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'Sheridan,' Moore pays a visit to Sir Walter Scott at Abbotsford,
512-enthusiasm displayed by the people of Edinburgh when he
goes to the theatre in company with Lord Jeffrey, Sir Walter Scott,
and Mr. Thomson, ib.-Lord Jeffrey's favourable opinion of the
'Life of Sheridan,' ib. and extract-called to Dublin on account of
the illness and death of his father, ib.-liberal offer of the lord-
lieutenant, Lord Wellesley, 513-writes facetious and satirical
verses for The Times' newspaper, ib.-causes of his pecuniary
embarrassment, notwithstanding the vast sums realised by every-
thing he produced, ib.-history of the gift, sale, and ultimate de-
struction of Lord Byron's 'Memoirs,' 513-5, and note-familiarity
of the style of conversation at Bowood, 515-6, and extract-terms
of remuneration settled for his Epicurean' and 'Life of Byron,'
516-state of political parties in 1826-8, 517-death of his daugh-
ter Anastasia, in 1829, ib.—having finished the Notices of the
'Life of Byron,' Moore sets to work to collect materials for that of
Lord Edward Fitzgerald, ib.-visits Ireland, where he makes a
speech to two or three thousand people, which is most enthu-
siastically received, ib.-paucity of adventures,' properly so called,
in these Memoirs, ib.-Moore's political opinions, 518-charge
brought against Moore by some newspapers of having dangled
upon the great,' completely groundless, 518-9-his admirable
tact and good sense in his intercourse with the nobility of both
sexes, 519-eminent and estimable persons amongst his intimate
friends, ib.-remarks upon the pride Moore felt in being able to
record the favour with which his friends regarded him, 519-21-
Mrs. Moore's amiable and domestic virtues, 521-many witticisms
and excellent sayings of Sydney Smith, Luttrell, Rogers, Robert
Smith, Jekyll, and others, recorded in his Diary, 521-4, and
extracts-observations regarding Lord John Russell's editorial
notes and preface, 524-5-his description of Sydney Smith's won-
derful colloquial powers, 525-6, and extract.


National Gallery, the, Report of, review of, 526-origin and con-
stitution of the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the
state and management of the National Gallery, 526-7 - zeal,
patience, and impartiality with which the Committee have dis-
charged their duties, 527-four principal heads into which the
Committee have divided their subject, 527-8-the existing manage.
ment of the Gallery, 528-31-the general results of such manage-
ment, 531-especially as regards the preservation and cleaning of
the pictures, 531-9-results of the present management on the
acquisition of pictures, especially by purchase, 539-40-few of the
early painters of Italy, Germany, and Flanders, and of the greatest
ones of Spain and France, represented in our Gallery, 540-1-
what and how purchases have been made, 541-5-evidence of mis-
management brought out before the Committee, 545-6-resolutions
adopted by the Committee for the future control of the National
Gallery, 546-7-views of Mr. Dyce, Mr. Ford, and Sir Charles

Eastlake as to the expediency of appointing a supreme dictator to
have the management of the national pictures, 548-9-impolicy
and injustice of impugning every act of the Trustees, 549, note—
proposition by Sir Charles Eastlake to place the National Gallery
under the management of a permanent board, 549-51-anxiety of
the Committee to discover a safe and effective mode of picture-
cleaning, 551, and note their views regarding the making a
national gallery of paintings instructive as well as interesting, 552,
and extract-proposed sites on which to erect the new National
Gallery, 552-6.

Note to Article I., 315-7.
Note, 631-2.

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Ottoman Empire, the, review of books treating of, 282-3-brief
summary of the state of affairs between Turkey and Russia, 283-4
peculiar position of the Christians under Mussulman rule, 284-5—
probable future for Turkey, 285-her lessons in military and naval
war under French, Prussian, and English officers, 286-7-proofs
of incurable decay in Mussulman domination, 287-the want of
roads and the bad tenure of land, 288-9, and extracts-the govern-
ment of the Ottoman Empire an organised system of rapacity and
corruption, 290-2-vicious mode of raising the revenue, 292—
unstable condition of the government, 293-5-the Christians still
subject to many grievances, 295-6-the Gul Khana edict, 296-8,
extract-contest between Christianity and Islamism, 298-present
actual condition of the Ottoman Empire, 299-9-difficulty of re-
conciling the Christian and Turkish elements, 300-1-the difficulty
still further complicated by the Greeks, 301-2-activity and enter-
prise of the Greek traders, 302-3-education general amongst the
Greeks, 304-cruelties perpetrated in the Turkish Empire upon
Rayahs, 304-5-all Europe requires some efficient barrier against
Russian encroachment, 305—the Christian populations of the East
by no means anxious to place themselves under the protection of
Russia, 305-6-in supporting Turkey against Russian aggression,
England has no intention of encouraging the oppressive policy
pursued by Turkey against the Christians, 307Turkey's first
successes against Russia by no means decisive of her superiority,
308-9-the Danubian Principalities, 310-1-the question of pro-
tecting the Christians considered, 311-2-concluding observations,


Parliamentary Legislation, the Machinery of, review of reports,
returns, and books relating to, 243-4-necessity of organisation and
system, 244-increase in the powers and activity of Parliament,
244-5 our Parliamentary forms lag behind our requirements,
245-6- our reverence for custom and precedent, 246-7-the
Speaker of the House of Commons, and his onerous duties, 247-8-
long sessions, and unseasonable hours, 248-51-heavy business for

'the day,' 251-Parliamentary Committees, 252-3-confusion of
subjects, and absence of classification in the business of the House,
254-6-accumulation of crude measures as the close of the Session
approaches, 256-60-useful rule adopted by the present Speaker,
260-1-Committees of Supply, and Ways and Means, 261-3-Satur-
day sittings, 263-modifications of our Parliamentary rules and re-
gulations in the American House of Representatives and French
Chamber of Deputies, 264-long debates, and provisions against
their becoming frequent, 264-5-la clôture, and the one hour rule,
265-expedients suggested for bringing the Session to a close at
an earlier period of the year, 266-new financial year, 267-8—
important question relating to the interior organisation of Parlia-
ment, 268-9-Committees of the whole House and Select Com-
mittees, 269-70-proposition to revive the ancient Grand Com-
mittees, 270-2-the history of the repeal of the Advertisement
Duty, 272-3-the experiment of Grand Committees further con-
sidered, 273-4-the examples of France and America, 274-5—on
the drawing of Acts of Parliament, 276-8-present inefficient
system of committees on Private Bills, 279-81-Mr. Cardwell's
proposition for an improved constitution of railway committees,
281-concluding observations, 282.

Presidency of Madras. See Madras (Presidency of).


Russell (Lord John), his Memoirs of Mr. Fox, and the Buckingham
Papers, review of, 1-Memorials of Mr. Fox, by whom collated
and published, 1-2-the Buckingham Papers, and the numerous edi-
torial blunders contained therein, 2-4, and notes-Mr. Fox's first
seat in the House of Commons as a Junior Lord of the Admiralty,
4-his gambling habits, 5, and extract-resigns his seat in 1772, ib.
-first breach between Mr. Fox and Lord North, 5-6-incurs liabi-
lities by his deep play to the amount of 140,000l., 6, and note—
incenses George III. by his independent conduct, 7, and note-
puts an end to his connexion with Lord North, and goes into
Opposition, 8-his conduct on the American war, 8-10, and
notes and extracts-his success in Opposition, 10-endeavours
made to gain him over to join Lord North's Ministry, 10-1, and
extract and note-the King's determined spirit against the Opposi-
tion, 12-3-fresh overtures for the formation of a Coalition
Government, 13-5-opposed by the King, 15, and extract-curious
extract from a letter of Lord North to the King, 15-6, and extract
-Lord Holland's, Mr. Allen's, and Lord John Russell's remarks
thereon, 16, and extract-Parliamentary proceedings of the Oppo-
sition in 1780-2, 17-George III.'s determined resolution to keep
them out of power, 17-8-Lord North's resignation, 18, and extract
-history of the formation of the new Ministry, 18-22, and notes
and extracts-Fox's separation from Lord Shelburne, ascribed to
their misunderstandings respecting the exact duties of the Home
and Foreign Secretaries, 23-4-account of Mr. Oswald's mission to
Paris to negotiate with Franklin the preliminaries of peace,

24-37, and notes and extracts-Lord Holland's remarks on this
resignation of Mr. Fox, 37-Mr. Fox's own account, 37-8-Lord
Shelburne, 38-40, and notes-remarks on Mr. Fox's rupture with
that Minister, 40-3—abortive efforts of Mr. Pitt to induce Mr. Fox
to return to office, 43-4, and extract and notes-he joins the new
Administration as one of the Secretaries of State with Lord North,
45-6-this a very ill-advised step, 46-8, and notes-George III.'s
dislike of the Coalition Ministry, 48-50-opening of the Session,
with Pitt as leader of the Opposition, 50-1, and notes-supposed
injury done to the United Kingdom by the loss of the American
colonies, 51, note-Mr. Fox's India Bill rejected by the Lords, and
consequent resignation of Mr. Fox and Lord North, 52-Mr. Pitt
forms a Government, 52-3-and maintains it for sixteen years, in
spite of the strenuous opposition on the part of Mr. Fox and bis
adherents, 53-5-Mr. Pitt's India Bill, 55-6-anxiety of the King
lest Fox should prove successful, 56-7-Lord John Russell's
remarks upon the effects of the Coalition, and the consequent dis-
ruption of the Whig party, 58-concluding observations respecting
our Parliamentary Constitution, 58-60.


Thackeray's Works, review of, 196-his 'Vanity Fair,' 196-7-
characters of Amelia and Becky, 197-interview between Mr.
Sedley and Captain Dobbin, 197-8, extract-quarrel between Mrs.
Sedley and Amelia, 198-9, extract-George Osborne and William
Dobbin, 199-200, extract-Becky's method of leading Amelia into
a second marriage, 200, extract-Amelia's son, and her grief at
parting with him, 201-2-skilful delineation of the character of
Amelia, 202-Becky the impersonation of intellect without virtue,
203-her thoughts while visiting at a country-house, in which she
formerly lived as governess, 203-4, extract-her up-hill and almost
hopeless career, 204-5-Captain Rawdon Crawley, 205, extract—
three partings on the eve of Quatre Bras, 205-7, extract-Becky
amongst the fashionables of London, 207-8, extract-Becky's down-
ward course, 208-9-Mr. Thackeray's mistake in making his comic
characters murderers, 209-10-his 'Pendennis,' 210-2-conver-
sation between Captain Costigan and his daughter, the Fotherin-
gay, 213-4, extract-whether sensitive or impassible natures make
the best actors, 214-Johnson's and Diderot's opinion on the matter,
214-5-Major Pendennis, 215-6--Miss Blanche Amory, a contrast
with Becky Sharp, 216-7-conversation between Sir Francis
Clavering and Captain Strong, 217-8, extract-Becky a simple
character, Blanche an inconsistent one, 219-the Simple, the
Mixed, and the Inconsistent in fictitious characters, 219-20-the
Simple character that most frequently depicted by the poet, 220-1
-fine illustrations of the Mixed character in Shakspeare's Henry
the Fifth and Hotspur, 221-the Inconsistent character, as drawn
by Pope, Cervantes, and Shakspeare, 222-3-Othello, 223-5—Mr.
Thackeray's Blanche and Rawdon Crawley, two of his best drawn
inconsistent characters, 225-6-his Arthur Pendennis a mixed

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character, 226-his Esmond,' 227-32-scenes from the first
volume, 233-4, extracts-the character of Beatrix, 234-7, and
extracts the Jesuit Father Holt and James the Third, 237-the
author's vivid description of still life, 238-9, extracts—his defects,
239-40-his merits, 241-his English Humourists,' 241-2-con-
cluding remarks, 242-3.



United Kingdom, consumption of food in the, review of Parliamen-
tary Papers relating to, 581-importance of ascertaining the effects
on the country of the Acts of 1846, and other Acts establishing
freedom of trade, 582-the principle of Free Trade as it affects
Bread, 582-3-statistical information respecting wheat and other
grains, 583-important and encouraging facts deducible therefrom,
584-want of correct information regarding the annual home pro-
duction of food, 584-5-such correct information a great desideratum
and one easily to be procured, 585-6—memorial to Government
from the merchants of London praying that measures be taken to
remedy the grievance, 586-the effect of Free Trade on Sugar,
586-7-increased consumption of Tea since Mr. Gladstone's re-
duction of the duty, 587-abundance of Parliamentary and other
evidence to prove that cheapness of bread, tea, sugar, and other
necessaries of civilised life, is a great blessing to the labouring
classes, 588-9-examination of statistics relied on by Protectionists
as proving their views, 589-90-advantages enjoyed by the coun-
try under a Free Trade policy during times of scarcity, 590-1—
important and conclusive fact in favour of Free Trade, 591-the
consumption of Animal Food in the United Kingdom, 592-im-
portant facts elicited and established by the results of the measures
for cheapening Sugar, 592-603-their effects on the produce of
sugar in the West India Islands, 603-5-the demand made by the
West India planters for further compensation both audacious and
fallacious, 605-6-effects of Free Trade in Sugar on the production
of Mauritius, 606-the distress of our sugar-growing colonial
possessions of prior existence to the Free Trade policy, 606-7—
steadiness of price one of the advantages of that policy, 607 –
grand and cheering results as regards Sugar, 608—our trade in
Coffee, 608-11-its amount under Protection and under Free Trade
611-4-growing liking for Chicory, 614-5-our trade in Tea, 615
-effects produced upon its consumption by the change from
Monopoly to Free Trade, 615-8-increased consumption of Tea
during periods of cheapness in bread and meat, 618-9-the sum
and results of Free Trade in tea nearly double both in the con-
sumption thereof, and the revenue thence derived, 620--our trade
in Cocoa, ib.-our trade in Tobacco, ib.-effects of Free Trade
measures upon its consumption, 621-2-our trade in Wines, 622—
what effects Free Trade has had upon their import and consump-
tion, 622-3-our trade in Spirits, home and foreign, 623-4—our
trade in Beer, 624-general summary of preceding facts and data,
624-5-remark of Sir Josiah Child in favour of a free course of

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