Authors, continued. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1894. 2 p.1., xviii p., 1 1., 79 p., 1 1., 10 pl. 46 extra pl. 8°. no. 75 of eighty copies on wove paper. tialed by the publisher. Ini Illustrations: frontispiece, 5 head-pieces, titlepage vignette and 2 others in the text, 9 plates, and 5 tail-pieces, all with plate proofs in two states. In all, 69 illustrations. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1897, of dark green crushed levant morocco. Sides within a frame of two fillets inlaid respectively in light brown and light green. Doublé with light brown morocco. Center panel inlaid with a spray of conventionalized purple buds and flowers surrounded by an oval and a rectangular frame, the interspace filled with conventionalized leaves and white flowers with green and yellow centers, springing from the outer frame. Back lettered and inlaid in colors. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of dark green grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. Hérodias. Compositions de Georges Rochegrosse, gravées à l'eau-forte par Champollion. Préface par Anatole France. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1892. 2 p.1., xxxii, 88 p., 1 1., 4 pl. 38 extra pl. 8°. no. 73 of eighty copies on wove paper. Initialed by the publisher. Illustrations: 4 head-pieces, 8 vignettes in the text, 3 tail-pieces, and 4 plates, all with plate proofs in two states. In all, 67 illustrations. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1897, of black crushed levant morocco. Sides within a frame of two fillets inlaid respectively in red and yellow. Doublé with brown morocco. Center panel inlaid with a spray of conventionalized lotus flowers in leather of five different colors; in the corners, triangular compartments of plum-colored leather outlined with bands of black; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer; the whole surrounded by border of plum-colored leather inlaid in black with a Greek fret. Back lettered and inlaid in colors. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of gold-colored satin. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. a La légende de Saint Julien l'hospitalier. Illustrée de vingt-six compositions par Luc-Olivier Merson, gravées à l'eauforte par Géry-Bichard. Préface par Marcel Schwob. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1895. 2 p.1., xxx, 72 p., 1 1., 3 pl. 52 extra pl. 8°. no. 80 of eighty copies on wove paper. Initialed by the publisher. Illustrations: 3 head-pieces, 17 vignettes in the text, 3 plates, and 3 tail-pieces, all with plate proofs in two states. In all, 78 illustrations. Cen Binding, by Marius Michel, 1897, of brown crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of two fillets inlaid in black and light brown respectively. Double with light green morocco. ter panel inlaid in brown with a frame of conventionalized leaves surrounding a lily with green leaves and stem, white buds and flowers, and stamens of bright yellow; at the bottom, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Back lettered and inlaid in colors. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of dark brown grosgrain silk. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip case. Madame Bovary. Compositions de Alfred de Richemont, gravées à l'eau-forte par C. Chessa. Préface par Léon Hennique. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1905. 3 p.l., iv, 334 р., 1 1., 20 pl. 54 extra pl. 8°. no. 72 of 200 copies on Japan or wove paper; this copy on wove paper, initialed by F. Ferroud. Illustrations: title-page vignette, 3 head and 3 tail-pieces, and 20 plates, all with plate proofs in two states appended. In all, 81 illustrations. Binding, by Gruel, 1907, of dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame inlaid a in green and border of floreated scrollwork, straight and curved fillets, and small ornaments, inlaid in leather of seven different colors. Doublé with green morocco. Center panel within two fillets, a border of small tools, and an inner frame of six fillets with ornaments at the sides and corners. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid in colors. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of dark blue silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Salammbô. Compositions de Georges Rochegrosse, gravées à l'eauforte par Champollion. Préface par Léon Hennique. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1900. 2 v. 18 pl. 108 extra pl. 8°. ог no. 17 of twenty large-size copies on laid Japan paper; this copy on laid paper. Two autograph letters of Rochegrosse inserted in v. 1. İllustrations: 2 frontispieces and 2 title vignettes, each in three states; 15 head-pieces, 15 tail-pieces, and 18 plates, all in three states, and 4 original aquarelles by Rochegrosse, two specially designed at the request of Mr. Spencer. In all, 150 illustrations. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1905, of reddishbrown crushed levant morocco. Sides within an inlaid border of light green leather thongs interlacing at the ends, and at intervals apparently passing through imitation incisions in the cover; corners adorned with inlaid fleurons in two shades of light green, with a dot of light brown at the center. Doublé with dark green morocco. Center panel within an inlaid border of highly conventionalized buds in light green and red with stems tooled in gilt, and surrounded by an inlaid fillet in light brown. Backs inlaid and lettered. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of light green brocaded silk. Original covers bound in. Inserted in slip cases. La tentation de Saint Antoine. Compositions de Georges Rochegrosse, gravées en couleurs par E. Decisy. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1907. 2 p.1., 213 (1) p., 1 1., 6 pl. 61 extra pl. 8°. no. 14 of twenty copies on wove paper. by the publisher. Initialed Illustrations: an original aquarelle by Rochegrosse, 26 vignettes in the text, and 6 plates, with 30 plate proofs before letters in the finished state in black, and 30 in colors. In all, 93 illustrations. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1912, of red crushed levant morocco. Sides within a frame inlaid in black, with a large circle in the center inlaid with a trefoil of leaves in dark green and a large conventional flower in gray-green and two shades of red; at the corners, four smaller circles inlaid with trefoils of holly leaves and berries in red and three shades of green; interlacing with the two upper, and extending about the center circle, a scroll inlaid in citron and light brown bearing the title tooled in blind; at the bottom, the letter S inlaid and intertwined about a leaf of holly. Doublé with pale green Center panel within two frames inlaid in dark green enclosing a border of conventionalized holly leaves in red inlaid on a band of light green. Back panels framed and inlaid with units from the design on the sides. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of pale green brocaded silk. Original covers beund in. In loose leather protective cover, lettered in gilt, and inserted in slip case. morocco. France, Anatole. Au petit bonheur; comédie en un acte. Représentée, pour la première fois, le 1er juin 1898. Paris: P. Dauze, 1898. 3 p.l., 83 f., 11., 1 port. 4°. no. 11 of fifteen copies on Holland paper. Lithograph facsimile of the entire original manuscript. Inserted, an autograph letter from the publisher to M. le baron de Claye. author. Illustrations: frontispiece etched portrait of the Binding, by Noulhac, of full red levant morocco, without ornament. Inside border of two double Authors, continued. fillets, a scroll and flowers at the corners, and at the top, a small ornament repeated at the side and bottom. Back plain; at the bottom, the monogram A. C. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and fly-leaves of tinted hand-made paper lightly embossed with Tudor roses. et Balthasar la reine Balkis. Aquarelles originales d'après Henri Caruchet. Paris: L. Conquet, 1900. 2 p.1., 38 p., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. One of 300 copies on wove paper, privately printed; this copy printed for Mr. Spencer. Illustrations: frontispiece, 5 head-pieces, 3 vignettes, 20 decorative borders, and 5 tail-pieces. In all, 34 illustrations. Binding, by Joly fils, 1912, of dark orange crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a border of circles and links composed of two fillets and adorned with small tools. Doublé with light brown watered silk within a chain border enclosed by two fillets. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of light brown watered silk. Original covers bound in. Clio. Illustrations de Mucha. Paris: C. Lévy, 1900. 4 p.1., (1)4-188 р., 3 1., 7 pl., 1 port. 26 extra pl. 8°. no. 43 of fifty copies on India paper. Illustrations: frontispiece etched portrait of the author, 6 vignettes in the text, and 7 plates, with 13 plate proofs in black and 13 in colors. In all, 40 illustrations. morocco. Binding, by Joly fils, 1911, of citron crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a border of twisted rope on a mosaic of red; at the top, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. Doublé with brown Center panel within fillets and a border tooled with a Greek motif. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid with the design used on the sides. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of brown silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Histoire comique. Points sèches et eaux-fortes par Edgar Chahine. Paris: C. Lévy [1905]. 2 p.1., 186 p., 11. 29 extra pl. 8°. no. 12 of twenty copies on India paper. Illustrations: 28 vignettes in the text, with plate proofs on India paper; appended, an impression from a cancelled plate of the design on p. 97. In all, 57 illustrations. mo Binding, by Joly fils, 1911, of dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt. Sides within a frame of three fillets inlaid in two shades of blue, and fourteen fillets in gilt. Doublé with black rocco. Center panel surrounded by a frame of twoline fillets interlacing at the corners in an intricate geometrical design. Back tooled, lettered, and inlaid. With gilt edges, marbled end-papers, and lining of dark blue silk. Original covers bound in. Le jonglevr de Nôtre-Dame. Texte calligraphié, enluminé et historié par Malatesta. Paris: F. Ferrovd, 1906. 4 p.1., xxxii p., 11. 34 extra pl. sq. 4°. Modern prose version of the Old French poem, Le tombeor Nostre Dame, first published in the author's "L'étui de nacre," 1892. no. 10 of twelve copies reimposed on Japan paper. Initialed by the publisher. Text, illuminations, and miniatures in imitation of a mediaeval manuscript. Illustrations: 35 designs in the text, engraved by Reymond and photomechanically reproduced in gilt and in colors, together with numerous initial letters; inserted before the title-page, an unpublished body-color drawing by Malatesta; appended, dry-point etchings by Malatesta of 33 of the illustrations. In all, 69 illustrations. Binding, by Mercier, 1909, of light brown crushed levant morocco. Sides within two fillets in gilt and a frame of fillets in gilt and in blind enclosing oblong and square compartments adorned with Gothic tooling. Doublé with blue grosgrain silk within a border of fillets and Gothic ornaments. Back tooled and lettered. With gilt edges, marbled end papers, and lining of blue grosgrain silk. Inserted in slip case. La leçon bien apprise; conte par Anatole France, imagé par Léon Lebègue pour les Bibliophiles indépendants, Paris, 1898. Paris: Bibliophiles indépendants, 1898. xxiv p., 1 1. 25 extra pl. 8°. no. 98 of 200 copies on wove Japan paper printed for members of the society; this copy printed for Mr. Spencer. Let into a fly-leaf at the end, an ornamental envelope designed by Lebègue and addressed to Mr. Spencer. Illustrations: original cover design, and 25 aquarelle borders and designs in the text, handcolored under the direction of the artist, and in this copy, touched up with gilt; appended, 25 plate proofs in black of the illustrations in the text. In all, 51 illustrations. Binding, by Joly fils, 1909, of reddish brown crushed levant morocco. Sides within a border of twisted, rope tooled in gilt. Doublé with brown morocco. Center panel inlaid with a Grolieresque pattern in greenish yellow and light brown. Back tooled and lettered. With edges gilt over marbled and lining of brown silk. Original covers bound in. In loose leather protective cover, tooled and lettered, and inserted in slip case. Le lys rouge. Compositions de A.-F. Gorguet, gravées sur bois par Desmoulins, Dutheil, Romagnol, et en couleurs par Ch. Thévenin. Paris: A. Romagnol, 1903. 2 p.1., 303(1) p., 1 1., 13 col'd pl. 198 extra pl. and insertions. 4°. Unique copy, in two volumes, specially printed for Mr. Spencer. Illustrations: v. 1, frontispiece etched portrait of the author in black, with plate proof in bistre and the original pen and ink drawing; 35 designs in the text, all with smoke proofs and the original pen and ink drawings, and an additional smoke proof to the head-piece on p. 49; 22 colored plates, including two states of the frontispiece and back cover vignette and 7 plates not called for in the list, 21 bearing the autographed approval of the publisher. v. 2, 113 plate proofs in various states, including 67 on satin; a leaf of trial sketches in crayon, and an autograph letter from the publisher to Mr. Spencer. In all, 211 pieces. Binding, by Marius Michel, 1907, of green crushed levant morocco. v. 1 inlaid with leather of ten different colors. Sides adorned with conventionalized leaves, buds, and groups of flowers, and surrounded by a frame of three fillets, the two inner apparently passing through loops suspended from the outer. Doublé with light brown morocco. Center panel plain, within a border of conventionalized leaves and flowers inlaid in green and red, and surrounded by a frame inlaid in black and two fillets tooled in gilt; at the side, the monogram of Mr. Spencer. With edges gilt over rough, marbled end papers, and lining of gold-colored satin figured in rose. Original covers bound in. v. 2, three-quarters binding only. Back inlaid and lettered in gilt. With marbled end papers and gilt edges. In loose leather protective covers, lettered, and inserted in slip cases. Mémoires d'un volontaire. Compositions de Adrien Moreau, gravées à l'eau-forte par Xavier Lesueur. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1902. 3 p.1., 96 p., 5 pl. 53 extra pl. 8°. no. 3 of twenty copies on Japan or wove paper; this copy on Japan paper. Illustrations: 15 vignettes, 3 head-pieces, 5 plates, and 3 tail-pieces, all with plate proofs in two states; |