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Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH asked and obtained leave of absence for Mr. MCCONNELL until to-morrow.

Mr. T. G. SMITH asked and obtained leave of absence until to-morrow for Messrs. HOWARD, TURNER and HUSTON.

Mr. BLACKMAN asked and obtained leave of absence until to-morrow for Mr. DUNCOMBE.


feel disposed to yield in reference to of the State. We have made such arthis matter. I do not, however, agree rangements that information can easily with the gentleman from Monroe, (Mr. | be obtained by the public prints of all MORTON,) that the resolution which has the 'proceedings of this Convention, been adopted by the Convention is and spread before the people of the contrary to the spirit of the Constitu- State. The resolution cannot be said tion of this State, however opposed it to be a matter of public necessity, for may appear to be to the letter of the the documents that will be sent by members of this Convention will go to Constitution. At the time that Constitution was very few people throughout the State. framed, postage was not required to I believe but a thousand copies are be prepaid, as is now the case; and printed of the journal; some of them consequently the Convention incorpo- will be used here, and the remainder rated the section which gives to the would supply scarcely a hundredth Legislature the power to make arange- part of the voters of the State. ment with reference to the payment of fact, the sending of documents by the postage on the mailable matter that members of this Convention is more may be received by its members. The in the nature of a compliment to their object of that section is that members constituents than anything else; thereof the Legislature shall not be sub-fore it would seem to be proper Mr. PRINGLE presented the peti-jected to expense for postage on mat- the members should pay their own tion of John S. Osborne, Rev. John ters in which they really have no in- postage.

Mr. CONGER presented the petition of F. C. Langer, and of 243 other citizens of Marine city, St. Clair county, praying for a license system and the repeal of the prohibitory clause in the Constitution; which was referred to the committee on intoxicating liquors.

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Dunham, R. R. Singlet, C. Angevine terest, but on the contrary the parties And the resolution would seem to and thirty others, legal voters of the who are interested are their constitu- be in conflict with the spirit of the township of Rives, Jackson county, ents. Therefore, I do not think the Constitution. The Legislature could praying that Sec. 47, Art. 4, of the resolution which has been adopted is not pass a law of this kind without a present Constitution be, in principle at contrary to the spirit of the Constitu- clear infraction of the Constitution, for least, retained in the new instrument; tion, and some of our lawyers here seem it is prohibited from providing for the which was referred to the committee to entertain the same opinion. Now, payment by the State of the poston intoxicating liquors. I am not particular whether the reso-age on the matter mailed by its memlution is rescinded or not; but if it is bers. And does this body possess to remain in operation I think its effect such a right? It may be said that


Mr. HENDERSON offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the word "document," in the resolution passed by this Convention on the 17th instant, relative to postage, shall be

construed to mean the journals and debates of this Convention, and that no other mail matter shall be deemed within the scope of the resolution.

Mr. MORTON. I offer the following as a substitute for the resolution: Resolved, That the resolution heretofore adopted, requiring the postmaster of the Convention to pay the postage on all documents and journals sent by members, be and

the same is hereby rescinded.


should be restricted at least to the ex- the letter of the Constitution does not
tent indicated by the resolution I have reach this Convention. But does not
the spirit of it apply to us? If
Mr. STOUGHTON. I hope the this resolution is continued in force,
substitute will prevail. It seems to a debt will be created against the
me that its adoption is at least a mat- State. And, I take it, that cannot
ter of policy and expediency. We properly be done, without some pos-
know very well that the public, and itive law, or by the operation of some
with some propriety, too, look with a
great deal of prejudice upon the frank-
ing privilege; and the resolution it is
proposed to rescind can be construed
as nothing more or less than that.

provision of law. That this Convention has the right to pass any law, I do not think will for a moment be contended. It has no legislative power whatever. How then can we rightfully I think we shall run beyond the ap- If there was no other reason for its create any indebtedness against the propriation of $80,000 made by the repeal, I think it should be repealed State? We may do so in the proper Legislature, unless we restrict rather for the reason that it will be establish- discharge of the duties for which we than extend our expenditures. As I ing a precedent here that may per- are called together, by incurring the understand, the Convention of 1850 ran haps hereafter be attended with evil necessary expenses that flow from up for this purpose, during the first consequences. That provision of the the sitting of the Convention itself. eight or ten days of the session, a bill Constitution relating to the subject of But it seems to me that this Convenof some $700, and then found it nec- postage upon mailable matter, will tion cannot depart from the strict line essary to put a stop to the whole sys- probably come up for consideration by of its duties, and create an indebtedtem. I believe that resolution is con- this Convention; and if we allow this ness against the State for something trary to the spirit of the section of the resolution to continue in force as it which is not absolutely necessary for Constitution relating to postage. That now stands upon our records, and per- the Convention, and not strictly within section may not perhaps apply in terms mit members of this body virtually to the scope of its duties and powers. And then, how shall the indebtedto this Convention; but it does to the frank all their mailable matter, we canLegislature which gave us power to not with a good grace refuse the same ness be paid? Suppose the postmaster act. I think that, under all the cir- privilege to members of the Legislature. of the Convention obtains these postcumstances, the resolution should be Besides, it appears to me that there age stamps from the post office here; rescinded. is no positive necessity for such a reso- can the postmaster of the city go to Mr. HENDERSON. I shall vote for lution. We have provided for report- the State Treasurer and draw the the substitute, and I should myself ers to this Convention, and for the pub-money for them, or to the State Audihave offered a resolution embodying lication of our journal and debates. tor and get the order for the money? the same sentiment, but for a feeling of We have also provided that those jour-At the best, I think there is an uncerdelicacy on my part on account of nals and debates shall be sent to all tainty about the matter. I think the opinions I have heard expressed by State officers, to the Judges of the safest course for us to pursue, is to relegal men here, to whose judgment I Supreme Court, and to the newspapers scind this resolution, and leave the


Resolved, That if they are so constitution

not endure it,


I rise to a

matter to stand with regard to this
Convention the same as with the Legally formed, or by education and habit that
by taking so much solids that they are not in
the habit of partaking of, that so many as are
Mr. ALEXANDER. When this res-alarmed at the quantity of the dose, from an
olution was adopted by the Conven-apprehension that their constitutions could
tion, I thought as I think now, that
perhaps it was unconstitutional; or
that at least it was unwise to establish
a precedent of the kind. I hope,
therefore, that the substitute of the
gentleman from Monroe (Mr. MORTON)
will be adopted. I have not taken ad-
vantage of the passage of the resolu-
tion, but have paid my own postage
since that time, the same as I did


Mr. CONGER. At the time the res

olution under discussion was adopted

there was a full Convention, while today there are absent probably some twenty or more members who were then present. Out of courtesy to them it may be well to let this subject go over until to-morrow, after they shall have returned. I will not make a motion to that effect, but make the suggestion to the mover of the resolution now pending.

Mr. HENDERSON. I move that the substitute be laid on the table.

The PRESIDENT. That motion, if agreed to, will carry the resolution to the table also.

The question was taken, and upon a division, ayes 41, noes 30, the resolution and substitute were laid upon the



Mr. P. D. WARNER offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the use of Representative Hall, for this evening, be tendered to Rev. J. Russell, for the purpose of speaking upon the subject of Temperance.


Mr. BURTCH. I send a proposition to the Secretary's desk.

The Secretary proceeded to read as follows:

A motion to reconsider the vote, the following preamble and resolution were indefinitely postponed:

Whereas, It hath pleased Almighty God, and the good people of the State of Michigan, that this Convention should assemble for the purpose of erecting anew the temple of liberty, that justice should be the chief cornerstone, that it should be ornamented with liberty, equality and humanity;

Therefore be it resolved by the members of this Convention, That we will be governed by no selfish, party or partisan influence whatever, and that the several committees which shall be selected, shall act in accordance with the foregoing preamble and this resolution.

The following supplement to the foregoing preamble and resolution iş offered:

Whereas, The foregoing preamble and resolution seems to be distasteful and not con

genial to the constitution, education and habits of a few; therefore, be it

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question of order; that the paper te
which is being read is disrespectful to
this Convention.

The PRESIDENT. At any rate, it
may be held that the motion to recon-
sider is not now in order. Under the

19. Shall the amended Constitution be submitted at a special election, or at the spring election of 1868 ? .

20. Shall the Governor and the State offic

cers have a seat in either House, with a right of debating and proposing any measures

rules now governing the action of this they may think expedient?
Convention, a motion to reconsider I offer this resolution with a view of
must be made by a member who voted provoking some expression of the pub-
with the majority, on the day the orig-lic opinion of this State upon the vari-
ceeding day. The Chair, therefore,
ginal vote was taken, or on the suc-

rules that this motion cannot now be



Mr. MCCLELLAND offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the Secretary of State be

requested to report to this Convention, the
number of votes cast for and against each
amendment to the present Constitution, and
the highest number of votes cast otherwise at
such election, when such amendment was
passed upon by the electors of the State.

ous questions suggested in this resolusince we were elected delegates to this tion. It is now nearly seven weeks honorable body, yet the press of the entire State, with perhaps one or two exceptions, has been as silent as the grave upon any of the various questions that are likely to come before this body.

Now we are delegates here to represent the will and wishes of our constituents, and we desire to know what that will is. For one, representing in part one of the largest counties in the State, I do not myself know the wishes of but a small minority of my conMr. NORRIS. I offer the following stituents upon any one question I have resolution: suggested in my resolution. I do not suppose that all the wisdom of the State is represented on the floor of this Convention.


Resolved, That the editors of the daily and
weekly press of this State, and such citizens
as have access to a local paper, and as may
desire so to do, are hereby invited by this Con-
vention to present their views as to the
changes they deem essential or expedient, in
the present Constitution.

discussion of the following propositions:
1. Shall the Seat
Seat of Government be

Among other matters they are invited to a

2. Shall the numbers of the Senators and Representatives be increased? Shall they be elected by single districts? Shall a moiety of the Senate be elected at every alternate election?

3. Shall there be annual sessions of the

4. Shall the veto power be restrained?
5. The compensation of members of the

6. Shall the system of the New York Court
of Appeals be adopted?

7. Shall County Courts with limited civil
and full Probate jurisdiction be created?
8. Shall the powers and duties of Circuit
Court Commissioners be conferred upon these
county judges, if created?

9. Shall the Judiciary be elective or appoint-
ive, and what shall be their term of office?

10. What disposition shall be made of the Suffrage question--as to colored persons, minors and females?

11. Shall the Auditor General's office be abolished, and its duties conferred on County Treasurers ?

12. Shall the duties of Land Commissioner be entrusted to the State Treasurer?

13. How liberal shall be the salaries of the State, executive and judicial offices?

14. Shall the Board of Supervisors be re-
placed by County Commissioners?

15. Shall County Clerks be appointed by
the District Judges?
16. Shall the present Constitution be
amended as to banks and banking exemp-


In fact, we have rather high republican authority for saying that we are rather ancient, crystalized fossils, rather aged specimens of worn out men. (Laughter.) Whether that be so or not, we certainly are not too old to learn, even from the mouths of babes and sucklings, as it were. We are not too old to desire to know what is the will of our constituents. And, for one, I desire that at least some of the editors who have criticised our ability and appearance so freely, shall enlighten us as to what are our duties. It is possible that from the tripod erected under the benign influence of our State institutions may come information which will be of great benefit to us. At any rate, the adoption of my resolution may provoke discussion; and while it will commit us to no particular line of action, it may elicit some information which will be of benefit to the Convention.

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sion. If we are to have the members educated in these respects, I do not suppose that the press are more enlightened than the delegates who in this hall represent the people. Entertaining that view of the subject, I am opposed to the passage of the resolution.

Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH. I hope this resolution will not be adopted. I apprehend that the object of this Convention is to decide these very questions. For one I should be very unwilling to go about the State and ask information of editors in regard to the questions involved. Whatever they may say about fossil members here, I think we can act for ourselves upon these subjects, without consulting the editors. I hope this resolution will not be adopted.

Washtenaw, (Mr. NORRIS,) and as is formed. The discussion has not been
patent to all of us, the subjects most going on for months; the people have
likely to come under discussion here not expressed their will upon the many
have not been very much considered subjects which will be brought before
by the people of this State. The us.
changes which are likely to be made If the recess is taken as proposed in
are indicated, perhaps, to each mem- the resolution I have offered, then
ber, more or less, in certain crude ideas these committees taking the matters
that he may have upon the subject. referred to them in their particular
And I think I will not be far amiss if charge, considering them for weeks or
I say that of the hundred men elected months, as the case may be, can then
to this Convention, very few, perhaps come together here prepared to repre-
not three, perhaps not one, (I certainly sent the best ideas of the State, and
do not know that one,) will say that the most mature judgment which they
upon any of the subjects he has be- may be capable of giving to these mat-
stowed that mature deliberation and ters.
consideration which a subject deserves,
before an article or even a section
should take its place in the Constitu-

Great constitutions, constitutions
which shall be more perfect than any
which have preceded it, are never ma-
tured in a day. It took not only the
Members of this body have been seven years of our revolutionary war,
selected from private life; they have but the seven years that succeeded that
been taken from different avocations war, to develop and bring into being
in life, which avocations have not here- the Constitution of the United States.
tofore been the making of Constitu- There were then fourteen years of
tions; and in no large part the making anxious travail in search of those prin-
or unmaking of laws. We come here ciples which lie at the foundation of
from our different avocations, with our structure of government. There
some general knowledge of the various were fourteen years of anxious effort
subjects which are embraced in the on the part of the patriots who fought
Constitution. But we have no especial,
particular knowledge upon those sub-
jects, such as we expect our commit-
tees to be able to obtain by their in-
vestigation when they shall have been
appointed, and to whom representa-
tion upon the various subjects referred
to them should be addressed.

and won the battle for our liberties to determine and fix the organic law; and they were able to do it only after much and long discussion. And so it has been with the various State Constitutions which mark the progress of our institutions.

Mr. NORRIS. I have merely made the suggestion. The discussion is not entrusted entirely to editors; but communications are requested from all citizens who have access to the local press. In reply to the suggestion of the gentleman from Berrien, (Mr. FARMER,) that we may have to adjourn in order to get at the accumulated wisdom of the State, I would say that it is very possible that after the Convention shall have made some little progress in laying out the business of the Convention, we may take a short recess for the purpose of going home and consulting our constituents. But whether we do that or not, certainly the courNow, if we are to improve upon tesy of inviting a general discussion We shall have from 20 to 30 commit- what has gone before us; if we are to on the part of our constituents will do tees, consisting of from five to thirteen improve upon what has been done in no great harm. The Convention will members each, who will have charge of other States as well as in our own, we not be committed to any particular the various subjects embraced in the must get the mature, deliberate thought view, and a large amount of light might Constitution, and whose duty it shall of our people, the mature, deliberate be thrown into this body by the adop-be to canvass them thoroughly. It thought of the men who are in this tion of this resolution, which would will be their business also to receive Convention. That I fear will hardly inform a great many of us on points suggestions from all the people of the be arrived at in thirty or even sixty upon which we are now more or less State who may desire to have their days of this session. uninformed. ideas find a place in the Constitution. If there be other gentlemen who deThe very numerous questions which sire to discuss this resolution, I will were embraced under some twenty hear them very cheerfully. Otherwise, different heads in the resolution of the I will make the motion to lay my own gentleman from Washtenaw (Mr. NOR- resolution upon the table, with the RIS) show the very numerous matters view of calling it up on some future Mr. PRINGLE. I offer the follow-that are to be canvassed before satis-day. ing resolution:

The question was taken upon the resolution, and upon a division, ayes 20, noes 57, it was not adopted.


Resolved, That when this Convention shall adjourn on Friday, the 24th day of May, instant, it be until the first Wednesday of December next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at this place; and that the several standing committees be at liberty to meet at such times and places as they may agree upon during the recess, but not to charge the State with more than ten days' services of any member on any committee, of which he shall be a mem

factory conclusions can be arrived at Mr. LONGYEAR. I wish to state, even by ourselves. As that gentleman for the consideration of the Convensays, we are working for the people of tion, just a few plain, practical thoughts; the State; we are to endeavor to em- but I will not take up the time of the body the views of the people, rather Convention by any elaborate remarks than our own, in the Constitution. We upon them. are to endeavor to embody whatever The first question that suggests itself there is of public sentiment upon this upon the consideration of this resoluor that question. Of course we are tion is this: What is to be gained by acting as independent men, represent- an adjournment now? It has been I have offered this resolution in good ing our own ideas, at the same time some seven or eight weeks since the faith, but rather as a suggestion than that we represent our constituents. I election of members to this Convenas a resolution upon which I desire have no doubt we will do this earn- tion. It has been more than a year action to be taken this morning. As estly, faithfully, candidly, and with the since the subject of this Convention has been said in reference to another view of doing whatever may be best. has been agitated. The Legislature resolution by the gentlemen from But we are, to a great extent, unin- of 1866 submitted the question to the


people, and they voted in favor of a Convention to recommend to the sire; and following out the line of convention for the revision of the Con- people such changes only as the expe- thought suggested by the remarks of stitution, so that this subject has been rience of the past would seem to indi- the gentleman from Lenawee, (Mr. before the people for more than a year; cate to be necessary and wise, without BILLS,) and the gentleman from Alleand if the details of the new Consti- entirely destroying the old Constitu- gan, (Mr. WILLIAMS,) I would ask if tution have not been discussed in that tion. And if we do that, do our work we know in what particulars our conlength of time, will they be discussed promptly and well, and send it to the stituents desire the present Constitubetween this time and December next? people for their action, my conviction tion to be amended? It is true we What reason have we to suppose that is they will be best pleased with us. that discussion will take place? None can all make general statements-we Mr. WILLIAMS. I desire to ex- can say that they desire but few that I can see. press my approbation of the remarks amendments, and want no radical made by the member who has just changes. But we get no information taken his seat. I do not apprehend from such genéral statements that will that any particular advantage to the enable this body to arrive at a concluaction of this Convention will result sion as to what is desired by the people. from an adjournment until December next, as proposed by the resolution of the gentleman from Jackson, (Mr. PRINGLE.)

When this Convention shall have proceeded so far as to obtain reports from these various committees, covering the entire ground of proposed action, so that some of the details may be thrown out to the people, so that the line of procedure, the line of action proposed to be adopted by this Convention, shall be developed to the people, then there will be something for discussion, and then perhaps such a resolution might come with a great deal of force; especially if there should be a great deal of difference of opinion upon the main vital parts of the fundamental law. But until then, it seems to me that there is nothing to call out discussion any more than there has been during the last year and a half, during which time these subjects have been before the people just as particularly as they are now.

Now, it seems to me that if such a course as is proposed by this resolution is to be followed at all, then we the representatives of the people should first propose our line of action; and then if it is thought that we should wait for a full expression of the views of the people, we can adjourn for a few days or a few weeks. But I think nothing can be gained by an adjournment now.

Mr. BILLS. It seems to me that the remarks by which our attention has been called to the fact that the purposes of this Convention have been so long before the people and so little discussion has been elicited, are very pertinent to this question. Why is it that so little discussion has been had in our State in regard to the changes which are desirable in our Constitution? I take it that it is because the people of the State do not desire very radical changes to be made in the Constitution. Those who sent us here will be best pleased with our work if we make but few radical changes in the Constitution.

It is possible that in calling this Convention the people of Michigan had in view but one single change in the Constitution. It is just possibleAs has been stated by the gentle- and the silence with which the quesman from Inghan, (Mr. LONGYEAR,) this tion has been treated may be regarded subject of the revision of the Consti- as proof that the only amendment tution has been before the people for desired is in relation to the question some years. The Legislature in 1861, of suffrage. If that be so, then let us submitted to the people an amend-discharge that duty and go home. If ment to the Constitution, which was other and radical changes are desired, ratified by the people, providing for then I for one desire to make them in the submission to the people in 1866, obedience to the will of the largest of the question of calling a Conven- portion of the people of the State of tion for the revision of the Constitu- Michigan, when that will can be ascertion, and this Convention has been tained; and there can be no better way called in accordance with the action to ascertain that will than by evoking of the people upon that subject. If discussion. I care nothing about the during that time we have not learned anything about the objects the people had in view in sending us here, I apprehend that between now and December next, it will be very difficult for us to learn what they desire.

I believe, with the gentleman from Lenawee, (Mr. BILLS,) that no very radical changes in the Constitution are required by the people; they want us simply to so modify the present Constitution that it will conform to the present spirit and necessities of the age, in such respects as I apprehend are fully understood by members of this Convention. The manner or method in which such amendment and revision should be made, may not perhaps be so well understood. It is for that purpose that we have met here to consult, and from such consultation as to the 'best mode of procedure, we can determine what particular line of action to pursue.

I hope, therefore, this resolution will not pass. It certainly is premature now; and it seems to me that it will be unnecessary at any time, unless our committees report that they are unable to discharge their duties with the information we now possess.

adoption of my own resolution. The
object will be accomplished by merely
laying before the people the various
questions which are agitating the
minds of the members of this Conven-
tion. Each question which I incorpo-
rated in my resolution I have heard
mooted by members in the three days.
I have been here.
fully represent the views of our con-
Now, if we are to
stituents, ought we not to have from
some source some information con-
cerning their wishes in relation to
these matters ?

I concur in the suggestion of the gentleman from Ingham, (Mr. LONGYEAR,) that it would be better for this Convention to go on with its work, refer these various subjects to their appropriate committees, evoke some reports so as to give the people some topics for discussion, and then take a recess. But I am clearly of the opinion that before we make such an instrument as we propose to submit to the people, with such radical features in it as I am certain we will put in it when we get to work at it, we ought to go home and ascertain the wishes of our constituents in regard to it.

Some seem to have the impression that we are to frame an entirely new Constitution; that we must not only tear in pieces from end to end our Mr. NORRIS. The Convention will Mr. FERRIS. I do not wish to take present Constitution of the State, but readily believe that I concur in the re- up the time of the Convention in diswe must make an entirely new Con- marks of the gentleman from Jackson, cussing this question at any length; stitution. Now I have not so under- (Mr. PRINGLE,) with regard to the but I wish simply to throw out a few stood our duty here. I have sup-question of whether we are fully in- suggestions. I believe with all those posed that it was the duty of this formed of what our constituents de- gentlemen upon this question, it is im

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portant that we should know the will and desire of our constituents; but I would suggest to them that if we proceed directly on with the business of this Convention, we shall be able to find in the daily press, from day to day, just that sort of information from our constituents which those gentlemen seem so much to desire. I think we shall in that way get all the information which we may need, as we live now in the day of railroads, telegraphs, and a daily press, and yet be able to continue on in our work.

(Mr. NORRIS,) that no one here has yet for when we come to return here in
been able to say what those changes December next to resume our labors,
should be, or what his constituents we would find that we had made but
may desire, it may be said that we little real advancement in our under-
have not yet reached that stage of our standing of what changes in our pres-
proceedings; we have not yet got into ent Constitution are really necessary.
After the There can be but little concert of ac-
complete working order.
appointment of our various commit- tion between our committees during
tees, propositions in regard to amend- the recess proposed, for the members
ments will be presented and referred of the committees will be at their
to them; and then, and not till then, homes in different parts of the State.
can we understand what ideas may be And before effecting anything perma-
prevalent in the minds of members. nent, they must come together in this
I hope therefore this resolution will hall and resume their labors.
not pass. I believe we can go on this reason I hope the resolution will
steadily until our work shall be com- not prevail.
pletely accomplished.


The people have sent us here to do the work of revising the Constitution. Mr. STOUGHTON. The resoluThey have constituted us, as it were, a grand committee for that purpose. Mr. RAFTER. I am unable to see tion now before the Convention is an When we shall have concluded our the advantage to be derived from the important one, at all events one which labors, and have made a report to them delay incident to the adoption of the demands our careful consideration. If in the shape of a complete instrument, resolution of the gentleman from Jack-it shall be adopted, it will have a very they then are to pass upon our work. son, (MR. PRINGLE.) It is true, we material influence upon our deliberaand approve or reject it. I do not ought to represent our constituents; it tions. Whether it would have any inthink, when the people of this State is true we ought to know their feelings fluence upon the Constitution which sent us to this Convention, they inten- and wishes. But I, for one, am unable would finally be adopted is a question ded that we should come here for a few to see how we shall be able to get at we cannot now decide. days or a few weeks, and then adjourn the wishes of our constituents any betour work for half a year. I doubt ter by adjourning, than by continuing whether they would approve any such action on our part.

Something has been said in regard to the silence of the press, since the election of the members of this Convention, upon the topics which will come before us for discussion. Some of the public journals have given us as a reason for their silence, that they do not wish to forestall public opinion, nor to bind, as it were, the hands of this Convention; that they desired to leave it free when it met to devise such amendments and such changes as they may in their wisdom deem necessary and proper from the experience of the past. And I doubt very much whether the press will change its views and its course of action in regard to that matter.

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In the first place, the adoption of the resolution would seem to preclude one subject upon which this Convention would otherwise have to pass; in that respect it would have some effect. It has been supposed by the public, whether that impression prevails in this Convention or not, that this Convention would frame a Constitution during the coming summer, and submit it to the people at a special election in the fall. The adoption of this resolution would preclude that idea, and postpone the action of the people on this new Constitution until next year. In this way, this resolution would have two effects, each of which should be determined by the separate action of this Convention.

in session. We can just as readily get an expression of their opinion from day to day, as has been already remarked, by remaining here, as by adjourning and going home. We have come here from different localities, leaving our different vocations; if we adjourn on the 24th, as proposed by the resolutien, we will return to our homes and resume our different vocations, which have been laid aside for the time being. Will we then come in contact with a majority or even a respectable minority of our constituents? I appréhend not; and the result will be that in the meantime the only expression of opinion we will get, will come from the editorial corps of the State; There is another thing to which I and we can get that as well by remain- would call the attention of this Coning here and going on with our labors. vention. The people have chosen this Again, as has already been re- Convention to come here and perform marked, the people of this State, even this work, and it seems to me that unthe editorial corps of the State, are less some very good reasons can be waiting the action of this Convention given for a contrary course, we ought in order to get someting upon which to address ourselves to the work asto base an expression of their opinions. signed to us by our constituents, and In view of these facts, I believe it is perform it with as little delay as posbetter that this Convention should con- sible. I know there is a necessity for tinue its labors here, for we will get full deliberation in all important just as full, or at least just as general works. The advocate sometimes takes an expression of public opinion and much time in preparing his case; the sentiment if we remain here, as we artisan takes weeks and months, perwould by adjourning and going home. haps, to complete the labor upon some And there is another view to be work of his hands; and we must take taken of this subject. There are vari- all needful time for the performance Now, in regard to the remarks of ous committees to be appointed. The of the important work devolved upon the gentleman over the way, (Mr. revised constitution is to be the work us. But the people have selected the BILLS,) that we were sent here to make of the combined wisdom of this Con- delegates here assembled; they have only some few changes in the existing vention. I think there will be little designated the place and time for our Constitution, and those changes not done towards performing that work if meeting, and the work they desire us radical ones; and in regard to the re- the members of the Convention sepa- to do; and unless something further marks of my friend from Washtenaw, rate and go to their several homes; is shown than what has been presented

The gentleman from Jackson, (Mr. PRINGLE,) has spoken very eloquently of the time spent previous to the adoption of the United States Constitution, in developing the ideas in that instrument. He said that there were fourteen years of travail before the Convention was called. Now, if I recollect history aright, that Convention, after it was born as the result of this long travail, did not go back to the people and ask for a new birth; but they went forward steadily in the accomplishment of the object for which they had assembled.

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