Leslie, John, bishop of Ross. De rebus gestis Scotorum. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita et rebus gestis... Mariæ Scotorum Reginæ... London, 1725. f°. v. 1, p. 149236.) ++ СРВ A reprint of the latter portion of his De origine, moribus, et rebus gestis Scotorum, originally published in Rome in 1578. This reprint covers the period from 1436 to 1562, and is of great value as a Catholic account of events with which the bishop was himself personally acquainted. 1437 Here folowing begynnythe a full lamentable cronycle, of the dethe and false murdure of James Stewarde, kyng of Scotys, History and Description, continued. nought long agone prisoner yn Englande, CP sion of the house of Stuart to that of Mary. London, 1797. 4°. v. 2, p. 501-505.) CP From ms. in the British Museum. Paul, Sir James Balfour. On a calendar of the 16th century containing ms. notes on Scottish history and other records. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1897. sq. 8°. v. 31, p. 156-180.) CPA 1509-1547 Documents respecting the affairs of Scotland, during the reign of Henry VIII. contained in a volume preserved in the Chapter House, Westminster. (In: Notices of original unprinted documents... illustrative of the history of Scotland. [Edited by J. Stevenson. Glasgow, 1842. 4°. p. 117-136.) † CP 1509-1556 Bands of friendship by Scott of Balweary, Orrok of that ilk, and Boswell of Glasmont, to the laird of Raith, etc. 15091556. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1840. 4°. v. 2, p. 129-136.) † CP 1512-1542 Life, The, and death of King James v. of Scotland. From the French... Paris, 1612. In which is the beginning of the reformation in that kingdom: an account of the sufferings of the renowned Lady Jean Douglas, &c. II. The navigation of that king round Scotland, the Orkney and Western Isles... London: W. Taylor, 1701. Edinburgh: reprinted for D. Webster, 1819. xxiv, 25-100 p. 12°. CP p.v. 1 Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1819. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 4, p. 81-164. nar. 12°.) 1513 The Battle of Flodden Bradley, A. G. Flodden Field. millan's magazine. London, 1907. new series, v. 2, p. 951-960.) CP (Mac 8°. * DA Butler, Lewis William George. Battle of Flodden, 1513. 1 map. (United service magazine. London, 1899. 8°. v. 124 [new series, v. 18), p. 399-413.) * DA Contemporary, A, account of the battle of Floddon, 9th September 1513, from a manuscript in the possession of David Laing. 1 fac. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 141-152.) CPA Flodden, The, death-roll. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 101-111, 168-172.) CPA Gazette of the battle of Flodden, Sept., 1513. (In: John Pinkerton, History of History and Description, continued. Scotland from the accession of the house of Stuart to that of Mary. London, 1797. 4°. v. 2, p. 456-458.) CP Tudor intrigues in Scotland. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1894. 8°. V. 24, p. 225252.) * DA White, Robert. The battle of Flodden. 1 plan. (Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle. Archæologia Eliana. Newcastle, 1859. 8°. new series, v. 3, p. 197-236.) CA Strena ad Jacobum v. Scotorum regem, de suscepto regni regimine. [1528.] (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. [1-8], †3-+8. † CP Facsimile reprint of an anonymous Latin poem addressed to King James v. on his assuming the reins of government. With modern English translation by Archdeacon Wrangham. (Reprinted in: W. Beloe, Anecdotes of literature and scarce books. London, 1807. 8°. v. 2, p. 385-391.) * GBH Relating to the death of King James v. Morland-Simpson, Henry Fife. Cardinal Beaton and the will of James v. (English historical review. London, 1906. 8°. v. 21, p. 112-118.) BAA A criticism of Andrew Lang's statement. See Lang's reply, in same volume, p. 317-319. Sinclair, George A. The Scots at Solway Moss. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 372-377.) CPA Way, Albert. List of Scottish noblemen and gentlemen taken prisoners at the battle of Solway Moss on 24th November 1542, from a contemporary manuscript in the library of the duke of Northumberland at Sion House. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 238-242.) CPA The casket sonnets. By Robert Steele. (The Library. London, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 422-428.) * HA Reprints the sonnets from Harleian ms. 747, f. 44. The genuine letters of Mary, queen of Scots, to James, earl of Bothwell: found in his secretary's closet after his decease ...translated from the French originals, by Edward Simmonds; never before made publick. To which is added remarks on each letter, with an abstract of her life... Westminster, 1726. 2. ed. Edited, &c., with introduction by J. Watts De Peyster. New York, 1891-92. iv, 24 p. 8°. CPB Last prayer of Mary, queen of Scots. (In: W. G. Clark, Spirit of life and mis Latin themes of Mary Stuart, queen of Scotland. Published for the first time from the original manuscript in her own handwriting, now preserved in the Imperial Library, Paris. Edited by Anatole de Montaiglon. London: Warton Club, 1855. 1 p.l., xxi p., 1 1., 79 p., 1 fac. 12°. NDH A letter from Mary, queen of Scots to the duke of Guise, January, 1562. Reproduced in facsimile from the original manuscript in the possession of the late John Scott... Edited...by J. H. Pollen. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1904. 2 p.l., vii-lxvi p., 1 1., 81 p., 1 1., 16, 8 p., 14 fac. 8°. (Scottish History Society. Publications. v. 43.) CPA Letter of Mary, queen of Scots to Lord James, prior of the monastery of St. Andrews, July, 1559. (In: John Knox, The works of John Knox. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 562-563.) ZOV [Letter from the queen of Scots to Charles Paget. (In: Miscellaneous state papers from 1501 to 1726. London, 1778. 4°. v. 1, p. 218-223.) †c Letters of Mary, queen of Scots, during her residence in France, to her mother Mary the queen dowager of Scotland. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 239-245.) † CP The four letters here printed are of date 1558-59. Letters from the queen of Scots to the duke of Norfolk. (In: Miscellaneous state papers from 1501 to 1726. London, 1778. 4°. v. 1, p. 189-195.) †c Letters from Mary, queen of Scots, to Sir Robert Melvill; and other papers from the archives of the earl of Leven and Melville. 1565-1568. 1 fac. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3. p. 177-191.) † CP Letters, now first published from the originals...with an historical introduction and notes, by Agnes Strickland. London: H. Colburn, 1843. 2 v. 8°. CPB Lettres, instructions et mémoires de Marie Stuart, reine d'Écosse; publiés sur les originaux et les manuscrits du State Paper Office de Londres...et accompagnés d'un résumé chronologique par le Prince Alexandre Labanoff. London: Charles Dolman, 1844-45. 7 v. 8°. CPB Lettres de Marie royne d'Escosse, à sa mère Marie de Guyse, royne douairiere d'Escosse, pendant les années 1552 à 1557. (In: Analecta Scotica. Edinburgh, 1834. 8°. v. 1, p. 25-38.) CP The love letters of Mary, queen of Scots, to James, earl of Bothwell; with her love sonnets and marriage contracts History and Description, continued. Special Periods -1542-1587, continued. ...explained by state papers, and the writings of Buchanan (and others)... Edited by Hugh Campbell. London: Longman, [etc.], 1824. xiii p., 1 1., 336, 63 p., 1 port. 8°. CPB See on this work The Cabinet; or, The selected beauties of literature, series 2, p. 419-428, Edinburgh, 1825. Meditation faite par la royne d'Escoce, dovairiere de France, recueillie d'vn livre des Consolations divines, composez par l'evesque de Rosse. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 341-348.) † CP Testament de Marie Stuart, reine de France et d'Écosse. 1587. (In: E. G. Peignot, Choix de testaments ancienes et modernes. Paris, 1829. 8°. v. . 1, p. 238-254.) A Verses by Mary, queen of Scots. (Bijou. London, 1829. 16°. 1829, p. 148-150.) NCA WORKS ABOUT MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS Abbot, Willis J. Mary, queen of Scots. A victim of her own intrigue. (In his: Notable women in history. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. p. 76-86.) SNE Abbott, Jacob. History of Mary, queen of Scots. New York: Harper & Brothers [cop. 1848]. 2 p.l., [viij-viii p., 1 1., (1)14286 p., 1 map, 1 pl., 1 port. illus. 16°. CPB (1) Charges of the diets of Mary, queen of Scots. (2) Charges of the funeral of Mary, queen of Scots. (3) A remembrance of the order and manner of the burial of Mary, queen of Scotts. (4) The chardges of diet for the Scottishe queen's funeralls at Peterborowe, Mondaye supper the laste of Julie, and Tuisdaie dinner the firste of Auguste. (5) A justification of Queen Elizabeth in relation to the affair of Mary, queen of Scots. Act for sequestrating the quenis maiesties person and detening the same in the hous and place of Lochlevin. xvi Jun. MDLXVII. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. v. 1, p. 247-252.) + CP Actio contra Mariam Scotorum Reginam: In qua ream & consciam esse eam hujus parricidii necessariis argumentis evincitur. (In: Samuel Jebb, De vita & rebus gestis... Mariæ Scotorum reginæ... London, 1725. fo. v. 1, p. 250-280.) ++ СРВ George Buchanan has been credited with the authorship of this work, but more recent criticism and examination of authorities tend to the conclusion that the work is not of his composition. Affecting, The, & tragical history of Queen Mary of Scotland: who was beheaded for high treason against Queen Elizabeth, of England. Falkirk: Printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1819. 24 p. 24°. Reserve Chapbook. Aguilon, Pedro de. Extraits des correspondances...du secrétaire Aguilon...(In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'état...relatifs à l'histoire de l'Écosse. Paris, 1860. 4°. v. 3, p. 122-136.) † CP These papers relate to the affairs of Mary, queen of Scots and Scotland between Dec. 5, 1571 and March 23, 1572. Alava, Francés de. Extraits des correspondances de Frances de Alava, du secrétaire Aguilon et d'autres], ambassadeurs ou chargés d'affaires de Philippe I en France de 1563 à 1587. (In: J. B. A. T. Teulet, Papiers d'état...relatifs à l'histoire de l'Écosse. Paris, 1860. 4°. v. 3, p. 1-592.) + CP These papers relate to the affairs of Mary, queen of Scots and Scotland from the 3rd of May, 1563 to the 22nd of December, 1587. Almack, Richard. Copy of a letter to Mary, queen of Scots, and a bond of Secretary Maitland. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archæologia. London, 1883. 4°. v. 47, p. 242-244.) † CA With additional notes by Henry Salusbury Milman on p. 245-248. The letter is dated 27 April 1567. "Anchor," pseud. See De Peyster, John Watts. Mary, queen of Scots... Anderson, James, editor. See Collections relating to the history of Mary, queen of Scotland. Baillie-Hamilton, Mary A. A historic heirloom. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1899. 8°. v. 80, p. 131-137.) * DA A silver gilt casket at Hamilton Palace, which the writer believes to have been the one which contained the famous "Casket letters." Banks, John. The Albion queens: or, The death of Mary, queen of Scotland. A tragedy. London: R. Wellington, 1704. 2 p.1., 70 p. 4°. NCO p.v. 309, no.5 Barbé, Louis A. The four Maries. (In his: In byways of Scottish history. New York [1913. 8°. p. 25-34.) CP Mary, queen of Scots. 1 port. (In his: In byways of Scottish history. New York [1913]. 8°. p. 1-23.) CP The queen's Marys. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1885. 8°. v. 258, p. 457-485.) * DA The song of Mary Stuart: an undetected forgery. (In his: In byways of Scottish history. New York [1913). 8°. p. 79-90.) CP Bardon, The, papers: documents relating to the imprisonment and trial of Mary, queen of Scots. Edited for the Royal |