Imagens das páginas

The motion was agreed to.

The resolution was as follows: Resolved, That the Secretary be and he is hereby authorized to appoint two Assistant

appoint two Assistant Secretaries. I ports; none of that immense ma- to get into shape. Instead of appointdo not now recollect upon whose mo- chinery which accompanies the action ing one now, and then adding one tion the resolution was laid upon the of a legislative body, with its 600 or hereafter, it will be better to appoint table, but I believe the motion was 800 bills, and dealing, too, with them both now, and let them become made upon my suggestion that we another House. I do not know how familiar with the business of this Conshould defer action upon the subject the machinery of this Convention will vention and the duties of their office, for the present. operate, when it shall be set to work, so that they may know how to perform or what may be the amount of labor the duties which will devolve upon which will be devolved upon the Sec- them when the business of the Conretary. But my own estimate, though vention shall have so increased as to I may be in error, is that compared require their whole attention. with other bodies which usually meet in this hall, the daily duties of the Secretary of this Convention will be less than those of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. If that be so, then I think it probable that, at least for a time, one assistant will be sufficient to enable him to accomplish his duties satisfactorily.

Secretaries of this Convention.

The question was upon agreeing to

the resolution.

Mr. FARMER. I move that the resolution be referred to a select committee of five.

Mr. MUSSEY. I would not occupy Mr. MUSSEY. I would not occupy the attention of the Convention a moment upon this subject, had I not, when the resolution was first offered, raised the question of the necessity of having two Assistant Secretaries. I therefore wish to state my reasons for taking the position I do now.

Upon inquiry, I am satisfied that the Secretary of this Convention will need two assistants, and that it is necessary for him to have that assistance at the earliest possible time, in order that his business may not get behindhand. I think that, under no circumstances, would one Assistant Secretary be sufficient. Therefore, I am in favor of the adoption of the

resolution as it now stands.

If it be the wish of the Convention to refer this resolution to a select committee, I have no particular objection. I will move, however, if it be in order, to amend the resolution by striking out the words "two assistant secretaries," and inserting in lieu thereof the words "one assistant secretary.”

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The PRESIDENT. That motion is not in order pending the motion to


The question was taken upon the motion to refer, and it was not agreed to.

The question recurred upon agreeing to the resolution.

Mr. PRINGLE. I move to amend by striking out the words "two assistant secretaries," and inserting assistant secretary."

(C one

I think the Secretary is the one to judge of the amount of assistance which he will need. If we curtail him in respect to the amount of assistance furnished for his department, we will not hereafter be justified in finding fault if the duties of his department are not performed as they should be. After the confidence we have reposed in our Secretary by electing him to the position he holds, I think it will be better for the Convention, for the interests of the people, and for the business which we will be called upon to transact, that we should defer to his judgment in this matter, and grant

him the assistance which he asks. In bodies of this sort, it is very necessary that the Secretary should not have his time and attention taken up by looking for papers and documents, when another clerk can perform that duty.

The question was taken upon the amendment of Mr. PRINGLE, and upon a division, ayes 23, noes 43, it was not agreed to.

The resolution was then agreed to.


Mr. LEACH submitted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the State printer be instructed to forward by mail, one copy of the the State, during the session of the Convendaily journal to each newspaper published in

In regard to the motion of the gentleman from Berrien, (Mr. FARMER), I can see no good reason for a reference of this resolution to a select committee. If there was any necessity for an investigation, it might be well enough Mr. MILES. I hope the amendto refer the subject to a committee for ment of the gentleman from Jackson that purpose; but the only question (Mr. PRINGLE) will not prevail. I that can possibly be raised, is whether have conversed with the Secretary of it is necessary to have those Assistant this Convention, and I have conversed Secretaries? If it is necessary to have with former clerks of the House of tion. them, I presume every gentleman on Representatives; and I am informed Mr. MILES. I move to amend the this floor will be in favor of the adop- that it is necessary to have two assist-resolution by inserting after the word tion of this resolution; and every gen- ant secretaries here. It is necessary State," the words the words "and to each tleman can satisfy himself in regard to have a reading clerk, one to assist County Clerk." I found last winter, to that without the delay of a refer- in reading and calling the roll when while the Legislature was in session, ence of the subject to a committee. necessary; and a clerk who, whenever that in three or four counties which I Mr. FARMER. My object in mov-papers are handed in, can take them visited, where the journal of the Legis ́ing to refer this resolution to a com- and file them away so as to be able to lature was sent to the County Clerk, mittee is to have the matter investi- lay hands upon them at once when the people were in the habit of congregated, and to ascertain if it is neces- required, and not delay the business gating every day to hear the journal sary to have these additional officers of the Convention, perhaps, by requir- read, and found it very convenient. appointed.

ing the Secretary to stop and look up
the papers that may be called for. It
will be necessary to have a clerk who
will be responsible for their preserva-
tion and having them at hand at any

Mr. PARSONS. I move to amend Mr. PRINGLE. I wish, of course, by inserting the words "and debates," that the Secretary should have such after the word "journal," so that the assistance as may be necessary. But entire proceedings of this body may it does seem to me, from my experience be published and distributed. I bein legislative bodies in these halls, that lieve that can be done, and then the in all probability one assistant secre- If we are to have two assistant sec-journal need not be larger than the tary will be able to perform all that retaries hereafter, it is necessary that ordinary journal of the Legislature. will be required. There will be here we have them now. By the time they I notice, by reference to the proceedno messages to be sent to another shall be appointed, which will be the ings of many Constitutional ConvenHouse; no messages to be received last of this week or the first of next, tions, that the journal and debates are from another House; no large number business will have accumulated here, all published together. I think that of working committees, with their re- which it may take a great deal of time is mnch the best way.

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May 15, 1867.


Mr. BIRNEY. I would inquire if any action has been taken in regard to the publication of the jounal of this Convention? This resolution seems to be upon the supposition that some such provision has already been made. I do not remember that any resolution has yet been passed directing the publication of the journal, or the number of copies to be published.

Mr. LEACH. I suppose the journal of to-day's proceedings will be printed and laid upon the tables of members to-morrow morning. The object of my resolution is to have the record of our proceedings from the start furnished to the papers of the State.

convictions upon every question that already ordered the appointment of a
may arise for our consideration. The committee to take into consideration
debate here may be continued to a late this very subject of the reporting and
hour in the day upon many occasions. publication of the debates of this Con-
And it will be entirely impossible for vention; and the action proposed by
the reporters to prepare the debates the gentleman seems to me to be very
in the proper shape and for the printer much like forestalling action upon the
to publish them in time to be placed subject referred to that committee. I
before the Convention on the succeed- trust the resolution in its present form
ing day.
will not be adopted. This subject will
come properly before the Convention.
for its consideration upon the report
of that committee. I therefore move
that this resolution be laid upon the
table, where it can be reached at any

The motion to lay upon the table was agreed to.

Mr. P. D. WARNER submitted the

In regard to the publication of the debates, I would be in favor of the reference of that question to the committee on printing that may be appointed, who can take the subject into consideration, and upon proper investigation they can come to a judicious Mr. GIDDINGS. I do not under- conclusion in regard to the number of stand that any provision has yet been copies to be published and the dispomade by the Convention for the publi-sition to be made of those copies by the Convention. The daily journal of cation of the journal at all. Mr. LEACH. The resolution I have proceedings, of course, will be pub-proceedings of this Convention, be published offered is a copy of a resolution passed lished by the printer for the State and each day for the use of the Convention. by the old Convention. It was about upon our tables each morning in the first thing passed upon, the subject such numbers as may be ordered by the resolution by striking out "one the first thing passed upon, the subject the Convention. I think it would be thousand," and inserting "two thouof the journal. well that the Convention should understand what it is doing before it takes final action upon this subject.

Mr. GIDDINGS. We have not done anything yet in regard to printing the journal.

Mr. HENDERSON. I think if the

gentleman from Grand Traverse, (Mr. LEACH,) will refer to the journal of the last Convention he will find that action was taken in relation to printing the journal, and that a thousand copies

were ordered to be printed.

The question was taken upon the amendment of Mr. PARSONS, and upon a division, ayes 40, noes not counted, it was adopted.

The amendment of Mr. MILES was then adopted.

The question was upon agreeing to the resolution as amended.


Mr. PARSONS. I have taken some

little pains to inquire whether this
printing can be done in the manner I
propose. I am informed by the State
printer that he will be able to do his
part of the work; and I also learn from

one of the persons who are here for the
purpose of reporting, that his part of
the work can be done in time, so that
there is not the slightest difficulty in
the way of having the journal of pro-
ceedings and the whole published

I have examined the records of the proceedings of conventions of various Mr. P. D. WARNER. This resolu- States, and I find that in the cases of tion, as it now stands, may embrace almost all the recent Conventions the more than would readily appear to the journal of proceedings and the debates minds of members. If I understand are published together in one volume, the resolution as now amended, it re- instead of being published separately. quires the State printer, or the person That I think is far preferable. If that who may do the printing for the Con- can be done in that way here, it will vention, to forward to each newspaper exhibit all the proceedings of this Conpublished in the State, and to each vention in a manner which will be county clerk, a copy of the journal of plain, legible and intelligible, not only the proceedings of this Convention, to the members of the Convention, but with the debates in full. There has as to the people of the entire State, who yet no action been taken by the Con- will be able to see from day to day vention in regard to the publication of what is doing here. I think there will the debates that may take place here. be no difficulty about the matter, and When such action shall have been I have therefore made my motion to taken, I am of the opinion that it will amend, so that the journal of proceedbe found to be impossible to secure ings and the debates may be published their publication each day in connec- together, should this resolution be tion with the journal of proceedings. adopted. I do not think the printer for the State Mr. LUCE. I confess that at this has the facilities for accomplishing stage of our proceedings I am somesuch a work. I anticipate that debate what surprised at the amendment of in this Convention will be unlimited; the gentleman from Shiawassee, (Mr. that every member will be permitted PARSONS,) and the arguments he has at all times to express fully his own submitted in its support. We have

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following resolution:

Resolved, That one thousand copies of the

Mr. DANIELLS. I move to amend


Mr. PARSONS. I move that this resolution be laid upon the table. I did not object to the last resolution being laid upon the table, until the subject came before us upon the report of the committee charged with its investigation. I think this resolution should also be laid upon the table until that committee shall have made its re


The motion to lay 'upon the table was agreed to.


Mr. T. G. SMITH submitted the following resolution:

Kesolved, That the Sergeant-at-Arms be directed to furnish the members of this Convention with such stationery as they may require during its sessions.

Mr. P. D. WARNER. I would suggest whether in the organization of committees for this Convention, it would not be quite as well to have a committee on supplies for the Convention, to whom this subject could be referred.

Mr. LUCE. It is not the intention, I suppose, that the Sergeant-at-Arms should pay the expense of this stationery out of his own pocket. I think the suggestion of the gentleman from Oakland, (Mr. P. D. WARNER,) is a very good one, that this resolution should not now be adopted. I therefore move that it be laid upon the table.

The motion was agreed to.

CONSTITUTIONS OF 1835 AND 1850. Mr. THOMPSON. I move to reconsider the vote by which the Convention adopted a resolution directing the Secretary of State to procure the publication of the Constitutions of

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1835 and 1850. I make this motion for the purpose of moving to amend the resolution by striking out that portion relating to the Constitution of 1850. I understand that the Legislature of last winter passed a law to furnish members of this Convention with copies in bound form of the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of this State of 1850, together with the rules of the House. That being the case I can see no necessity of again publishing the Constitution of 1850.


The motion to reconsider was agreed

The question was upon agreeing to the resolution, which was as follows: Resolved, That the Secretary of State be instructed to cause to be published in one pamphlet, two hundred copies of the Constitutions of 1835 and 1850, with the amendments thereto, for the use of the Convention.

Constitution of the State in bill form, and that
the Convention then go into committee of the
whole on the same, and consider it section by
section, until it is fully reconstructed and
made a new Constitution, to be submitted to
the people.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Hickox, as follows:


Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name; forever glorious in our eyes hast thou made thy wonMr. GIDDINGS. I move that the drous name, and thy marvelous works resolution be laid upon the table. to stand and to remain. High in our Mr. MORTON. I hope the gentle- gratitude and in the devotion of our man will withdraw that motion, until hearts we hold all that thou hast I can state briefly my reasons for offer-sented us for use or for pleasure. We ing this resolution. M. GIDDINGS. I withdraw the God, and from Him alone. I withdraw the accept every good gift as from our And now, our Father, we thank thee especially that thou hast spared the lives of these men, citizens of a thriving commonwealth; and we thank thee


Mr. MORTON. My reason for offering this resolution is, that I think it presents the quickest way in which we can get at the business of this Convention. By referring the different parts of the constitution to different committees, we may get their views upon the various subjects as embraced in their reports; but it is not to be expected that those reports will satisfy amend by striking out that portion of all the members of this Convention. the resolution that relates to the Con-The whole constitution will have to be

Mr. THOMPSON. I move

stitution of 1850.

Mr. MUSSEY. It seems to me that this resolution is unnecessary. I understand from the gentleman, (Mr. THOMPSON,) who has called up this resolution, that each member of this

Convention is to be supplied with a copy of the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of 1850.

We have already passed a resolution authorizing the Secretary of State to furnish us with the manual of the last Legislature, which I suppose contains the present Constitution. That will furnish us with perhaps as much as we will need of that kind of information. If I am correct in my understanding of the matter, then I shall be compelled to vote against the adoption of the resolution. And if we do not propose to adopt the resolution, it is not necessary to amend it.

considered here, section by section. I
think we can accomplish the purpose
for which we have assembled here in
the way I propose just as well as to
refer the various portions of the con-

stitution to different committees, and

have a delay of weeks before we can
get to business.

I offer this resolution merely for the
purpose of bringing the subject to the
attention of members. I am willing
that it should be laid upon the table for
the present. I will myself make that
motion, in order to give members an
opportunity to consider the subject,
and the resolution can be called up at
any time hereafter.

The motion to lay on the table was agreed to.

Resolved, That one thousand copies of the

journal of this day's proceedings be printed for
the use of the Convention.

JOURNAL OF TO-DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Mr. WILLARD. I understand that no action has yet been taken in referMr. THOMPSON. The volume fur-ence to printing the journal of this nished us by the Legislature contains Convention. I therefore offer the folthe Constitution of the United States, lowing resolution: the Constitution of this State of 1850, and also the Legislative manual. Therefore, it is not necessary to have the Constitution of 1850 reprinted. If the resolution is amended as I propose, then we can have the Constitution of 1835 printed for the use of the Convention. My object is simply to avoid a repetition of the printing of the Constitution of 1850.

Mr. HAZEN. I do not see the ne

cessity of passing this resolution at this time. I therefore move that it be laid upon the table.

The motion was agreed to.


Mr. MORTON offered the following resolution:

Mr. PARSONS. Is not that the
table a few moments since?
same resolution which was laid on the

Mr. GIDDINGS. This resolution
has reference to the proceedings of
this day only.


The resolution was then adopted. And then, on motion of Mr. TURNER, the Convention (at fifteen minutes to four o'clock P. M.,) adjourned to ten o'clock A. M., to-morrow.


THURSDAY, May 16, 1867. The Convention met at ten o'clock A. Resolved, That the Secretary procure for M., and was called to order by the the members of this Convention, the present President.

that thou hast brought them together for the needful purpose for which they wilt prepare them through competent are convened. We pray thee that thou understanding of mind, through a heart, and through an approved citicommendable and worthy fidelity of izenship, to discharge the duties for

which they have been sent to this hall

for this people?

of representation and legislation. We
pray thee, Father, that thou wilt aid
in the great work of revising a consti-
tution for our State. Oh, Holy Father,
hast thou not a constitution and a law
for this people? And wilt thou not
be pleased to communicate it through
these thy servants, through these men
whom the people have chosen to rep-
resent them and to act for them, in lay-
ing again true principles for the future
government and guidance of the peo-
ple within our own commonwealth?
Father, we pray thee that thou wilt
give health of body, soundness of
mind, clearness of judgment and far-
reaching foresight to these men, that
they may each of them see and know
and understand the great questions
which shall come before them.
may they have a record not only satis-
factory to themselves and their con-
stituencies, but which shall be worthy
of reference and imitating by sister


Will God in mercy hear our prayer; guide us through the transactions of this day; lead us through life as God is pleased to lead submissive and understanding men; and when we come to die, may the eye of memory be able to run back over a recorded history at which we will not shudder as we peruse, and which friends shall be pleased to present to others. We pray Thee that we may look forward into the future as men instructed in the Gospel,

and established in the faith of Christ, only can look. And will God be pleased to give us a place at the right hand of the Redeemer. We do entreat of Thee these things, Oh God, and the remission of our sins through the precious blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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The roll was called, and a quorum answered to their names.

The Secretary began the reading of the journal of yesterday, but before concluding,

Mr. HOLT moved that the further reading of the journal be dispensed with.

The motion was agreed to.


Mr. SUTHERLAND. The delegate from Saginaw, Mr. MILLER, and the delegate from Keweenaw, Mr. GULICK, are now in attendance, and ready to take the oath required, and be admitted to their seats in this Convention. I move that the oath of office be administered to them.

Mr. HOLT. There are other delegates now present who have not yet been sworn in. I move to amend the motion of the gentleman from Saginaw, (Mr. SUTHERLAND), so as to include all delegates now present who have not been sworn in.

Mr. SUTHERLAND. I accept the amendment.

The motion, as modified, was then agreed to.

[blocks in formation]

A committee of thirteen on the Judicial de- port be recommitted with instructions partment.

A committee of nine on Elections.

A committee of five on State Officers.
A committee of nine on Salaries.
A committee of nine on Counties.
A committee of five on Townships.

and Government of Cities and Villages.
A committee of seven upon Organization

A committee of seven on Impeachments
and Removals from Office.

A committee of nine on Education.

A committee of nine on Finance and Taxation.

A committee of nine on Corporations other
than Municipal.

A committee of five on Exemptions.
A committee of seven on the Militia.


A committee of five on Miscellaneous Pro-
A committee of five on Amendment and

A committee of nine on Schedule.
A committee of seven on Arrangement and

A committee of seven on Bill of Rights.
Your committee further recommend the
adoption of the following resolution:

Resolved, That so much of the Constitution as relates to the several subjects above named, be referred respectively to the committees appointed in connection therewith, tion the expediency of making any, and if whose duty it shall be to take into considera any, what alterations or amendments, and to report thereon.

Your committee further recommend the

appointment of additional committees, as fol-
lows, viz:

A committee of five on Supplies and Expen


A committee of five on Printing.

The question was upon agreeing to the report.

to the committee who made it to report to this Convention, by way of recommendation, the names of members to constitute and compose the standing committees. And I will state very briefly my reasons for making this motion.

I have

This is the most important body that has assembled in this State for the last sixteen years, and probably the most important that will assemble in this We State for many years to cɔme. have been sent here by the people to reform the organic law of a great State, in which there are a multitude of important interests. We all desire that our duties shall be discharged faithfully, wisely and conscientiously. submitted this motion because of the high character of this Convention, and the solemnity and importance of our work. This method of appointing the committees by the action of the body itself, is not anomalous or novel. It is the method of procedure adopted in the Senate of the United States. I think that the duties which devolve upon us, in regard to the interests and future welfare of this great State, are quite as momentous as the ordinary duties which devolve upon the Senate of the United States.

The PRESIDENT. The Chair does not now recall to mind the precise provision of law in relation to administering the oath to the members of this Convention. The Secretary of State is required to administer the oath on the first assembling of the Convention. If no objection is made, the Chair will administer the oath to the members I make the motion for the further reason that the committee on the mode now present who have not yet taken it. Mr. LONGYEAR. I did not per- of procedure represents all parts of No objection was made. Accordingly Mr. HIRAM L. MILLER, haps pay close enough attention to the the State, being composed of one of Saginaw county, Mr. ROBERT F. Go-reading of the report, but I did not member from each of the judicial disLICK, of Keweenaw county, Mr. EDWIN hear announced any committee upon tricts. Each gentleman upon that B. WINANS, of Livingston county, and Public Lands, or any committee on committee is no doubt familiar from Education. Mr. JOHN HAIRE, of Ottawa county, personal acquaintance and direct perMr. BIRNEY. There is a commit-sonal intercourse with the other mempresented themselves and subscribed to and took the oath of office adminis- tee of nine on education. bers of this Convention representing Mr. LONGYEAR. Then I move his own immediate locality. He is tered by the President of the Convento amend the report by providing for more capable of estimating and appretion. a committee of seven upon Public ciating the worth and working ability of those members than you may be, Mr. BIRNEY. I will state that in Mr. President, who may be a stranger the recommendation of those commit- to most of the men coming from those tees, we followed substantially the particular localities, or than any one order of topics in the Constitution else can be who is not familiarly acitself. We have, I believe, departed quainted in those localities. I make from that order in but one instance, this motion from no want of respect besides recommending the usual com- for or want of confidence in the premittees on Supplies and on Printing. siding officer of this body. I do it


The PRESIDENT. The first business in order is the presentation of petitions.

No petitions were presented. The PRESIDENT. There being no anding committees, the next business n- order is reports from select committees.


Mr. BIRNEY, from the committee appointed to report on the best mode of proceeding to the revision of the Constitution, submitted the following


Your committee, appointed to report as to the best mode of proceeding to the revision of the Constitution of the State, recommend the appointment of committees as follows: VOL. 1.-No. 2.


Mr. LONGYEAR. Since the adop- from a desire to relieve him in part tion of the Constitution of 1850, the from a great responsibility from a subject of public lands has assumed difficult task which under our present an importance in this State which it rules is imposed upon him. never had before, in consequence of I believe the motion I have made is the donation by Congress of the swamp a proper one, and I sincerely hope it lands to the State; and also the mu- will prevail. I think the people nificent railroad grants which have throughout all parts of the State will been made to this State. It would be better satisfied with that mode of therefore seem proper that there should procedure, having the names of mem

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bers to compose these various commit-well as themselves for important places tions will be protracted somewhat by
tees recommended to the Convention upon these committees. But the Presi- the appointment of a select committee
by the committee on the mode of pro-dent, not being called upon to serve for this purpose. I think the Presi-
cedure, than if those committees were on any committee, is the most impar-dent of this Convention has the con-
appointed in the usual manner. tial person who can be selected to make fidence of every member, and I believe
Mr. CHAPIN. I move to amend a distribution of places upon these he will make the distribution of com-
the motion of the gentleman from committees. He of course in the se-mittees as wisely as it can be made by
Kent, (Mr. FERRIS), so as to provide lection of members for these commit- any committee which can be selected
that a special committee of seven shall tees will call to his aid persons from from this Convention. I trust, there-
be appointed by the President, whose all parts of the State, and obtain the fore, the usual course will be followed
duty it shall be to recommend to this benefit of their knowledge. In fact he in this case, and that the President
Convention the names of members to will have the whole body as a com- will be allowed to appoint the com-
compose the various standing commit-mittee to advise him, because he can mittees.
tees embraced in this report.
Mr. LUCE. I trust that neither the
amendment of the gentleman from
Gratiot, (Mr. CHAPIN), nor the motion
of the gentleman from Kent, (Mr. FER-
RIS), will prevail. I can see no good
reason for departing from the ordinary
course of appointing committees for
this Convention. It is true, another
course is adopted by the Senate of the
United States, but I know of no other
deliberative body that has adopted
that course. The United States Sen-
ate is differently constituted; its mem-
bers are elected for a long term; it is
a continuous body. This Convention
is elected in a different way, and for
but a brief period; and I can see no
reason why we should appoint our
committees in any other than the or-
dinary manner.

consult any member of it he chooses,
Mr. BILLS. Before having given
and obtain information from them of this subject my consideration at all, I
the fitness of particular persons for the might perhaps have been led to ap-
respective places to be filled. Let a prove the motion that has just been
committee of almost any usual size be made. But having had my attention
selected for this purpose, and it cannot called to the subject involved in this
represent fully all parts of the State, motion, I am clearly of the opinion
and its recommendation would make that a committee would find greater
more dissatisfaction, and perhaps ex- embarrassment in recommending the
cite more jealousy, than would be the names of members for our standing
case if the committees of this body are committees than would the President
appointed by its President. I think of this Convention.
that it has been the almost invariable
custom in bodies like this to leave the
appointment of committees to the
President, he being the better. person
to perform that duty.

The committee to which it is proposed to refer this matter is composed of Messrs. BIRNEY, WITHEY, BILLS, MCCLELLAND, SUTHERLAND, PARSONS, GIDDINGS, LUCE, MUSSEY, LEACH, BURTENMr. GIDDINGS. I suppose there SHAW, WILLARD, CHAPMAN and NORRIS. must be a day or two taken for the ap- Saying nothing of my own name being pointment of these committees. To upon that committee, it is evident to refer the matter to a select committee I my mind that there are men upon that On the other hand, I can see objec- think will not result in any saving of committee who would feel a modesty tions to referring the question of their time. I think it probable that it would in recommending their own names for appointment to a special committee of be difficult for the President, or for a places upon the important committees seven, or to the committee upon the committee, to present the names for of this Convention. There would also mode of procedure, of which I hap- these positions before Monday next. be great embarrassment arising from pen to be a member. This matter was It seems to me that the President of the fact that you must harmonize the discussed somewhat in that committee this Convention, with the advice of views of fourteen members in relation yesterday, and we concluded, without such members as he will undoubtedly to the appointment of each of the taking formal action upon the subject, call to his aid, will be able to frame standing committees. The idea has that the better way was to leave the these committees so as to give general already been expressed that the Presicommittees to be appointed by the satisfaction to the Convention. I think Chair, as usual. I trust that that he will be more likely to give satisfaccourse will be adopted. The presiding tion than any select committee that officer of this body has an extensive could be named. acquaintance among the members of Mr. WITHEY. I am unable to agree this body. He can call to his aid the with my colleague (Mr. FERRIS) in the assistance of those who are acquainted motion he has made. This question in the State, but the responsibility, in came up in the committee which made the end, will rest upon him as to the this report, as has been stated by the composition of these committees. I gentleman from Branch, (Mr .LUCE.) believe we shall obtain satisfactory The fact that it did arise in that comcommittees by leaving the matter en-mittee has given opportunity for some tirely to the President, and allowing reflection upon it. I rise simply for him to make his own selections in their the purpose of saying that I cannot appointment in the usual way. support either the original motion or Mr. BIRNEY. The proposition the amendment proposed to it, from a which has been made to the Conven- conviction in my mind which has been tion, I have no doubt was submitted produced after some little reflection in a spirit of fairness and intended to upon the subject since the question operate well. But I apprehend that was brought up in the committee last there will be found difficulties in a evening. departure from the usual course of I do not desire to make any exappointing committees, which at first tended remarks, because I concur enare not very apparent. There would tirely in the views which have been exbe a delicacy upon the part of any pressed by the gentleman from Bay, committee in recommending others as (Mr. BIRNEY.) I believe our delibera


dent of this Convention not being required to serve upon any committee, would be perfectly independent and would therefore occupy a position of perfect impartiality in regard to the manner in which those committees shall be constructed; and I believe, as has already been stated, I think, that double the time would be consumed by referring this subject to a committee that would be consumed by the President of this Convention.

I recognize the force of the argument that this committee, consisting, as it does, of fourteen members from all parts of the State, are perhaps more thoroughly acquainted, in the aggregate, with the members of this Convention than the President can be. There is force in that argument. But I call to mind the fact that as some time must be consumed by the President in appointing these committees, it is within his province to consult any and all of the members of this Convention, and to call to his aid such persons as

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