Imagens das páginas

613. stridentia limina: in apposition with Has (portas), 'these gates. harshly creaking portals.'

620 sqq. Only the king or consul (cf. l. 613) could open these gates to declare war; and since Latinus refused to, Juno performed this formality.

624. arduus: agrees with the gender of the individuals included in pars, but the singular for the plural is anomalous.

629. adeo: 'even'; in addition to what is already declared, what is still more, five cities, etc.

631. The verse is spondaic, and the final syllable of turrigerae is not elided. 632. The alliteration of 't' "suggests the sound of forging."

634. Spondaic. "The rhythm suggests the sustained effort of flattening the plates of silver."

635. huc i.e. to this employment.

639. trilicem: see note on III, 467.

641-817. After an invocation to the muses, the poet enumerates the Italian forces which assembled to the war, describing their chiefs and the several localities and towns from which they were gathered.

643. iam tum: 'even then.'

652. nequiquam: because both father and son perished in the war. See X, 820, 908.

657, 658. clipeo, etc.: 'and on his shield he bears his father's symbol, the hundred snakes.' Hydram: is explanatory of angues.

662. Geryone: a giant monster of Gades in Spain, the keeper of beautiful cattle. He was slain by Hercules, who conveyed his cattle across the Alps to

the valley of the Tiber (Tyrrheno in flumine).

664. gerunt: the followers of Aventinus are meant.

665. veru: a dart in the form of a spit.

666. torquens: 'throwing around himself,' or 'around his body.' Cf. VIII, 460.

668. Indutus capiti: supply the acc. illud = tegumen, 'having put this on his head.' For the use of the participle, cf. note on ll. 74, 75.

669. umeros: Greek accusative.

671. gentem: for urbem, in apposition with moenia. Tibur was said to have been founded by three brothers from Argos; and the town to have been named after Tiburtus, the oldest of the brothers.

681. Caeculus: Cato says that some virgins, going for water, found Caeculus in the fire, and therefore called him the son of Vulcan. He was named Caeculus on account of imperfect eyes. late: 'from far around.'

682. Praeneste was situated on a lofty hill at the entrance of the Campagna on the southeast. quique: both the men who,' etc. All the other places here mentioned are in the vicinity of Praeneste.

685. Quos, Amasene: sc. tu pascis. The head waters of the Amasenus were in the Volscian highlands, not far from Praeneste.


Fig. 64. Glans Plumbi (1. 686)

695. aequos: 'just,' 'equitable.'

691. Messapus: a Tyrrhenian chief. His followers are from Fescennium and other places on the right bank of the Tiber, in southern Etruria.

695; 696. Hi-Hi: two different divisions of his troops. Faliscos: the people of the town of Falerii.

Others regard it as a proper adjective and the Aequi Falisci. With acies and Faliscos, sc. ducunt from habent-a case of zeugma.

join with the noun —

698. aequati numero: ‘in equal ranks'; arranged so as to be equal in number, rank after rank, in the column of march. Others understand, 'moving with regular step (numero).'

701. amnis: the river Cayster is meant.

703. Nec quisquam, etc.: 'nor would any one suppose that brazen-armed battalions were being massed out of such an immense host'; i.e. 'composed this mighty host.' It seemed more like a countless multitude of sea birds. 707. Clausus: the poet fancies the Claudian family, gens Claudia, so celebrated in Roman history, to be descended from the hero Clausus.

710. prisci Quirites: the early inhabitants of

Cures, an ancient Sabine town, which by popular etymology was the origin of the name of the Quirites, or Roman citizens.

716. Ortinae classes: the troops of Orta.' Classis is here used in its original sense (cf. κaλéw, 'call'). Later its meaning was restricted to naval forces.

717. The Allia was an ill-starred name on account of the great defeat sustained by the Romans there in the battle with the Gauls, led by Brennus, 390 B.C.

720. Vel: 'or (as many) as.' sole novo: 'by the early summer's sun.'

721. Hermi: the Hermus, a river in Lydia. 724. Halaesus: formerly under Agamemnon at Troy; hence Agamemnonius.

725. felicia Baccho: fruitful in the vine.'

726. Massica: the Massic fields, on the south

Fig. 65. Warrior advanc

ing to Battle carrying Spicula Bina (1. 687)

ern border of Latium. The other places mentioned in this passage are in

the same general region, the country of the Aurunci and Oscans.

728. Aequora: 'plains'; subject of misere, supplied from the foregoing clause.

Iuxta is an adverb.

730. aclydes: the aclys was a javelin which, after being hurled, could be recovered by means of a thong attached to the shaft.

732. comminus: for the close encounter.'

734. Oebale: Oebalus was the son of Telon by the nymph Sebethis, daughter of the river god Sebethus in Campania. Telon had emigrated with his Teleboans from the island of Taphos, near Acarnania, to the island of Capreae, opposite Naples. Oebalus, dissatisfied with his small dominion, secured additional possessions on the mainland in Campania.


742. Tegmina-cortex: 'the coverings of whose heads were (made of) the bark,' etc. quis: quibus, sc. erant, of which Tegmina is subject and cortex predicate. H. p. 71, footnote 3; LM. 288; A. 104, d; B. 89 (footnote 2); G. 105, N. 2; (H. p. 74, footnote 5).

746. cui gens, etc.: 'whose nation, the Aequiculan, is most savage.' 747. duris glaebis: ablative of description.

761. bello: better taken with pulcherrima, 'most glorious in war.' The story of Hippolytus or Virbius is partly of Greek and partly of Italian origin. 762. mater Aricia: ́his mother (land) Aricia.' Cf. X, 172.

763. Egeriae lucis: in the neighborhood of Aricia.

764. Litora: the shores of the Arician lake. placabilis: 'gentle,' used in a general sense, with no specific contrast with the altar of the goddess in Taurus. 765. novercae: Phaedra.

769. Paeoniis herbis: 'with the drugs of Apollo'; from Пacúv, 'the healer, an epithet of Apollo. Pronounce here Pae-o-nyis.

772. repertorem: Aesculapius, son of Apollo.

777. Virbius: this name was borne both by the restored Hippolytus and by his son, the leader here described as coming to the war.

784. Vertitur: 'moves,' in a middle sense.

786. Aetnaeos ignes: i.e. flames as fierce as those of Aetna.

787. Tam magis, etc.: 'so much the more it was raging.' illa: refers to Chimaeram. With fremens and effera supply erat.

790. This device was appropriate to Turnus, as the descendant of Inachus. 796. picti scuta: = pictis scutis; with painted shields.' For scuta, see note on 1. 74. The Labici were from Labicum, south of Rome.

803. Camilla: this heroine, leader of the Volsci, is more particularly described in XI, 532–596.

806. manus: see note on 1. 74.

807. pati and praevertere: sc. adsueta from preceding line.

808. intactae segetis: she could fly over the summit of the blades of standing grain without seeming to touch them. Violaret, ferret, tingeret (1. 811) are potential subjunctives.

809. laesisset: for laesura esset.

814. ut interrogative.

817. myrtum: shepherds made the shafts of their spears of myrtle wood.


The shield of Aeneas

The alliance of Aeneas and Evander. made by Vulcan.

1-101. While Turnus is opening the war, an envoy is sent by the Latins to solicit the aid of Diomedes, who has settled in Apulia and founded Argyripa. Aeneas is advised by the god of the Tiber, who appears to him in sleep, to seek assistance from Evander, an Arcadian prince, lately established at Pallanteum, afterward the Palatine Hill, on the Tiber. On the point of departing on this mission, Aeneas sees the sow with her thirty young on the shore, the omen mentioned by Helenus. He ascends the Tiber, which has slackened his current to favor him, and at midday comes in sight of the Palatine and the settlement of Evander.

1, 2. belli signum Extulit: Virgil, according to the Roman custom, repre sents Turnus as raising the 'flag of war' from the battlements of Laurentum. 3. impulit arma: 'clashed his arms.'

8. latos agros: 'strip the fields of their husbandmen.'

9. urbem: Argyripa, which the hero Diomedes founded in Apulia after the Trojan war, on fleeing from Argos and Aetolia to Italy.

10. Qui: = ut is.

10-14. All the infinitives depend on Edoceat, except posci, which depends on dicere.

11. Aenean: the subject of the infinitives, advectum (esse), inferre, and dicere.

12. regem se posci: 'that he is called by the fates to be king'; i.e. of Latium.

15, 16. struat, cupiat: Aeneas is the subject.

25. laquearia: see note on I, 726.

27. Alituum: a lengthened form of alitum.

37. revehis: 'who bringest back'; since Dardanus, the founder of the Trojan race, was a native of Italy. See note on III, 167. nobis: for ad nos. 41. Concessere: 'have subsided,' 'come to an end.'

42 sqq. The prophecy of Helenus repeated from III, 389 sqq.

47. Ex quo (loco): whence.'

51. Virgil follows the early legend, which derives the word Palatium from the Arcadian Pallantium (founded by the Arcadian hero, Pallas), and which

relates an Arcadian emigration under the leadership of Evander to the valley of the Tiber.

54. Pallanteum: the supposed original name of the city on the Palatine, of which Palatium was regarded as a corrupted form.

57. recto flumine: 'by the direct course of the stream.' Cf. VI, 900. 59. primisque - astris: i.e. at dawn.


Here (on the banks of this stream) is destined to rise my stately home, head of lofty cities.' The reference is to Rome, which may be regarded as already rising; hence, exit.

66. lacu here, 'the bed of the river.'

77. Corniger: river gods were sometimes represented with the heads and horns of bulls.

78. propius: 'more manifestly' than in a dream.

84. enim certainly.' He follows the instructions of Helenus, III, 437– 440, and of Tiberinus, above, 1. 60.

87. refluens: 'flowing back' on his course, so as to stay the downward


89. aequor aquis: see note on V, 821.

go. rumore secundo: joined with celerant, is commonly understood of the song of the oarsmen, chanted to the movement of their oars; 'with joyful cries.' 98. procul: the final syllable is long.

102-183. Evander and his people are engaged, at the moment when Aeneas arrives, in celebrating a sacrifice to Hercules. Pallas, the son of Evander, at first threatens to resist the landing of the strangers; but their friendly character being ascertained, they are invited into the presence of the king, who listens with favor to the proposition of alliance, and promises assistance to the Trojans. They are then invited to join the Arcadians in their religious festival.

104. huic una poetic construction for una cum hoc.

110. quos: those who were attending the feast.

114. Qui genus: 'who by descent?'' of what descent?' genus, Greek accusative. Cf. genus, V, 285. unde domo: for ex qua domo.

118. bello superbo: 'by an unrighteous war'; a war which is occasioned by their pride and arrogance in denying us a shelter in their country.

125. subeunt-relinquunt: see note on hysteron proteron, II, 259. 130. coniunctus Atridis: both the Atridae and Evander are descended from Jupiter; the Atridae through Tantalus, and Evander through Mercury. 132. Cognati patres: Aeneas is descended from Electra, a daughter of Atlas, and the mother of Dardanus; Evander from Maia, another daughter of Atlas, and the mother of Mercury.

133. et fatis egere volentem: 'and have brought me here through fate, a willing (guest)'; i.e. I myself gladly obey their behest.

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