? A great many will, 'it.



THE dispatch from Washington, which appeared a few days ago, .in regard to the exclusion polygamists from landing on the shores of the United States, is rather



disputed and undeniable facts. This
is perhaps to be expected when
consider the agitation and the character
of some of the agitators.

Among these errors is the hackneyed
story about "Mormon” Church domi-
nation in political affairs. It seems

"We believe that every man should be honored in his station; rulers and magistection of the innocent and the punishtrates as such, being placed for the proment of the guilty; and that to the laws without them peace and harmony woul all men owe respect and deference, as be supplanted by anarchy and terro human laws being instituted for the exas individuals and nations, between man

indefinite. No account is given of the useless to present the facts. The notion press purpose of regulatiug our interests specific charges against Petersen and that the "Mormon" people are under

his wife, who it is said hail from Sweden, and about whom some affidavits have been made. On what ground is it claimed they are polygamists? Is it because they believe in polygamy? It is very unlikely that they are practical polygamists. There is some mystery about this case that future information will probably dissipate.

and man, and divine laws given of hea ven prescribing rules in spiritual concerns, for faith and worship, both to be answered by man to his Maker.

some kind of compulsion as to voting,
that they are told what ticket they
must vote and that they dare not dis-
"We do not believe it just to mingle
religious influence with civil gover
obey, is industriously disseminated,
ment, whereby one religious society
and it is not strange that many new-fostered and another proscribed in
comers who do not take trouble to in- spiritual privileges, and the individual
rights of its members, as citizens, de-
vestigate believe the groundless state-nied."
ments made concerning it.

Assertions of individuals interested

in the promotion of strife and bitter

ness and the maintenance of old strifes,

Suppose then, as past issues are beThe ruling of Secretary Foster aping put aside by the better portions of pears to be merely a repetition of a the community and living questions that the "Mormon" leaders either clause in the immigration law passed are taking their place, we let the state-exercise or claim the right to control at the last session of Congress. It ex-ments about what has been, no matter the consciences of men or curtail their cludes polygamists as well as paupers

and convicts from entrance into the ports of the United States.

But how is the term "polygamists" to be understood? Clearly, it must mean those who practice polygamy. If so, the inspectors at the respective ports should look somewhere else than among "Mormon”companies for people who may be lawfully excluded from landing on that ground.

The "Mormons" abroad have never

practiced polygamy, but have been, taught and required as Church members to live according to the laws of the respective nations where they reside. Therefore when the idea has been entertained that "Mormon” immigrants could be returned whence they came, on the ground that they were polygamists, a great mistab has

been made both in fact and in law.

We presume no one will argue that an immigrant can be lawfully ex

cluded from these shores because of his

or her abstract opinion on any religious, social or political question. Belief in the Bible would


a sufficient ground of objection to the landing of any immigrant, if matters of faith were to be inquired into. The law certainly was never intended to operate in any such absurd fashion.

how foolish and false, go into the
grave of past quarrels. How about the
situation today? that is the question.

Does the "Mormon" Church assume

to dictate and coerce its members in
political affairs? Does the Church
claim the right to control the State?
What are the views of its leaders on
these matters?

President Wilford Woodruff is the
recognized head of the "Mormon"
Church. His official utterances must


be regarded as authoritative.
Declaration on the polygamy question
is taken by respectable people and
journals in good faith. He has spoken
in no uncertain tones in regard to
political affairs. He has stated public-
ly the fact that he never interfered
with the free agency of the people, that
he never told men how they should
vote, and over his own signature as
the President of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, he affirmed
and declared before God, in his letter
to the Illustrated American published
February 7th, 1891, that the articles of
faith and discipline which he quoted
are the true doctrines of our Church.

These included the article on "Govern

ment and Laws in General" contained
in the Doctrine and Covenants, from
which we quote the following:

We shall look for some further particulars in regard to this case, believ-stituted of God for the benefit of man, "We believe that governments were ining that neither the emigration officers and that he holds men accountable for nor the Administration will attempt to their acts in relation to them, either in making laws or administering them, for exclude people from these shores on the good and safety of society. account of a belief they may entertain upon any question.


freedom in political or other matters, should be treated as the vaporings of demagogues, the windy harangues of stump declaimers, the labored efforts of unscrupulous scribes. They are ursupported by facts or by any effort st words, and they uttered to decej ve, proof. There is nothing in them but

Whatever may be believed of the past, today the "Mormon” people an as free as any citizens of the United States,and, if they hold the lawful right of suffrage, may vote for any man or measure, according to their personal preferences and convictions of what


But let

the right thing to do. No fact can be cited in disproof of this. Let no one be hoodwinked by the designs of the schemwho hate the "Mormon" people and ing and party-serving disreputables, desire their utter destruction. the decent and just of all parties weigh well the facts and the authoritative declarations of "Mormon” authorities today, and refuse to place themselves under the bondage of a party founded in greater fanaticism than is charged upon the "Mormons," and championed by persons who are greater tyrants than any so-called priestly dictator who ever figured as a "Mormon” leader.

THE SELF-MURDER MANIA. A SUICIDAL mania has swept over Utah during the last few days. The We believe that no government can record is appalling and unprecedented. exist in peace, except such laws framed and held inviolate as will secure Not many years since in this territory to each individual the free exercise of a case of self-destruction was so rare conscience, the right and control of prop- that when one occurred it created a erty, and the protection of life." "We believe that all governments ne-sensation that did not snbside for weeks, gistrates to enforce the laws of the same, and that such as will administer the same in equity and justice should be sought for and upheld by the voice of the people (if a republic), or the will of the sove

cessarily require civil officers and ma- and was perhaps made a subject of

"MORMON" POLITICAL LIBERTY. IN THE heat of political discussion occasioned by the loosening of local party ties, a great deal of nonsense is uttered by extreme partizans. Also some untruths are set forth as un-' reign.

reference for months afterwards. Such an event is now so common that it scarcely occasions more than a passing comment, and it is soon lost sight of

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