MESSAGE. : To the Senate and House of Representatives. FELLOW CITIZENS, Through the protecting care of an indulgent Providence, the representatives of this state are again convened, to perform the highest prerogatives delegated to freemen The great object, for which legislators assemble is, the public good; to consult on those measures which may be best adapted to promote the prosperity and happiness of the people. Government was instituted, to secure to the citizens their civil and religious immunities. And this being the annual meeting of the legislature, it will justify a circumspect and deliberate review of the general condition, circumstances, and wants of our constituents. Industry and economy should be cherished, for they constitute the real wealth of a community; and the respect, love and attachment of the citizens to their government, its actual strength. These are procured by the liberality and justice of the government, and when the affections of the people are secured, we may rely on their support on all trying emergencies. While we are reflecting upon principles and measures best suited to all these objects, we must not be unmindful of our public blessings. Among the numerous favours which claim our humble acknowledgments, we have witnessed a remarkable degree of health and prosperity, which it has pleased a kind Providence to bestow upon us during the past year. We have daily evidence of improvement in agriculture, manufactures, and the social and individual condition of society. And at the time we gratefully recollect divine favours enjoyed by our own state, we may joyfully contemplate our national prosperity and grandeur, and the invaluable privileges which flow to us under our happy system of government. The examples of patriotism and valour during our revolutionary struggles, have operated with irresistible influence on other countries, and the result has been the declaration of their independence, the security of civil liberty, and the enjoyment of many of those precious privileges which have raised these United States to the summit of human glory. And we are proud to say, South America, Europe, and the whole civilized world will forever have occasion to rejoice on account of the examples set by this republic. Here was the tree of liberty planted, and in this genial soil it has taken root, -its luxuriant branches overshadow the adjacent countries, and the fragrance of its blossoms animate their citizens to make like efforts, that they may enjoy similar blessings. With this spirit Bolivar, and the heroes of South America were inspired to contend for the liberation of their oppressed countrymen; and by it Byron was impelled, like the immortal Lafayette, to leave his country and his friends, to embark in the cause of emancipating the suffering Greeks from the tyranny and oppression of the Turkish Sultan; while a cold hearted and indifferent Alexander, could stand with folded arms and see them massacred before his eyes, till the Archipelago was crimsoned with their blood. And these grand marches of patriotism and benevolence were not the effect of an enthusiastic flight of imagination, but the mature and spontaneous result of sober reason and love of freedom glowing in a philanthropic breast. Who, that has a christian heart, or a generous mind, and is in any degree conversant with the history of nations, can compare our political standing, the liberty of our citizens, and majesty of our laws, with those of any other government on the globe, and not be filled with admiration, and sincerely desire that these blessings may be universally enjoyed? Here, the laws are absolute, and the people possess all that is essential to constitute the most perfect political freedom. In these principles, there is a laudable pride and universal acquiescence. To this pleasing eminence we are exalted, by the peculiar genius and provisions of our national constitution, the mild, wise and energetic administration of the several departments of the general government. The firm, dignified and independent policy early adopted by this republic, and uniformly pursued with other nations, continues to command the dread of tyrants, the respect of foreign powers, and the admiration of the world. Let South America continue to follow the examples she has commenced, and organize a democratic republic on the principles adopted in the United States, liberty of speech, of the press, and of religion, -let her elections be free and frequent, her laws plain and vigorous, and their execution uniform, let her establish seminaries of learning and common schools, let her encourage industry, agriculture, manufactures, commerce, internal improvements, and the use 5 ful arts, and the South American republics will be free, independent, permanent and powerful. In view of our numerous blessings, we have, as a nation, abundant reason for congratulations, on the prosperity, happiness and rising greatness of our beloved country. We ought to be thankful that divine Providence has placed in the Presidential Chair, a man of such extensive experience, political honesty, and pre-eminent qualifications, as JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. Being now prosperous at home and respected abroad, under the protection and smiles of a kind Providence, whose signal interpositions we have constantly enjoyed, we may encourage economy and the domestic arts, and cultivate those principles and habits which constitute the comfort, prosperity and happiness of our fellow citizens. While with peculiar pleasure I present to you these views of the general government, I should do injustice to my own feelings not to acknowledge the deep sense of gratitude which I entertain for the confidence and respect manifested toward me by the independent citizens of this state on a recent occasion. The obligations hereby merited can be discharged only, by a faithful performance of the several duties which devolve upon me with the office, with which I have been clothed. Although conscious of my own incapacity, I am determined to devote my powers to the public service, and endeavour, impartially, to discharge my constitutional functions, relying on divine Providence for assistance, your aid, and the indulgence of my fellow citizens to cast a mantle of charity over my errors and imperfections. There is nothing more gratifying to a public agent, than the approbation of those who call him into their service; and there is nothing more proper, than that his conduct should be such as to merit their applause. In a government like ours, this is expressed or withholden on the annual elections. The public sentiment on that occasion, has been more full in my favour, than I had reason to expect. And from this pleasing circumstance, I am led to infer, that higher expectations are entertained, by the citizens of this state, than I shall be able to satisfy. With these views and impressions, being called to aid in the administration of the executive part of government by the people in their primary meetings, I am induced to be more particular, than I otherwise should have been in expressing my political sentiments. It must be well understood that my political creed is republican. Of course my great objects |