The declaration of the estates of the Kingdom of Scotland containing the claim of right, and the offer of the crown to their Majesties William and Queen Mary. Edinburgh, 1779. 15 p. 8°. CK p.v. 177 Edinburgh gazette. 1793/4, no. 1, 3-35, 37-157; 1903-date. Edinburgh, 1793-date. f°. * SAE Inquisitionum ad capellam domini regis retornatarum, quae in publicis archivis Scotiae adhuc servantur, abbreviatio... n. p., 1811-16. 3 v. f°. †ARF Licensing (Scotland) Act, 1903. Tables showing the licensing districts formed in 1903 by county councils in Scotland, with the population of each...district... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1904. 12 p. f°. Register containeing the state and condition of every burgh within the kingdome of Scotland, in the year 1692. (In: Scottish Burgh Records Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1881. 4°. p. 49-157.) CP Sets of the royal burghs of Scotland. (In: Scottish Burgh Records Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1881. 4°. p. 159295.) CP BOARD OF PRISON DIRECTORS Rules for prisons in Scotland. Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1847. iv, 40 p. 12°. SLT p.v. 22, no. 11 BOARD OF SUPERVISION FOR THE RELIEF OF THE POOR Serial Annual report of the board. no. 29, (35), 37, 39(1873/4, 1879/80, 1881/2, 1883/4). Edinburgh, 1874-84. 8°. SGF Non-serial Regulations made and issued by the Board of Supervision for the Relief of the Poor in Scotland, in terms of the 5th section of the Vaccination (Scotland) Act, 26 and 27 Vict., c. 108. n.p. [1863.] 4 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no.23 Rules framed by the Board of Supervision under the statute 8 and 9 Vict., cap. 83, as to medical relief of the poor. n. p. 8°. [1863.] 4 р. SGF p.v. 9, no. 21 Rules, instructions and recommendations to parochial authorities... Edinburgh: Murray & Gibb, 1854. 83 р. 8°. * C p.v. 1223, no.31 [Circular dated Aug. [Edinburgh, 1863. 3 р. SGF p.v. 9, no.24 Vaccination Act. 20, 1863. n. t.-p. 8°. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE NATIONAL GALLERIES Report. no. 1-2(1907-1908/9). Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1908-09. f°. †† VTZO p.v. 6, no.16 † MAVZ Licensing (Scotland) Act, 1903. Tables showing the populations of counties, local government districts, and burghs (Scotland) with reference to the provisions of the...act... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1903. 19 p. f°. †† TLV p.v. 10, no.20 Licensing (Scotland) Acts Amendment Bill. Tables showing the population of counties, districts, and burghs in Scotland with reference to the proposals of the bill. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1903. 20 р. f°. †† SDN p.v. 2, no.15 Private legislation procedure (Scotland). Report... London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1907. 11. f°. (H. of C. paper 211.) † SB p.v. 36, no.4 * The section on public documents has been of the preparation of the BULLETIN lists. 1143-1219 р. v. 1, part 21. f°. Wyman & Sons, v. 1, part 22. County of Haddington. id., 1912. County of Inverness. id., 1912. London: County of Kincardine. Oliver & Boyd, 1912. 1267-1298 p. f°. v. 1, part 23. County of Kirkcudbright. London: Wyman & Sons, 1912. 1299-1351 р. f°. v. 1, part 24. County of Lanark, with appendix, shewing population of area affected by Glasgow Boundaries Act, 1912. id., 1912. 1353-1575 p. f°. v. 1, part 25. County of Linlithgow. id., 1912. 1577-1623 p. f°. v. 1, part 26. 1656 р. f°. County of Nairn. id., 1912. 1625- v. 1, part 27. 1657-1704 р. f°. v. 1, part 28. 1705-1741 р. f°. v. 1, part 29. 1743-1845 р. f°. v. 1, part 30. County of Renfrew. id., 1913. 1 p.l., 1849-1938 p. f°. v. 1, part 31. County of Ross and Cromarty. id., 1912. 1939-2002 р. f°. v. 1, part 32. County of Roxburgh. id., 1913. 1 p.1., 2005-2054 p. f°. id., 1912. v. 1, part 33. County of Selkirk. 2055-2092 р. fo. v. 1, part 34. 2093-2132 р. f°. v. 1, part 35. f°. 2133-2220 р. 2221-2257 р. County of Shetland. id., 1913. County of Stirling. id., 1913. v. 1, part 36. County of Sutherland. id., 1913. f°. v. 1, part 37. County of Wigtown. id., 1913. 2259-2301 p. f°. Report to the...lords of council and session, and lord chief commissioner of the jury court...presented by a committee composed of united committees of the Faculty of Advocates, the Society of Writers to the Signet, and the Society of Solicitors before the Supreme Courts in Scotland, on the draught act of sederunt for repealing certain subsisting acts of sederunt, and consolidating the enactments therein contained; and also for farther improving the forms in the Court of Session. n. p., n. d. 37, 59 р. 8°. ΧΜΗ p.v. 2, no.2 Tables of fees chargeable by practitioners before the Court of Sessions, Jury Court, High Court of Justiciary, and Court of Commission of Teinds in Scotland. [Edinburgh, 1829. 34 p., 11. 8°. XMH p.v. 2, no.20 COURTS: COURT OF EXCHEQUER Legacy duty. Report of the case the advocate-general of Scotland against the earl of Stair, &c. (Stair's trustees). Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars, 1850. 1 p.1., 39 р. 8°. XMH p.v. 5, no.12 CROFTERS COMMISSION Serial to their proceedings, 18961909, 1911/12. Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1897-1912. f°. †† TE First issued in 1887. Also included in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Non-serial Crofters Holdings (Scotland) Act. Copy of the Crofters Holdings (Scotland) Acts, indicating the extensions and amendments thereof proposed by the Small Land Deer forests, Highland crofting counties (Argyllshire, Inverness-shire, Ross and Cromarty, Sutherland, Caithness, and Orkney and Shetland). Return giving the name of each deer forest...the amount of the assessment, its acreage for the years 1883, 1898, 1904 and 1908, and showing the increase or decrease in the acreage between the years 1904 and 1908 (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, no. 232, of session 1905)... Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, Ltd., 1908. 5 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 220.) † MY p.v. 1, no.32 Deer forests, &c., Scotland. Return of particulars of all deer forests and lands exclusively devoted to sport in counties other than crofting counties... Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, 1908. 4 р. f°. (H. of C. paper 344.) † MY p.v. 1, no.33 Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1894. Elections... Return of the cost of the elections of county councils, town councils, and burgh commissioners, and parish councils in Scotland, as first 1898... Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs., 1900. 128 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 145.) †† SEH p.v. 34, no.3 Scottish local authorities (deputation expenses). Return arranged according to counties, of expenses during each of the five years ending...15... May, 1908 of deputations to London in connection with (a) public general bills; (b) private bills... Edinburgh: Morrison & Gibb, Ltd., 1909. 6 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 374.) †† TIF p.v. 36, no.27 Accounts of school boards. Memorandum of instructions. 1909. London, 1909. f°. † STI Annual report by the accountant for Scotland to the Scotch Education Department. no. 1, 12, 24-39 (1873, 1884, 18961911). v. p., 1874-1912. 8°. STI Certificate examination, July. (1.) Lists of successful candidates. (2.) Questions proposed to queen's scholars, queen's students, graduates under article 47ii(c), and teachers in elementary schools. (3.) Syllabus of subjects of examination for certificates in July [following]. 1898, 1900. London, 1898-1900. 8°. STH p. box 4 Circulars. no. 221, 225, 231, 234, 433-434. London, 1898-1910. 8° and f°. STI Code of regulations for continuation classes providing further instruction for those who have left school. 1901-09, 191112. London, 1901-12. 8°. STH Continuation of: Scotch code of regulations for evening continuation schools, which see. Code of regulations for day schools, with appendixes. 1897-1912. London, 1897-1912. 8°. STI Continuation classes and central institutions. Reports, statistics, &c. 1902/31910/12. London, 1904-12. 8°. STI Highland division. General report. 1911. London, 1912. 8°. STI Lists of science and art classes, schools of art, and schools of science, conducted under the provisions of the science and art directory, and of higher class schools with the names and addresses of correspondents. June, 1898, July, 1899. London, 1899-1900. 8°. STH p. box 4 Local science and art examinations and technological examinations. 1912. [London: A. & E. Walter, Ltd., 1912.) 6 p. f°. † SSD p.v. 26, no. 1 Northern division. General report. 1896-1907, 1909, 1911-12. London, 18971913. 8°. STI p. box Queen's scholarship and studentship examination. 1. List of successful candidates. 2. Questions proposed to candidates for admission to training colleges... 3. Regulations and syllabus... Dec., 1900. London, 1901. 8°. SSG p. box 2 Regulations as to grants to secondary schools. 1907-09, 1912. London, 1907-12. 8°. STI Regulations for the preliminary education, training and certification of teachers for various grades of schools. 1906-10, 1912-13. London, 1906-13. 8°. STI Report of the Committee of Council on Education in Scotland. (Separate.) 1874, 1896/7-1911/12. London, 1875-1912. 8°. STI First report made for 1873/4. Also included in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Reports of the Committee of Council on Education in Scotland...with appendix. 1896/7-1911/12. London, 1897-1912. 8°. STI Return, showing expenditure from grant for public education upon annual grants to elementary schools; the actual number of elementary schools on the annual grant list, and results of inspection and examination of elementary schools. 1895/6-1897/8. London, 1897-99. 8°. Return showing I. The expenditure from the grant for public education... II. A list of day schools aided from parliamentary grant, with statistics relating thereto... III. Summarised statistics of day schools. 1901/2-1906/7. London, 1903-08. 8°. STI Return showing the expenditure from Return showing the extent to which, and the manner in which, local authorities in Scotland have allocated and applied funds to the purposes of technical education. 1896/7-1905/6. London, 1898-[1907]. f°. †† SSM 1901/2 in 1 SSM p.v. 3, no. 8. Return showing 1. A list of day schools aided from parliamentary grant, with statistics relating thereto... II. Summarised statistics of day schools in receipt of annual grants. 1907/8-1910/11. London, 1909-12. 8°. STH Secondary education (Scotland). Report. 1897-1910. London, 1897-1910. 8°. STI First issued in 1893. Included in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Before 1902 called: Report for the year on inspection of higher class schools. Southern division. General report. 1896-1909. London, 1897-1910. 8°. STI First issued in 1889. Also in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Teachers' certificates... (1.) List of king's scholars and...students recognised (II.) List of certificated teachers, trained for one year... (III.) List of...scholars and...students, recognised as having completed a third year of training... (Iv.) List of successful candidates at the certificate examination for graduates... (v.) Examination papers set... (VI.) Syllabus... 1902, 1905, 1908. London, 1903-09. 8°. STI Training of teachers. Report, statistics, &c. 1896-1908/9. London, 1897-1910. SSG 8°. 1896 title reads: Training colleges. Reports... List of training colleges...and syllabus of subjects for examination. 1897-1900 title reads: Training colleges. Reports and papers... Western division. General report. 1896-1907, 1909-11. London, 1897-1912. 8°. STI First issued in 1889. Also in the Parliamentary Papers, in which form the Library can supply a complete file. Public Documents, continued. Scotland, continued. Non-serial The cleansing and disinfecting of schools. London: Wyman & Sons, 1907. 9 р. 8°. ST p.v. 2, no.16 Draft regulations for the preliminary education, training, and certification of teachers for various grades of schools. London: Wyman & Sons, 1906. 1 p.1., 31 p. f°. †† SSD p.v. 13, no.11 Education (Scotland) Bill. Return showing the population, valuation, the average assessment levied...1900-01 to 1902-03 in each parish... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1904. 30 p. f°. †† STH p.v. 15, no.9 London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1904. 31 р. f°. †† STH p.v. 15, no.13 Education (Scotland) Bill. Return showing-1. The proposed new school board districts...with the population, the number of public and voluntary schools on the annual grant list... II. The area, population [etc.] of proposed...districts London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1904. f°. †† STH p.v. 15, no.12 Education (Scotland) Bill, 1908. Copy "of comparative statement showing A. The amounts at present received by the secondary education committee districts London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd. [1908.] 1 1. f°. (H. of C. paper 189.) †† STH p.v. 15, no.34 41 р. وو Education (Scotland) Bill, 1908. Memorandum explanatory of the provisions of the bill. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1908. 1 p.1., 9 p. f°. †† SSD p.v. 13, no.5 Education (Scotland) Bill, 1908. Scheme "to be proposed by the Scotch Education Department under clause 14(2) of the bill for the allocation of the balance of the" fund..." London: Eyre & Spottiswoode [1908]. 3 p. f°. (H. of C. paper 165.) †STH p.v. 14, no.4 General report by W. Leslie Mackenzie on the teaching of school and personal hygiene to students in training as teachers in Scotland. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1907. 16 p. 8°. ST p.v. 2, no.17 Instructions relative to the teaching of drawing. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1898. 9 p. f°. † MBB List of classes conducted under the continuation class code (shewing subjects taught) and of central institutions under article 87 thereof; of secondary schools conducted under the regulations as to grants to secondary schools or the minute of 30th May 1903; and of secondary education committees with the names and addresses of correspondents. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1908. 38 p. 8°. STH p.v. 20, no.15 Memorandum on the code of regulations for continuation classes. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1901. 4 р. 8°. Memorandum on Greek pronunciation. July 4th, 1910. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1910. 5 p. 8°. RCB p.v. 1, no.8 Memorandum on nature study and the teaching of science in Scottish schools. London: Wyman & Sons, 1908. iv, 50 p. 8°. STH p.v. 13, no.10 Memorandum as to the provisions of section 17 of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1908. n. t-p. (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., 1909? 8 р. f°. †† STH p.v. 18, no.14 Memorandum on the teaching of drawing. London: Wyman & Sons, 1907. iv, 17 p. 8°. Memorandum on the teaching of English in Scottish primary schools. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1907. iv, 27 p. 8°. STH p.v. 13, no.13 code of regulaEdinburgh: R. 8°. SSE p. box 4 Minute establishing a tions for Scotland, 1873. M. Cameron, 1873. 31 p. Regulations applicable to the code of 1899, with regard to school registers and the method of keeping them. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., prtrs., 1899. 6 p. f°. STH p. box 4 Regulations as to grants to secondary schools. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode. Ltd., 1911. 8 p. 8°. * SDD Report by W. Leslie Mackenzie and A. Foster on a collection of statistics as to the physical condition of children attending the public schools of the School Board of Glasgow, with relative tables and diagrams. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1907. ix, 57 p., 3 diagr. f°. †† SPL p.v. 4, no.12 Return by counties, showing rateable value, school rate, population, number of children of school age, accommodation and average attendance in public and other schools. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1897. 144 р. f°. |