Imagens das páginas

Authors, continued.

silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case.

Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules Amédée. Le chevalier Des Touches, par J. Barbey d'Aurevilly. Dessins de Julien le Blant, gravés par Champollion. Paris: Librairie des bibliophiles, 1886. 2 p.1., 239 p., 2 1., 6 pl., 1 port. 14 extra pl. 8°.

no. 92 of 100 large paper copies on wove Holland paper.

Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, and 6 plates, all with plate proofs in two states. In all, 21 illustrations.

Binding, three-fourths dark reddish brown crushed levant morocco. Back stamped with a small ornament and lettered in gilt. With marbled end papers and rough edges. Original covers bound in. Bookplates of W. A. Spencer, and of Ch. Bouret.

Bastide, Jean François de. La petite maison. Préface d'Abel Patoux. Seize aquarelles dessinées et gravées en couleurs par Ad. Lalauze. Paris: H. Leclerc, 1905. 2 p.1., (i) vii-xiv p., 1 1., 51 (1) p., 1 1. 48 extra pl. 8°.

no. 1 of 150 copies. On wove paper. Illustrations: original cover vignette, title-page vignette, 2 head-pieces, 10 vignettes in the text, and final tail-piece, with the original aquarelles for the same, and an additional original design for a frontispiece omitted in this copy; appended, plate proofs in two states for all 16 designs. In all, 63 illustrations.

Binding, by Gruel, of blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within ornate borders of small tools, fillets inlaid in olive green, and an inner frame tooled with three-line fillets forming a diaper of diamond-shaped lozenges alternately inlaid in olive green and each stamped with a small tool. Double with green morocco. Center panel tooled with a repeat pattern of small flowers and enclosed by six fillets. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of blue grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case.

Bayard, Histoire du gentil Seigneur de. See Mailles, Jacques de, called "le Loyal serviteur."

Beraldi, Henri. Estampes et livres. 1872-1892. Paris: L. Conquet, 1892. xiii, 277 р., 1 1., 42 pl. (12 col.) 8°.

no. 20 of 390 copies on wove paper. Autograph presentation copy from the author to M. Chambolle.

A descriptive account of the Beraldi collection of 12,000 portraits and prints, catalogues of which were issued under title "Mes estampes" (1. ed., 1884; 2. ed., 1887); and 400 illustrated books (about 1,000 volumes) in fine bindings, forming the greater part of the Paillet collection, a catalogue of which was issued by Beraldi in 1885 under title "Bibliothèque d'un bibliophile."

Illustrations: frontispiece and 41 facsimiles of bindings, consisting of 12 chromotypes by Danel, and 29 heliogravures by Dujardin; following the text, a vignette portrait of Cuzin. In all, 43 illustrations.

Binding, by Chambolle-Duru, of light brown crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a fillet inlaid in olive green and an inner frame of fillets of red and olive green interlacing in a Greek pattern. Inside border of two fillets enclosing three twoline fillets intersecting at the sides and corners. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid in colors. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip case.

La reliure du xixe siècle. partie 10

1-4. Paris: L. Conquet, 1895-97. 4 v. fac., 283 col. pl., 8 port. on 2 pl. illus. 4°. no. 266 of 295 copies on hand-made wove paper. Large paper copy.

Illustrations: 10 facsimiles of letters, 283 heliogravure reproductions of rare bindings, and 8 portraits of modern French binders. In all, 301 illustrations.

Binding, by Mercier, 1899-1902, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within two frames of six- and five-line fillets respectively, and an inner frame of three-line fillets intersecting at the corners. Doublure by four different binders, viz.: v. 1, by Lortic, 1902; orange morocco within a border of small tools; three-line fillets forming a repeat pattern of rectangular compartments, each containing a rose inlaid in red and adorned with small tools; interspaces inlaid in blue and adorned with small tools on a stippled ground. v. 2, by Gruel, 1901; olive green morocco; oriental mosaic in brown and blue, with stippled and blind-tooled ornamentation. v. 3, by Mercier, 1900; blue morocco within a border of small tools; borders of fillets in gilt and inlaid in dark blue surrounding a Louis XVth frame inlaid in dark blue and adorned with fillets in gilt, small tools azuré, and sprays of small flowers inlaid in red and pink. v. 4, by Marius Michel, 1899; citron morocco within a border of small tools; large flowers, buds, and leaves inlaid in green and two shades of blue tooled in gilt and entwined with a ribbon inlaid in dark blue. Back tooled and lettered; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and linings of colored silk. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip cases.

Béranger, Pierre Jean de. Dernières chansons de Béranger, de 1834 à 1851, avec une préface de l'auteur. Illustrées de 14 dessins de A. de Lemud, gravés sur acier par MM. Balin, Brunet and others]. Paris: Perrotin, 1860. 2 p.l., iii, 374 р., 14 pl., 1 port. 14 extra pl. 8°.

At head of cover title: Œuvres posthumes de Béranger.

Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, and 14 plates with plate proofs before letters on India paper and mounted. In all, 29 illustrations.

Binding, by Lortic, 1898, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fillets. Doublé with light green morocco within four fillets; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of red grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. Bound in at the end, the covers to parts 27-41 of Perrotin's 1847 edition of Béranger's "Œuvres complètes." Binder's title: Béranger. Œuvres.

Ma biographie, écrite par Béranger; avec un appendice et des notes. Ornée d'un portrait en pied dessiné par Charlet, d'une photographie d'après le marbre de M. Geoffroy-Dechaume, et de huit gravures d'après d'Aubigny, Sandoz et Wattier, exécutées par Durond, Massart, Lalaisse, Nargeot et Ruhierre. Paris: Perrotin, 1860. 2 p.1., 416 р., 1 1., 7 pl., 4 port. 10 extra pl. 8°.

At head of title: Œuvres posthumes de Béranger. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, 2 other portraits, and 6 plates, each with plate proof before letters on India paper and mounted; one double plate, and one photograph, together with a second copy not retouched. In all, 21 illustrations.

Binding, by Lortic, 1898, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fillets. Doublé with light green morocco within four fillet; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of red grosAuthors, continued.

grain silk. Original covers bound in. Bound in at the end, the covers to parts 42-54 of Perrotin's 1847 edition of Béranger's "Œuvres complètes.” Binder's title: Beranger. Œuvres.

Musique des chansons de Béranger; airs notés anciens et modernes. Neuvième édition, revue par Frédéric Bérat, augmentée de la musique des chansons posthumes d'airs composés par Béranger, Halévy, Gounod et Laurent de Rillé, avec deux tables, l'une alphabétique, l'autre historique, des 450 airs du recueil. Paris: Perrotin, 1865. 3 p.1., 344 p., 78 pl., 1 port. 121 extra pl. 8°.

On leaf preceding text: Album Béranger par Grandville.

Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, and a second portrait by Reynolds after A. Scheffer; facsimile of part of a letter from the author to Grandville; 78 plates by various engravers after Grandville, with plate proofs on India paper, and 41 extra plates by the same artists on India paper. In all, 200 illustrations.

Binding, by Lortic, 1898, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fillets. Doublé with light green morocco within four fillets; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of red grosgrain silk. Original covers, dated 1866, bound in. Binder's title: Béranger. Œuvres.

Œuvres complètes de P.-J. de Béranger. Nouvelle édition revue par l'auteur. Illustrée de cinquante-deux belles gravures sur acier entièrement inédites, d'après les dessins de MM. Charlet, A. de Lemud (etc. Édition augmentée de dix chansons nouvelles et du fac-simile d'une lettre de Béranger. Paris: Perrotin, 1847. 2 v. 1 fac., 52 pl. 62 extra pl. 8°.

Originally published in 56 parts; covers to issues 1-26 bound in at the end; those to issues 27-56 bound in at the end of the copies of Perrotin's 1860 edition of "Ma biographie," and the "Dernières chansons" belonging to the Spencer collection.

Illustrations: facsimile letter from the author to the publisher, together with a second impression of the same frontispiece portraits of the author by Sandoz; that to v. 1 engraved by Pannier, that to v. 2 engraved by Massart; engraved title-page to v. 2, with plate proof in two states; and 52 plates, each with plate proof before letters on India paper and mounted; the plate facing p. 358 in v. 1, and that facing p. 75 in v. 2, and the proof before letters to the plate facing p. 57 in v. 2, repeated. In all, 114 illustrations.

Binding, by Lortic, 1898, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fillets. Doublé with light green morocco within four fillets; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of red grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. Binder's title: Béranger. Œuvres.

Blackmantle, Bernard, pseud. of C. M. Westmacott. The English spy: an original work, characteristic, satirical, and humorous. Comprising scenes and sketches in every rank of society, being portraits of the illustrious, eminent, eccentric, and notorious. Drawn from the life by Bernard Blackmantle. The illustrations designed by Robert Cruikshank.

London: Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 182526. 2 v. 72 pl. 8°.

First edition. v. 2 published by Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, 1826. Continued by the same editor under title: St. James royal magazine.

Illustrations: 72 copperplates, etched, aquatinted, and colored by Cruikshank.

Binding by Riviere and Son, of red straightgrain morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fillets. Inside dentelles. Back tooled and lettered; panels mitred and cornered, with center tool. With marbled end papers and gilt edges.

Bookplate of W. A. Spencer, and armorial bookplate of Daniel Cooper.

Воёх, Ј. Н. H. of J. H. H., and

See Rosny, J. H., pseud. S. J. F. Boëx.

Boëx, S. J. F. See Rosny, J. H., pseud. of J. H. H., and S. J. F. BOEX.

Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas. Œuvres poétiques de Boileau-Despréaux, avec une introduction et des notes par F. Brunetière. Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1889. 2 p.l., xxxi, 473 p., 3 1., 22 pl., 1 port. 4°.

One of 25 copies on India paper; this copy numbered 129.

Illustrations: etchings, consisting of 4 headpieces, 1 tail-piece, 22 plates, and 1 portrait, engraved by Barbant, Haussoulier, and others, after designs by Rossigneux, Lechevalier-Chevignard, and others. In all, 28 illustrations.

Binding, by Joly fils, 1910, of dark brown crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a broad ornamental gilt border, with fleurons of thistles inlaid at the corners. Doublé with dark green morocco. Center panel within a border of three three-line fillets interlacing in Grolieresque pattern; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of dark green grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, lettered and inlaid, and inserted in slip



Boufflers, Stanislas Jean de, marquis. Aline, reine de Golconde; conte par le Chevalier Stanislas de Boufflers. Paris: Gravé & imprimé pour la Société des amis des livres, 1887. 2 p.l., iv, 29(1) p., 3 1. illus. 18 extra pl. 8°.

Edited by O. Uzanne. Text engraved by A. Leclère. Appended, a list of the members of the society.

One of two copies, numbered 115 bis and 115 ter, reserved for copyright; this copy no. 115 ter.

Illustrations: 15 etchings (including 3 aquatints) in the text, by E. Gaujean after A. Lynch, with plate proofs before letters of all except the vignette on p. 8, and with plate etchings in the pure state of the vignettes on p. 6 and 25 (on Japan paper), and p. 8 and 20 (on Holland paper). In all, 33 illustrations.

Binding, by Mercier, 1909, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with a medallion within a wreath suspended from a frame with ornaments in the corners and at the top and bottom; the whole within an outer border of three fillets. Doublé with blue morocco within a border of small tools. Center panel within a scrollwork border with crowns and thistles and surrounded by a three-line fillet; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of red watered silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case.

Bourdeille, Pierre de, seigneur de Brantôme. See Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeille, seigneur de.

Bourges, Élémir. L'enfant qui revient. Illustré par Louis Malteste. Paris: A. Authors, continued.

Romagnol [1905]. 2 p.1., x1, 12 p., 1 1., 5 pl., 1 port. 22 extra pl. 8°. (Collection de l'Académie des Goncourt.)

no. 84 of 130 copies. p. i-xl, script text, with illustrated borders; p. 1-12, text in roman type. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, a second half-title illustrated in colors, 41 borders illustrated in colors, and 5 colored plates, with 20 plate proofs, in one tone, of 40 of the illustrated borders, appended, and with a plate proof, in colors, of the first border inserted before p. 1. In all, 69 illustrations.

Binding, by Stroobants, 1911, of red crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with three fillets. Inside roll-produced border. Back tooled and lettered. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. Original covers bound in.

Bourget, Paul. Tirages successifs pour Pastels. Paris: L. Conquet, 1895.] 200 pl. 4°.

Binder's title.

Forms v. 2 of the Spencer copy of Bourget's: Pastels. Dix portraits de femme. v. 1 missing.

v. 2 contains 27 head and tail-pieces, with progressive lithograph plate proofs to each in from five to ten different states; the last state of two wanting.

Binding, by Mercier, 1901, three-fourths brown crushed levant morocco. Back tooled in gilt, lettered, and inlaid with violet leaves and flowers in appropriate colors; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. In loose leather protective cover, inlaid and lettered, and inserted in slip case.

Bowes, James Lord, joint author. See Audsley, George Ashdown, and J. L. BOWES.

d'un amateur, 1897. 4 p.l., iii, 74 p., 8 pl. 73 extra pl. 8°.


55 of seventy-five copies on wove paper. With autograph of Adolphe Lalauze and of Alphonse Lalauze.

Illustrations: etchings in colors by Adolphe Lalauze after his own designs and those of his son Alphonse Lalauze; in detail: original cover vignette, title-page vignette, initial head-piece, 8 plates, and final tail-piece, all with plate proofs in black; inserted preceding the text, an original aquarelle signed by both artists, and appended, one of six sets of plate proofs in colors, in five states, of all the illustrations. In all, 85 illustrations.

Binding, by Mercier, 1906, of blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a border of small tools and fillets surrounding a frame inlaid in red and adorned with small tools in the style of Louis xv. Doublé with white morocco within a border of small tools. Center panel plain, within fillets and a deep dentelle border in the style of Derome. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid in colors. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of blue grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled, lettered, inlaid, and inserted in slip case.

C., de, comte. Les contes rémois, par M. le Cte. de C... [i. e., Louis Marie Joseph le Riche, comte de Chevigné. Dessins de E. Meissonier. Paris: M. Lévy frères, 1858. 3 p.1., (1)4-239 p., 3 port. 3. ed. 8°.

On large-size Holland paper. Illustrations: 3 portraits, including one of Meissonier, and 49 head-pieces, all on India paper and mounted. In all, 52 illustrations.

Binding, by Marius Michel, 1907, of blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of two double fillets, the corners left open, tooled with a floreated harp, and inlaid with a yellow rose; the interspaces tooled with branches of leaves and buds. Doublé with ochre morocco inlaid with a Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeille, seigGrolieresque pattern in blue, the interspaces filled neur de. Les sept discours touchant les with delicate branches of leaves and flowers tooled in gilt and inlaid in red, yellow, white, and green. Dames galantes du Sieur de Brantôme, Back tooled, inlaid, and lettered in gilt. With publiés sur les manuscrits de la Biblioedges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and linthèque nationale ing of dark gray-brown grosgrain silk. Henri Bouchot. par Original covers bound in. Dessins d'Édouard de Beaumont, gravés In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. par É. Boilvin. Paris: Iovavst, 1882. 3 v. 9 pl., 1 port. 20 extra pl. 8°.

no. 2 of 20 copies on India paper. Illustrations: frontispiece portrait of the author, and 9 plates, all in two states, together with a complete set of artist's proofs on old Japan paper autographed in pencil by Boilvin. In all, 30 illustrations.

Binding, by Canape, of dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides tooled with fillets interlacing at the corners, and forming, at the ends of the board, compartments ornamented with small tools. Inside border of two double fillets, with ornaments at the corners. Backs tooled and lettered. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip cases.

Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme. Physiologie du goût de Brillat-Savarin, avec une préface par Ch. Monselet. Eauxfortes par Ad. Lalauze. Paris: Jouaust, 1879. 2 ν. 1 port. 51 extra pl. 8°.

no. 55 of 170 copies on Holland paper. Illustrations: v. 1, frontispiece portrait of the author and 27 vignettes in the text; v. 2, 24 vignettes in the text; with plate proofs to all the vignettes in both volumes. In all, 103 illustrations.

Binding, by Champs, half dark green crushed levant morocco. Back lettered in gilt. With marbled end papers and rough edges; gilt top. Original covers bound in.

Broglie, Charles Jacques Victor Albert de, duc. Le jour de Fontenoy, par le duc de Broglie. Navarre: Sous la direction

Catholic Church, Roman. Le livre d'heures de la Reine Anne de Bretagne. Traduit du Latin et accompagné de notices inédites par M. l'Abbé Delaunay. Paris: L. Curmer, 1861. 2 ν. illus. 49 extra pl. 4°.

[v. 1.] Text. 477 p.

[v. 2.] Translation. 474 p.

One of 850 copies printed. Originally published

in 50 parts.

Text, in 15th century gothic type, from the original manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale at Paris. Prefixed to v. 2, a list of the subscribers; appended, a catalogue of the plants used in the decorative borders.

Illustrations: 63 large miniatures, including the calendar, and nearly 350 borders, the work of Jean Bourdichon, reproduced by lithography in the original colors. At p. 7, a portrait of Queen Anne. Inserted in the text, mounted photographs of 49 of the miniatures.

Binding, by Capé, of brown crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within two frames inlaid in black, each surrounded by two fillets in gilt. In the center, the arms of Anne of Brittany tooled in gilt and inlaid in leather of five different colors. Doublé with dark green watered silk within a border of small tools. Backs inlaid and lettered in gilt. With lining of dark green watered silk and gilt edges, those of v. 1 tooled, with the letter L painted in red at the top and bottom, and the letter A in red, black, and white on the front. In loose leather protective covers, lettered in gilt, and inserted in slip cases.

[graphic][merged small]
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