Imagens das páginas
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he may see fit in order to enable him Mr. LAMB. I move that the gen- at some time in the course of our deto properly select the persons to be tleman have leave to withdraw his liberations, this matter of the traffic in placed upon these committees. In motion. intoxicating liquors must be referred that way these committees can be more No objection was made, and the mo- to a separate committee. I think it is satisfactorily constructed than they can tion was accordingly withdrawn. important that all the facts, pro and by any possibility be by this committee The question recurred upon agree- con, in relation to the liquor traffic, of fourteen members, or, as proposed ing to the report as amended. and the present system upon that subby the amendment, by any committee Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH. I ject, should be brought before the Conof seven members. For my part, I move to further amend the report by vention, and perhaps it may be as well shall be content to have the usual adding to the committees therein to make provision for a committee course pursued, and have those com- recommended, a committee of five upon the subject now, as at any other mittees appointed by the President of upon the subject of the traffic in in- time, so that time may be given them this Convention. toxicatig liquors. to prepare such a report as they may think best. Upon the whole, I rather favor the appointment of a committee at this time.

Mr. NORRIS. As one member of Mr. BIRNEY. That matter was conthe committee whose report is now sidered by the committee which made under consideration, and representing this report. The section of the Conin part the minority of this Convention, stitution relating to that subject is Mr.. GIDDINGS. It was underspeaking for myself, and perhaps I contained in the article on the legisla- stood by the committee, that this submay say in behalf of my colleagues, tive department. That subject will be ject of the liquor traffic would come for I think I represent their feelings in presented in the report of the com- up naturally, in the report of the comthe matter, I will say that we are wil-mittee on that article, either by their mittee on the legislative department. ling to leave the disposition of this sub- recommending the section as it now As has already been stated, we followject where it properly belongs-with stands, or some modification or altera- ed substantially the division of subjects the majority here. But we desire to tion of it. In that way the whole in the present Constitution. There express a decided preference for the question will come before this Conven- was an expectation on the part of the appointment of the committees by the tion. He could see no particular rea- committee, as I suppose there President, in whose ability and impar- son for such a committee, unless it tiality we have entire confidence, and might be to have a committee to which we trust that such will be the course could be referred petitions upon the decided upon by the majority. subject; and even then, as the legislaThe question was upon the amend- tive committee would have charge of ment of Mr. CHAPIN. that subject, they could be referred to that committee. However, the committee on that mode of procedure were not especially opposed to the appointment of a separate committee upon that subject.

The PRESIDENT. Before putting the question, the Chair desires to say, with the permission of the Convention, that he trusts no feeling of delicacy towards the Chair will influence any member in voting upon this question. It would certainly afford great pleasure to the Chair to be relieved from the responsibility of appointing these committees.

The question was taken upon the amendment of Mr. CHAPIN, and it was not agreed to.

The question recurred upon the motion of Mr. FERRIS.

part of every other member of this Convention, that this subject will be fully and thoroughly discussed. But the most effectual action, which can or will be taken upon the subject embraced in the motion of the gentleman from Oakland, (Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH,) would be taken in the legislative halls. In the organic law of the State there will be, it is evident, but a single clause of some kind, upon the subject. It will be seen, by reference to the Therefore it does not seem necessary report of the committee, that the ap- to have the subject treated in a sepapointment of twenty-three separate rate article, which shall require a discommittees is recommended, compri- tinct committee, separate from the one sing 162 members, to be selected from which will consider all other points in the 99 members of the Convention, ex- the legislative department. The subclusive of the President, and an addi-ject naturally falls to the legislative tional committee, consisting of seven department; substantially all that has members, has been added to the list on been done or effected upon the subject the motion of the gentleman from Ing- of the liquor traffic, has been accomMr. FERRIS. I submitted the ham, (MR. LONGYEAR.) It will be found plished by prohibitory laws. I supmotion I made for the purpose of that every subject now embraced in the pose it will be just as thoroughly disbringing the matter distinctly before Constitution must come before the cussed, if left to come up in the shape the Convention, in order that members Convention in the reports of the com- it has always heretofore taken, as it might express their views upon it, and mittees now recommended. will if carved out and set one side by that we might be enabled to vote un- Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH. I can itself; because all that will be finally derstandingly. My own views in re- see no objection to the appointment of consummated in regard to it, if anygard to the matter have been changed a separate committee upon this sub- thing is ever to be done, must be by the suggestions which have been ject of the traffic in intoxicating liquors. accomplished by legislative enactment. made by gentlemen upon this floor. It is certainly a grave subject, one de- Mr. HOWARD. I should favor the Through you, Mr. President, I thank manding the attention of the whole proposition of my friend from Oakland, those gentlemen for their suggestions State, and one which I think is entitled (Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH), if for no as to the impropriety or inexpediency to a separate committee. I hope the other reason than to economize the of the motion I submitted. I therefore Convention will order the appointment time of this Convention. I apprehend ask leave to withdraw that motion. of a committee for this purpose. that the committee on the legislative department will have enough to attend to without being encumbered with the many petitions and remonstrances which will be received on this subject. I believe there is no subject now before the people of this State which engages the attention of the public to the extent that the question

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The PRESIDENT. The Chair is of Mr. MUSSEY. As has been stated opinion that under strict parliamen- by the chairman of the committee, tary rules, after a motion or proposi- (Mr. BIRNEY,) who submitted this retion has been received by the Conven- port, this matter was considered by tion, considered, and amendments to the committee, and it was thought best it moved and voted upon, it cannot be withdrawn by the mover without the consent of the Convention.

to leave it for the time being just as it
now is. As one of that committee I
believed then, and I believe now, that

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of the traffic in ardent spirits does at provision for a prohibitory liquor law. recommendations to the Convention as this time. There is diversity of sen- All are acquainted with its operation; | will be just and proper. timent even among the temperance with the effect it has had in the com- I hope, therefore, that a committee people of the State in regard to the munity upon this traffic. There is but of at least five members-I think the best method to be adopted. A large one clause upon this subject in the number should be larger-will be approportion of the people are in favor present Constitution, and that one is pointed upon this subject, to take the of some measure to prevent the traffic directory to the legislative branch of whole question of the liquor traffic in ardent spiris. Their various senti- the government. into consideration, and act upon it. ments will be expressed by petitions. Now, I do not apprehend that this Without taking up more of the time and remonstrances. I apprehend there body is in any sense a legislative body. of the Convention, I will close by sayis no impropriety, in fact that there is We are here for the purpose of revi- ing that I hope the proposition of the great propriety, in referring this sub- sing and amending the Constitution of gentleman from Oakland, (Mr. VAN ject to a distinct committee, which will the State of Michigan. This subject VALKENBURGH,) will be adopted. not only be able to give it that consid- of the liquor traffic, is one to be con- Mr. BILLS. Without expressing eration which the importance of the sidered in reference to the legislative any opinion, or making any suggestion subject demands, but to keep it sep-department. For this Convention to as to the final disposition which should arate and apart from the other sub-pass prohibitory liquor laws would be be made of this question of the traffic jects which will be considered by the absurd; it cannot do it. We can ex- in intoxicating liquors, it seems to me committee on the legislative depart-tend power to the Legislature to grant that the business of the Convention ment. licenses for the sale of spirituous will be facilitated by the appointment liquors, or to regulate the traffic of this additional committee. therein; or we may prohibit the Leg- committee on the legislative departislature, as in the present Constitution, ment will be a large one, it is true; from granting such licenses. All there but it will have a very large amount of is in the Constitution which we are business before it. The labors of that about to amend, upon this subject, is committee will be lessened somewhat simply a clause prohibiting the Legis- by assigning to a separate committee lature from granting licenses for the all matters relating to this question. sale of spirituous liquors. For that reason, and for the purpose of facilitating the business of the Convention, I shall favor the appointment of this additional committee.

The gentleman who last addressed the Convention said that all that had been or would be done would, in his opinion, be accomplished by the Legislature. I apprehend that all that has been done in preventing the traffic in intoxicating liquors has been done by the Legislature. Now, I am of the opinion that all that has been done to prevent the many evils resulting from this traf- Mr. ROOT. I am in favor of the fic has been done up to the present proposition of the gentleman from time by virtue of the provision in our Oakland, (Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH). But present Constitution against the grant- I do not suppose that we are going at ing of licenses for the sale of intoxi- this time to discuss the liquor quescating liquors. That is one step that tion. The subject involved is one has been taken by the people of this which will occupy the attention of this State. Convention, and which will interest the people of this State, as much as, or more than any other subject which will be before us. Hence, I think it proper that there should be a separate committee to act upon this important subject.

I believe, though in this I may be mistaken, that the people propose to take a step in advance of that in this great reform, and instead of merely having a clause in the Constitution prohibiting the granting of licenses, to prohibit the manufacture as well as the sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. A large proportion of the people of this State will insist upon a provision of that kind.

Therefore, I see great propriety in the appointment of this committee. I believe I speak the sentiment of the temperance element of the State, when I say that they will demand the appointment of a separate committee, to which this important subject can be referred—a committee with whom the temperance people of the State can communicate freely and intelligently, whose attention will not be embarrassed by other subjects that will come before the committee on the legislative department. I therefore earnestly hope this subject will be referred to a separate committee, to be composed of five members or more.

Mr. W. A. SMITH. It is well known to all that we can do nothing now but simply direct the Legislature how to act upon this subject. We have already in the present Constitution, a


Mr. LUCE. I think if we are to have this additional committee, five members are too few to be upon it. All our committees who are expected to have the consideration of important subjects, are composed of at least seven members. I move to amend the amendment of the gentleman from Oakland, (Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH,) by making the number of members to compose this committee nine instead of five.

monstrances upon the subject of this traffic will be sent here, and it will be impossible for a committee having charge of other subjects to give them the consideration their importance will demand.

Mr. TYLER. I do not propose to occupy the attention of the Convention Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH. I acupon this subject but a few moments. cept the amendment to my amendment. I apprehend there will be more petiMr. FERRIS. I am very glad, for tions upon this subject presented here my part, that the motion has been for reference to some committee than made for the appointment of this addiupon any other subject which will be tional committee, for reasons which acted upon by this Convention. With have already been assigned by gentleall respect for those gentlemen who men who have spoken upon this quesclaim that there will be committees tion. A vast mass of petitions and reenough without this one, with due regard for their judgment, I beg to differ with them. With the gentleman from Oakland, (Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH), I must say that I hope this additional committee will be ordered by the Convention. There has been more discus- And I shall support the proposition sion in connection with this subject for another reason. We are just cloamong the people of this State, espe- sing up the great issues which have cially in the southern part of the State, agitated the country since you, Mr. than in connection with any other one President, and myself, entered upon question, and I think the considera- the theatre of public life. Other issues tion of the numerous petitions which will arise to demand the deliberate atwill be presented here on this subject tention and action of the people. One should be devolved upon a committee of those issues will be the one between which will have ample opportunity to the friends of the policy of absolute consider it by itself, and make such prohibition and exclusion, and the


friends of the policy of regulating the traffic in intoxicating liquors by means of licenses. And without claiming to be a prophet, or even the son of a prophet, I venture the prediction that this question will be the rope by means of which the bell of our politics will be rung for two years from now, and perhaps longer.

Therefore because of the intense feeling all over the country upon this subject, I am anxious that this Convention shall so deliberate and act

upon it, that we all may be able to go before our constituents when we return from here, and say that we have tried in this exigency to deal carefully and wisely with this great public in

terest. For that reason I am in favor

of the proposition as modified, to have a committee of nine members appointed, so that we may bring to the consideration of this question and the

recommendation to the people which will grow out of our action here, the greatest wisdom and prudence, and the best consideration of which this body is capable.

another committee in its report, will
be a somewhat delicate duty to be
performed by any committee.

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Mr. P. D. WARNER. I rise to a
question of order. My point of order
is that after the previous question has
been seconded, and the main question
ordered, no further debate is in order.
Mr. PRINGLE. As I have but re-

cently come into the hall, I may not
perhaps have understood the precise
position of the question before the
Convention. I desired to offer an
amendment to this report, and sup-
posed that it was in order for me to do
so at this time.

The PRESIDENT. A demand was
made for the previous question, which
was seconded, and the main question
ordered. The Chair understood it to
The Chair understood it to
apply not only to the amendment then
pending, but also to the original report.

The report as amended was then adopted.




Mr. PRINGLE. I offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology be enlarged, and be made to consist of the chairmen of all the other standing committees.

It was upon this subject that I desired, a few moments ago, to offer an amendment to the report of the committee on the mode of procedure. mittee on the mode of procedure. I then said, preliminary to the motion I had intended to make, that the duties of this committee on arrangement and of this committee on arrangement and phraseology would be, I imagined, of a somewhat delicate nature. I therefore suggest this as the best means of avoiding the performance of such a duty, or of obviating, as far as possible, the delicate nature of it.

The arrangement of the different

parts of a Constitution, is an impor

tant matter. Another important matter is the selection of the phraseology to be used in expressing what may be embraced in that Constitution. The Mr. HAZEN. I desire to announce members of one committee will adopt that Mr. CONGER, one of the delegates certain phraseology to express their Mr. STOCKWELL. I do not rise from St. Clair county is now present views; and their feelings may, perhaps, to add anything to the remarks which and ready to take the oath of office. be somewhat rudely jarred, should have been made; but simply to express Mr. LUCE. I desire to make a simanother committee remodel their phramy approval of the proposition to ap-ilar announcement in reference to one seology without consulting them. Now point a committee of nine members to of my colleagues, Mr. BARBER. in my judgment, there ought to be, consider and report upon this which I Accordingly, Mr. OMAR D. CONGER, from the beginning to the end of the deem to be a very important subject. of St. Clair county, and Mr. JULIUS S. deliberations of this Convention, full I sincerely hope that the report of the BARBER, of Branch county, presented concert between the different comcommittee will be amended as pro- themselves, and subscribed to and posed, and that such a committee may be appointed.

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Mr. LEACH. As one of the committee whose report is now under consideration, I desire to say that I have

took the oath of office, which was ad-mittees; a connected action, a working
together, which I think can, perhaps,
ministered by the President.
be secured to some extent by the ar-
rangement I have proposed. That
arrangement, whenever questions shall
arise as to the proper arrangement of
the different articles of the Constitu-
the different articles of the Constitu-
tion, or as to the language which shall
be employed in expressing the mean-
ing of the different sections, will bring
together representatives of all the com-
mittees of the Convention. Thinking
that in this way the harmony of the
Convention, the working power of the
Convention, will be increased, I have
offered this resolution.

CONSTITUTIONS OF 1835 AND 1850. Mr. TURNER. I move to take from no objection to the appointment of this the table a resolution I offered yestercommittee. I think it quite likely that day, in relation to printing the Constiits appointment will facilitate the tutions of 1835 and 1850. My object transaction of our business. I think in calling it up at this time is to move the Convention is now well prepared to amend it by striking out all that to vote upon the question. It is im- portion of it which relates to the Conportant that we should get through stitution of 1850. our business as early as possible this morning, so as to give the President time to appoint the committees. I therefore call the previous question.

The previous question was seconded and the main question ordered; and under the operation thereof the amendment of MR. VAN VALKENBURGH Was agreed to.

The motion was agreed to, and the resolution was taken from the table. The resolution was as follows:

Resolved, That the Secretary of State be instructed to cause to be published, in one pamphlet, 200 copies of the Constitutions of 1835 and 1850, with the amendments thereto, for the use of the Convention.

The amendment was agreed to.

And there is another thing against which I would be glad to guard. There will be some twenty odd committees composed of from five to thirteen The most of them

each other. We who are upon those committees will pass days and even

Mr. TURNER. I move to amend members each. the resolution by striking out the will be large committees, meeting in The question was upon agreeing to words "Constitutions of 1835 and different places and at different times, the report of the committee as amended. 1850," and inserting the words "Con- and acting without consultation with Mr. PRINGLE. I find upon look-stitution of 1835.” ing over the list of committees recommended by the report of the committee on the mode of procedure, that it includes a committee on arrangement and phraseology. The duties of that committee, I fancy, will be of a somewhat delicate nature. To correct the phraseology that has been adopted by

Mr. ROOT. I move to further I move to further ings I suppose, in our committee rooms, amend by striking out all that relates considering and determining what in amend by striking out all that relates to the Constitution of 1835. our judgment ought to be the action of the committees upon which we hapto the Constitution of 1835. pen to be placed. And we shall naturally like our own work, the work of our own minds. Bye-and-bye, twenty,

The amendment was not agreed to. The resolution as amended was then adopted.

thirty or sixty days more, perhaps, these reports will come in from these twenty odd committees; and they would be more than men if they were not disposed to stand by the work of their own hands, and insist that the particular articles they report shall go untouched into the Constitution. That will be the case with every committee, and the result may be like that in the present Constitution of this State, a copy of which I now hold in my hand, where the same subject is embraced in different articles. In consequence of that, questions have been raised which the lawyers and judges have not yet been able to settle; to reach all of which would perhaps take a great while.

proper order, and to express in proper a question of order involved in regard
language, the various provisions of the to the method in which he proposes
Constitution, after we in Convention to accomplish his purpose. This Con-
shall have decided what those articles vention, after amending the report,
shall be. If I am correct in that, then adopted it. The gentleman now moves
that committee will not be called upon to enlarge one of the committees pro-
to enter upon the discharge of its vided for by that report, which is,
duties until near the close of the ses- practically, to amend the report. I
sion of this Convention. The labor would suggest that the proper course
they will have to perform will be after would be to move to reconsider the
we have decided what we will have for vote by which the report was adopted
a Constitution. It seems to me there- and then move to amend it in the way
fore, that the proposition of the gentle- he has indicated.
man is rather premature.

Mr. BILLS. Saying nothing about Even if I am not correct in that the irregularity of the method by which opinion, I do not think the gentleman the gentleman seeks to accomplish his will secure the object he seems to have object, this thought has occurred to me; in view, by the means he proposes, for his resolution seems to contemplate this reason: one committee will report precisely that which is provided for by In looking over the present Consti- next week, another will not be able to the report of the committee which has tution I notice four different provisions, report till the week afterward; one been adopted, the appointment of a upon four different pages, in separate committee may report in part, and we committee on arrangement an phrasearticles, all relating to the condemna- may proceed to act upon this report, ology. But the argument which he tion of lands when needed and taken while they are deliberating upon the made in support of his resolution, for public purposes. In one case I rest of the work before them. It will seemed to go beyond that. The evils think a jury is required to determine therefore be impracticable for this com- to which he has referred in connection as to the necessity. In another case mittee on arrangement and phrase- with the present constitution, the the intervention of the jury does not ology to get together and decide just having several provisions in different seem to be required. The regulations how the Constitution shall be expressed parts of the constitution, all relating in some respects are contradictory. and arranged, until the whole Consti- to the same subject, and those provisBut for this liking which men have for tution has been passed upon by the ions being contradictory in their nathe work of their own hands I imagine Convention. ture, are not, if I understand it, subsuch contradictory provisions would Therefore, I think this motion is ject matters for the consideration of never have been introduced into one premature. It may be proper near the. the committee on arrangement and and the same instrument. close of the session to increase the phraseology. The language of the Now I would like to guard against committee on arrangement and phrase- resolution contemplates simply a comthis by providing for a concert of ac-ology, and it may be very likely that mittee to arrange the articles of the tion between our various committees, the chairman of the other committees Constitution in their order, and the which I think can be done by having will be the very best persons that we phraseology to be employed to express a committee of arrangement, upon can put upon that committee. It is the ideas which shall be embraced in which shall be a representative of each possible that may be the case; I am the Constitution. The contradictory of the other committees. Upon them not prepared to decide that question. provisions which may be in those difI would have devolved the duty both But I would prefer to let the matter ferent articles would not be subject of arrangement and phraseology. This rest for the present, until we have matters to be regulated by that comseems to me the best way in which to mittee, if I understand their duties. accomplish the beneficial results of which I am speaking, and to guard against the evils which I think are incident to the matter. Members of former Legislatures and Conventions I think will bear me out in what I have said in regard to the working of legislative and deliberative bodies; the desire of members of committees to see their own work remain untouched, a desire incident to human nature, and to which I think I can trace some of the imperfections of our present Constitution, which imperfections I do not wish to see repeated in the instrument we have met here to frame and to present to the people.


made some further progress; I shall
therefore oppose the adoption of the
resolution now before the Convention.

Mr. PRINGLE. My understanding is that it is entirely competent for this Mr. PRINGLE. I wish simply to Convention at any time, before or after say that so far as my motion being these committees are appointed, to enpremature is concerned, if it is prema- large the number of members on any ture, then it certainly is premature to committee, or to increase the number appoint the committee on arrangement of committees. It is competent to do and phraseology as contemplated by it by resolution, by report of another the report we have just adopted. That committee, or in any other way which report contemplates that this shall be one of our standing committees, and that it shall be now appointed by the Chair. I think, for the reasons I have stated, that it should be constituted in the way I have mentioned. And whenever it may be appointed, I do not think it is premature to be thinking of the manner in which it should be constituted.

Mr. MUSSEY. I think I understand the purpose which the gentleman from Jackson (MR. PRINGLE) Mr. BIRNEY. I do not know but has in view, but I think his motion there is great merit in the proposition is entirely premature. If I under- of the gentleman from Jackson, (Mr. stand the duty which the committee PRINGLE,) and I have no disposition to of arrangement and phraseology is ex- oppose the object he has in view. It pected to perform, it is to arrange in appears to me, however, that there is

may be proposed. I submit there would be no irregularity in this Convention changing or enlarging any of its committees. I propose to accomplish in this way what might have been accomplished in another way, by amending the report of the committee before it was adopted.

As to the suggestion made by the gentleman from Lenawee, (Mr. BILLS,) I have to say, that while I do not suppose this committee will take upon itself to say what shall be in the Constitution; that is, to say what particular provisions, machinery or restrictions shall be in the Constitution,-

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pursuance of resolutions adopted The PRESIDENT announced that by the Convention, he had made the following appointments: scribed to and took the oath of office, Committee on Rules-Messrs. WILLI- which was administered by the PresiAMS, P. D. WARNER, D. GOODWIN, LAMB and UTLEY.


Committee to wait on Clergymen


Firemen for the Convention-W. D.



Mr. HOWARD. I have here a petition upon the subject of the traffic in intoxicating liquors. Inasmuch as the committee upon that subject, which was ordered by the Convention on yesterday, has not been yet appointed, The PBESIDENT laid before the I will move that the petition be reConvention the following communica-ceived and laid upon the table for the tion, which was read:


Mr. GIDDINGS. We ought to be sure and understand what will be the result of the vote which we may give upon this question. If I understand rightly, the resolution of the gentle-Messrs. VAN VALKENBURGH and Bradman from Jackson, (Mr. PRINGLE,) it proposes to do away with the committee recommended in the report just adopted, and to substitute in its place another committee composed of the chairmen of the several standing committees. That is, you are to take the chairmen of the various standing committees and constitute of them a new committee of arrangement and phraseology, doing away entirely with the committee provided for by the report which we have adopted.

LANSING, May 15, 1867.
HoN. C. M. CROSWELL, President Constitu-

tional Convention:

SIR-In pursuance of a resolution passed by the Convention, I have this day appointed as Asst. Sergeant-at-Arms, Capt. George L. Montgomery, Ingham county, and as keeper of the cloak room, H. H. Seaver, of Lenawee

Mr. NINDE. I move that the resolution of the gentleman from Jack-county. son, (Mr. PRINGLE,) be laid upon the table.

The motion was agreed to.


Sergeant-at-Arms Con. Conventiou.
And then, on motion of Mr. LOV-

The Convention, (at 25 minutes of Mr. HOLT. I submit the following 12 o'clock, M.,) adjourned. resolution:

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FRIDAY, May 17, 1867.
The Convention met at 10 o'clock
A. M., and was called to order by the



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gest to the gentleman that he had Mr. P. D. WARNER. I would sugbetter retain the petition in his possession until the committee shall have been appointed, and thus obviate the necessity of submitting a motion to take the petition from the table and refer it.

Mr. HOWARD. I will accept the suggestion of the gentleman, and withdraw my motion.


The PRESIDENT. There being no standing committees, reports from select committees are now in order.

Mr. PRINGLE. From the committee on reporting, submitted the following report:


The special committee, to whom was referred certain matters relating to the number and compensation of reporters, and the exPrayer by Rev. Mr. Weed. pense of printing 1,000 copies of the report The roll was called, and a daily, respectfully report that from the best information they can obtain, one or two reanswered to their names. porters will probably be able, for some days, On motion of Mr. MILES, to perform these duties, but that three or The reading of the journal of yes- more will probably be required before the terday was dispensed with.


Mr. PRATT. The delegate from lowing resolution, which was not Marquette county, Mr. INGALLS, is now adopted: present and ready to qualify. I ask that the Constitutional oath be now

Resolved, That a committee of nine on In

ternal Improvements, be added to the original administered to him.

report of the committee.

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Mr. MUSSEY. I make the same DIAGRAM OF THE HALL. request in reference to my colleague, Mr. GIDDINGS. It has been Mr. ANDRUS, who is now present. gested to me that there should be a Mr. BURTCH. I would inquire if, diagram struck off by the printer, of under the law calling this Convention, this room, with the names of members the Secretary of State is not the only and location of their seats, in order to person who can legitimately adminisenable the President the more easily ter the oath to members of this Conto recognize and designate members. vention? I do not known exactly who is the The PRESIDENT. On yesterday proper person to instruct to perform the Chair sought the advice of the that duty; but I will move that the Convention upon this question, and it Secretary of the Convention be in- seemed to be the general assent and structed to cause to be prepared a dia- understanding that the oath might be gram of this hall, with the names of administered by the President of the

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The committee have no certain data by which to predict the length of the daily reports, but for the purpose of an estimate, will be equal to twelve pages, set solid, of the they have assumed that the average length daily journal. The daily expense of composition and press work for 1,000 copies of such an amount of matter would be, according to present contract prices, about $34 16, and for paper $20 84 more, or $55 per diem. Each additional 1,000 copies would cost about $23. Twelve such pages would make about twenty-six and two-third pages of a book like that containing the debates of the Constitutional Convention of 1850. Thirty working days of such a session would produce a volume of 800 pages; sixty working days, two such volumes.

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