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ology after the article has been acted tion now under consideration as a very page 137, of the Manual on our desks,
upon in committee of the whole, and important one. I think it would be dif- in the amendment to the Constitution
reported back to the Convention. The ficult, without some such committee as adopted by the people providing for
committee of the whole might direct that on arrangement and phraseology, the calling of a Convention to revise
its chairman to report it back for ref- for this Convention to discharge its our Constitution, I find this sentence:
erence to the committee on arrange- duties acceptably to the people, and “And in case a majority of the electors so
ment and phraseology, which would to present an instrument of the sol-qualified, voting at such election, shall decide
in favor of a convention for such purpose, the
not necessarily require a standing rule. emn character we desire to present, Legislature, at the next session, shall provide
When the articles have been finally that shall be perfect in all respects, by law for the election of such delegates to
passed upon and had their third read- logically and grammatically written, in such convention."
ing, they should be referred to some terse, pointed Saxon words, such as
"Election of such delegates." What
committee for arrangement in their have already received an authoritative delegates? No reference has previously
proper order in the Constitution. This interpretation from the courts of this been made to delegates in the whole
the Constitution. That
rule was reported for that purpose. State. The Supreme Court of this body of
The rule of the Convention of 1850 State have already in a great number amendment certainly never passed
of instances given a legal construc- through the hands of a committee on
tion, not only to the matter but to the arrangement and phraseology.
words as well as the sentences of the
present Constitution. Take the pas-
sages scattered through that Constitu-
tion, which involve the doctrine of
what used to be called the Bill of
Rights; there is hardly a word of
them that has not received a judicial

read as follows:

Every article when read a third time and passed, shall be referred to the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology."

On page 129 is another amendment, as follows:

"The foregoing provisions shall in no case be construed to apply to the action of commissioners of the highways," etc.

Now, there is no such office as

<< com

missioner of the highways"—it is "commissioner of highways." Not content with that blunder, they follow it up with the following:

"In the official discharge of their duties as highway commissioners."

of their duties," was enough, because The phrase, "the official discharge they had no other than official duties to they had no other than official duties to discharge as highway commissioners.

On page 109, where the Constitution treats of the power of the Governor to remove from office, in the clause reciting the officers that may be removed by him, I find this language:

The change we made in that rule, and which met the unanimous sanction of the committee, was to insert a provision that this reference should be "for arrangement only," so that all aetion the committee could take upon it would be to arrange its proper place There are many members of this in the Constitution. This rule, there- Convention who are perfectly compefore, I think should remain as it is. tent to elaborate with precision a good If it is necessary to have a rule re- strong common sense idea; but in the quiring a reference of the article for pursuit of that idea they may sacrifice revision of its phraseology, the rule phraseology, sometimes logic, and should require the reference for that sometimes grammar. The committee purpose to be made perhaps when the on phraseology I think has been very On page 120 is another legislative article has been reported to the Con- carefully selected by the President of amendment. In both section 2 and vention by the committee of the whole. this Convention. I think it furnishes section 3 will be found similar inacMr. BLACKMAN. I think there one evidence of his capacity to select curacies. I do not desire to comment will be found to be a difficulty whether good chairmen for the positions they upon them particularly-I refer to we adopt the original rule or the sub- are respectively called upon to fill. them to show the necessity of such a stitute offered by the gentleman from My colleague here upon my left, (Mr. committee as this. Cass, (Mr. VAN RIPER.) If the substi- NINDE,) who is the chairman of the tute be adopted, requiring articles to committee on arrangement and phrasebe referred to the committee on ar-ology, long before he knew or imag rangement and phraseology before they ined he would be selected for that are read the third time, then they will position, playfully called my attention still be open to amendment when re- to the proceedings of a learned body ported back from that committee, and that met at Jackson, presided over by to remove from office if amended will require to be again re- a learned gentleman who was formerly dent of Public Instruction or members of the ferred. superintendent of public instruction. State Board of Education, or any other officer I think the rule of the Convention of The first resolution that learned body of the State, except Legislature and Judicial," etc. 1850 is preferable to either the rule passed, needed most decidedly to be now under consideration, or to the referred to the committee on arrange- Constitution, and sent out to the It is so printed in the body of the peosubstitute. Therefore, I would sug- ment and phraseology. I find by refergest that this rule be amended by strik- ence to that valuable and well-known ple. To be perfectly fair, I could go back to the Constitution of 1850, and ing out the words "for arrangement paper, the Jackson Citizen, that a resoonly." The phraseology can be re- lution was passed containing this lan- point out blunders equally serious, vised without changing the sense of the guage-"the value of such institutions that did pass through the revision of article. And to illustrate that, I would are well understood." A singular the committee on phraseology. This refer to the action of this committee of nominative followed by a plural verb, shows the necessity of a careful, thoughtthe whole on rules 31, 32 and 33. in a resolution passed by a convention ful committee, not to control the sense, Those rules have been changed and of School Superintendents. This is but to put in grammatical form, in corrected very materially, but only in but a single instance of what work is close, careful expressions, what this Convention may desire to embody in their phraseology. No other sense can sometimes made of phraseology. the various articles of the Constitution. be made of them now than they were I trust the Convention will find intended to bear when first introduced. It seems necessary, therefore, that some such duty as that should be performed in reference to the various articles of

the Constitution.

Mr. NORRIS. I consider the ques

Turn to our own Constitution, which has been several times amended by our

"The Governor shall have power * * Superinten


Legislature, and you will there find means to have that done here. I ap-
evidence of the need of a committee prehend there will be found no such
on arrangement and phraseology. I delicacy in regard to measures brought
will refer to some few passages I have tleman from Jackson, (Mr. PRINGLE,)
forward, as was suggested by the gen-
noted in a casual reading of it. On
the other day. In fact, I know there

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Mr. McCLELLAND. In previous

"Every article after having passed the committee of the whole, and before being put the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseon its final passage, shall be committed to ology, for their action on its phraseology." Mr. P. D. WARNER. I perhaps may be permitted to repeat what has

is no such delicacy of feeling on the fore the final passage of any article it perferct form and couched in good old part of members here. We want the should be referred to the committee Saxon. language of the Constitution we may on arrangement and phraseology, does Mr. WALKER. I suppose I am as frame, so arranged that when we leave not require any special rule. If there anxious as the gentleman from Cass, here, we shall do so with the convic- is any doubt upon that point, a rule (Mr. VAN RIPER,) for a proper rule tion that we have placed before the may be adopted requiring the article upon this subject. I will read a form people of this State, a Constitution to be referred for a revision of its which, to me, appears to be better than perfect in form as well as in substance. phraseology. But after it has passed the substitute proposed: Mr. CONGER. I suppose every through its three readings, and been member is equally desirous that the made a part of the constitution, then work of our hands may be perfectly the committee on arrangement is to arranged. Now it seems to me that determine the place where it shall there is among members a difference of stand in that Constitution. understanding in regard to the meaning of the rule now under consideration. Conventions the mode of procedure been said by the chairman of the comFrom my reading of the rule, I under- was this: The article was passed, re-mittee on rules, (Mr. WILLIAMS.) This *stand that for all purposes of amending ferred to the committee on arrange- 37th rule was adopted by the committhe phraseology, if any such amend- ment and phraseology, which commit- tee, not without consideration, but ment may be deemed necessary, or even tee reported it back to the Convention. after full deliberation and without any for purposes of supervision, if the phra- And in the Convention of 1850, accord- dissent. It was the unanimous desire, seology has not been carefully and ing to my recollection, amendments as expressed by the committee, that properly examined, any article before were made to the articles after they the articles of the Constitution, after its third reading even can be referred had been reported back to the Conven- their third reading, should not be to the committee on arrangement and tion from the committee on arrange- placed in the hands of any committee, phraseology. It can be referred to one ment and phraseology, the committee who were licensed by the rules of the committee or another, to whatever com- recommending. such amendments as Convention to so change the phraseolmittee the Convention may see fit to they thought should be made. When ogy as to alter the meaning. Thererefer it, in order to perfect it. But the amendments of the committee had fore, the rule adopted by the Convenwhen it has passed its third reading, been disposed of, then any member of tion of 1850 was changed by the inserbeen finally acted upon by the Conven- the Convention had a right to offer tion of the words, "for arrangement tion and made a part of the Constitu- any amendment that only went to the only." tion, there still remains the duty of as- phraseology. of the article. Now, I signing it to its proper place in the would suggest to the Convention, or to Constitution. After that duty has the chairman of the committee on rules, been performed in regard to all the ar- the propriety of adopting the amendticles, then the question is to be taken ment proposed by the gentleman on upon the Constitution as a whole. the other side, (Mr. BLACKMAN,) so that the rule will read:

The object of this rule, then, I understand to be this: after each article

has been perfected and finally adopted,

it is to be referred to this committee

"Every article when read a third time and passed, shall be referred to the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology."

Constitution, and the time for reconsideration
"After the adoption of any article of the
has elapsed, no motion to amend shall be in
order, which would change the principle or
vary the meaning of the whole article or any
section, unless supported by a vote of two-
thirds of the whole Convention."

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So far as relates to myself personally, as a member of this Convention, I have no objection to a reference of the work of the Convention, at any time that it may be desirable to refer it, to the committee on arrangement and phraseology, for the purpose of perfecting the language in which the article or section may be expressed. I desire that every provision of the new Constitution we may frame may be expressed in such language that no unfair advanrights of every individual in the State tage could be taken of it, but that the shall be secured without any question. Therefore I am not opposed to its reference to the committee on praseology.

And as there appears to be some on arrangement and phraseology, not suspicion that that committee may infor the purpose of having its phrase- terfere with the substance of the article, ology tampered with or changed, but merely to determine the place it shall satisfied with that rule, I would sugmerely to determine the place it shall although I myself would be perfectly occupy when the Constitution as a gest this addition to the rule to obviate whole comes to be made up as a perfect, that objection. orderly and symmetrical instrument. I may be mistaken in my understandBut I am opposed to its going to that ing of the rule. But from the reading committee for revision of phraseology, of it, it occured to me that it was inafter it has been fully decided upon ténded simply, to provide that after and framed by this Convention. I bethis Convention had passed upon and lieve after this Convention has perfecadopted an entire article, it then should ted its work, has deliberately voted the be referred to the committee on aradoption of any measure, either in the rangement and phraseology for the form of a section or of an article, then purpose of determining where in the no committee should be authorized by Constitution it should be placed; not the rules of this Convention to make for the purpose of making any alterasuch a change of its phraseology as tion in its language, or even the armay change its meaning. Therefore I rangement of its sections. If that be I, myself, may be very much preju- am in favor of this rule 37 as reported. the object of the rule, then I think it is diced in favor of this rule, because it I shall not oppose the adoption of ana very proper one as it stands, and was a rule of the Convention of 1835, other rule by which the various artineeds no amendment. Perhaps the and the Convention of 1850. The older cles may be referred to the committee chairman of the committee, (Mr. WIL- a man grows I think the more attached on phraseology in order that they may LIAMS,) who reported it, will state he becomes to that which he was ac- be put into proper and appropriate lanwhether that was the object of this rule. customed to in his younger days. But guage. But let that be done before it ·Mr: WILLIAMS. I think I. have I merely make the suggestion now; it is finally passed upon by the Convenalready stated that that is the only is of no consequence at all to me. All tion. object of the rule. In order that be- I desire is to have the Constitution in


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I think that would secure the Convention against any trick that might be attempted to be played by this committee; but I do not apprehend that any would be attempted by it, for it is of too high a tone and character to be suspected of any such intention.

As the gentleman from Washtenaw,

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(Mr. NORRIS,) took occasion to refer to
some of the action of the Legislature
in relation to amendments of the Con-
stitution, I would call his attention to
the result of the action of the commit-
tee on phraseology of the Convention
of 1850. The fifteenth section of the
fifth article of the Constitution of this
State is in these words:

“No member of Congress, nor any person
holding office under the United States or this
State, shall execute the office of Governor."
Mr. NORRIS. I anticipated some-
what my friend from Oakland, (Mr. P.
D. WARNER,) by acknowledging that
we did not claim that the Constitution
of 1850 was a perfect instrument.

I rise now, inasmuch as I think the Convention are almost unanimously agreed that some rule ought to be devised in regard to this matter, to make a suggestion which, I think, will conciliate all our views. I move that the committee now rise, and ask leave to sit again to-morrow. There will be other members here then, and we can then come to a proper conclusion on this matter, I have no doubt. ·

Mr. PRINGLE. I wish to read to the Convention a form of rule which I have drawn up, and which I think will be a proper rule on this subject. It is as follows:

"Every article, after having passed the Committee of the Whole, shall be referred for arrangement and phraseology to the committee for that purpose, and after having been read a third time and passed, shall be referred to the same committee for arrangement only." If there is no objection I will offer that as a substitute for the rule reported by the committee on rules.

Mr. VAV RIPER. I think the substitute read by the gentleman from Jackson, (Mr. PRINGLE,) covers the whole ground. I therefore withdraw my substitute.

back by that committee, it should be order of proceeding in our Legislature,
open to amendment in the Convention which has been referred to by the gen-
so far only as its arrangement and man from Oakland (Mr. P. D. WAR-
concerned, before NER.) So far as I have noticed, the
phraseology are
being put on its final passage. It practice has been for bills to be or-
seems to me that we should arrive at dered to a third reading, without a
the desired end more. fully and per-motion to that effect being made by
And then the rule is that
fectly by adopting that course, than by any one.
referring the articles immediately a bill cannot be amended, except by a
after coming from the committee of suspension of the rules, or by being
Of course it is compe-
the whole, before amendments to them recommitted.
have been offered in the Convention, tent for the Convention, if they see fit,
or the amendments of the committee after an article has gone to its third
of the whole have been acted upon. I reading, to provide that it still may be
therefore offer the following as a sub- amended in reference to its phrase-
stitute for the substitute of the gentle-ology. But it occurred to me that
man from Jackson, (Mr. PRINGLE:) while it may be proper, if we should
"When an article has been read a third so choose to do, yet it would be à
time, it shall, before being put upon its final course of proceeding so different from
passage, be referred to the Committee on Ar what is the usage of our legislative
rangement and Phraseology, and when rebodies that it would be better to have
ported back by that committee, the article
shall be open to amendment as to arrangement the reference immediately after the ar-
and phraseology only."
ticle has been reported from the com-
mittee of the whole, and the report had
been acted upon by the Convention.
I would have it so referred for an-
The sections of the ar-

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Mr. P. D. WARNER. I desire to say simply this; the manner of proceeding in the Legislature of Michigan which I presume will be princi- other reason. pally the manner of proceeding in ticle may not be arranged in their logithis Convention, is somewhat differ- cal sequence and order, and the arent, as the gentleman from Ingham, ranging them properly may evolve (Mr. LONGYEAR,) is well aware, from come idea necessary in order to comthe manner of proceeding in the Con- plete the logical statement of it, and gress of the United States. There, as make the article a complete thing by I understand, a bill is ordered to its itself. There should at least be a disthird reading upon a particular day, cretion in the Convention, if not in and there it remains perhaps for a the committee on arrangement and day, perhaps for a week; it is a separ- phraseology, to add to or take from, It should ate stage in its progress to a final pas- in that condition of things. sage. According to the manner of be, I think, in that middle ground, as proceedings in our House of Repre- in our House of Representatives, at sentatives, if a bill is reported back the moment when bills are about being from the committee of the whole, and ordered to a third reading, and when the House act upon the amendments amendments are still in order. I bereported from that committee, it goes lieve it is the practice of our House of without any motion to the order of Representatives, when the amendments third reading; and the next day it reported from the committee of the comes up on its passage. whole have been acted upon, to allow Now, according to the substitute other amendments to be offered; but offered by the gentleman from Jack-after a bill has been ordered to a third son, (Mr. PRINGLE,) when an article reading amendments are not in order, has been reported to the Convention except upon a suspension of the rules, The artiMr. LONGYEAR. It seems to me by the committee of the whole, and or by unanimous consent. that the articles should not be referred the amendments adopted by the com- cles which we may frame ought, I to the committee on arrangement and mittee have been acted upon by the think, to remain in that middle ground phraseology until a more advanced Convention, instead of its being placed long enough for their reference to the stage is reached than merely action upon the order of third reading, it is committee on arrangement and phraseupon them by the committee of the to be referred to the committee ontology. whole; they should be ordered to a arrangement and phraseology, to make third reading or passed by the Con- its phraseology what it should be. vention. Let them be referred to When, it is reported back from that the committee on arrangement just committee, it will of course be put before their final passage. If they upon its final passage. I only refer to are referred before they have their this to illustrate my idea of the differthird reading, they will still be open ence between the mode of procedure to amendment. My idea is that in this State, and the mode of procewhen an article has been read the dure with which the gentleman from third time, and before being put Ingham, (Mr. LONGYEAR,) has been on its final passage, it should be re- familiar in Washington. ferred to the committee on arrange- Mr. PRINGLE. In drawing my ment and phraseology. When reported substitute I had reference to the usual

Mr. NORRIS. I withdraw my motion that the committee now rise.

`Mr. PRINGLE. I offer what I have just read as a substitute for the rule reported by the committee.

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Mr. McCLELLAND. I desire to make a single inquiry. In the Legislature of this State, when a bill comes from the committee of the whole with amendments which are acted on by the House, is it not then referred to the committee on engrossment before its third reading?

Mr. PRINGLE. My impression is that the ordinary practice has been for the Speaker to say-"The bill will be engrossed for its third reading." Mr. McCLELLAND. Exactly.

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Mr. PRINGLE. Without, however, going to a committee of engrossment to be engrossed.

Mr. MCCLELLAND. The same proceeding as in Congress. Mr. PRINGLE. My substitute was framed upon the idea that the articles should remain for a little time in this middle ground. Of course if it is necessary to engross them they will go through the hands of the engrossing clerk. I think they should be referred to the committee on arrangement and phraseology before being placed upon the order of third reading, at which time, as we all understand, they are beyond the power of amendment.


Mr. BLACKMAN. It seems to me that the substitute of the gentleman that the substitute of the gentleman from Jackson, (Mr. PRINGLE,) is somewhat defective. If it means by the phrase "after it has passed the committee of the whole," immediately after, then it will be before the amendments reported from the committee of the whole have been acted upon by the Convention. It seems to me that the substitute is defective in that respect at least. I have no amendment to offer; I only make this suggestion.

Mr. NORRIS. I now renew my motion that the committee rise, report progress, and ask leave to sit again.

The motion was agreed to. The committee accordingly rose, and the President having resumed the chair,

Mr. BIRNEY reported that the committee of the whole, pursuant to the order of the Convention, had had under consideration the general order, being the report of the committee on rules, had come to no resolution thereon, and had directed him to ask leave for the committee to sit again.

Leave was accordingly granted, And then, on motion of Mr. HOLT, the Convention, (at 25 minutes past 5 o'clock p. m.) adjourned.


TUESDAY, May 21, 1867. The Convention met at 10 o'clock A. M., and was called to order by the President.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Banwell. The roll was called, and a quorum of members answered to their names.


Mr. MCCLELLAND. I have the pleasure to announce that Mr. LOTHROP is now present, and ready to take his seat as a member of this Convention. I ask that the oath may be now administered to him.

Mr. BIRNEY. I make the same request in reference to Mr. ESTEE, who is now present.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. HARRIS presented the petition of L. Woodman, James McCorMr. P. D. WARNER asked and ob- mic and others, legal voters of the tained indefinite leave of absence for town of Avon, Oakland county, on Mr. KENNEY on account of indispostion. the same subject; which was referred Mr. BROWN asked and obtained to the committee on intoxicating leave of absence for Mr. BARBER until Thursday next.

Mr. PRINGLE. I desire to obtain and to-morrow. In explanation of this leave of absence for myself for to-day request I will say that I have some business connected with the term of court, and it is necessary that I should be absent from here to attend to it.

Leave was accordingly granted. tained leave of absence for Mr. DUNMr. BLACKMAN asked and obCOMBE until to-morrow.


Mr. FERRIS presented the petition of Berry A. Harlan and 37 others, of Kent county, praying that section 47, of article 4, of the present Constitution, relative to intoxicating liquors, to be retaiaed in principle in the new instrument.

Also, the petition of A. B. Cheney and 20 others, of Kent county, upon the same subject.

Also, the petition of Joseph Blake and 20 others, of Kent county, upon the same subject.

Also, the petition of Theodore G. Howe and 46 others, of Kent county, upon the same subject.

Also, the petition of L. F. Case and 15 others, of Kent county, upon the same subject; which petitions were severally referred to the committee on intoxicating liquors.

Mr. LAMB presented the petition of John W. Doy and 13 others, of Lapeer county, upon the same subject; which was referred to the committee on intoxicating liquors.


Mr. PARSONS presented the petition of T. C. Garner, R. B. Wyles, dents of Corunna, Shiawassee county, James M. Goodell and 32 others, resion the same subject; which was referred to the committee on intoxicating liquors.

Mr. MUSSEY presented the petition of Richard H. Rodgers and 41 other citizens of St. Clair county, on the same subject.

Also, the petition of Joseph Mott, John Huffman, O. F. Macomber and 45 others, of the village of Memphis, St. Clair county, on the same subject.

Also, the petition of William P. Russell and 10 others, of the village of Memphis, St. Clair county, on the same subject; which were severally referred to the committee on intoxicating liquors.

Mr. BIRNEY presented the petition of M. S. Wells and 52 others, of Portsmouth, Bay county, on the same subject; which was referred to the committee on intoxicating liquors.

Mr. ALDRICH presented the petition of Wm. Gates, Hulda H. Gates, Warren C. Kingsley, E. E. Kingsley and 100 others, citizens of the township of Mason, Cass county, praying for equal suffrage for men and women; which was referred to the committee on elections.

Mr. DANIELS presented the petition of George W. Kenny and 34 others, on the same subject.

Also, the petition of Horace Wixon and 53 others, on the same subject; Mr. PRINGLE presented the pe- which were severally referred to the tition of W. W. Landon and 39 oth-committee on elections. ers, legal voters of Parma, Jackson Mr. SHEARER presented the peticounty, on the same subject. tion of B. Durfee and 17 others, askAlso, the petition of L. M. Jones ing that section 47, 'article 4, of the and 60 others, of Brooklyn, Jackson present Constitution, be retained in county, on the same subject; which were severally referred to the committee on intoxicating liquors.

Mr. HOWARD presented the petition of Emanuel Bodmer and 30 other legal voters of Michigan, on the same subject; which was referred to the committee on intoxicating liquors.

Mr. F. C. WATKINS presented

the new.

Also, the petition of Wm. Walker and 20 others, on the same subject.

Also, the petition of H. Higgins and 24 others, on the same subject; which were severally referred to the committee on intoxicating liquors.

Mr. WOODHOUSE presented the petition of John H. Foster and 43

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others, of Dansville, Ingham county,
on the same subject; which was re-
ferred to the committee on intoxicating

that the resolution of the gentleman osition as thus amended was then
from Saginaw, (Mr. SUTHERLAND,) did adopted."
Mr. P. D. WARNER. But it was
embrace the county clerks. But at
the time that substitute was offered, I not adopted.
Mr. LOVELL. It was understood.
noticed that there was one class of
officers who were omitted; and who to be adopted; and we have been act-
are still omitted from the resolution ing on that understanding. The ob-
now before the Convention. I would jection raised by the gentleman from
suggest to the gentleman from Wayne, Oakland is surely nothing more than
(Mr. D. GOODWIN,) to so modify his a technical objection.
resolution as to include all State offi- Mr. LEACH. I would ask whether
the record shows the resolution to have
been adopted.

Mr. P. D. WARNER presented the
petition of Benjamin Brown, James D.
Bateman, Capt. J. H. Woodman, Jas.
B. Tuttle and 62 others, of Commerce,
Oakland county, on the same subject;
which was referred to the committee
on intoxicating liquors.
DISTRIBUTION OF DEBATES AND PROCEED-cers. I think it is highly proper that
all of our State officers should be sup-
Mr. D. GOODWIN. I offer the fol- plied with a copy of our journal of
proceedings and debates.
lowing resolution:
Mr. D. GOODWIN. I accept the
suggestion of the gentleman from Ma-
comb, (Mr. MUSSEY,) and modify my
resolution accordingly.


Resolved, That the State printer be instruc ted to forward one copy of the daily proceedings and debates of this Convention printed by him, to each of the Circuit Judges of the State, not members of the Convention, and one copy to the United States District Judge, for the Eastern District of Michigan.

Mr. LEACH. If I am not greatly mistaken, the Convention has not yet made provision for sending the proceedings and debates to the papers of the State. I would ask for information, if that has been done?

The PRESIDENT. The Chair will state that there was an error on his part, in not putting the question upon the resolution as amended by the adoption of the substitute. It was his impression at the time that the substitute, on its adoption, stood in the place of the original resolution. The Chair supposes that the error can be corrected at the present time by the action of the Convention.


Mr. P. D. WARNER. Mr. President, the inquiry started by the gentleman from Grand Traverse (Mr. LEACH) has not not yet been answered satisfactorily to my mind. That inMr. P. D. WARNER. I suppose quiry was, whether any provision had been made by this Convention for the that it is competent for the Convention publication of its debates. It appears at this stage to take any action which Mr. D. GOODWIN. On Friday last from the journal that the resolution they may deem proper on this subject. the gentleman from Saginaw, (Mr. offered by the gentleman from Ingham I presume, SUTHERLAND,) offered as a substitute (Mr. LONGYEAR) was proposed to be Mr. President, that the resolution, as for a resolution of the gentlemen from amended by a substitute offered by the amended by the adoption of the subIngham, (Mr. LONGYEAR,) the follow-gentleman from Saginaw, (Mr. SUTHER-stitute of the gentleman from Sagiing: LAND.) That substitute, as subse- naw, would, under the circumstances, Resolved, That the State printer be instruct- quently amended, was adopted. But, be considered as laid on the table; and ed to print the daily proceedings and debates of this Convention, and to furnish daily 1,000 sir, it does not appear to my mind that if action is now desired upon the subcopies for the use of the members, and for- by the adoption of that substitute the ject in connection with the proposition ward one additional copy to each newspaper original resolution was adopted, Such of my colleague from Wayne, (Mr. published in this State and to each county is not my understanding of the rules D. GOODWIN,) the proper course would of parliamentary law. A substitute I be to move to take that resolution from It was amended so as to include understand to be simply in the nature the table, and let us act upon the the Governor of the State and the judges of the Supreme Court, and then nal proposition. The adoption of amendment to the origi- whole matter together. Mr. P. D. WARNER. My imadopted. the substitute, or the concurrence pression is that the resolution would My resolution proposes to extend substi- come up under the order of unfinished the provisions of that resolution to by this Convention in the the Judges of the Circuit Court, not tute, did not adopt the original reso-business, if it should come up at all. lution. According to my understand- The PRESIDENT. The question members of this Convention, and the United States District Judge for the ing of parliamentary law, the original is now on the adoption of the resoluproposition has not yet been adopted. tion offered by the gentleman from Having this understanding, I am led to Wayne, (Mr. D. GOODWIN.)


eastern district of Michigan. The
Convention is well aware that the
United States District Judge for the
western district of Michigan is a mem-

ber of this Convention.

of an

the conclusion that this Convention has

made no provision for the publication
of the debates and proceedings of this


Mr. HENDERSON. I find that
Mr. MUSSEY. The gentleman
there are a great many members labor-
ing under the same impression that I from Oakland (Mr. P. D. WARNER) is
have in regard to this matter. A reso- usually right. He is right now in his
lution providing for this same thing, understanding of the parliamentary
originally offered by the gentleman law, but he is not right in his reading
from Grand Traverse, (Mr. LEACH,) of the record. If he will read down a
was amended so as to embrace county little further in the Journal, he will


clerks. Some other amendments were
moved, but finally I believe the gen-
tleman from Saginaw. (Mr. SUTHER-
LAND,) offered a substitute which did
not embrace the county clerks.
think I am correct in my recollection.
Mr. MUSSEY. I think the gentle-
man from Calhoun, (Mr. HENDERSON,)
will find by reference to the journal,

find this clause:

"The substitute as amended was then adopted."

Mr. P. D. WARNER. But not the original proposition.

Mr. D. GOODWIN. If it is the de

sire of the Convention to act now on the other resolution, I will withdraw mine for the present, and offer it as an amendment when the other shall come

before the Convention.


lowing resolution:

Resolved, That the standing committees

appointed by the President of the Convention

be requested to report on the various matters submitted to them, within 48 hours, if within their power to do so.

Mr. P. D. WARNER. The adoption of this resolution would, as I conceive, be detrimental to the faithful discharge Mr. LOVELL. I desire to suggest of the duties devolving upon the variwhether it would not be proper to cor-ous committees. As regards many of rect the Journal in that respect, and these committees, it would be extremeinsert the words, "The original prop-ly inconvenient, if not altogether im


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