many of them are the full size of the page, and others occupy more than half. The volume opens with twelve large designs representing the Creation and the story of Adam and Eve, on the last of which, in contemporary handwriting, is the famous triplet : Do Adam rut un eua span The story of Samson is illustrated by twenty-five drawings, the book of Ruth by six, and the other portions of Scripture by the remainder. In addition to the one hundred and eighty-seven large drawings are numerous others of bordered capitals, historiated borders, etc., composed of figures of animals, fruits, flowers, and grotesques. On the fly-leaves at the end, also in a handwriting of the period, are recorded the years of scarcity from 1608 to 1631 inclusive, the price of corn, visitations of the plague, war, etc. The greatest importance of the book lies in the possible relation which it bears to the history of printing. The initial letter, representing the Annunciation, is printed from a woodcut; one of the pictures bears the date 1445, and, if this be really the date of the completion of the manuscript, this initial woodcut affords an example of printing which antedates the invention of typography. One of the finest examples of Italian art of the period is the sixteenth century vellum manuscript which chronologically ends the exhibition of writing. It is the volume commonly known as the "Towneley lectionary." The illumination is by Giulio Clovio, 1498-1578, who is generally conceded to be the greatest of miniature painters of the Italian school. The pictures portray the life of Christ, and consist, in addition to six miniatures of the evangelists, eight historiated borders, and four headings with figures for intitulations, of six full-page paintings representing the following subjects: the Adoration of the shepherds, the Sermon on the mount, Saint Peter holding the keys of heaven given by Christ, the Resurrection, the Descent of the Holy Ghost, and the Day of Judgment. Of these six paintings, only one is supposed to be entirely the work of Clovio, but this, the final picture, called the Day of Judgment, is considered his masterpiece. The work is without date, but was executed during the period when the artist was under the protection of Cardinal Farnese and was given by the latter to Paul III., pope from 1534-1549. This is the most beautiful example of the illumination of manuscripts in the library and one of the finest in existence. From the stone tablets of the Babylonians to the illuminated manuscript of Clovio, from twenty-five centuries before Christ to sixteen centuries after, the efforts of various nations to record in some permanent way their deeds and thoughts, and to express them in written symbols, are shown in the present exhibit. It is hoped that the wealth and scope of the library's resources in manuscript material may in this way become more widely and better known, and a larger public may be interested. Reviewed in the Athenaum, March 11, 1905. Aldis, Harry Gidney, and others. A dictionary of printers and booksellers in England, Scotland and Ireland, and of foreign printers of English books, 1557-1640. By H. G. Aldis, Robert Bowes, E. R. McC. Dix and others. General editor, R. B. McKerrow. London: printed for the Bibliographical Society, by Blades, East & Blades, 1910. 2 p. 1., (i) viii-xxiii, 346 p. 8°. Reserve Anderson, John Parker. The book of British topography. A classified catalogue of the topographical works in the library of the British Museum relating to Great Britain and Ireland. London: W. Satchell & Co., 1881. xvi, 472 p. f°. Room 328-Desk Large paper copy. Scotland is dealt with in p. 354-413. London: W. Satchell & Co., CBD 1881. xvi, 472 р. 8°. Axon, William Edward Armytage. On an unrecorded issue of the Aberdeen press of Edward Raban in 1627. With a handlist of the productions of his presses at Edinburgh, Saint Andrews and Aberdeen. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. 43, p. 24-33.) v. CPA Beveridge, Erskine. A bibliography of works relating to Dunfermline and the west of Fife, including publications of writers connected with the district. Dunfermline: privately printed by W. Clark & Son, 1901. 4 p.1., 320 p., 1 fac. sq. 8°. * GAA Three hundred copies printed of which seventyseven were presented to the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, and included in the society's publications as v. 5. Cameron, Alexander. Oldest printed Gaelic books. (In his: Reliquiæ Celticæ. Inverness, 1894. 8°. v. 2, p. 524-532.) NDO Cameron, James. A bibliography of Peter Buchan's publications. (Edinburgh A bibliography of Slezer's Theatrum Scotiæ. By J. C. With an analytical table of the plates by W. Johnston. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 141-147.) * GAA Supplement to a bibliography of Supplement Scottish theatrical literature. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1896. 4°. v. 1, no. 24.) * GAA Catalogue, A, of books, to be sold by way of auction in the Coffee-house of Glasgow, upon the 17. day of June... Printed in the year MDCCII. (Glasgow Archæological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 313-335.) CPA Cathologus librorum quos vir eximius et beate memorie magister Clemens Litill Edinburgene ecclesie et ministris ejusdem obiens legavit et consecravit. 1580. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 283-301.) † CP From this bequest has sprung the valuable library now belonging to the University of Edinburgh. Chalmers, George. Catalogue of the... library of... George Chalmers. part 3. London: W. Nicol, printer, 1842.] 137 p. 8°. * GO Couper, W. J. The Edinburgh periodical press; being a bibliographical account of the newspapers, journals, and magazines issued in Edinburgh from the earliest times to 1800. Stirling: E. Mackay. 1908. 2 ν. 8°. NARF Reviewed in Scottish historical review, v. 6, p. 204-205, Glasgow, 1909. Crawford (26. earl) and Balcarres (9. earl), James Ludovic Lindsay. Bibliography of royal proclamations of the Tudor and Stuart sovereigns, and of others published under authority, 1485-1714. With an historical essay on their origin and use by Robert Steele. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1910. 2 v. f°. (Bibliotheca Lindesiana. v. 6.) * GO v. 2, part 2, p. 205-496: Scotland and the Borders, 1525-1714. Subject to revision. First provisional hand-list of proclamations. Mary Queen of Scots. 14. December 1542-24. July 1567. [Aberdeen?) 1891. 81. 8°. (Bibliotheca Lindesiana.) CBA p. box Douglas, Sir George. List of books relating to or published in the counties of Roxburgh, Selkirk, and Peebles. (In his: A history of the Border counties... Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. p. 433-472.) CR London, 1901. 8°. An account of the Mercurius Caledonius. ν. 42, * DA Faculty of Procurators. Library established for the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow. Catalogue of books. Glasgow: W. Tait, 1817. 32 р. 12°. Ferguson, John. Bibliographical notes on the witchcraft literature of Scotland. 1 fac. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1899. 4°. v. 3, p. 37-124.) * GAA Geddie, William. A bibliography of middle Scots poets; with an introduction on the history of their reputations. London: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1912. 4 p.l., (i) viii-cix p., 11., 364 р. 8°. (Scottish Text Society. Publications. v. 61.) NDP Glasgow University. - Hunterian Museum. A catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Planned and begun by the late John Young; continued and completed... leted... by P. Henderson Aitken. Glasgow: James Maclehose & Sons, 1908. xi(i) p., 11., 566 p., 11., 1 port. 4°. +* GRK |