Economics, Sociology, etc., continued. Deutschland und Kanada, bearbeitet von A. Stange. Berlin: G. Braunbeck & Gutenberg-Druckerei A.-G. [1913.1 xvi, 1175 p. illus. 12°. TLH Dewavrin, Maurice, and G. LECARPENTIER. La protection légale des travailleurs aux États-Unis. Paris: M. Rivière et Cie., 1913. 348 p. 8°. (Systèmes et faits sociaux.) TDO Documents cartographiques de géographie économique. Cartographic documents of economic geography. Kartographische Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsgeographie. Publiées...par G. Michel et C. Knapp, sous la patronage de la Société internationale pour le développement de l'enseignement commercial et de l'Association suisse pour l'enseignement commercial. 1913, partie 1. Paris, 1913. fo. †† TLB Dowding, W. E. The tariff reform mirage. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd. [1913. xiv, 351(1) p., 1 pl. 12°. TIY Duguit, Léon. Les transformations du droit public. Paris: A. Colin, 1913. 3 p.l., (i)x-xix, 285 p. 12°. (Bibliothèque du mouvement social contemporain.) SED Fischer-Eckert, L. Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Frauen in dem modernen Industrieort Hamborn im Rheinland. Hagen i. W.: K. Stracke, 1913. 2 p.1., 159 p. 8°. SNF Fisher, Dorothy Canfield. The Montessori manual, in which Dr. Montessori's teachings and educational occupations are arranged in practical exercises or lessons for the mother or teacher. Chicago: W. E. Richardson Co., 1913. 2 p.l., 3-126 p., 11 pl., 1 port. 8°. SSK Foerster, Friedrich Wilhelm. Staatsbürgerliche Erziehung; Prinzipienfragen politischer Ethik und politischer Pädagogik. Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1914. v(i), SSD 200 p. 2. ed. 8°. Fons, Georges. Le monopole des assurances. Lézignan: G. Loupiac, 1912. xii, 191 p. 8°. (Université de Toulouse. Faculté de droit.) SIL Goldmark, Josephine C. Fatigue and efficiency. New York: Survey Associates, Inc., 1913. v-xiv, 342 p. [3. ed.] 8°. (Russell Sage Foundation. Publications.) TDI Gruenfeld, Ernst. Hafenkolonien und kolonieähnliche Verhältnisse in China. Japan und Korea; eine kolonial-politische Studie. Jena: G. Fischer, 1913. vii, 236 SEV p., 1 map. 8°. Hanausek, Gustav. Amerikanische Skizzen; Vorträge gehalten im Grazer Juristenverein. Wien: Manz, 1913. xi, 178 p. 8°. SB Hawtrey, R. G. Good and bad trade; an inquiry into the causes of trade fluctuations. London: Constable & Co., Ltd., 1913.. 2 p.l., vii-viii, 279 (1) p. 12°. TLS Hennig, Richard. Die Hauptwege des Weltverkehrs. Jena: G. Fischer, 1913. x, TLB 301 (1) p. 8°. Holland, Bernard. The fall of protection. 1840-1850. London: E. Arnold, 1913. xi, 372 p. TK 8°. Howe, Julia Ward. Julia Ward Howe and the woman suffrage movement; a selection from her speeches and essays, with introduction and notes by her daughter, F. H. Hall. Boston: D. Estes & Co. [1913. 3 p.l., 5-241 p., 1 port. 12°. SNS Ichenhaeuser, Eliza. Frauenziele; Aufgaben der Frauenbewegung. Berlin: A. Schall [19131. 345 p. 12°. SNS Kenney, Rowland. Men and rails. London: T. F. Unwin [1913]. xiii, 263 p. 8°. TPG Kirkbride, Franklin Butler, and J. E. STERRETT. The modern trust company; its functions and organization. New York: Macmillan Co., 1913. xiii, 319 p., 12 tables. 4. ed. 8°. THD 228 Lawson, Thomas William. High cost living. Dreamwold, Mass., 1913. 6 p.l., (1)14-180 p., 3 pl. illus. fo. Lefort, Joseph Jean. L'assurance contre le chomage à l'étranger et en France. Paris: Fontemoing et Cie., 1913. 2 v. 8°. IDO Lemonnier, Jacques. La politique des tarifs préférentiels dans l'Empire britannique. Paris: A. Pedone, 1913. 2 p.1., 274 P. 4°. TIW Levy, Jerôme. Das Oktroi in ElsassLothringen. Berlin: A. Gaudemar, Nachf., 1913. 2 p.1., 91 p. 8°. TIN McMurtrie, Douglas Crawford. Bibliography of the education and care of crippled children; a manual and guide to the literature relating to cripples, together with an analytical index. New York: D. C. McMurtrie, 1913. xiii, 99(1) p., 8 1. 4°. † SHS Manen, Charlotte Aleida van. Armenpflege in Amsterdam in ihrer historischen Entwicklung. Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff, 1913. 4 p.1., iii p., 1 1., 224, v p. 8°. SHL Mangot, Raoul. Les habitations ouvrières en Belgique. Paris: L. Larose & L. Tenin, 1913. 2 p.1., 180 p. 4°. (Université de Paris. Faculté de droit.) TDN Martin, A. G. P. Précis de sociologie nord-africaine. partie 1. Paris: E. Leroux, 1913. 12°. SB Ménard, Réné Joseph, and C. SAUVAGEOT. La famille dans l'antiquité. Constitution de la famille. Le vêtement. Nouvelle édition publiée par É. Rouveyre... Paris: E. Flammarion [1913]. viii, 416 p. illus. 8°. (Vie privée des anciens. v. 3.) SNM Meyers, Herman B. Proceedings of the twenty-third annual convention of the National Association of Railway Commissioners. Digest of decisions of the federal and state courts. Interstate Commerce Act (as amended), and acts supplementary thereto. Safety Appliance Acts, Arbitration Act, etc. Compilation of the laws of the states pertaining to railways_and other public service corporations. Compiled by H. B. Meyers. Chicago: Traffic Service Bureau, 1912. 1507 p. 4°. TPG Meynen, Erich O. Die Erbschaftssteuer im internationalen Rechte. Berlin: Frensdorf, 1912. 53 p. 8°. TIR Montessori, Maria. Il metodo della pedagogia scientifica applicato all' educazione infantile nelle case dei bambini. Roma: E. Loescher & Co., 1913. 283 p., 23 pl. 2. ed. 4°. + SSK Montheuil, Albert, and F. GRIVAZ. Halles, foires, et marchés. Paris: "Revue municipale" [1913). 2 p.l., 250 p. 12°. SER Mouchelet, E. Notice historique sur l'École centrale des arts & manufactures. Les origines, la formation des ingénieurs pour l'industrie et les travaux publics. L'École nationale d'enseignement supérieur technique. Son développement. Son état actuel. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1913. 2 p.l., 56 p. 8°. SSM Mueller, Franz. Trial of Franz Müller. Edited by H. B. Irving. Edinburgh: W. Hodge & Co. [1913. xlviii, 194 p., 3 pl., 8 port. 8°. (Notable English trials.) SLN Mueller-Lyer, F. Phasen der Liebe; eine Soziologie des Verhältnisses der Geschlechter. München: A. Langen, 1913. xv, 254 p. 8°. SNM National Education Association. Report of the committee on teachers' salaries and cost of living. January, 1913., Ann Arbor: the association, 1913. xx, 328 p. 8°. SSG Order of Railway Conductors, and BROTHERHOOD OF RAILROAD TRAINMEN. Exhibits submitted before the board of arbitration in the concerted wage movement. eastern territory, 1913, by the Order of Railway Conductors and Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, September, 1913; prepared by F. J. Warne. Washington: Sudwarth Co. [1913. 5 p.l., 405 p. rev. ed. f°. Desk Econ. Div. Plenge, Johann. Die Zukunft in Amerika. Berlin: J. Springer, 1912. 78 p. 8°. TAH Portus, Garnet Vere. Caritas Anglicana; or, An historical inquiry into those religious and philanthropical societies that flourished in England between the years 1678-1740. With an introduction by W. H. Hutton. London: A. R. Mowbray & Co., Ltd. [1912.] xvi, 286 p., 1 1. 12°. SHL Pragier, A. Die Produktivgenossenschaften der schweizerischen Arbeiter. Zürich: Rascher & Cie., 1913. 159(1) p., 1 1. 8°. (Zürcher volkswirtschaftliche Studien. Heft 1.) SIO Robyns, Émile J. Les chèques & virements postaux; étude économique et comparée des divers services de chèques postaux à l'étranger et en Belgique. Paris: F. Alcan & R. Lisbonne, 1913. 4 p.1., iii(i), 299, viii p., 1 1., 27 fac. 4°. (Université catholique de Louvain. École des sciences politiques et sociales.) TVC Saint-Légier, Louis de. L'Argentine économique. Préface de Pierre du Maroussem. Texte des lois argentines sur les sociétés anonymes. Paris: J. Reuff, 1913. 3 p.l., (i)x-xv, 295 p. 12°. TAH Tollemache, Bevil. The occupying ownership of land... London: J. Murray, 1913. xix, 152 p. 12. TE Tucker, George Fox. The Income Tax Law of 1913 explained, with the regulations of the Treasury Department to October 31, 1913. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1913. xi, 271 p. 12°. TIR * 228 Untersuchungen über das Volkssparwesen. [By R. Poppelreuter and others.] Hrsg. vom Verein für Sozialpolitik. Bd. 1-4. München: Duncker & Humblot, 191213. tables. 8°. (Verein für Socialpolitik. Schriften. Bd. 136, no. 1; Bd. 137, no. 1-4.) SB Vissering, G. On Chinese currency; preliminary remarks about the monetary reform in China, by G. Vissering, with the co-operation of W. A. Roest. Amsterdam: J. H. De Bussy [1912]. ix(i), 215 p. 4°. TF Wadsworth, Gerald Bertram. Principles and practice of advertising. New York, 1913. xxvi p., 2 1., 3-277 p., 10 charts, 14 pl. 8°. TW Wallace, Alfred Russel. The revolt of democracy. London, 1913. 8°. TD Wanklyn, W. McC. London public health administration... London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1913. 59 p. Das Teil 1. 16°. SPL EisenbahnZürich: O. TPM Weissenbach, Placid. wesen der Schweiz. Füssli, 1913. 8°. Charpentier, Gustave. Julien; ou, La vie du poète. Poème lyrique en un prologue, quatre actes et huit tableaux. Paris: M. Eschig, 1913. 6 p.l., 296 p. f°. Crampton, Charles Ward. The folk dance book for elementary schools, class room, playground and gymnasium. Compiled by C. W. Crampton. New York: S. Barnes & Co., 1909. 1 p.l., v-ix, 81 p. 4o. Dolge, Alfred. Pianos and their makers: a comprehensive history of the development of the piano from the monochord to the concert grand player piano. Covina, Cal.: Covina Pub. Co., 1911-13. 2 v. illus. 4°. Goldberg, Isaac. Sir Wm. S. Gilbert's study in modern satire. A handbook on Gilbert and the Gilbert-Sullivan operas. Boston: Stratford Pub. Co. [1913. 3 p., 1 1., 11-156 p. 12°. Hadow, William Henry. Demeter; a mask by Robert Bridges. Lyrics and incidental music by W. H. Hadow. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1905. 20 p. 8°. Hutchins, Charles Lewis. Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. A. The church psalter, containing the psalter, proper psalms and twenty selections with the pointing set forth and authorized for use by the General Convention, together with special settings of certain psalms; arranged with appropriate chants. Boston: Parish Choir, 1912. vi, 331 p. 8. ed. 8°. Kastner, Emerich. Bibliotheca Beethoveniana. Versuch einer Beethoven-Bibliographie. Werke v. 1827-1913. Leipzig, 1913. vi, 46 p. 4°. Kelley, Edgar Stillman. Chopin the composer, his structural art and his influence on contemporaneous music. New York: G. Schirmer, 1913. vii, 190 p., 1 port. 8°. Kellogg, Clara Louise. Memoirs of an American prima donna. By C. L. Kellogg Lehmann, Liza. In a Persian garden. A song-cycle for four solo voices (soprano, contralto, tenor and bass) with pianoforte accompaniment. The words selected from the Rubaiyát of Omar Khayyám...the music composed by L. Lehmann. London: Metzler & Co., Ltd., 1909. 8, 76 p. fo. Litchfield County Choral Union. 19001912. Founded to honor the memory of Robert Batell. Compiled by J. H. Vail. Norfolk: The Litchfield County University Club, 1912. 2 v. 8°. Miall, Bernard. Pierre Garat, singer and exquisite; his life and his world (17621823). London: T. F. Unwin, 1913. 364 p., 1 1., 24 pl., 8 port. 8°. Montemezzi, Italo. L'Amore dei tre re; poema tragico in tre atti di Sem Benelli, musica di Italo Montemezzi. Opera completa per canto e pianoforte, riduzione di Ugo Solazzi. Milano: G. Ricordi & Co., 1913. 2 p.l., 190 p., 1 port. 4°. O'Hara, Kane. The songs, duets, trios, &c. in the "Golden Pippin." An English the author of Midas. London: Longman, Lukey & Co. [1773. 1 p.1., 51 pl. obl. 8°. Patterson, Annie Wilson. How to listen to an orchestra. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1913. xx p., 1 1., 207 p., 11 pl., 3 port. illus. 12°. Pembaur, Joseph. Von der Poesie des Klavierspiels. München: Wunderhorn Verlag (1912). 4 p.l., 45 p. [2. ed.] 4°. Strauss, Richard. Ein Heldenleben Life of a hero). Tondichtung für grosses Orchester. Op. 40. Partitur. Leipzig: F. E. C. Leuckart [cop. 1899). 139 p. 8°. The rose-bearer Der Rosenkavalier. Comedy for music in three acts by Hugo von Hofmannsthal. English version by Alfred Kalisch. Music by Richard Strauss. Opus 59. Vocal score with German and English words. Simplified edition by Carl Besl. Berlin: A. Fürstner, 1911. 3 p.1., 5-451 p. fo. Thistleton, Frank. Modern violin technique. How to acquire it, how to teach it. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1913. xiv p., 1 1, 135 p., 7 pl. 12°. NEWS OF THE MONTH READERS AND VISITORS In the main reading room of the central building 16,296 readers consulted 66,764 volumes. Special reading rooms in this building were used by 38,778 readers, making a total for the whole building of 55,074 readers. Visitors to the building numbered 219,720. GIFTS During the month the following noteworthy gifts were received: From Hon. John L. Cadwalader, the Grolier Club publication, "Baziliologia, a booke of kings, Notes on a rare series of engraved English royal portraits from William the Conqueror to James 1," published under the above title in 1618, New York, 1913; from Miss Ruth B. Moran of New York, four etchings by Mrs. M. Nimmo Moran; from Hon. George L. Rives, "Proposed improvements for Newport, a report prepared for the Newport Improvement Association by Frederick Law Olmsted," Cambridge, Mass., 1913; from the Boston Book Company, a collection of periodicals consisting of 2,826 pieces; from Mr. Dwight Mallett of New York, 55 volumes and pamphlets of public documents; from the New York Herald, a miscellaneous collection of histories, biographies, novels, etc., 952 pieces in all; from Hon. L. E. Quigg, 675 volumes and 525 pamphlets of government documents; from Miss Schwab of New York, a collection of histories, biographies, novels, text-books, etc., consisting of 782 pieces; from Mr. Charles H. Stebbins of New York, the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Edinburgh, 1842, 21 volumes; from Miss Abby Stevens of Newport, R. I., 24 volumes in Moon type for the blind. From the following authors were received copies of their own publications: Mr. Bion J. Arnold of Chicago, Dr. Rocco Bellantoni of New York, Mr. Louis D. Brandeis of Boston, Rev. David James Burrell of New York, Rev. Herbert G. Coddington of Syracuse, Mr. Henry Coyle of Roxbury, Mass., Mr. Joseph G. Giambalvo of Brooklyn, Mrs. L. Haffkin of Karkoff, Russia, Mr. Thomas W. Lawson of Boston, Mr. Alexander M'Allan of Brooklyn, Hon. John Skelton Williams, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D. C. From Miss Ruth Shepard Granniss of New York came a copy of her privately printed book (one of 50 copies printed), "An American friend. of Southey;" and from Mr. Frederick Towne Proctor of Utica, New York, a copy of his work, "The Frederick Towne Proctor collection of antique watches and table clocks," Utica, N. Y., 1913. |